Impressed Yet?

A Light to Guide You
“Let’s take a break, we’ve worked hard for today.”
Jimin and Taehyung looked up at Tessa, then to each other. “Are you sure? We can keep going if you want,” Taehyung suggested.
“We can pick up where we left off tomorrow, we can use the rest,” Tessa replied as she helped the two up.
Jimin nodded, “Yeah, let’s rest up and meet back here tomorrow.”
The three collided in a group hug until a motherly voice caught their attention.
“Yoo-hoo! I’ve got a nice hot supper with three names on it!”
“Okay, umma!” Tessa called out as she led the two guys back into the house.
“So how was training?” Stella asked as the three sat down at the dinner table.
“Really fun! We got to show Miss Tessa here just one of our new moves!” Taehyung cheered.
“One?” Tessa asked with a shocked expression. “That was only one awesome new move? I want to see more now!”
“I’m sure you guys will create your own awesome super moves later, but for now… just eat supper,” Stella chuckled as she started eating.
The three chuckled as well before eating their own meals. “Have I ever told you that I love your cooking, Auntie Stella?” Taehyung smiled.
“You have… every single day for the last twenty years you’ve existed,” Stella snarkily replied.
Jimin smacked Taehyung’s arm while Tessa chuckled at the two. Then something dawned on Tessa. “Wait a minute, you guys have been coming here while I’ve been gone?”
“Someone’s gotta keep Auntie in line,” Jimin shrugged which earned a swift kick in the shin by Taehyung.
“If anything, I’ve been keeping them in line,” Stella whispered to Tessa.
Tessa looked at her bickering friends and chuckled. It’s good to be back.
~~~~~~~*****~~~~~*****~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~*****~~~~~*****~~~~~~~
“So, we using our powers this time?” Suga asked as everyone gathered at the open park.
“Yes, but let’s not get carried away,” Namjoon replied.
As everyone got started with the training, Tessa glanced over at Jungkook and had a thought. “Wait, so did you get your powers, Jungkook?” she asked the youngest.
Jungkook smiled and nodded. “Want me to tell you or show you?”
Tessa smirked, “Just show me!”
“Alright,” Jungkook simply replied as he gathered red energy in his hand and released it towards some trees in the distance.
Tessa stared in the distance as she processed what she had witnessed. “You… have… energy manipulation?!”
“Yes I do, noona!” Jungkook smiled back.
“When did you get your powers?” Tessa asked as she watched Jungkook play with his red energy in his hands.
“About three years ago,” Jungkook casually replied as he fired another beam towards the same trees.
“That’s so awesome!” Tessa cheered as she showed some of her energy.
“Hey you two!” Jin called out. “Let’s get to training!”
Tessa and Jungkook looked at each other and chuckled before jogging to everyone else. “Do we want to take turns like yesterday, or do we all just want to go ham on some trees?” Namjoon asked.
“How about we go ham on some trees for a warmup, then we can spar with each other?” Tessa suggested.
Nobody seemed to disagree and Taehyung started using his powers on a small group of trees nearby. His wind became razer-sharp and started cutting down the trees. Everyone was impressed by his wind wielding skills.
“His wind has gotten a lot stronger,” Tessa thought out loud.
“He’s been working really hard these past five years,” Namjoon replied to her thoughts.
“And he’s not he only one!” J-Hope added as he started flexing.
Tessa laughed at his silliness when Suga started using his powers on the trees. Taehyung jogged over to everyone and stood next to Tessa. “What are you giggling about?” he innocently asked.
A wild Jimin had appeared and started answering for Tessa. “The size of you di—”
Tessa immediately covered Jimin’s mouth, “Okay! Where on earth did that come from?!”
“We’ve all seen each other , why is this a big deal?” Jimin casually asked.
“We were five!” Tessa defended as she tried hard hide her blushing cheeks.
“So?” Jimin blankly stared at the female.
“We were kids then, Jimin… we’re adults now…” Tessa bluntly replied as Suga returned and Namjoon started training with the trees.
“What are you guys talking about?” Suga asked.
“Nothing!” “!”
Suga stared at the two blankly before going out of his way to talk to Jin. Taehyung was just laughing at the entire scene. “This takes me back… but the conversation is a lot dirtier than back then,” he said through his chuckles.
“I guess so,” Tessa chuckled as Namjoon switched with Jimin.
Tessa watched Jimin perform some fire attacks on a small group of trees. He then ran up and started using direct attacks to destroy more trees.
Taehyung studied Tessa’s reactions carefully. He could see the adoration in her eyes as Jimin performed his attacks on the trees. Was she looking at me like that, too?
Moments later, Jimin switched with Jin, then Jin switched J-Hope. Then, it was Jungkook’s turn. He glanced at Tessa and made sure she was watching. She gave him a thumbs up before he gathered energy and fired off a beam.
