
Emergency Doctors

"Wait," Yoon Do stared at Soo Chul as if he just heard the most craziest and complete nonsense type of story in his life. "You're seriously telling me that Oh Anna deliberately murdered her own cousin? Over what?" He glanced at everyone to see if anyone else is as confused as he is. "For Hye Jung's attention?"

Soo Chul shook his head as he laid out everything from the box onto the table neatly. "I believe that Anna thinks she's in love with Hye Jung."

"She thinks?" Ji Hong questioned. "It's an emotion, a feeling. Does she or doesn't she?"

Seo Woo could tell that Ji Hong was slightly getting annoyed at the amount of time that they have already wasted. It's already been more than five hours since Hye Jung has went missing. Although the rest of them were trying to call the cops, Soo Chul begged them not to. He said that it would be completely useless if the cops were called. "In love or not in love, it still doesn't give her the right to just kidnap somebody. And let's say that Oh Anna murdered Lee Jun Ki, this is definitely something that the cops need to know."

"Don't you get it?" Soo Chul asked as he slammed his hands on the table. "The cops won't do anything! She is the daughter of their boss! They listen to every single demand that she makes."

"There are good cops," Yoon Do tried to convince him. "Many cops go with their morals rather than fear of being fired over something as normal as the boss's daughter."

Ji Hong exhaled deeply as he ran a hand through his hair. "Just finish telling us what you got," he stared at all the paper documents and pictures that were in front of them. "What did Lee Jun Ki want you to know?"

"Jun Ki has said before that Anna wasn't like this until her miscarriage. She was the type of person that you've seen in the hospital." Soo Chul picked up the paper document that showcased the hospital bills from the time that Anna has spent in the hospital. "It says here that she spent more than three weeks staying there. Doctors and nurses has stated in their notes that they noticed certain little things that she would do - alarming them almost to the point that they were about to call the psych ward."

"It's the guilt of the miscarriage," Ji Hong said. "A common factor for women who loses their babies by accident."

Soo Chul looked at him. "How many women would go off and become someone different? Starts stalking someone and demanding everybody in their lives to leave? Or start having actions in kidnapping and murder in one week?"

"If she really does think that she is in love with Hye Jung, what would she do?" Seo Woo asked.

"Anything to have her attention." Soo Chul sighed. "From the pictures and papers that was given, I can already figure how their households are like. They're a part of the 1% - rich people who only thinks of money even if they already have enough for the next 100 years. But it's not the money that makes them feel satisfied. It's the envy, the greed, the friends they get out of it." Soo Chul pointed to some of the pictures. "And that's the only thing Oh Anna never got as a part of the 1%."

Ji Hong stared at the pictures. "Attention." Most were family pictures that were taken since Jun Ki and Anna were kids. From what it looks like, it's as if the adults were enjoyng life while the kids are left in the corner, sulking. Nothing makes sense for him anymore. Since Los Angeles, Anna came off as a person who enjoyed life. She was the one that taught him to keep faith toward his recovery. No matter how much he thinks about it, she just doesn't seem like the type of person that would do something like this. "I just..."

Soo Chul could see the doubt in his eyes. "Hong Ji Hong, if there is one thing about me that you know and trust within yourself, what would that be?"

Adverting his attention away from the pictures, he stared at Soo Chul. Despite not knowing Soo Chul as much as he would like, he has heard many stories about Kim Soo Chul. Stories of how he helped changed and became a main factor in Hye Jung's life. He was there for her when he personally couldn't be. "That if Hye Jung trusts you on something, it would be on everything that you say."

"And why is that?"

"Because you don't say anything until you know the truth, all of it." Ji Hong finished.

Seo Woo covered her face as she felt tears b against her eyes. She took a deep breath and looked at the men. "What can we do if the police can't be involve? It's hitting almost six hours now. We don't know what this woman would do to our Hye Jung. If she is as psycho as you claim, how in the world are we supposed to find her? We're merely just four people! We don't have power like she does."

Yoon Do stared at everyone as his eyes widened, an idea suddenly came across his mind, how did he not think of this sooner? "I have an idea."

