
i wish you only knew (that i'm only nuts for you)




"So what do you think?"


Baekhyun places a hand on her ample hips and leans provocatively against the doorway of the small dressing room. She flips back her dark shoulder-length hair and pushes her chest out, waiting for the tall guy in front of her to look up from his phone and (hopefully) get floored by the sight.


Park Chanyeol finally glances up from his intense session of Pokèmon Go and Baekhyun watches in satisfaction when the guy's jaw drops open in surprise. Say something, she mentally urges Chanyeol. But the boy just stands there staring at her bust and, while she's overjoyed that she kind of got the reaction she's aiming for, she wants him to tell her what he thinks now before she freezes to death.


It's quite cold in the lingerie section they're in and she's currently only wearing her skinny jeans and the skimpy bra she's trying on. It's all she can do to keep her lips from trembling and her teeth from chattering because that will totally ruin the effect. "Well?" she prods. Say something already.


Chanyeol blinks. "Woah, Baek. That sure is, uh, tiny."


The petite girl narrows her eyes. "Tiny? What's tiny?" She knows her s weren't as full as she'd wanted them to be but to call them tiny is too much!


"Don't get your hackles raised," Chanyeol chuckles. "I meant that bra is a bit tiny but it's really y."


Mollified, Baekhyun's glare melts into a grin. "Really?"


Chanyeol nods and walks over to where Baekhyun is. He's standing close and Baekhyun has to tilt her head up, looking through her fringe at the handsome boy who's causing quite a commotion of butterflies in her stomach. "Really, really."


He then ruffles the top of Baekhyun's hair until she's sputtering for him to stop. This isn't exactly how she wants this moment to end but she hears Chanyeol laughing and she supposes that's enough for now. She spends a few more seconds secretly basking in Chanyeol's attention before she pulls back and retreats into the dressing room, promising to retaliate against the boy when she comes out.


Baekhyun hums as she changes back into her clothes. She stands smiling giddily in front of the tall mirror against the wall, congratulating herself for being able to capture her best friend's attention. It's been years since she has fallen for Park Chanyeol and Baekhyun's too tired of stopping herself from liking him. How can she even stand a chance when Chanyeol's just so perfect?


So now she's done acting like it's okay that the boy doesn't feel the same. After months of pining helplessly after the clueless guy, it's about time she does something about her feelings and maybe, just maybe, Chanyeol will see her as more than a best friend, too. If there’s even the tiniest of chances out there, Baekhyun will take it.


With a last wink at her grinning reflection, she opens the door, ready to jump onto Chanyeol's back and pull on his adorably large ears. Baekhyun takes a step forward only to stop when she sees her friend looking all flustered while he peeks over a mannequin's head. He looks ridiculous trying to hide behind the thing as he is almost two heads taller than the plastic figure. But then Baekhyun's heart stutters and her lips droop in despair because only one thing—person—can make the boy act this way.


She turns her head with dread and sure enough she sees the object of Park Chanyeol's fantasies, strutting down the aisle like a model straight from the covers of a magazine.


The thing is Park Chanyeol's not into s. He's an man. But even if Baekhyun does have a delicious booty, it won't really matter. Because alas, Park Chanyeol wants the Kim Jongin kind.


She hears the tall boy sigh as Jongin passes by with his friends, his heart stopping half-smile in place. Baekhyun sighs along with Chanyeol, dismayed that all her (questionable) progress is going to waste just like that. She barely stops herself from marching towards her best friend in frustration and hitting him with the mannequin he's clinging to.


Baekhyun wants to sulk but she knows it's useless and so she pastes on her best “I’m your best friend and I’m here to support you with whatever you’re into” grin and goes to where Chanyeol is, stopping behind him and holding on to his waist.


“You look stupid. What are you doing?”


The taller boy glances over his shoulder at her and shrugs, embarrassed. “Nothing.”


“You know, it’s either you go and talk to Jongin or you forget it. You can’t just stay stuck here holding onto those plastic s.”


Chanyeol jumps back and withdraws his hands from the mannequin so quickly they would’ve toppled over if Baekhyun hadn’t steadied him. He frowns down at the short girl. “I hate you.”


“Seriously, Yeol.” Baekhyun shakes her head.


“But Baek,” Chanyeol whines. “You know it’s not that simple.”


“You like him, don’t you?”


Say no, say no, say no, say—




Ugh. Ouch.


“Then do something,” Baekhyun urges.


“But I don’t even think he’s into boys.”


Chanyeol looks so unsure and he bites his lower lip in that special way that always breaks Baekhyun’s susceptible heart. She reaches up to tuck his black hair behind his ear. She knows this type of uncertainty. She’s living it.


“Hey. I, for one, think that Park Chanyeol can make anyone fall for him.” Oops, that came out a bit too telling. Baekhyun regroups and pats Chanyeol's cheek. “Boy, girl or even scary, always angry non-humans like the librarian in the Psych Department. I heard she’s sweet on you.”


“Baek,” Chanyeol whines again.


The boy hooks his long arm around Baekhyun’s neck and pulls her to his side, swaying and squeezing her tightly. Baekhyun laughs breathlessly, barely able to control her own arms from wrapping around Chanyeol’s waist to hug him in return.


“It’s true, though,” Baekhyun says.


Chanyeol eases his hold but his arm remains where it was. “Whatever. Okay, I’ve stood freezing my here just so you can do your stuff. I need food.”


“Ha! Not much of an back there.”


“Yeah, yeah. Come on.”


Baekhyun gets half-dragged away because her short legs are no match for Chanyeol’s very long ones. But she doesn’t mind at all. Not when she stays tucked against him all that time.














Byun Baekhyun’s first heartbreak was three years ago, when her 16 year-old best friend came to her room scared and crying. Park Chanyeol was already 180cm by then, too tall for Baekhyun’s tiny bed, but he managed to curl up beside her like a little boy, holding her hand tightly.


“Baek, I think I’m gay.”


See, she’s also sixteen, she just found out that her first love can’t possibly love her back and she had wanted to cry then, too. But the tears, she didn’t let them fall. Instead, she drew Chanyeol into the most reassuring hug she can muster.


“Don’t cry, Yeol. There’s nothing wrong with that.”


They had spent the night holding on to each other in that too small bed, with Chanyeol spilling everything—how he had wondered why he was more interested with males and how he had wanted to kiss another boy today. He had felt so scared at the thought because how can that possibly be all right?


Baekhyun had threatened to bash his head in if he ever asks that question again. She kept on repeating what she had said earlier, that it’s never wrong, while she ran her hand comfortingly through Chanyeol’s hair. The next thing she knows, it’s 7am and Chanyeol’s face was pressed close to her chest, a track of tears drying on his fluffy cheek. It was only then that she let her own tears fall.