Tessa was studying Jungkook’s moves intently. Jimin and Taehyung noticed the way she was watching Jungkook and glanced at each other. A few moments later, Jungkook returned and shyly smiled at Tessa. She smiled back as she stepped up to warm up her powers.
Hmm… how should I start? Indirect attack or direct attack?  Tessa thought to herself. I don’t think any of them besides Chim and Tae know what I can really do now. So let’s have some fun!  She smirked to herself as she focused her energy to her fists.
With one swift move, she punched the ground and controlled the shockwave towards a group of big trees. She heard several gasps and statements of awe behind her. She looked over her shoulder and saw Jimin and Taehyung smirk. She quickly mirrored their smirks and sprinted towards the big trees.
“Since when can she do that?” Jin asked, clearly amazed at the strength.
“It’s the training with Gramps,” Jimin answered as everyone continued watching Tessa use her powers.
“What kind of training did she go through with him?” Namjoon pondered.
“I’m sure he worked her to the bone,” Taehyung replied.
While everyone was talking, Jungkook kept watching Tessa in awe. He watched her move flawlessly as she fired blue energy beams to destroy the trees. It was like watching her dance. Tessa wrapped up her demonstration and jogged back to everyone else.
She was welcomed with awe-filled stares. “What?” she innocently asked.
“That. Was. AMAZING!!” J-Hope cheered as he bear-hugged the small female.
Tessa chuckled at his enthusiasm. Jimin and Taehyung tried desperately to pry J-Hope off of her, but Jungkook stared at the scene. It’s worth a shot.  He thought as everyone got started with the sparring matches.
~~~~~~~*****~~~~~*****~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~*****~~~~~*****~~~~~~~
Tessa was walking down the streets on her way back home. Taehyung and Jimin insisted on walking her home, but she peacefully declined. She felt the need to be on her own for a little while.
As she turned the street corner…
Tessa quickly turned her attention to the alley way a few meters ahead and sprinted towards the sound of the screams. “What’s going on?” she asked as she found an injured elderly woman on the ground.
“I was attacked by a young woman…” the woman replied as Tessa helped her sit up.
“How were you attacked?” Tessa asked as she checked her injuries.
“There was a shroud of dark energy and I felt like someone slashed my back,” the woman explained. Tessa listened intently as she used her energy to help minimize the woman’s injury. Tessa’s eyes glowed blue for a brief moment, and she looked up immediately.
“Well what do you know? A new friend has arrived.”
“Where are you hiding?” Tessa asked as she made sure the elderly woman got away.
A skinny woman emerged from the shadows and stood before Tessa. “I’m just about everywhere, to be honest with you.”
“May I ask who you are?” Tessa asked.
“No need to be polite, we are the same age,” the woman smirked.
Tessa shot her a look of confusion. “How in the world do you know my age?”
“I know a lot about you already, Miss Ryu Tessa,” the woman kept her smirk.
“Okay, since you know a lot about me, I’m sure you already know I want to know your name,” Tessa snarkily replied.
“My name is Im Nayeon,” the woman, Nayeon, introduced herself as she stepped out of the shadows.
Tessa got a good look at her before asking, “Why are you here?”
“I’m looking for someone,” Nayeon simply replied.
“And you’re hurting innocent people trying to look for someone?” Tessa asked.
Nayeon fired a dark energy beam towards Tessa, who blocked it effortlessly. “I don’t have time for your questions, Tessa. I have to get going now,” she casually said, but as she turned around to leave, she was met with a bright red ball of energy.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
Nayeon looked at the new face and learned new information. “Jeon Jungkook, what do you want?”
Jungkook ignored the fact that Nayeon knew his name and stood firm. “Who do you work for?”
“I’m sure you already know,” Nayeon smirked as Tessa attempted to sneak up behind her for an attack.
Tessa quickly grabbed Nayeon’s arm and twisted it behind her back. “You’re working for Nightmare, aren’t you?”
“I’m not gonna say no,” Nayeon replied as she remained eerily calm. “But for now, I’ve got to go. See you guys later.” She then disappeared into the shadows leaving behind a confused Tessa and Jungkook.
“That was strange,” Tessa thought out loud.
“I know. But she’s gone for now,” Jungkook replied as he stepped closer to Tessa. “But… I need to ask you something.”
“Sure, Jungkook,” Tessa replied, wearing a look of slight concern.
“You can say no if you want to… but I was wondering… if you can train me?” Jungkook asked as he looked her right in the eyes.
Tessa stared into his eyes and saw the seriousness in them. She thought it over in her mind and answered his question.


Do we train the maknae?
I apologize for not updating this in a few days, my husband and I needed to finish up some Christmas shopping and just now got around to updating.
Now then, this is the first decision in the story that will make a major impact... no pressure! We see that Tessa has been watching over Jungkook after discovering he has energy manipulation. Now Jungkook wants her to train him! What could come out if we do train him? What if we decline? That's for you to decide!
Until next time!! (Don't be afraid to leave a comment!)
Currently listening to: Sentimental - Winner
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