Symbol of love

Love or Sympathy

Soo hyun was waiting for Emma at the coffee shop near his house. It was the day he needed to see her father and pretended to be her "boyfriend".  Of course he reluctant to do it but he already promised her. Besides, Emma helped him a lot during his early days as an actor. He took a sip of the coffee and sighed. 'I'll help her this a friend'. 

'Hi'. Emma said and took a seat infront of him. He smiled bitterly to her.

Emma: So, are you ready to see my dad? 

Soo hyun: Nervous..apparently but i'm okay..

Emma:'s not that we're real lovers, right. My dad is a good man. So, don't worry.

Soo hyun: alright then, so let's go.


Ji hyo woke up that morning feeling hungry as the smell of pancake interrupted her sleep. Her head was spinning but she assumed that because lack of glucose in her blood. She went to the kitchen and saw Hyorin with her pink apron were busy making breakfast. 'Good morning, i made your favorite breakfast so have a seat'. Her headache was getting worse as she walked but she forced herself to go to the dining area before everything went black out. 

*Emma's house*

When he saw the glimpse of the house, Soo hyun could felt nervous right away. 'Let'go'. Emma quitely said and smiled sweetly to him. 

Emma: now, hold my hand.

Soo hyun: what? Hold on...( Emma immediately took his hand and walked into the house)

Emma: Dad, i'm home. 

Chris: Hello, my princess! So good to see you, honey( he hugged and kissed her)..and you must be Mr Kim...have a seat and make yourself at home.( he smiled and shaked Soo hyun's hand)

Soo hyun: It's lovely to see you, Mr Watson.

Chris: oh, don't call me that..just call me Chris. You're going to be my son-in-law anyway. ( he laughed)

Soo hyun felt like the world has stopped spinning when Chris said that and smiled awkwardly to him. Emma tried to change the subject by asking him about her other siblings but nothing was heard by him. Both Emma and Chris were busy chatting but Soo hyun was still thinking about what the older mab has said earlier. 

Emma: Soo hyun, are you alright? You're so quiet..

Soo hyun: Sorry? Err..nothing..can i use the bathroom? 

Emma: alright go straight and turn left. You'll see once you're there.

He immediately followed the direction and saw the luxurious bathroom. He immediately losed the tie that he felt like chocking his neck just now and looked himself on the mirror. 

'What are you getting yourself into? You can't do're married. Arrgghh!!...( He clenched his jaw) Alright, this is the first and last time I'll ever be here. After this, I'll tell Emma that i can't do this anymore cuz i'm married.. Everything is going to be just fine. Just calm down, Soo hyun. '. He murmured to himself. After 5 minutes regretting himself in the bathroom, he went outside to be with Emma again.

Chris: Alright, Soo hyun, let's have some dinner. I've already asked my favorite personal chef to cook us your favorite dish, Mushroom risoto. 

Soo hyun showed a confused look. As long as he knows, he never told anyone about his favorite dish before.

Emma: i told him about it. You always ordered the same food when we were together remember?

She said after saw his face. She took his hand and showed him the way to the dining table. He took a seat beside Emma and infront of him was Chris. 

Chris: so Soo hyun, what does your father do for living? ( he asked while digging the food)

Emma: his dad has-

Chris: i didn't ask you, Em..let the man speak.

Soo hyun: My dad has passed away. He was a reporter before and used to travel a lot. And my mom was novel writer. She was born in New York before he married my father and lived in Seoul.

Chris: so you don't have any family anymore in Seoul? 

He paused for a moment. He really wanted to tell the truth about her status that time. Of course he still has a family. His important person in his life..his wife. But the word that came out from his mouth was..



Chris: i'm sorry to hear that. It must be hard for you, son. But, you don't have to worry now..i know my daughter loves you so much and we can accept you as our family. 

Chris smiled lovingly at his daughter and continue to eat while Soo hyun was frozen at his seat. He starred at the food infront of him. When he was 17 and Song ji hyo got her first payment as an actress. She bought him to a restaurant in Seoul and treated him Italian food. That was the first time he ate Mushroom Risoto and that was the best food he ever tasted.

After finished the meal, he felt like he couldn't afford to stay there any longer so he excused himself to go back to L.A since he got to shoot a movie the day after. 

Chris: it's lovely to see you, Soo hyun. I hope we can meet again anytime.

Soo hyun: me too, Chris. Thanks for the scrumptious dinner. 

Emma then hugged Chris, said goodbye and followed Soo hyun to the car. 'Wow, i didn't know you would be that nervous'. She smiled.



Song ji hyo woke up in a not-so-familiar room and noticed her right arm was attached to a Saline Solution. She's in a hospital. On her left, Hyorin was sleeping beside her. She immediately woke up after saw Ji hyo already conscious. 

Hyorin: thank god you're awake..want to eat anything?

Ji hyo: why am i in the hospital? What's wrong with me?

Hyorin: you passed out this morning. So i brought you here. The doctor said your body is dehydrated and lack of nutrients. When is the last time you ate?

Ji hyo: i don't know..lately i threw up everything that i eat..

Hyorin: i'll inforn the doctor you're awake now.

A few minutes later, she came and behind her was a tall and young doctor named Choi Min ho.The doctor looked through her medical description with serious expression. One thing that came to Ji hyo's mind when she saw him. 'Wow..what a good looking doctor'. But her thought was interrupted when he suddenly asked.


Doctor: have you got any symptom such as nauseous feeling or something like that before you passed out?.

Ji hyo: yeah..i threw up a lot these days and my head feels like it was spinning arround.

Doctor: that explains why your body lacks of nutrients right now. Your body needs it otherwise you'll be here for a long time. Try to eat something healthy and not to greasy after this and don't skip any meal now. The symptom will last only a few months, so don't worry about it too much.

Ji hyo: can you tell me what is wrong with my body? Am i has a serious illness or something?

Doctor:'s just morning sickness.

Ji hyo: what is morning sickness?

Doctor: that means you're pregnant. 

Ji hyo: i'm....what????







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zourmz #1
Chapter 22: Author-nim.. where are you?? Update please..
yuxuan #2
Chapter 22: this story is kinda nice
Ann020 #3
Chapter 22: Thanks for update
Ann020 #4
Chapter 21: Thanks for update
Ann020 #5
Chapter 20: Thanks for update
forevermongji #6
Chapter 16: Omg shes pregnant >< I miss their sweet moments alrdy aigoo hahaha btw thanks for the updates ❤
Ann020 #7
Chapter 19: Thanks for keeping update.
N2Wint #8
Chapter 18: Pregnant? ^_*
Ann020 #9
Chapter 18: I think she is pregnant. Thanks for update
Ann020 #10
Chapter 17: Thanks for update