Now, Chanyeol’s been out to his family and really doesn’t keep his uality a secret despite the still suffocating pressure of society. Baekhyun’s mighty proud of that, of him. The only problem is… she’s still in love with Chanyeol.


She has tried to stop it. But how does one even control their feelings? Chanyeol has always been perfect. He is a boyfriend, a girlfriend and a best friend rolled into one. He patiently shops with her for clothes and makeup (and occasionally boy watches with her at the mall). He takes her home when it gets late and, once, he has even punched a guy who made unwanted advances on her.


He has listened to her every rant, reasonable or otherwise, and was always ready to cheer her up when she’s sad. She tells him (almost) everything because Chanyeol understands her like no one else can.


Baekhyun admits that it gets too much. Pretending not to be head over heels for your best friend is draining and when she’s about to get her period and her hormones are all out of whack… she sometimes gives in and cries.


And her heartaches, when Chanyeol asks why she’s sobbing all over him, is passed off as PMS.














“Baekhyun, quick, pinch me!”


Baekhyun looks up from her notes and glares at Chanyeol from across the table. “Yeol, be quiet. We’re in the library for god’s sake.”


“Baek,” Chanyeol says in a much quieter voice. “Come on, pinch me.”


Annoyed, Baekhyun complies.


“Ouch!” Chanyeol hisses before he breaks into a wide grin. “Great! I’m not dreaming.”


“You disturbed me just to make sure you’re awake?” Baekhyun asks. “Was that enough? Want me to kick you in the face, too?”


“You’re so violent,” Chanyeol says, making a face at her.


“You know how hard it is for me to memorize stuff and you—”


“I know, I know and I’m sorry. But Baek,” Chanyeol leans closer and whispers. “He’s here and he’s been looking at me.”




“Jongin,” Chanyeol mouths and points his pouted lips somewhere behind Baekhyun. The girl begins to turns her head to look but Chanyeol grabs her chin and stops her. “Don’t be so obvious!”


Baekhyun gives him a withering glare. “You’re so loud it’ll be a miracle if he hasn’t heard you yet.”


“Just,” the younger boy mumbles. “Don’t make him see you looking.”


Baekhyun rolls her eyes but does as she’s told. She drops her pen and lets it roll for a bit before she stands to pick it up. She turns her head slightly to the right on her way back to her chair. Sure enough, there’s Kim Jongin a few tables away and he is staring their way. There was no one else in their row so he couldn’t have been looking at anyone else.


Oh my god.


Baekhyun feels her stomach twist and she quickly sits down, back straight, covering Chanyeol as much as she can. Which is stupid since Chanyeol’s a head taller than her even when seated.


“Baek, , don’t look,” Chanyeol whispers, “I think he’s coming this way.”


Hell, no. Baekhyun internally groans.


Before she can further react, though, she feels a presence to her left.




The short girl glances up and she sees Jongin standing by their table, smiling down at them. Baekhyun smiles back a little and then looks at her best friend whose ears are turning beet red.


“Um, hello,” Chanyeol says.


“Park Chanyeol, right?” Jongin asks, looking uncharacteristically shy but quite handsome in his plain white tee and jeans.


Baekhyun can see Chanyeol’s already large eyes widen even more.


“Ah, um, yes,” the taller boy answers.


“Kim Jongin,” the other guy says, addressing Chanyeol, “we took Geol 10 last semester together.”


“Of course I remember.” Chanyeol somehow gets over his nerves and nods. “This is Byun Baekhyun, by the way, my best friend. Foreign Languages.”


Chanyeol looks so adorable and soft at that moment while introducing her, that Baekhyun wants to reach out and ruffle his hair. She keeps her hand to herself, instead.


“Nice to meet you,” Jongin says briefly and then proceeds to step closer to Chanyeol. “Actually, I was wondering if you’re going to borrow that book you’re reading right now?”


“Oh, this,” Chanyeol peeks down at the said book and quickly sends a panicked look at Baekhyun in a silent cry for help before he returns his gaze to Jongin. “Um…”


“I think he will need to,” Baekhyun answers for Chanyeol, making the decision for her best friend. Stop looking so flustered and obvious, Park Chanyeol!


“Oh,” Jongin pauses a bit, appearing unsure of what to say next.


“Sorry ‘bout that.” Baekhyun says, glancing at her wristwatch before collecting her things, ready to drag Chanyeol away from there for their next classes.


“Um, when does your class end today?”


Baekhyun’s small eyes round and she stills at Chanyeol’s question. This can’t really be happening.


Jongin visibly brightens up. “I’m done by 4pm.”


“That’s good? ‘Cause I’ll be done by 3:30 and I’m free all day so maybe we can study together? Um, share? This book? Maybe?”


It’s painful to watch Chanyeol being all awkward in front of his crush but it’s more painful for Baekhyun to see Jongin smile that devastating smile of his at Chanyeol. It decreases Baekhyun’s already low chances to the negatives.


“Really? That’ll be cool.” Cue that Kim Jongin gorgeous smile again.


“Yeah,” Chanyeol says, dumbstruck.


“Do you just want to meet at the coffee shop near the Math building, The Lucky One?”


Chanyeol nods quickly. “Yeah, I know the place. See you later then?”


Jongin confirms with a salute and then he strolls lazily away. Baekhyun can’t help wanting to throw a book his way just to see him break stride and get ruffled. Why is he so perfect? Why isn’t he plain like Baekhyun? Why is life so unfair?


“I think—”


Don’t say it, Yeol, Baekhyun thinks in despair.


“—I just scored a date with Jongin. Oh my god, Baek!”


“Good for you.”


Baekhyun knows the consequence of suddenly leaving her best friend behind. Chanyeol will go to her house and roll on her bed and shake her repeatedly until she tells him what’s wrong. But at that second, that consequence is more bearable than seeing the happy light in Chanyeol’s brown eyes. She can’t look at him right then and know that it wasn’t because of her.


So she walks away. Then she runs. She runs until her feet hurt and it distracts her from the pain in her chest.














Baekhyun misses Chanyeol.


It’s a dumb feeling, really, because here she was sitting beside her best friend on the porch steps of her house but he seems so far away. Chanyeol isn’t looking at her nor talking to her. He’s talking to Jongin on the phone and it’s as if she doesn’t exist. That’s an exaggeration because Chanyeol’s absent-mindedly playing with her hand but Baekhyun’s known for being dramatic anyway.