. . .

Feeling as if someone was lightly pushing her, Hye Jung slowly opened her eyes to find herself in a different room from the one that she first woke up. It's a lot smaller and cleaner, an oddity to see from an abandoned warehouse. She got up, her hands and feet still bound, to see Jun So sitting near her. "Jun So..." she winced in pain when she spoke. It's as if she has this heavy and light feeling mixing on her body - something that she has no control over. "Where is she..."

"She went to get food." Jun So answered. His big eyes scanned Hye Jung up and down as he played with the ropes around his hands. "There was a lot of blood..."

"Blood?" Hye Jung questioned. She knit her eyebrows in confusion, not understanding what he means. It wasn't until she saw her reflected on one of the broken glass shards on the floor. Her head was practically wrapped around with a bandage, red spots here and there - indicating that she's still bleeding. "Did she hurt you?"

Jun So shook his head. "No." He stared at her and frowned. "Auntie Anna isn't like this all the time."

"Yeah?" Hye Jung felt a sharp pain on her sides, probably a bruise from the beating that she got. "What was she like before?"

"Funny." Jun So said. "Nice, pretty..." tears started sliding down his face as he thought about Anna. "Not scary."

Hye Jung softly smiled. "I think she still is, we just have to help her remember that she was nice."

"I wish my dad was here," Jun So said while wiping his tears. "He always knew what to say to Auntie Anna. She doesn't listen to him all the time because she's older but he knew what to say." He looked up at Hye Jung and for the first time showed her a bright smile. "Don't worry. He will be here. Saving us like Superman would."

It was like a bunch of needles were poking at her heart after she listened to what Jun So said. How is she supposed to tell this little boy that his father is dead? How is she supposed to explain that his dad's death is still under investigation? Feeling as if there was a knot in to prevent her from crying, she exhaled deeply and gave Jun a small smile. "Why don't you tell me how your dad is like?"

Jun So smiled even brighter. "The best dad in the world. He's funny but sometimes his jokes doesn't make sense. I still laugh because I don't want to hurt his feelings. Do you know that lot of women loves him but he doesn't love them back. My dad has only talked about two women who he will love for the rest of his life. My mom and Paris."

Hye Jung stopped breathing for a few seconds. "What....what did you say? Paris?"

He nodded his head with a shrug. "He came back from a trip in Paris and told me stories about how he met this woman, someone who changed his life. He started calling her Paris because that's where they met. He told me how when he watched her eat, it made him happy. Makes him want to buy as much food as possible for her because she doesn't take care of herself well. Sometimes she forgets to eat and he won't be able to sleep until he knows that she has a full stomach." Jun So stared at the floor aimlessly as he spoke. "It's the first woman he loves since my mom."

"Paris...." Hye Jung looked down at her feet as tears slide down her face uncontrollably. Her body started shaking once she realized that this Paris woman was actually her. How did she not notice Jun Ki's feelings? After all the endless stories about her love life, she has made Jun Ki suffer by being the listening ear. "When was the last time you saw your dad?"

"A year ago," Jun So said softly. "He said that he needs to finish something important and as soon as he's finished, he would come see me right away. We always kept in contact by phone." He cried more as he thought about his dad. "But then two months ago, Auntie Anna took me away from Grandpa's house. I couldn't talk to my dad or anyone."

"Are you telling me that you've been here for two months?" Hye Jung felt immediate anger boiling inside of her. How can someone keep a child in a warehouse like this? Doesn't any guilt or concern run through Anna's mind while harming a child?

Jun So looked at her. "No. I've been staying in Auntie Anna's house. But last night, she dragged me out of bed and I woke up here."

"You never tried to call your dad?" Hye Jung asked. She finds it impossible for Jun Ki to know about this and the only thing he would be worried about is her and what goes on in her life. He has never spoken once about his life and his worries - no matter how hard she pry to find out more.

"She said that she will hurt my dad if I try to call him and that no one can know that I was staying in her house." Jun So frowned. "Am I going to get in trouble?"

