Chapter 2

Pinky Promise

"Towel… checked… clothes… checked… underwear… checked… All checked. Mom, I will go now!"

"Remember you need to take good care of yourself. If you see they want you to do something inappropriate, you have to say no." 3 days before when I told my mum I will go to the orientation camp, she kept reminding me three times a day. I knew she was really worry about me, but it seems to be too much and a bit annoying. 

"Okay, have to go now!" I carried my backpack and went out. In the bus trip to school, I was suffering from a light stomachache. It haunted me again, when I was nervous or not know about what would happen next, I would get a stomachache. It might Neuropathic pain. I had tried this when I had the public exam. Ah… please stop…


I couldn’t see YuJin, SeungYeon and YeEun when I arrived to the meeting point, seems like I had to make some new friends again. EunJi sunbae, ChoLong sunbae, HyunSik sunbae, and other sunbaes were wearing pink t-shirts. There were also another group of people that I had never seen them before, wearing t-shirts with same design but deep blue in colour. They looked older, so they should be the group leaders. "Okay let's separate you into groups." All the freshmen calmed down and listened to the instruction when EunJi sunbae shouted.

I was assigned to purple team. Nice, because I liked purple the most and it fit the design of the shirt. My teammates looked friendly, it shouldn't be too hard to know someone right? I looked at HyunSik sunbae, who was loading boxes to the bus, and other pink clothed sunbaes hadn't got into groups. I sighed when I recall Hyunsik sunbae said he would protect me and I was too foolish to believe him. He didn't get in any group so how could he protect me? Sure it was a trick to get freshmen joined the camp.

I abroad the bus after changing the assigned clothes. A member from purple team sat beside me. "Hello, my name is Yoo HeeYeon, what is your name?"

"Oh hi! I am Oh SeungHee, please take care of me!" She smiled when she was introducing herself. We kept chatting on the journey, until we were too tired and fell asleep.


At 3 pm, we finally arrived the camp site. It was somewhere around the woods and mountains. There was nothing except the entrance of a reservoir. Honestly, I hated this kind of my place to my guts. It was not because of too barren, it just because I was so easy to be bit by mosquito. Simply, bugs were my natural enemy. The committee members led us to our room to unload our bags. The rooms could fit for 10 people, so we got two rooms for girls and one for boys. We got more girls in our programme, so we had one more room for girls. "Please change to some clothes for the water game later." BoMi sunbae reminded us. What? Water game? I hadn't heard anything about it! What should I do? I only got two changeable clothes which were for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. And my body shape was so different with other girls, I couldn't fit in their clothes, so I couldn't get wet. But I couldn't step back now right? I should see this coming, when I said yes to come.

BoMi sunbae led us to the game room. All the committee members and those who wore dee blue tee were already there. "Now please separate into three groups." Everyone moved into three circles, HaYoung sunbae continued. "Shouldn't everyone get to know each other in the group first?" After that, the members and the team leaders joined the group. I couldn't believe that HyunSik sunbae was my groupmate. Just like before, he greeted me with his heart-warming eye smile. I blushed and lowered my head.

"Should we play a game to introduce ourselves? It is very simple. Hit your thighs twice and tell us your name, then everyone hit it again and repeat the person's name." One of the team leaders explained the first game and everyone nodded. "Let me start the game. (Hit his thighs) Noh JiHoon." We repeated the movement and his name. As the game went on, I couldn't remember all the names and faces in our group although we had a small group as the speed was a bit fast. I could only remember our group leaders, JiHoon sunbae, Gikwang sunbae, JiHyun sunbae, and the committee members in our group, HyunSik, IlHoon and HaYoung sunbae. Only 3 to 4 groupmates I could remember, not all of them.

After the self-introduction, we were moving on to the water game. The fact of not having changeable clothes haunted me again. What should I do… "You look pale, are you okay?" HyunSik subae asked worriedly. I didn't know should I be frank to him, but I had no other choice. Maybe he would let me go if I tell him. So I told him my problem. "Aigoo, you are so lucky. I have brought an extra set of clothes with me. I could lend it to you and I am sure you can wear it. So don't worry." He smiled. My shoulders felt so relief. After I filled up the water gun, HyunSik and JiHoon shot me and made me all wet.

"Yah! You two!" I shot them for my revenge. But Hyunsik ran too fast, I didn't know where he had gone. I changed my target to JiHoon sunbae. During the battle,  I saw a water bailer beside me and HyunSik sunbae's back was facing me. I poured the water all over him. He turned and looked at me with widened eyes. I escaped at that moment and he kept shooting me. It had been so long that I played water game since when I was small with my neighbour. But we lost contact when he moved away without goodbye.


After the water game, it was dinner time. I was hungry to death! We sat randomly, JiHoon sunbae was at my right and SeungHee was at my left, Hyunsik sunbae was in front of me. As I was too hungry, I stuffed the food continuously. HyunSik giggled and I pouted, glaring at him. "Have someone ever told you that you looked like a squirrel when you are eating?" JiHoon sunbae said. Even though he was smiling, I felt he was actually scolding me for being impolite.

"Sorry for my misbehaviour..."

"Oh! No no! I don't mean like that! It just like you are so cute when you are stuffing food in your mouth." He explained in an urgent manner. I smiled to relieve his nervousness. We gathered the dirty dishes to the washing machine. When I put them into the machine, JiHoon sunbae came and offered to help. "Are you a freshman?" We chatted when we were waiting the wahsing machine. I nodded to reply his question.

"Are you a local student?" I nodded again, and tilted my head to the side, showing my confusion. "Sorry, I thought you are a Korean." I dumbfounded. Korean? Sure there were people said that before. Some even said that I looked like a Japanese. But was I that local-unlike? I laughed so loud when I gained back my sense.

"Someone said that before, but am I really look like Korean? My eyes are quite big."

"It is not realy related to appearance but the aura."

"Ah~~ Geurouguna~ (Oh really)" Yes I knew a bit Korean, sometimes I would blurt out a few Korean phrase.

"Oh! You know Korean!" JiHoon sunbae commented excitedly like he found a new land.

"I just knew a bit from the varity programmes I watched." Then we started to chat from Running Man, K-pop to families and laughed a lot of course. But I kept feeling someone was watching us. I turned and saw HyunSik sunbae was looking at me. When I caught him staring at me, he looked at somewhere else. Why did he looked at me? Was I laughing too loud. Soon, JiHoon sunbae followed my gaze and asked what I was looking. I shook my head to threw away the thought.


After cleaning the dishes, we went back our room. It was already 12 at midnight after my hot shower and lucky we needed to wake up at 10 am. Today passed peacefully, I hoped that tomorrow would also be the same. I couldn't stop my mind of thinking why HyunSik sunbae was looking at me all the time. He did it during the whole dinner as well. Maybe.... No! It wouldn’t be happening, at least not so fast! I drifted to dreamland during my thought...

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Alert on 2017/11/6 (HKT): Please find the link for the side stories in the foreword. When there is a side story that would pop out, I will also post it again at the end of the chapter. Enjoy:)


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sanxija #1
Chapter 17: Ughh i finished this story i liked it some parts were crazy but ireally enjoyed reading it thank you❤️
sanxija #2
Chapter 8: This guy harassed her but she easily slept in his arms lol shes crazy i like this fic but heeyeon is stupid
btobzen #3
I like it omo^^