Still, the fact remains. They’ve known each other since they were toothless toddlers. She used to be Chanyeol’s 24/7. She was his breakfast, his lunch and dinner. She was his weekends, his summer vacation, his federal and non-federal holidays. That may seem so selfish of her but Chanyeol was Baekhyun’s 365 days, too. And every second in between.


But now, there’s a Kim Jongin who is taking Chanyeol’s attention away from her. Baekhyun doesn’t like it one bit and she doesn’t like what jealousy is making her feel. Since that day in the library, Chanyeol and Jongin had been going out on their ‘dates’ and she feels so left behind. All Chanyeol talks about is Jongin this and Jongin that and Baekhyun has half a mind to kick him in the for not noticing that he was breaking her heart.


That’s sad, isn’t it? To have the same person hurt you over and over again but never having the strength to let go. Baekhyun wonders if she’ll ever fall out of love with Chanyeol.


She feels so guilty as well. Because it isn’t Chanyeol’s fault that she’s a girl and he’s into boys. She resents the fact that Chanyeol doesn’t know he’s hurting her but then she has never told him how she truly feels. It’s ironic because she was supposed to be the one who studies languages but she can’t find the right words to say…


I love you.


Baekhyun’s finger traces those same words in the palm of Chanyeol’s large hand. Then she writes a small C and B and encloses it in an unevenly-sized heart.


Won’t you love me, too?


“... yeah, see you later. Bye. Baekhyun-ah, what are you doing?”


Baekhyun looks up at her tall best friend. She grins and it’s probably wobbly and all kinds of weird because Chanyeol is searching worriedly into her eyes.


“You were talking with Jongin on the phone for so long. I was bored to tears.”


“The call was important. We were talking about our upcoming finals.” Chanyeol catches Baekhyun’s chin with his thumb and forefinger and playfully pinches it. He stops, though, when he’s able to look at Baekhyun closer. “Hey.”


“Hey, what?”


“Don’t frown. You know I don’t like it when you do.”


“Well, we don’t always get what we want, do we?” Baekhyun mutters, abruptly pulling away.


“Baek, what does that even mean?” Chanyeol asks, brows knotted.


“It means—” I feel so guilty wanting you because you’re my best friend and I’m not supposed to. It feels like I’m betraying your trust just because I want to kiss you even though I know I’m nowhere near your type. I want to fight for you but I don’t know where to start. I just want a lot of things I can’t have. “—nothing.”


Baekhyun decides it’s time to get inside the house or she’ll probably do something she’ll regret. She stands up but Chanyeol holds on to her arm and pulls her back down, closer to his side.


“Baekhyun-ah,” he says.


Baekhyun’s stomach clenches nervously at the sound of Chanyeol’s voice. His tone is serious and… she’s done for. “What?”


Chanyeol raises both his hands and Baekhyun tenses when her friend’s long fingers brush her cheeks. They skim across her ears and stop just above them to touch the white headband she’s wearing, Chanyeol’s gift from years and years ago.


“Look, princess. It’s all crooked,” the taller boy says gently.


“Why do you always make it so easy for me?” Baekhyun whispers.




Chanyeol’s busy with straightening the headband while Baekhyun falls in love with him again. So she tells herself she’s not to blame when as soon as Chanyeol lets go, she leans in and kisses her best friend, her lips landing smack at the corner of his mouth.


It’s her first kiss.


“Thanks. Now go home, Yeol,” she says calmly, nonchalantly as if she did not just break the bro code or something.


Baekhyun doesn't wait for Chanyeol’s reaction. Like what she’s used to doing recently, she quickly escapes to her room and falls into a useless heap on the floor, her heart left messily plopping around on the porch steps.














The words to brush off yesterday’s kiss were ready on her lips when Baekhyun goes down the stairs. She stayed up all night just to practice what she’d say the next time she sees Chanyeol. Her best friend leaves his house five doors away and always picks her up early in the morning so they can go to the university together. Chanyeol doesn’t have a car yet—he says he’s still saving up—but he has this nice white Vespa that they fit together in just fine.


She’s nervous as she opens the front door but one look at the other guy with his white helmet on instantly takes the anxiety away. Chanyeol’s wearing his usual good morning smile and he’s holding up Baekhyun’s matching helmet for her to use.


“Morning,” Chanyeol greets her warmly, scooting to the front of the seat to make room for her.


The sight makes her giggle because truthfully the Vespa doesn’t fit them together ‘just fine.’ Chanyeol’s easily 185cm, is made of mostly legs, and he looks ridiculous squeezing himself there at the front so Baekhyun can sit snugly behind him.


“Hey, what’re you laughing at?”


Baekhyun begins to shake her head no but changes her mind and she answers with a short, “You.”


She tries to take the helmet from Chanyeol but the boy snatches it away and proceeds to put it on her himself. Chanyeol playfully pulls the helmet way down Baekhyun’s head until the thing’s covering her eyes.


“Ugh, Chanyeol.”


Chanyeol chuckles but immediately fixes the helmet so Baekhyun can see. She’s short, even for a girl, that even with her standing and Chanyeol sitting down on his scooter, she still has to look up so their eyes can meet. Today, though, it’s Chanyeol who leans down and peeks at her face behind the helmet glass.


“It’s nice seeing you laugh again,” he says, teasing but with a touch of seriousness. “You’ve been moody lately.”


Baekhyun’s a bit startled by Chanyeol’s observation. She thought she was able to hide it well, all things considered. “Period’s coming.”


It’s a crap excuse because Chanyeol knows her schedule better than she does and she just had hers not two weeks ago.


“Ah, yes.”


If Chanyeol doubted her answer, he doesn’t comment further on it. He just tells her to hop in on his scooter so they won’t be late for class. Baekhyun complies and wraps her arms around Chanyeol’s waist. She loves these moments on her best friend’s scooter. Because during the short 20-minute ride, she can pretend that there’s no Kim Jongin and the Park Chanyeol in her arms is all hers.






“Finals week is almost here. Then it’s our break.”


“I know that, Yeol,” Baekhyun answers sleepily, comfortably leaning against Chanyeol’s broad back.


“Well, Jongin’s inviting us to his place before we go on break. He’s throwing some sort of party for ‘surviving’ his first year. Something like that.”


Baekhyun straightens up at the mention of Jongin’s name. “He’s inviting me, too?”


“Yeah,” Chanyeol chuckles. “He knows we’re a package deal.”


“I don’t want to get in your way,” Baekhyun mutters.


“What was that?” Chanyeol throws her a quick glance.


“You really like him, huh?”


There’s a pause before Chanyeol replies. “If you get to know him… He’s a really great guy.”


I don’t think I can do this, Baekhyun tells herself.