Hye Jung shook her head. "No." She gave him her best smile, she wished she can tell the truth about Jun Ki but it doesn't seem like the best situation to. "I won't let you get in trouble, I promise."

"We will see about that," Both Hye Jung and Jun So looked up to see Anna walking in with a bag of fried chicken, soda and cold beer in the other hand. Anna set the food down in front of them. "I got your favorite." She looked at Hye Jung and smiled. "Fried chicken and beer."

"I'm not hungry." Hye Jung said.

Anna nodded her head and exhaled. "Well, if you're not hungry then there is no point for anyone to eat."

Hye Jung watched as Anna start to take out a chicken, throwing it out the window one by one. Her eyes widened once she realized what Anna is doing. If she isn't eating then Jun So can't eat. "Wait!" She cleared while breathing heavily. "I'll eat.....let the kid eat."

"I thought so." Anna said before she slid the food over to them.

Jun So stared at her. "What about our hands?"

"What about your hands?" Anna looked at him. "You're capable of picking up a piece of chicken and chewing it, aren't you?"

Hye Jung eat her chicken as she observed Anna's actions in silence. What she doesn't understand was when Jun So said that Jun Ki is someone who would always knew what to say to Anna. And the way he called her as Auntie. When did Lee Jun Ki and Oh Anna know each other? And how come she never knew about it? "Lee Jun Ki..." she start to say softly. "How do you two know each other?"

Anna smirked. "He's my little cousin."

"You're lying." Hye Jung said. "Jun Ki would've told me if you two were related."

"There are a lot of things that you don't know," Anna opened a can of beer for Hye Jung, forcing the drink into . As soon as Hye Jung drank the beer, Anna placed the beer down on the floor and arched an eyebrow. "Maybe it's finally time for you to find out?" Hye Jung watched in confusion when Anna took out a small object from her own jacket, sliding the ON button. "Leave Hong Ji Hong."

Realization hit Hye Jung as soon as she heard that familiar robotic voice. "You're.....oh my god..."


. . .

Seo Woo looked up from her feet nervously, her hands clenching onto each other as the clock indicated that they've hit the seventh hour now. "You don't have to do this, Yoon Do. You always hated to use your family's power and background to benefit you."

Yoon Do looked at her. "This isn't about benefiting me anymore. This is about Hye Jung, someone who we equally care about." His eyes adverted over to the door and his grandpa walked in with a bright smile plastered on his face. "I am so happy to hear that you're willing to join the family business."

"Yeah," he stared at his grandpa. "Did you ask for what I needed? What we need?"

Grandpa Jung nodded his head as he handed over a set of keys. "The survillience camera room is upstairs to the left. As soon as you find your friend, I have agents waiting to help you out." He started laughing as he looked at everyone. "The perks of working for the political government."

Ji Hong sighed out of relief. "Thank you for your help."

"Now, hurry off and look at the cameras! You wouldn't want to miss out on anything!" Grandpa Jung watched as everyone slowlyy walked out of his room. He placed his hand on his grandson's shoulders, a small smile spreading as he looked proudly on. "See you at work on Monday."

Yoon Do cleared his throat and just nodded his head. If there is one thing he never wanted to do was to be involved in his family's business. There is nothing worse than having a political career. He hates to make his grandpa mad or disappointed in him but as soon as Hye Jung is back safely - he has to find a way to get out of this mess that he caused. "Goodbye." He hurried off and rushed up the stairs behind Soo Chul, every single minute from this moment on counts. As soon as they reach the camera survillience room, they each spread apart to different monitors to speed up the process. "This building handles all the CCTVs that Seoul is connected to. I can look at the cameras in the hospital - "

"I'll look at the cameras that is near Sooni Hawaii and everywhere around her house." Seo Woo said.

Soo Chul started typing his hotel address, trying to track Jun Ki's last few steps before he passed away. "I'll look at the hotel and the surrounding areas."

Ji Hong narrowed his eyes at his house on the monitors. "I found her..."

