

When Irene told her that she wanted to watch Game Dev with her, Wendy was more than excited.


Wendy had it all planned out, nothing extravagant but definitely something very sweet.


The two of them are cuddling in bed, with freshly popped popcorn while sharing earbuds while they binge watch Irene’s web drama.


The plan was too perfect, and Wendy came in with so many high expectations on Irene’s first drama.


She thought this web drama would tickle her funny bones with the adventures or misadventures of the game development girls.


She thought that she was going to go awww at the story of three girls working and supporting each other’s dreams.


She thought that she would fill empowered to watch women crashing a male dominated field.


But she thought wrong.


The title of the show should be Mr. Bear and the Game Dev Girls.


At the end of the eleven mini-episodes, the only thing that Wendy thought of is…


What the did I just watch?


“So, what do you think?”


She opens only to have it completely shut. And thank God she did. She was a horrible liar, one that you could tell by the hitch of her tone or the mumbling of her words or the way her brows jump around like kangaroos on steroids.


Maybe if she stayed quiet, her girlfriend would move on.


But she thought wrong. Very wrong. Irene’s gaze was now boring into her soul, trying to decipher the expression on her face. And Wendy prayed hard, so hard that her nerves would still themselves for at least a couple of seconds more.






“Do you like it?”


I like looking at your face.


“Oh yes, of course, baby.” Wendy plops a huge kiss in the crown of Irene’s hair. “The show it’s ummm… very… ahhh…”


I have no ing idea what I just watch.




Irene’s thoughtful frown quickly turned into a beaming smile. Maybe she’s not that bad at lying at she thought she is…


“And your acting is like wow.”




“Like even if you don’t have any expression, which is not bad! Not bad! Cause it's part of your role, I could still feel your emotion, like when you’re tired and when you get excited over those horror movies, even though you hate it in real life, I’m like wow… my girlfriend is such an amazing actress.”




Yes, I am.


“What? Of course not!”


“Really?! So tell me what your favorite part?”


Everything with you in it.


“A lot… like a lot.”


“I want to hear it.”


Oh no, Irene is doing that adorable whining again. She could get away with this, right?


“Ummm, that part when that boss lady…”




“Yes! Yes her! She… I meant Kihye shii was ranting, and you were listening to her.”


Irene tilts her head in surprise. “But I was just standing there?”




“But I can’t keep my eyes off you.” Smooth save Son, very smooth “And the part where you talk about offense and defense.”


 “What about it?”


Irene asked, her eyes had this mischievous twinkle in them that was enough to make Wendy swallow her spit.


“N-n-nothing. And oh my Gosh!” Wendy slaps her forehead maybe a bit too hard that she felt her brain rattle inside her skull. “That little implied Velvet joke, with ice cream cake playing on the back. It was so funny, really, really-“


She slams on the brakes when Irene is giving her THE LOOK.  Wendy knows that LOOK oh too well, it’s the look Irene puts on when she knows Wendy is up to something. It’s enough for her to sweat buckets and cry profusely. It makes Irene look like a masterchef peeling through layers and layers of lies.


“I love your cosplay.”


Wendy let out a sigh of relief while thanking the Lord in the process that Irene is smiling now.


“I still have it in the back if you like.”


“Oh? Ohhhhhhhhhhh….”




“Do you miss Ahreum unnie?”


Yeri props her chin on her hands, batting her lashes to further infuriate Wendy. Wendy sometimes thinks of getting a pet, but who needs a pet when you have Yeri? At least she’s potty trained.


“I like that show,” Seulgi, oh so kind hearted Seulgi.


“I like it too.” Joy answered, and it was enough to make Wendy snap her head towards her direction. “I have trouble sleeping these days,” The taller girl continues. “So I guess if I have any problems going to bed, I’ll just watch it.”


“Oh c’mon you guys!” Wendy wasn’t having it, her girlfriend work too damn hard for her to get disrespected like this. “Irene work so hard for that show.”


“I like unnie’s acting, it’s the show that !” Yeri points out. “Don’t tell me you actually like the show.”


“I do.”


Who needs a nose job when you can lie like Wendy?


“Unnie, it’s just us. We won’t tell.”


“But I do like it. It has a lot of potential.”


Yerim and Seulgi might have already back off, but Joy was obviously not buying it.