“Come on, Baek. It’ll be fun. There’s a bunch of other people there, too.” It’s unfair how Chanyeol knows how to make her say yes. He uses that stupid whiney voice of his mercilessly. “Please, please, please—”


I’m a masochist. “Okay, I’ll go. Now stop it.”


Baekhyun sees Chanyeol grinning reflection from the side mirror and she can’t help but smile, too. You’re so weak, Byun Baekhyun.


She spends the remaining minutes of the scooter ride holding on tightly to her best friend, stuck to his back like the lovesick idiot she was.
















Baekhyun tears her eyes away from her notes for a full second before she returns her attention to studying when she sees who the intruder was.


“Can I sit here?” Jongin asks.


“Help yourself,” she mumbles. She gets her things out of Jongin’s way, giving the cafeteria a quick check for an empty table she can move to. It’s full. Baekhyun sighs.


“You’re not having lunch with Chanyeol?”


“He’s running late,” she answers. She still refuses to look at her rival and unwillingly rediscover why Chanyeol likes him so much.




It’s noisy inside the place. Finals week isn’t much different from a zombie apocalypse and you can hear the zombies—ehem, students—groaning and in despair. The cafeteria is teeming with sleep-deprived teens in varying degrees of hunger and exhaustion. It’s taking a toll on Baekhyun, too, because she feels snappish with Jongin sitting beside her. She’s stressed and she doesn’t need him to be there, attempting to hold a conversation with her every few seconds.


“By the way, I’ll have a party next week. “


“Chanyeol told me. I’ll go with him,” she replies curtly.


“Great!” Jongin says and in a much quieter voice, “I’m really glad that you’ll come.”


Baekhyun gives Jongin a small smile, lukewarm at best, but it’s the most she can offer him. It’s the most she’s willing to give the boy who is slowly taking her boy away from her.


“What are your plans this coming break?” The legs of his chair scrape against the floor as Jongin moves it closer to Baekhyun’s. “After my party, of course.”


“No idea.” Baekhyun sighs. “I’d like to chat more with you but as you can see, I’m neck deep into my my readings and I’d die if I fail French so if you could just… why are you laughing?”


“You’re exactly as Chanyeol told me.”




“A million in one and one in a million.”


Jongin stops laughing but there’s still a very wide grin on his lips and it’s a pretty sight. Too bad Baekhyun’s not into this type of pretty boys. She’s into freakishly tall, uniquely big-eared guys with deep, soothing voices who apparently talks about her behind her back.


Park Chanyeol is such a cheeseball and Baekhyun kind of wants to punch her best friend for being so lame. Then kiss him right after.


“He’s so embarrassing, oh my god,” Baekhyun groans.


“That’s what makes him cute.”


Baekhyun freezes at that. She straightens in her seat, heart beating loudly in her chest. “You think Chanyeol’s… cute?”


Jongin nods. “Yeah. Really cute. Why?”


Oh, no. No. No. No. No. No. No.


“Hey, guys!” Chanyeol greets loudly and Baekhyun looks up at him half in relief and half in dread. “Sorry to keep you waiting, Baek. Prof asked me to help bring our papers to her office and I got lost. I at directions.”


“I know,” Baekhyun says. Why else can’t you find your way to me?


Chanyeol just beams down at her, not offended in the slightest. The tall boy grabs her hand and plays with it. “Have you and Jongin been here long?”


“Not really,” she answers. Just long enough for him to say he thinks you’re cute. Baekhyun unconsciously frowns at the thought of Chanyeol finding it out.


“Don’t be mad. I’d grovel at your feet but I have to buy food first. I’m starving!” Chanyeol then dumps his bag on the table. “Jongin, anything you want?”


“Thanks but not hungry,” the other boy declines.


“Okay. Be right back.”


Jongin sees Chanyeol already walking away “Wait. Aren’t you going to ask, Baekhyun?”


“No need. I already know what to buy for her.” Chanyeol jauntily makes his way to the food stalls, leaving Baekhyun again with Jongin.


“See, at first, I thought you and Chanyeol were dating.”


“Well, we aren’t.”


“Yeah.” Jongin chuckles. “But you can’t blame people for thinking you were.”


“We’re just best friends.” Baekhyun hates putting ‘just’ in there because it’s like putting less importance with what she and Chanyeol have.


“Good for me then,” Jongin says.


“What did you say?” Baekhyun asks, short of breath. Did she hear that right?


“Nothing,” Jongin shrugs.


They don’t speak any more until Chanyeol returns with a tray full of food of questionable nutritional value. Jongin moves so the taller boy can sit beside Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s inane chatter helps the girl breathe again but she’s far from relaxing.


If it’s true that Jongin likes Chanyeol back, she’s doomed.















“Happy Birthday, Princess Baekhyunnie!” Chanyeol enthusiastically greets his best friend, holding up a small gift bag to her.  It’s all crinkled and a corner is torn.


Princess Baekhyun has been waiting for Prince Chanyeol all afternoon and now he’s here so she forgets to scold him for being late to her party and accepts the present excitedly.


“What is it?” eleven-year old Baekhyun asks.


“Open it!” Chanyeol urges.


The little girl opens the bag and inside is the most beautiful headband she has ever seen. It’s made of white plastic with three pink acrylic flowers glued to one side. It perfectly fits her pink princess outfit!


“It’s so pretty.”


“Uh, it’s not as pretty as your princess crown, though.” Chanyeol scratches the back of his neck. “It’s also cheap because I tried to save up more but—”


“Shut up, Chanyeol.” Baekhyun takes off the crown she’s wearing. She lets it fall on the lawn grass while she puts the white headband. “How do I look?”


“Really pretty, Baek,” Chanyeol says. “But what about your crown? You can’t be a princess without one.”


“I don’t care.” Baekhyun beams at her best friend before she twirls in glee. “I love it so much! I love you, Yeol. Thank you!”


Chanyeol laughs shyly, a little embarrassed. “You’re welcome, your highness.”














Eight years later, all Baekhyun wanted was to become Park Chanyeol’s princess forever. She doesn’t have a crown but she still has her white headband with its pink flowers. She took so much care of it. It must count for something.


Baekhyun carefully wears the headband, fixing her hair before she gives her reflection a final once over through her bedroom mirror. She thinks she looks nice. The young woman has taken to wearing jeans and plain tees when she turned fourteen, some of them overly large (that may or may not be Chanyeol’s) and unflattering but comfortable. It has been some time since she has worn nearly anything as beautiful as this strapless white sundress she has on.


The hem falls mid-thigh and has small flowers and leaves embroidered on it. The cut accentuates her slim figure and the length makes her legs appear longer. On her feet are pink sneakers, the shade of the flowers on her headband, completing the simple yet feminine look. Baekhyun feels good and it gives her smile an extra sparkle.