Everyone froze what they were doing and turned their head over to the big screen where Ji Hong converted the video into. From the video, Hye Jung was seen walking out of Jii Hong's apartment with a trashbag in her hand. As she made her way over to the back of the building, someone approached her and immediately smacking her head with a rock. Hye Jung instantly fell into the mysterious person's arms. And as soon as Hye Jung was carried, the camera finally caught Anna's face. She clenched onto Hye Jung before she carefully placed her on the back of a car.

"What do we do now?" Seo Woo asked.

Soo Chul rushed over to the control buttons and zoomed into image of the car. Pushing a few buttons that he can memorized from the back of his head, he zoomed onto the license plate. "We'll seach for the car. Like you said, this building has cameras all over Seoul. All we need to do is copy and paste this license plate onto the search bar of their system and let them do their magic." He pressed ENTER and watched as all the screens that the room had in displayed started switching to multiple CCTVs of where Anna's car has passed since the kidnapping. "Where the heck is she driving to?"

Ji Hong scanned each and every camera video. "Look," he pointed to one of the screen. "She's driving out of Seoul."

"No!" Yoon Do shook his head. "That means we won't be able to get any other feed..."

"Think about it," Soo Chul said as he watched a different screen. "If she is really driving out of Seoul, she'll be out of her comfort zone. She needs everything to be in control and if she really did leave Seoul, she can only be holding Hye Jung in a few places."

"What do you mean?"

"What's outside of Seoul before you hit the next city?" Soo Chul asked.

Seo Woo, Yoon Do, and Ji Hong stared at each other for a few seconds before something clicked in their head. "Factories and warehouses."

Soo Chul nodded his head. "The perfect place to hold someone against their will." He glanced at Yoon Do before turning off the system. "I think it's time for you to call your grandpa's agents for help."

. . .

There were moments in the past year that she has imagined herself killing the one person that caused all the sorrow and pain. Countless types of murders she has done in her head - hit and run, like what happened to Ji Hong and her dad, even just cold blooded murder. Hye Jung knew it was wrong to think of such things but the suffering she had to endure while living in fear - it's something she will never forget about. For over a year, she has thought about who it would be. Who would do and create such chaos in a blink of an eye without regretting their actions? She even thought that her sister or step-mother were involve in it somehow but the look of pain in their eyes after her dad was hit - she knew it couldn't be. She has done countless rundowns on the staff list, no one seemed suspicious to the point where she would confront them. Within seven months in Paris, she convinced herself that this mysterious evil person can only be someone that she doesn't know or even close with. There is no way that someone who she is close with would do something like this. That was until she found out that Lee Jun Ki was a part of this like how Oh Anna is.

"You feel stupid, don't you?" Anna asked while smirking. "Someone that you put your trust into turned out to be someone who destroyed your marriage. I always knew that Jun Ki woud cause trouble one day but he had to do what needed to be done. It was the only way for him to - "

"Get his son back?" Hye Jung narrowed her eyes at her before she briefly glanced back at Jun So, who fell asleep.

"His son?" Anna laughed. "Are you seriously going to believe a seven year old? Jun Ki has visited his son in over a year, he doesn't care about that kid. He didn't even care for the woman that gave birth to Jun So. My cousin may seem gentle and kind with those handsome looks of his but he's as crazy as the next person would be." Anna sighed as she pretended to have a look of concern for Hye Jung. "I tried to stop him. But I got too involved and realized how important you mean to me."

If Hye Jung had the strength to get up and smack Anna across the face, she would've done so fifteen minutes ago. Instead, Hye Jung managed to only smile as she shook her head. "Jun Ki isn't like that," she paused for a split second. "Wasn't like that..."

"You've only known Jun Ki for a year while I've known him since he was a baby." Anna shrugged her shoulders. "Everything was his fault. He felt jealous at how happy Hong Ji Hong was, everything that he didn't have - Hong Ji Hong was about to achieve it. A wife, a marriage, the noticable attention that he recieves, the future kids with you. Jun Ki didn't like it so he created this plan. I wanted him out of it." Anna looked at her. "But soon enough, I realized the charms that Jun Ki first fell for with you."

"Is this his story or your story?" Hye Jung questioned.

