All In Fun and Games

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When playing simple games become more than that, especially when your friends are involved and you're not even aware that there's something more going on within them.


OK... so I've been completely into MONSTA X for a long while now and it doesn't help with seeing them at KCON'16 LA and the Stuck mv being released. also I've been wanting to write them for a long while now anyways and so finally got up a one shot featuring the boys and SISTAR as I need more girls in the story. bwhaha anyways, the title is what came to mind as it was originally called Truth or Dare, but it had progressed further than that, and so I decided to re-titled it, and All In Fun and Games was what it became and I can't see it as anything else. lol so yeah... i have no idea what i was originally doing when i was writing this and how it deviated from what i actually wanted, but i'm not that dissatisfied with the outcome. i'm actually pretty happy with how it turned out. well, i seem to think so. xD also, i honestly have no idea with the dialogue and such as i really just went with the flow and feels i was feeling when writing. so please be aware that it's rated due to swearing and suggested material. also if there seems to be "grammar" mistake with the curse words, that's how i type it just to avoid such things. but yeah, i mainly wrote this for my sister and friend and that's why it's written the way it is written as i write for them. anyways, yeah that's about it. enjoy and let me know what you think [if anyone reads it that is. lol] *EDIT* part two here, The Aftermath.

-The story within this account of [YouWillFly] is a work of Fiction. The events and characters are fictional or out of character, and the celebrity names/images merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrity is in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends.

-© [YouWillFly] 2016. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of [YouWillFly].

actually wrote a part two for this. lol [160811]


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