“Okay,” Joy leans closer, ready to taunt the truth out of her. “If Gamedev girls is a rapper and you have to rate it from 1- 10. 1 being Minho Oppa rapping bad and 10 Tablo rapping God. What are you going to rate it?”


“I will ummm go with an eight.”




“Yeah it’s like G dragon level,”


GD stands for GameDev now.


“You know now that I think of it,”


Oh no, Wendy has seen that face look in Joy’s face often. Joy’s brilliant ideas always manage to backfire on her, or more specifically on them. But does that ever discourage her? Of course not, because here she is, about to come up with this out of this world plan.


 “GameDev girls sort of gives me inspiration for our comeback.”


Seulgi raised her head, those monolids blinking curiously. “What comeback?”


“Let me finish, unnie,” Joy place a palm in Seulgi’s face. “I was thinking that maybe we should do COSPLAY!”


Wendy purses her lips to try and remain as polite and respectable as she could. Their maknae is already beaming with excitement, and she had never seen Seulgi’s eyes that huge until now.




“I mean yes why not? I mean look at Twice banking on their J line. We should strike while this whole anime thing is scalding hot.”


Seulgi and Yeri are already clapping like excited seals about to balance a beach ball on their noses.


“I don’t know.”


“Why Wendy?” Seulgi asks “I think it’s cute. After OOTN, we need something fun and vibrant.”


“I know!” Yeri added, “Tzuyu miss a lot of school because she has to do promotions. I want to miss a lot of class too!!!


“First, we need a concept that is going to be more catchy than shy shy shy.”


Yeri was jumping around the couch, raising her hand like an excited nerd in math class.


“We should make Seulgi unnie say something she can’t pronounce in English. Quick unnie!” Seulgi blinks slowly at Yeri. “What English word that you can’t say right?”




This question is going to take an entire year to get an answer.


“If that’s the case, Yeri, we might as well give Seulgi the entire dictionary.”


“They got the suicide squad to do sha sha sha.”


“! We’ll get the Avengers.”


“Did you see Liam Neeson did it too?”


“Liam Neeson? Were going to get freaking Jason Bourne to do our catchy phrase.”


Wendy shuts her eyes, softly murmuring a silent prayer to the Lord, God please give us a comeback before my members go crazy.


“Unnie, unnie, unnie.”


“Ummm what?”


“You’re from Toronto, do you think you can ask Drake to do our catchy phrase?”


“Look,” Wendy finally steps in this conversation. “a concept like that is not what red velvet is about. Our songs are not about our theme, it’s about the music.”


“I don’t get it,” Seulgi says, scratching her head.


“Why don’t you want a cosplay concept, Wen?” Joy asked her. “Is it because you and unnie already cosplay? IN THE BEDROOM?”


“What? God! Heck No!”


But she should have known that saying no is not good enough to make Joy back off. Once Joy is on a roll, she’s ready to bulldoze everyone in her way. And right about now, she’s ready to flatten Wendy to the ground.


“Oh Ahreum-shii, how about we play a game tonight? Do you want to be on offense or defense?”


Don’t fall for it, Wendy. Don’t bark back. Don’t fall for Joy’s greasiness.


“Oh Ahreum-shii, why drink that coke when you could thirst for me instead?”


Wendy took a huge gulp of air, trying to ignore Joy’s yapping. Joy could be a little female dog sometimes, barking nonstop and if you bark back, it’s going to be a never ending bark fest.


“Oh Ahreum-shii, I know you’re into guns. So, how do you like these guns?”


Joy says while making Wendy bend her arms to show off those biceps that have fans calling variety shows just to see.


“STOP! STOP!” Wendy yanks her arm away. “That’s not how we do it.”


If Wendy was going to use her guns anytime soon, it’s to punch that eating grin off her member’s faces.


“Why? How do you do it?”


“How do you do what?”


Everyone quickly shot up straight at the stern tone of their leader. They have must been performing too long together that even when they turn their heads towards the door to watch their leader walked in. She was still so damn beautiful even with the slump posture and faded makeup. Yet, Wendy thinks she had never seen anyone so glorious.


“Hi, Baby!” Wendy quickly hops in front of her girlfriend. “How’s the photoshoot? Are you tired? You must be tired!You look so beautiful though.”


“I’m okay, Wan.” Irene calms her down with a pat on the . “So, what did I miss?”