"Why would you think it's my own story?"

Hye Jung winced in pain when the sharp pain on her head came back. "Do you know what Jun Ki's biggest dream was?" Seeing as Anna only laughed as if the question was a joke, Hye Jung slowly started to understand the type of mental game that he had to go through. Despite being related to her, Jun Ki saw no way to escape out of this little game. "To be a good father."

"If you call leaving him behind for a year to be an example of being a good father," Anna laughed. "Go ahead. To be honest, I am a little surprised by your reaction. As someone who had her father leave her behind for years, you seem to be very forgiving."

She clenched her hands together as she glared at Anna. "Jun Ki didn't choose to leave his kid behind. He was forced to."

"And how would you know this? Up until fifteen minutes ago, you had no clue what Jun Ki was doing behind your back." Anna sat up and walked over to Hye Jung, bending down so they can be eye level. "He lied to you. Paris wasn't a place he needed to go in order to freelance for a job. He went there to follow you, become a friend, and move into your life. He has been manipulating you since the moment you opened that hotel room door. He doesn't care about you, he doesn't care about anyone." Anna exhaled as she started touching Hye Jung's hair again. "At least I've been honest with you."

"Since what? Since you kidnapped me and his son?" Hye Jung moved her head away from Anna's reach while she laughed. She actually is starting to find this situation funny. Hye Jung spent a year living in fear, scared to move on with her life because she didn't want to risk the lives of who she loves. But as she sat here, listening to this story that Anna keeps going on and on about - she finally realized that what Soo Chul said to her back then is true. She had let Anna win the game and that is why Anna had so much unneeded control over her life for a year. Hye Jung didn't have to let Anna win but she did anyways. And because she chose to believed that she hit a dead wall a year ago, it had affected not only her life but Jun Ki's. He was probably happily taking care of his son until he got a phone call from Anna. "There is no such thing as honesty when you choose to kidnap and tell them stories."

Anna rolled her eyes while getting up, looking down at Hye Jung. "Jun Ki was right. You're as stubborn as a rock."

Hye Jung smirked. "That's funny. I guess we can finally share a common factor. Jun Ki was always right."

"Yeah," Anna noddd her head as she slowly walked over to Jun So, watching him sleep. "Because of that exact reason, he got himself killed. Always opening his mouth, not knowing when to shut up. Thinking that he has to be right about everything."

Her smile vanished as she knit her eyebrows. "What are you talking about?"

Anna's smile wider as she turned around to look at her. "I think you understood what I just said. I mean, if you're smart enough to not fall for my lies and still believe that Jun Ki wasn't the predator behind your suffering - I think you know what exactly happened behind Jun Ki's death."

"What are you - " Hye Jung stopped talking and took a deep breath. She quickly scanned the whole room of the warehouse, her instincts tell her that if Anna is dumb enough to kidnap two people then she is completely dumb enough to bring them to the place that she possibly murdered her own cousin. And that's when she finally saw it - the pool of dry blood in the far corner of the room. Immediately, she started to find it hard to breathe as the realization hit her. Oh Anna murdered Lee Jun Ki.

"Time to wake up!" Anna grabbed a handful of Jun So's hair - causing him to wake up abruptly.

Hye Jung struggled to get up with the ropes tying her down. "Stop hurting him! What is wrong with you?!"

Anna stared at her with her eyes filled with anger and despair. "Say it!"

"Say what?!" Hye Jung screamed.

"Say that you're happy without Ji Hong! And that you'll start forgetting him!" Anna screamed as she pulled onto Jun So's hair even tighter.

Hye Jung could feel the ropes hurting her, practically giving her rope burn but she didn't care. As she tried to distract Anna by screaming over her voice, she pulled the rope harder each time. "Don't you have a kid?! Don't you have maternal instincts?! You're hurting him!" She stopped screaming when Anna lets go of Jun So's hair.

"I was supposed to be a mother," Anna said softly. "I only had seven months to go and my baby would've been here." Hye Jung didn't know how she should feel as she watched Anna talk like this. "But the miscarriage happened so suddenly, I didn't even have time to cope with the loss. No one was there for me." Tears brimmed against her eyes as she looked at Hye Jung. "Don't you feel bad for me?"