There’s a knock on her bedroom door and a second later her mom peeks in. “Hey, sweetie, Chanyeol’s already outside waiting for you and—Oh my, my little girl’s all dressed up.”


Baekhyun’s mother walks into her room, grinning and the teen feels flustered. “I’m not.”


“Ooh, is that makeup I see?” Mrs. Byun reaches out for Baekhyun’s hand and squeezes it gently. “You look just as lovely as I was during my teens.”


Mom,” Baekhyun says, exasperated.


“Let me have my moment. It’s not everyday I get to see my daughter all dressed up ready to knock the world out.”


“Do I… Do I really look okay?”


Her mother smiles reassuringly at her. “More than okay.”


“Okay.” Baekhyun kisses her mother's cheek. “I’ll have to go now. I won’t be gone long and Chanyeol’s going to take me home around midnight.”


“No problem, dear.” Baekhyun’s almost to the doorway when her mother speaks again. “Baekhyun, is there someone?”


The short girl turns to her mom. Mrs. Byun is smiling but there’s a trace of worry in her eyes. It’s then that Baekhyun’s sure she knows.


“There has always been someone,” she replies quietly.


“He is a good kid,” her mother says after a short pause. “But if he can’t be the one for you, don’t forget Mama’s here, okay? We’ll find other someones.”


Baekhyun runs back to her mother and hugs her tight. “Thanks, mom.”


Chanyeol’s leaning relaxed against his Vespa when Baekhyun comes out the front door. He straightens when he sees her and gasps exaggeratedly. “Wow.”


“Shut up,” she jokingly scolds him to hide the fluttery feeling in her stomach.


“You look beautiful tonight, Baek.” Then Chanyeol groans. “I’d look like a rag next to you.”


Baekhyun eyes the black denim shorts and the cream colored cardigan her best friend is wearing. Chanyeol looks gorgeous with his windswept dark-brown hair. “You at least are a clean rag.”


Chanyeol huffs when Baekhyun laughs. “You know, I’d leave you behind for that remark but then I’d be miserably bored without you there so here you go.”


Baekhyun accepts the helmet from her best friend. “Jongin’s going to be there anyway.”


“Yeah, but there’s a house full of his guests there so he’ll probably be too busy to hangout with me the whole time.”


Then choose me, Chanyeol. I’d give all my attention to you.






“Something wrong? You’ve gone all quiet.”


Baekhyun shakes her head. “I was just... thinking how I would get on your scooter.”


Chanyeol chuckles. “Princess style of course.”


He suddenly bends down and lifts Baekhyun by the waist, placing her on the seat with both her legs on one side. The tall boy bows down teasingly.


“Thank you, rag boy,” she says softly.


“You’re welcome, your highness,” Chanyeol answers with the same words he used long ago, with the same boyish smile that pulls at Baekhyun’s heartstrings and fills her with affection.


Kim Jongin’s house isn’t too far. He lives  several blocks away from University, his house a beautiful brick mansion in a street of impressive mansions. The party’s already in full swing when Baekhyun and Chanyeol arrives, loud music reaching their ears as soon as they enter the gates. Jongin’s there by the entrance, welcoming them inside.


The younger boy obviously has a lot of friends but, surprisingly, he stays with Chanyeol and Baekhyun for the most part. Jongin does mingle from time to time and he leaves Chanyeol and Baekhyun to fend for themselves but it isn’t long until he’s back again with drinks or with some friends he wants them to meet.


Baekhyun’s disconcerted at the way Jongin seems to be glued to Chanyeol’s side and when the two guys get to talking, she feels acutely out of place. It doesn’t matter if Chanyeol’s always within her reach, looking at his profile while he’s turned away from her makes her feel sad.


“Hey, Yeol. Restroom,” Baekhyun tells Chanyeol, needing a break.


“Oh, want me to go with you?” the tall boy asks.


“No need.”


“There’s one at the end of the hallway, to the left,” Jongin says.


Baekhyun nods and then makes her way through the throng of bodies enthusiastically bumping to the loud music. She reaches the comfort room unscathed and she heaves a huge sigh of relief once the door is closed behind her. She was right. She shouldn’t have come. Her only reason to go was Chanyeol but he’s occupied by his crush. No matter how ‘pretty’ she is tonight, it’ll always be Jongin he’s looking at.


“I’m so tired of all these teenage angst, dammit,” Baekhyun says out loud. With another sigh, she goes to the sink to check her reflection, maybe give herself a short pep talk so she can smile when she goes outside.


But the words to bolster her spirit freezes on her lips. Her expression turns stricken when she realizes her headband wasn’t on her hair. Baekhyun immediately spins around and looks for it on the bathroom floor, feeling panic rising in her chest. It isn’t there. She quickly opens the door and looks for the headband, retracing the path she has come from, not really caring about the people she bumps into or who bumps into her. She desperately searches around the place but the accessory was still nowhere to be found.


Where is it? Please.


Baekhyun reaches the spot in the living room where she was standing with Chanyeol and Jongin earlier and she pauses. Because the boys aren’t there. She momentarily forgets about the headband as her brain automatically shifts gears and looks for Chanyeol. She turns left and she thinks she catches a blur of cream disappear into one of the french doors leading to the garden. It's the same color of her friend’s cardigan.


She decides to take a chance and follow whoever it was, hoping it indeed was Chanyeol. She needs him right now. Baekhyun doesn’t know why but her heart starts hammering insanely hard in her chest as she slowly opens the door and steps outside. It’s quieter there, dimmer, as only a few round paper lamps are placed here and there, some fairy lights wrapped around the bushes and hedges lining the garden. There’s a stone path leading to a pool a few meters away, where a number of people—mostly couples—choose to stay.


Baekhyun’s about to go that way, somehow more anxious to find Chanyeol, but a movement to her left stops her. She hears someone speaking, a distinct deep male voice. The words are a bit muffled but she’ll know that voice anywhere. Baekhyun couldn’t have stopped her feet from walking closer to the source of the sound. Them she sees Chanyeol and his cream-colored cardigan standing not too far from her. He stops talking and then she hears another person speak. Jongin.


“I didn’t expect to fall like this. It’s a bit too soon but I can’t keep my feelings any longer. I knew I had to tell you...”


Baekhyun feels the words hit her straight to her chest and she steps back. She takes another one and then another until she’s out of Kim Jongin’s house, out the front gates and walking fast down the street, away from Jongin’s confession to her best friend. She can’t clearly see where she’s going because somewhere along the way, the tears she always had in check fell silently down her cheeks.


