Jungkook's POV

She's been glaring at me for a while now. I don't know what inside her head but I think she's planning a way to kill me and leave no evidences behind. She's not the so-called Angel Yeri, this one is the Devil. And I'm one of the unlucky person to meet her. Damn my luck!

"You did see everything just now right? No need to hide it. Next time when you try to hide, if you even try in the first place, do it correctly. I can even see your head 10M meter away from your so-called hiding place."

"Hey, I'm not even try to hide. I was happily taking my lunch before all of you distubing my peaceful rest time. So don't put the blame on me! It was your own fault, understand?!"

"Geez, for a nerd kid you do talk a lot. By the way, you better shut your damn mouth about everything. Or else, you are dead meat!"

"Wow for person who called themself an angel also can curse. I didn't know angel can curse. Oh wait, you're not an angel but a devil. I'm amazed on how you can deceived everyone in the college. You're amazing.."

"Well thank you."

"That's not a compliment, for your information."

"Whatever. Do you think you can judge me when you're exactly doing the same things like me? You're pretty amazing yourself. What is this? Don't you feel tired with these outfit? What with that big spec? But you do nailed the nerd outfit. Take that as my compliment."

That damn smirk on her face. Did she knows? How did she? Do she know me? Do I ever meet her before? Nope, I don't think so. All the questions dissappear when I heard her chuckle beside me.

"What's so funny?"

"Lets just say, we are even now. You keep my secret and I keep yours. It's a win-win situation. Don't you agree?"

"What secret? I don't have secret! What are talking about?"

She's walking toward me and grabbing my collar. Red alert! This the Devil Yeri. God help me! I don't want to die!

"You can fool others but not me. Nerd kid? Yeah right. Do you think I'll believe your disguise? Jeon Jungkook, with this outfit, you can't disguise your playboy face here."

So she does know me. Is she one of my ex-girlfriend before? "So you are my ex, do you? So you think you can threatened me with that?"

"What? You're funny! Did your head hurt that bad until you forget everything? Wow..I didn't know I kick you so hard that time?"

I really lost right now. My head hurt? Her kick? What's she talking about?"

"Knee kick? Remember?"

Then the memories comeback like a bullet train. She's that girl! That humiliated me in front of my friends, my teachers and the whole world! I've excaped classes for one whole month because of that incident. I was so embarassed when my friends teased me because I was knee-kicked in the face by a girl.

"So you do remember. You see, I still keep the video although your parents took it down from the internet years ago. Well, in case I can used it in future. For example, like this moment."

"How dare you?! Because of you I need to transfer my school! I was so embarassed all because of you! !"

"Well, fair and square! I was grounded and was punished by my parents and grandparents because of you! It was not my fault, you deserved it! I should kick your face harder. I didn't even broke your nose but my parents acted like I just kill you!"

I didn't believe this girl! Why in the world I need to meet this girl that I've been trying to avoid?! Why in this college?! There's a lot of college in this country, why she choose this one?!

"The point is, you should keep your mouth shut or I will spread the video around. Or you want me to kick your mouth again? You wouldn't want that, do you? You choose."


Yeri's POV

Been a month now since that day but no rumors about me so I'm confident he's doing his job. That was so close. Thank goodness I can blackmail him. Actually it took me quite some times to remember his face again. He changed a lot. Well in a good way. He become more matured compare the last time we met.

"Yah, Im Yeri! Stop right there!"

Not again! Why are these girls like to pick a fight with me? There's nothing else they can do or what? The infamous mean girls in college, Fury Girls. Don't ask me why they named themselves as Fury Girls. I don't know and I don't even care.

"I heard that you getting close with Jungkook. Why?"

"Who? Jungkook? Where the heck is that coming from?" Then I remember that Jungkook always come to meet me to ask for the video. Should I tell them that or I shouldn't because I already promised him to keep the secret.

"There's nothing happened between us. You can asked him about that." Not even a single step I took before someone pulled my hair from behind. Eunjung, one of the girls pull my hair with a smirk.

"Asnwer my question! What is your purposes getting close with Jungkook. Don't tell me that you like his brother too!"

"Yah, I don't give a about his brother! Let go of my hair or you will regret it later!"

Suddenly, Eunjung let go of my hair and now it's her turn to scream when someone pull her hair too. Joy!

"Yah, yah, who give you permission to pull her hair? Do you like it when someone pull your hair like this Eunjung? What? Are you glaring at me? Do you think I'm scare?" Joy pulls her hair harder making the poor girl start crying.

"Yah Joy, let go of her hair now!" Hyejin, the leader trying to remove Joy's hand from her friend's hair but got push by Joy. And now she's on the floor. I can't stop myself from laughing when I saw her shocked face. No one ever push her like that in this college. Joy pushed Eunjung on top of Hyejin.

"Hwo dare you to do that to us? Don't you know who we are?! I'll make you regret this!" Eunjung said while she's struggle to stand up with the help from Misuk.

"I'm prefectly aware who are you and that's why I did that to you."

"Yah, Im Yeri, stay away from Seokjin!" Hyejin warned me before they run away.

"What is that? Seokjin? President of Student Council, Jeon Seokjin? Did something happened between both of you that I didn't know? Yah Im Yeri!"

Joy and her assumption. "There's nothing happen between us. They just assume we got something because of Jungkook." Bad move.

"Jungkook? Did you dating his little brother just to get close with the President? Yeah, that sound like in the drama but I like drama so what you going to do next?"

"Push you down the stairs. Yah Park Sooyoung, I told you nothing happened between us. Seokjin, Jungkook and I, nothing, never! Those girls are getting confused between fanfiction and real world. I hope you won't join them in their fantasy world. Get it?"

"Hey, this world getting boring and all we need is drama! It's been a while I'm came into this college and it's far from my expectation. None of what I saw in dramas really happened in here!"

Joy is a romance drama freak. She did copy everything she saw in the drama and guess what? Drama still a drama. None of them are real. But she never give up. She believes that one day she will find her main male lead for her own drama.

But I don't know about my own drama. What is my genre or what is the story-line. Romance story? I give up on that already. It's hard to find a man to make my heart skip a beat. Mostly those who approached me before because of my sister. They want to get to know my sister through me. I'm getting used to it already.

"Hey watch out!!"

Suddenly someone pull me from behind and my face hit something firm but warm. When I lifted my head, I saw Joy with her horrified face standing far behind. I didn't even realised I walked too far from her.

"Where did you put your freaking eyes?! If you want to die, please don't do it in front of me!"

Then I saw the stairs in front of me. One step again, I will fall down the stairs. But thank goodness this person save me.

Jungkook? Only a few inches between our faces. But I can't push him away and he doesn't even make a move to push me away. What is this? When I look into his eyes and I feel the world stop for a while. I feel my cheek getting warmer and my heart skip a beat. Not good! Wake up Im Yeri!


Cliche. I know. I am 'Joy' in real world. I am hoping this cliche things happen to me in this boring real world. That's why I like to write bout this type of fanfic. But guess what, none of this or what I saw in drama happen in my world. I'm still waiting..lol. So I want to say sorry if this story getting boring but please support my story...hehehe...I'm trying to find better story-line. But I'm getting busy with life and my imagination getting limited. 😀
But if u have interesting ideas to share please DM me...lol...I'm cheating, I know. 😝

See you next time. Lots of Love! 😘

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yuuki_izumi25 #1
Chapter 2: Wah... i love it.. update soon author nim..
aii_em #2
Chapter 2: Pls update soon ^^