"Yeah, I do." Hye Jung answered. She inhaled deeply once she could feel that her wrists were free from the ropes. "I do feel incredibly bad for you..." Damn it. She doesn't have enough time to handle the ropes around her ankles. This is a do or die situation right now - the only way for Jun So to be kept safe. She has to risk it no matter what, it's what Jun Ki would've done for his son.....for her. "The problem is that I would feel bad for you if you weren't such a," Hye Jung immediately lunged forward onto Anna, pushing all her weight on her. "A psychopath!!!!" She turned back around and looked at Jun So. "Run!!!" He nodded his head and quickly got to his feet, rushing out of the warehouse. When the ropes were gone, Hye Jung managed to untie Jun So's ropes within seconds when Anna was crying for a pity party.

Anna groaned in pain when Hye Jung punched her across the face. Moving her arms around, she found a broken piece of glass shard and swung toward Hye Jung's face. "Stop it!"

Hye Jung dodged the piece of glass. This woman is definitely testing her fate now. Gripping onto the piece of glass, Hye Jung clenched her teeth once she felt it cutting the palm of her hand. "Why are you doing this?!"

"Stop fighting with me! Just say what I want to you to say!" Anna screamed as she pushed Hye Jung onto the ground, getting on top of her so she wouldn't move. She started pulling onto her hair, smacking her across the face.

In pain and distress, Hye Jung didn't know what to do. If she uses her strength again, it could be the only thing she can do before becoming weak. Her body is bruised up, her head is still bleeding from the blunt hits from before. Ji Hong. Ji Hong. It's all she can think about at this moment, the one person that she wished can be here right now. "Anna! Just stop it!" She has had enough. Shoving the crazy woman off of her, Hye Jung quickly got on top of Anna. Tears sliding down her face, blood smeared all over her hands and clothes. She breathed heavily as she glared at the woman, who is staring back at her and that's when she snapped. Anna had the nerve to smirk at her, the audacity of this woman. It's as if she has no boundaries and she doesn't know when to stop. Hye Jung grabbed onto the bat that was nearby and images of Jun Ki started flashing through her mind over and over again. From the first time they met, the time they had ice cream together, the time when they chased after each other after a long day of walking around. Hye Jung screamed as she cried loudly at Jun Ki's face - smiling and laughing. "All he wanted was to be a parent worthy of his kid! How could you take that away from him?!?!"

Anna stared at her. "Hit me. I dare you." Her eyes glanced between the bat and Hye Jung. "You don't have the guts. Hate me all you want but that won't bring back Jun Ki. He's gone." She smirked. "Forever."

"He's your cousin!!!!" Hye Jung raised the bat in the air, ready to hit Anna's face with it when she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist - pulling her away from Anna. "No! No! Let me hit her more!" She screamed as tears fall down her face non stop. Hye Jung shook her head as she tried to crawl back to the bat and over to Anna, "She killed him! She murdered Jun Ki!" Hye Jung cried even harder when she was pulled away. No matter how many times she tried to wipe her tears away, they just won't stop. "Jun Ki.....Jun Ki..."

"Shhh....." Ji Hong hugged her even tighter as he kissed her forehead. "It's okay, Hye Jung-ah."

Hye Jung wrapped her arms around Ji Hong and cried into his chest. "He's gone....he's gone."

Ji Hong couldn't help but cry. Hye Jung is in so much pain and the only thing he can do is hug her, trying his best to comfort the sadness and anger away. As he held onto her, he watched as the agents took Anna away. Soo Chul and everyone else stood there in silence as they watched Anna try to get out of their grip, screaming about how she's not done yet. She still has plans for Hye Jung, how she was supposed to stay longer with her. He adverted his attention over to Yoon Do, mouthing out thank you to him.

Yoon Do smiled and exhaled deeply as he hugged Seo Woo. "She's safe...."