Stop it, she tells herself, Byun Baekhyun, I said stop with the teenage angst. You’re too old for this.


But the tears don’t stop and when she remembers the day Chanyeol told her he likes Jongin, she lets out a sob. Chanyeol’s wish has come true. Jongin likes him back and Baekhyun is the worst best friend in the world because instead of being happy for Chanyeol, here she was crying over her broken heart.


Why are you so selfish?


She doesn’t know how she got home.  Baekhyun’s just relieved to run to her room and bury herself in her bed. Her mother knocks on her door, asking if anything’s wrong. Her alarm clock only reads half past eight in the evening. It’s too early for her to be back.


“I’m fine, mom,” she answers, forcing herself to sound like it. “The party’s just boring.”


“Okay.” Mrs. Byun says. “Goodnight, dear.”


Baekhyun feels guilty for not opening the door. She knows her mom was just concerned. She pulls the bedcovers tighter around herself and then she curls into a ball. She promises to make it up to her mother tomorrow. But right now, she needs some time to grieve.


She just lost two of the most important things in her life and, really, that’s one too many for a night.














Baekhyun wakes up feeling like hell. A glimpse into her reflection that morning says she also looks like hell. Her eyes are all swollen and hurts. She slumps back in bed, closes her eyes, and kind of wishes she doesn’t have to get up. Forever, if she can help it.


She hears her family already making a commotion downstairs and Baekhyun can’t help but groan in misery. No one misses Sunday breakfast in the Byun household unless you have a terminal illness… well, actually not even then.


But what of a broken heart? Can’t she be exempted this once?


As if in reply, she hears her father’s call from the bottom of the stairs. “Baekhyun-ah! Breakfast’s ready.”


“Be down in a sec!” Baekhyun rolls to her stomach. She catches sight of her cellphone, its notification light blinking. She’s afraid to look because she’s sure it’s her best friend.


What does she say? How can she explain why she just up and left him there at the party? Can she just say, “I’ve been in love with you for the longest time but you’re in love with Jongin and he’s in love with you so just go and be happy together and have babies and a nice house and leave me alone in my misery”?


Does she really want that? To completely lose Chanyeol? Not to even talk to him? Not to see him smile down at her and ruffle her hair? Not to kiss her forehead and tell her everything’s going to be okay when she’s sad?


Truthfully, she needs that kiss and hug right now. She needs her best friend and there’s the answer right there. Baekhyun can’t be without Chanyeol. So she reaches for her phone and she swipes at the screen. Fourteen missed calls. Twenty-seven text messages. All from Park Chanyeol.


The messages were all of him looking for her, asking where she was. Until the last one.


I’m angry. I don’t know if you’re really sleeping now like your mom told me when I came by. But know that I’m really really angry. :(


Baekhyun lets out a teary laugh. Trust Chanyeol to end an ‘angry’ text with a sad emoji. She taps on the reply button.


I was asleep. -_- I was just not feeling too well and I didn’t want to drag you away from the party. ㅠㅠ


Not two seconds after, Baekhyun almost drops her phone when it suddenly rings. She hesitates a little before answering her best friend’s call, taking in a deep breath to steady her voice. “Hello?”


“You are grounded, young lady!” Chanyeol scolds her. “I was so worried! I looked for you when you didn’t return. I thought the toilet you in or something.”


“I’m—” and Baekhyun really wanted to joke back and say something silly but after hearing the worry in Chanyeol’s voice, all that came out was a sob. Then she was crying on the phone—a loud, full-on, child-like wailing.


“Baekhyun-ah…” Chanyeol says. “Hey.”


“I’m fine,” she replies in between hiccups.




“The… the worst kind.”


“Poor baby,” Chanyeol coos into her ear. “I’ll go to the groceries with my mom later. Do you want me to buy you anything?”


“I want,” I want you to stay with me. “strawberries.”


Chanyeol chuckles. “Of course. Why did I even ask?”






“You’re the best.” Jongin’s so lucky.


“I know.”


The call ends without a single mention of Kim Jongin. Baekhyun’s sure that’s actually the reason why Chanyeol wants to see her in person today. He’ll tell her about his new boyfriend in the middle of feeding her. Her stomach falls in dread. She’s nowhere near ready.


“Baekhyun-ah, come down now or there’ll be nothing left for you!” her father jokingly calls out.


You have no idea, dad.














She’s dressed for the occasion. Baekhyun’s wearing an old black t-shirt and her hair’s tied in a severe ponytail. She figures it helps stretch her face so Chanyeol won’t see the droop in her eyes and her lips after crying all night for her now dead heart.


She sighs. She’s overreacting again. She’ll probably look back at this moment ten years from now and she’ll want to kick herself for being too much of a drama queen… princess… whatever. But she’s only nineteen at the moment so she believes she still has the right to.


Baekhyun’s waiting at the porch steps for Chanyeol and the strawberries. It’s a few minutes after five. The sky, when she looks up, is a little gloomy. It seems like it’s still thinking hard if it wants to rain or not.


“Cry, my dear sky. Let it all out,” Baekhyun advises. “It helps. Kind of.”


“Helps with what?”


Baekhyun’s startled and she stands up upon seeing the person she least expects. “Jongin.”


“Hi.” The guy walks closer and grins up at her. “I wanted to check up on you. I’m glad to see you’re alive.”


“Oh, yeah,” Baekhyun answers. “Sorry about last night. Uh, I wasn’t feeling too well.”


“Ah, it’s no problem. Honestly, I’m relieved that you’re okay. Chanyeol was so worried. He asked me if a person can flush himself accidentally down the toilet.”


Baekhyun shakes her head, smiling a little at her friend's dumb. “He’s always silly.”




There’s an awkward silence with Baekhyun thinking what else to say to her best friend’s boyfriend. Does she congratulate him? But then he’ll know she eavesdropped on them last night.


“So…” she starts, “um, how do you know where to find me?”


“I’ve been to Chanyeol’s place before and we’ve passed by your house. He told me you lived here,” Jongin explains shyly rubbing his nape. “I hope you don’t mind.”


“Ah, no. I don’t.”


Jongin takes a step closer to her. “Actually, there’s something I want to tell you that’s why I came here.”


Oh my god. “What—what is it?”


“I’ve been meaning to ask,” Jongin tells her earnestly. “Will you go out with me?”






Jongin laughs slightly, self-conscious. “I know it’s quite a shock. I’ve wanted to ask you out a lot of times but… I don’t know. I’ve always felt so shy around you.”


Baekhyun’s speechless. Isn’t Jongin going out with Chanyeol now?


“I admit at first, I didn’t really took notice of you. You were just Chanyeol’s best friend but as I got to know you better. I just… I really like you.”


