Ten Years Prior Review

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Review done October 6, 2016 for Ethereal Darkness


Username: aabriannaa

Story title + Story Link: Ten Years Prior + http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1177276/

Story Description: Taehyung and Solbin promised each other to be bestfriends forever ten years ago. Time passes and people change. Will these two be able to heal their old bond?

Genre: Romance, Drama, slight angst

Main Character(s) + Supporting Character(s): Solbin, Taehyung + BTS members, Wendy, Irene




Title 0/5: Your title has nothing to do with the story. Itโ€™s bland and extremely misleading. By using the โ€œTen Years Prior,โ€ youโ€™re indicating something huge or tragic happened. In a realistic view, a promise at seven years old isnโ€™t that big of a deal.

Description|| Forward 5/10: First of all out of anything, โ€œbest friendsโ€ is two words. Second, itโ€™s clichรฉ. Boy and girl had a long ago existing friendship that deteriorated over the years. Then they are stuck in some kind of situation that either breaks their relationship completely or mends it. Use something that pops out to readers. Maybe Taehyung or Solbin has deep secret or perhaps there was an argument that sparked the separation. Just give me a reason as to why I should read this story. ย Your forward is fine.

Characterization 0/20: You characters are flat. They have no development to them. Add some features. Define details such as the change in attitude such as how Taehyung has such a โ€œbad-boy style.โ€ Also I wi

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good job, keep working hard!