Soo Chul nodded his head while falling onto the ground, tired from all the running and hours that he stayed up. "She's finally safe."

. . .

Ji Hong smiled softly. "Hey..." He held onto Hye Jung's hand while kissing them. "You're finally up."

Hye Jung groaned from the pain. "Where is she?"

"She's gone." Ji Hong answered. "Sent away as far as possible from you."

"I'm not worried about that," Hye Jung said. She looked around the hospital room and the IV that she was connected to. "How long have I been out?"

Ji Hong moved aside a strand of hair. "Half of the day. The doctors said that you were lucky to be alive. You fought through most of the pain, didn't you?"

Hye Jung smiled. "Of course I did."

He sighed. "I thought I was going to lose you again."

"I wouldn't let that happen. Not again." Hye Jung sighed. "Where is Jun So?"

"Jun So? He's in the room across from you. The doctors said that he didn't have any injury on him. They did notice lack of nutrition and fluid in him. As if he wasn't properly fed for the past few months. He even has loss of hair."

The hair pulling. Hye Jung groaned as she tried to get up. "I have to see him."

"Now? You just woke up." Ji Hong watched as she stood up from the bed, clenching onto her IV pole. "Hye Jung, don't force yourself."

"I have to see him. Does he know about his dad yet?" Hye Jung asked with her eyes filled with fear and concern.

Ji Hong nodded his head. "The cops came by with his grandparents. They told him, he cried a lot. He kept saying that his dad is some kind of hero and that his dad wouldn't be dead."

"Superman." Hye Jung whispered.


Hye Jung blinked her tears away as she took a deep breath. "Jun Ki is superman."

Ji Hong sighed. "I should've known."

"I have to see him. Just for a few seconds and I'll be good right after. In bed, listening to you and taking my medicine."

"Okay, alright." Ji Hong held onto her as he opened the door. "He's probably asleep - " he stopped talking when Jun So turned his head to look at them. "Or not."

Hye Jung smiled softly as she carefully made her way to Jun So's hospital bed. "Hey...."

Jun So stared at her. "Hi.."

"How are you?"

"I'm okay..." Jun So sadly frowned as he looked at her. "Grandpa and Grandma said that my dad is dead. It's not true, right?"

Hye Jung hesitated to speak. Her hand clenched onto his little hand as she smiled. "Your dad loves you very much, you understand right? He would've done anything for you."

"So why did he leave me?" Jun So cried.

Ji Hong leaned against the wall as he covered his face. There is nothing more painful than watching a child realize that their parent has died.

"He didn't want to leave you. Your dad couldn't wait to see you. He wanted to be the Superman that you wanted him to be. He really did." Hye Jung cried as she exhaled. "He just never got the chance to do it." She bit her lower lip and sighed. "I'm so sorry." Jun So lost both of his parents within a short period of time. How much more pain can this little boy take? "I'm sorry that I couldn't protect your dad."

Jun So stared at Hye Jung, he watched the way she furrowed her eyebrows together and the way she clenched onto her hands. "Paris."

"What?" Hye Jung asked with confusion.

"Paris," Jun So said softly. "The Paris that my dad loved, the one he couldn't stop talking about...." He glanced between Ji Hong and Hye Jung. "It's you, isn't it?"

Hye Jung blinked her eyes several times so she could control her tears. Quietly nodding her head, she looked at Jun So with apologetic eyes. "You hate me, don't you?"

"Why would I hate you?" Jun So asked. "My dad loved you a lot and you saved my life." He looked down at the Superman toy in his hands. "He taught me that you can never hate someone. Not when they saved your life. He said Paris is a good person with a good heart. She was the only person that made him smile after my mom died." Jun So looked at Hye Jung and softly smiled. "You would've been perfect for him but he didn't mention that you have a boyfriend."

Ji Hong softly chuckled. "For a seven year old, you're pretty smart."

After a moment of silence, Jun So stared at the adults with tears b against his eyes. "Is my dad in heaven?"