Know her better? They haven’t talked enough for them to know each other. Baekhyun’s so confused.


“Chanyeol…” she begins but she doesn’t know what to say after.


“Chanyeol knows,” Jongin says. “Well, I told him about it last night. And I kind of asked for his blessing. I know it's lame but he said it was okay with him.”


But Chanyeol likes you, Baekhyun wants to tell him. He likes you so much and you told him you liked me.


So Jongin broke her Chanyeol's heart last night and she wasn’t there for him because she was being a selfish idiot. Baekhyun recalls their phone call earlier and she wants to cry again. Not for herself but for Chanyeol who must have pretended to be okay so he can comfort her.


“You don’t have to answer right away, though,” Jongin assures her. “I’ll be away during break anyway. But I’d appreciate it if you’ll, maybe, think about it?”


Baekhyun feels bad for what she’s about to say. But she thinks it’s better to be honest than keep Jongin waiting for something that’s not going to happen. “I’m sorry, Jongin.”


“That was fast,” Jongin replies teasingly, but Baekhyun can see the hurt flash in his eyes.


“Believe me, I really think you’re a great guy,” Baekhyun says. “But—”


“But it doesn’t matter. Not when you’re already in love with somebody else,” the guy finishes good-naturedly. “You are, right?”


“Always.” Baekhyun sighs. “Even if they won’t love me back.”


“That’s a shame,” Jongin goes up the porch steps so he can stand face to face with Baekhyun. “Believe me, I really think you’re a great girl.”


Baekhyun can’t help but smile at Jongin’s impertinence. “I’m really sorry.”


“Don’t be. I’m glad to have at least tried.” Jongin reaches for her hand and holds it. “Now I’ll be off to my grandma’s to cry over my broken heart. A kiss to aid the healing?”


The shorter girl nods. It’s the least she can give him. Baekhyun closes her eyes and Jongin leans in and kisses her cheek. “Thank you,” he whispers.


Jongin pulls back as Baekhyun opens her eyes. She’s about to wish Jongin a good trip but she stops when she sees Chanyeol’s large eyes, rounded in shock, staring back at them. He’s on his scooter, helmet off, hair sticking up a million crazy angles and holding a grocery bag in one hand. Before Baekhyun can move, Chanyeol hastily puts on his helmet and drives away.


“Chanyeol, wait,” Baekhyun says, voice hoarse. He must have seen Jongin kissing her. It’s obvious Chanyeol still likes the younger guy. Why else would he look so hurt?


“I’m sorry, Baekhyun. He told me it was okay. But i guess, it’s not. Want me straighten things out with him?” Jongin asks worriedly.


“No,” the girl shakes her head. “I’ll do it.”


“He is ‘Always,’ isn’t he?”


“Yes,” she replies. She can no longer deny it. Not when it’s written all over her face.


“Thought so.” Jongin gives her pat on her head. “Okay. I’m off for real. Goodluck, Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun thanks him. She’ll need all the luck she can get.















“Hi, Mrs. Park,” Baekhyun greets the short woman who opens the door.


“My Baekhyunnie,” Mrs. Park greets her back, hugging her as soon as she steps inside the house. “Did you get taller?”


That startles a laugh from her. “I think, at this point, it’s already impossible, ma’am.”


“Nothing is impossible,” the older women says. “What brings my little girl here?”


“I’m looking for Chanyeol...”


Mrs. Park sighs. “Ah, that boy. He left me at the grocer’s saying he needs to go somewhere important and when I got home I found him up there in his room, sulking.”




“Well, up you go. You know the way. Help me bring him out of that sorry mood of his. Drag him down here and have cake with me, okay?”


Baekhyun nods and thanks the kind woman. She makes her way up the stairs she has climbed numerous times and turns to her right, to the door that bears the scars of her and Chanyeol’s misadventures when they were little. Thankfully, it’s closed, giving her some time to gather herself before she knocks.


“I’m not hungry, mom!” She hears the tall boy answer from inside and she muffles a short chuckle behind her hand. This is not the time to laugh but she is just so nervous. She has no idea how to fix the disaster they’re in right now but they’re best friends. They have to.


“It’s Baekhyun.”


There’s a pause, a thud, and then a very rumpled Chanyeol opening the door for her. “Baek.”


“Can I come in?”


Chanyeol steps back and lets Baekhyun enter. He closes the door and walks gingerly back to his bed. “I promise I got you the strawberries. And they were pretty good and all when I bought them but when I got home… I don’t know, they got crushed and so… would you like a smoothie instead? I’ll ask mom—”


Baekhyun knows Chanyeol rambles when he’s uncomfortable or when he’s nervous. The short girl strides towards the bed and sits beside her best friend. She then pulls at his ear gently to stop him from talking. “I’m not here for the strawberries, you know that.”


“I know and that’s the problem." Chanyeol stands up and fidgets with the sleeves of his shirt. "With you, I’m supposed to know. But now I don’t know anymore.” 


Baekhyun was preparing to speak her piece but that confession stops her. “What don’t you know?”


“What’s happening to me!” Chanyeol cries out. Baekhyun flinches at his sudden outburst and Chanyeol quickly holds her hand. “I’m sorry.”


“Are you angry because you saw Jongin kiss me?” Baekhyun asks. “I admit... he confessed to me earlier but--"


“Well, he confessed to me last night, too.” Chanyeol pokes at Baekhyun’s cheek absently, to keep his hands moving. “He told me he liked you. At the party. And I think it’s my fault, Baek. Jongin liking you. Because you’re all I could talk about until I realized you’re all he could talk about, too.”


Baekhyun lost her train of thought again at her friend's words. So it was true. Chanyeol did talk about her. She doesn't mean to but Baekhyun can feel a sliver of warmth in her chest. "You did?"


“Yeah? Because you’re amazing?” Chanyeol’s brow meet. “I knew he liked you, even before he told me he did and I was okay with it. I thought Jongin was a good match for you.”


“But—you can’t decide that, Yeol,” Baekhyun says quietly.


“I’m sorry, Baekhyun-ah.” The boy runs his free hand through his hair in agitation. “But I really did think it was okay. My best friend and another friend hooking up. I was okay with it.” Chanyeol lets go of Baekhyun’s hand and he begins to pace. “And then I saw him kiss you.”


“Yes, he did but as I was saying—”


“Now, it’s not okay.”


“I know you like him—” Baekhyun starts to scramble for the right words to apologize and explain what happened on the porch. 


Chanyeol cuts in. “It wasn’t okay not because I liked him, Baek. It wasn’t okay because I stood there and thought that Jongin is taking my Baekhyun away from me.”