“Well unnie,” The Queen of Hell spoke. “Wendy unnie here just told us how much she loooovvvveeeesss looking at you wearing your cosplay in game dev.”


Irene’s resting face quickly simmered down to a sweet smile.


“Awww babe.”


“I do,” Wendy chuckles embarrassingly. “You’re the only thing worth looking at there.”




“I meant, compare to the other… you know… cosplayers in that scene. You. I. ummm…”


“What Wendy unnie is trying to say is that, she likes it sooooooooooo much she is wondering if we should have a cosplay for our next concept.”




Seulgi burst out with excitement, much to the confusion of their already tired leader.


“Okay, okay, you guys do what you want. I’m heading to bed. Don’t stay up too late, we have a show tomorrow.”


“Yes unnie,”


Irene cast a knowing glance at Wendy and Wendy doesn’t need to be told more than once. She quickly made her way to Irene’s side, wrapping her arm around her girlfriend’s slim waist.


“Use them guns, Wen!!!!”




Tonight was one of those nights that is meant for cuddling. No making out, no late night talks, no bed breaking , just cuddling. And Wendy was more than contented, her best moments have always been when she’s surrounded by the people she loves (no matter how crazy they drive her) and of course being next to her.


“So,” Irene whispers softly, her voice hinting of exhaustion and sleepiness “Do you really like the show?”


Wendy cringed as this topic starts to surface again.


“Ummm… honestly?”


“Yes,” Irene perks her head up, even with only the glow from the night light she could see Irene’s eyes glowing in curiosity.


“I think it could be better. But- it’s good experience for you and that’s all I care about.”


A soft smile gently tugs on Irene’s lips. It looked tired, but it was still the loveliest thing in this world.


“I mean you see what goes on in filming and performing. It’s all about having the chance to do everything and anything. The world is yours now, Bae Joohyun. And you could do whatever you like.”


“I like it when I’m on stage with you.”


Wendy lays a gentle kiss on Irene’s hair.


“Me too.”


“You’re not jealous of Mr. Bear are you?”


“Ummm no.”


If Wendy is jealous of every guy that Irene is paired up with, she’ll end up in a mental institution.


“Good. Cause there is nothing to be jealous about.”


If there is something that Wendy absolutely adores about Irene, it was this. Irene never fails to make her feel like she’s her only one. She had never played that childish game of making her jealous. Even in interviews whenever she’s asked about love and ideals, Irene’s answer remains too broad and too hard to decipher. But in the end, her answers would narrow down to Son Wendy.




“Yeah, he asked me for Exo’s number.”


“OMO!” Wendy pulls off from Irene’s embrace, looking more than surprise. “He did?”


“Yeah, I gave him Shindong oppa’s number instead. Told him it was Sehun.”


“Wow, that’s new level of savagery there.”


Irene buries her laugh in Wendy’s night shirt. “Kidding. But it’ll be fun, though.”


“So, which member’s number did you give?”


Irene’s lips curve in a devious half smirk.




“Nice,” Wendy laid back, and Irene was quick to pull back in her embrace.


“So, there’s really nothing going on with you and Mr. Bear?”


The faint glow of the city lights traced a gorgeous outline of her lover. It’s moments like that where she wishes she has Seulgi’s talents for drawing so she could immortalize this perfection.  But does she really need to paint a picture of it, when the real thing is so much more beautiful?


Her ogling was cut quickly when Irene smiled before sweetly confessing.


 “Bears are alright; I just love hamsters more.”





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Chapter 1: sooooooooooooooooooooooo cuteeeeeeeeeeeee
orangebearies #2
Chapter 1: i love this! a flustered wendy is so hilarious when irene is expecting a review about the web drama. love the dialogue you wrote and the writing style, right balance of fluff and sweet, the other members are so funny! thank you for this :)
Chapter 1: Ey ey ey ey smooth
Chapter 1: awww what a cute wenrene we have here XD
cutey111 147 streak #5
Chapter 1: That was so much fun reading it, with a lot of brilliant sentences to fall for.
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 1: So sweet I like this
Chapter 1: "Wendy sometimes thinks of getting a pet, but who needs a pet when you have Yeri? At least she’s potty trained." OH GOD THIS IS HILARIOUS

And that Minho vs Tablo line? D TO THE AYUM
I laughed so hard XD oh my gosh
wansie #9
Chapter 1: 'bears are alright; i just love hamsters more'

^this line is the best! :))))