Hye Jung and Ji Hong looked at each other, not knowing what to exactly to say to that kind of question. They don't have much experience with kids and most of the kids they interact with are patients. This is someone who just lost his father and have been hurt badly by a family member. "Your dad is definitely in heaven. He was good person, a good man." Hye Jung said. "A good father."

"Do you think he's happy right now?"

Ji Hong watched as Hye Jung struggled to answer the question. He could tell that she found it hard herself to believe any of the words she is saying. She is probably just trying her best to comfort a kid with words. It's not easy but she probably blamed herself for his death and it's something that Ji Hong will work out with her. He didn't realize it till now but everything was starting to become clear for him. Hye Jung and the group of friends that she surround herself with - Soo Chul, Jun Ki, Seo Woo and Yoon Do. Those people would do anything and everything for her. Just like how she would do the same for them. "He is defintely happy," Ji Hong answered confidently with a bright smile plastered on his face. "He is probably looking down at us right now and you want to know why he's happy?"


"Because the two people he loves the most finally met." Ji Hong said.

Hye Jung and Jun So looked at each other before smiling, sharing a laugh with Ji Hong.



A/N: Here is the next chapter! Ahhhhhh, I can't believe this story is almost over! I'm in a bundle of sadness and tears right now! It's unbelievable at how much love and support this story got me. It's incredible and it's such an honor for you guys to love it so much! The drama has brought together so many beautiful people! Anyways, Anna is finally brought down! The next two chapters will just be a process of the ending, happiness and tears. Thank you for the comments on the previous chapter, it really meant a lot! It gave me so much inspiration to write! That's why I posted the new story up just for a sneak peek for you all! Thank you for the love! I hope you all like the chapter! Please remember to subscribe the new story, "NIGHTFALL"! Thank you! Sorry for any mistakes!

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Celine_9 #1
Chapter 20: Beautiful story! I was a hardcore RaeShin's fan back then. I had watched the drama countless time and this is my second time reading your fanfics. Again, loads of heart-wrenching and emotional as well as happy moments. Can't help myself from dropping a tear or two. Thanks for your great and hard work!
Dominaxe #3
Chapter 20: i'm bawling right now and i just want to say this: thank you so much for writing this story. it's been so long since i've been engrossed in a fanfic. this sense of escapism was a great ride, and i loved every bit of it--the ups and downs of everything. i started reading it a few days ago, and i don't have any regrets. i cried really hard in so many parts, and i just can't even with this story.
in all honesty, i would give anything for this to be the actual season 2 (if there ever be one) or at least the plot. this was a really great adventure to go through, and i will forever be thankful to you for writing this. i cannot wait to finish Nightfall with you--i'm absolutely thrilled to know that i will be "growing up" (for lack of a better term) with the story. thank you so much, dear, and i hope you have a great day~
whitenyc23 #4
Chapter 20: superb...thanks for a wonderful story..after watching doctors, it was so hard to move on feels like it's not enough..but after reading your story, the feeling of contentment and satisfaction is there..two thumbs up for you author-nim. keep writing more...
p_aisah #5
Chapter 20: Thank you so much for the awesome story...very very loved it
Chapter 20: Thanks so much for this wonderful story writer~ nim!!thumbs up!
Annalise93 #7
Chapter 20: This was a perfect ending to be honest, it makes me feel like there should be more after this, but the ending of how they'll always be together with their perfect little family was so cute. You tied up everything perfectly, and also JiHong's words to Yoondo were really sincere and touching. It's like everything the viewers wanted plus what should've happen in the drama.

Thank you for creating this story and helping the majority of us fans with our withdrawal symptoms haha. I felt like this story and the drama itself is complete now, so it's easier to let go. I'm looking forward to "Nightfall" because of how different it will be! Also I really enjoy your instagram!
Eppas05 #8
Chapter 20: Wow! I'm gonna miss this series... Thank you for your vivid imagination, romantic, thrilling episodes. I'm looking forward on your NIGHTFALL. Take care.
rearubzbi20 #9
Chapter 20: I can't believe its already end...luv it so much....thank you for the effort u's nice f park shin hye or Kim rae won can read ur story bout's wonderful...I will luv waiting for ur next story..his Bless!