Baekhyun stills at that and she looks questioningly up at the other boy, her brain's attempt to explain now put to a complete halt. “I’m confused.” 


“Don’t you think I’m confused, too?” Chanyeol’s now pacing in earnest. “I was so jealous.” Then he stops and turns to Baekhyun. “I wanted to punch Jongin when he kissed you.”


“Maybe... maybe you’re just being protective of me?” Baekhyun says, mind whirring.


Chanyeol laughs and then abruptly stops. “Yeah? But that doesn’t explain me wanting to be the one to kiss you instead.”


“What?” Baekhyun thinks she has been shocked enough today to last a lifetime. “What did you say?”


“I’m supposed to like guys,” Chanyeol says softly. “You don't look like a guy. You’re the prettiest girl I know. I shouldn’t want to kiss you. But all the way home that was all I could think about.” The tall guy kneels in front of Baekhyun and cups her cheek. “You’re my best friend so help me out here, Baek.”


Baekhyun gazes down at Chanyeol, and she wants to draw him to her but does she dare risk it? What if Chanyeol is really just confused? But who was she kidding? If it’s Chanyeol, Baekhyun can’t ever refuse.


“What can I do?”


“Trust me.” Chanyeol’s hand slides towards her nape and he pulls her down the same time he leans up. Then he kisses her. It was chaste, short, but Baekhyun can feel her heart slam in her chest painfully the few seconds the kiss lasted. Chanyeol caresses her cheek with his thumb. “I thought of it.. I tried to think of the day I would be a Chanyeol without a Baekhyun.. and I can't. Then I asked myself if it was only because you were my best friend.”


“And then?” Baekhyun whispers anxiously.


“I want to kiss you again,” Chanyeol says, serious.


Baekhyun tears up because this was what she has always wanted but she’s still scared to trust it. “Are you sure, Chanyeol?”


“I’ve never been more sure, Baekhyun.” Chanyeol shifts and sits on the bed, gathering Baekhyun against him in a tight embrace, resting his chin on her shoulder. “Do you know what’s funny, though?”


“What is?” Baekhyun asks, clinging to Chanyeol for all she was worth.


“No matter how many guys I’ve liked, including Jongin,” Chanyeol drops a kiss on Baekhyun’s shoulder, “I’ve never imagined holding their hand in my old age. It’s always you. Creepy, huh?”


“Shut up.” She really wants him to shut up because she’s well on her way to bawling like the drama queen… princess… whatever… she is.


“And so.” Chanyeol gently pries himself away from Baekhyun for a moment and gets something from his desk drawer. When he returns to the bed, Baekhyun gasps at the white headband he’s holding; the three pink acrylic flowers winking back at her. “I found this when I went looking for you at Jongin’s party. I’m lucky I did.”


Chanyeol places it gently on Baekhyun’s head, fixing the stray strands away from her face. Baekhyun catches his hand in hers. “Thank you.”


“Only a thank you?” Chanyeol pouts. “The last time I gave this to you, you told me you loved me. Do you, Baek?”


It hurts to see the sudden insecurity Chanyeol tried to hide behind his teasing smile. Without warning, Baekhyun kisses Chanyeol, pouring years and years worth of unrequited love in it. If you only knew, Park Chanyeol. Breathless, she says against his lips, “Always.”














“Happy Birthday, Princess Baekhyunnie!” Chanyeol greets his girlfriend.


“You’re late,” Baekhyun complains as she puts on the seat belt.


Chanyeol sheepishly grins at her before he ducks in for a stolen kiss on the cheek. “I’m just afraid to get into an accident is all.”


Baekhyun rolls her eyes but she isn’t really mad. Chanyeol just bought his dream car so she understands why he’s careful. He did make good on his promise to be his first passenger and remembering that first drive out makes Baekhyun smile fondly at her boyfriend. “Apology accepted.”


“Everyone’s already at your place, so technically we’re both late for your party,” Chanyeol says laughingly.


“Then why don’t you start driving?” She still needs to change out of her work clothes and Chanyeol looks like he needs a quick shower, too. Maybe they can get one together. Only to save on water of course.


“Well, I wanted to be the first to give you a present for a change.” Chanyeol takes out something from his coat pocket and it’s obvious he’s nervous. He’s sweating and his hands are trembling badly.


Baekhyun wants to laugh. “Chanyeol, you already proposed to me the other day and I already said yes, remember?” She holds up her hand, showing her engagement ring. “What are you so nervous about?”


“I know and I said I love you and we agreed to get married in a year or two when everything’s settled yada, yada, yada…. But Baek.”


“But Baek, what?”


Chanyeol reaches for her hand and turns her palm up and then he places something on it. When Baekhyun looks down she sees a key and a keychain in the shape of a crown attached to it.


“But Princess Baekhyunnie, until then, would you already be willing to live with me in my castle?” Chanyeol closes Baekhyun's hand over his gift. “Because I miss you every second we’re not together and I figured if we live in the same house we can have more alone time, you know? If you say yes, I’d cook and do laundry, for a month, and—”


Baekhyun, hit once again with just how much she adores the man in front of her, leans in and promptly shuts him up with a kiss. “I love you, Yeol.”










- as i said in the warnings, pls dont take this fic seriously. this was written under the influence of pain meds lol

- i wrote first part of this fic, like, 2 years ago and just picked it up again this month so pls excuse the dumb.

- im die




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juizyhoney #1
Chapter 1: This fic reminds me of my old boy friend, not my boyfriend, just a friend, but its a boy, hes so silly to to the point that he needs to asks me every single time about how to properly handling a girl when hes got into his first date, the second , the third, and so on..i'm basically his love advisor even after his years of his marriage,,, sorry for rambling, the fic is just Made me miss our tgt times back then, thankyou i found this lovely baby , so i can shedding tears for good use . Thankyou author i love you
Jasmaring123 #2
Chapter 1: I seriously love this ffc and cried alot thinking of my first love n my first heart break over the same person.... But now he is in a better place watching over me from where ever he is coz m still his girl.
MarieJane #3
Chapter 1: Such a beautiful story. Wish it was chaptered.
1104 streak #4
"Baekhyun's headband" hahaha
Chapter 1: Aaaaahhhhhhh i want my own Prince DumbYeol! ,>∆< this is soooo sweet n cuteeee
Chapter 1: Chills to the bones. In love with this shot.
Chapter 1: ohhh my godd. d.....
ichathoriqlover #8
Chapter 1: Amazing, beautiful, i love it....
Chapter 1: Surprise surprise...... From the beginning to end... Hahaha. A really cute story... Chanbaek Is love
bloodyprince #10
Chapter 1: tttt this is so gooddddddd im curling like a ball