Puppy eyes

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Taemin is having a hard time and gets convinced by his friends to go to a puppy café to cheer up, and he meets the owner Jongin.



This fic has been a contribution to the Pretty Boys fic exchange of 2016. Please check out the tumblr of the fic exchange to see more great fanfiction!


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sellakaramella #1
Chapter 1: That was so cute omg 🥺❤️ Loved it! Ur romantic Ff are so nice too‼️
Chapter 1: s o f t n e s s
Ohlàlà, Pimmie I'm so glad this is the fic I chose to reread tonight... As I scrolled down to decide which one to read to completely relax & calm down, I saw Puppy Eyes & realized I really hadn't read it in a while! In fact, I think I had never reread it after my first time......... what a fool!!

I love this fic so immensely it's now in my top 5 favorites (my top 5 probably has like, 7 to 8 fics but that's not the point!). Here is a list of its best parts imo, in no particular order:
* CUTE NINI!!!! the softest Nini you have ever written perhaps????!!! Cute, shy, hot Jonginnie made me swoon
* the moment Jongin called Taem "Taeminnie" for the first time & Taemin was bursting a nut inwardly
* also I liked how greatly you wrote Taemin being stressed out but unable to stop & how his studies even showed in the way he thought about Jongin & their relationship (like those moments he was mentally "investigating" on Nini hehehehe)
* &: M I N H O being the cutest best friend ever ohmy it was my favorite Minho!!!!! (the fact that for once Minho was no threat to Taekai while still giving Jongin a little sweat at some point has nothing to do with my previous statement! It is purely accidental.........................................)
* oh & MONGGU & Sparkly & BALOU all the dogs were so damn cute & you wrote their interactions w/ Taem so cutely. (I too would run to Taemin at any given opportunity. the puppies were relatable ;;)
but also when they danced & their first date & the way Nini shyly & cutely asked for it & OMG I FORGOT ABOUT KAI!!!! the SOFTEST damn thing about this story & when Nini talked about being Kai 2.0 my H E A R T pimmie is2g I whimpered!!! sobbed!!! I was devastated....

You wrote them taking the time to know each other really well & as you mentioned it, the fact that Taemin is always so busy & quick in everything but wants to go slow & enjoy every minute with Jongin & enjoy every step with him was so sweet. It truly is such a comforting story uwu. Their entire relationship was so domestic & peaceful & ING G O A L tbh.... like the evening they play games & mess around with cookies.... so cute.....
I feel all warm & calm & comforted now.
Thank you for always putting this little heart of mine at ease.

(P.S.: I liked the ending a lot & now I will think about soft Taekai going to the beach in Busan ..... ;o;)
Chapter 1: That was really cuuute! "He was Nice. He would make a great boyfriend. Not for Taemin though" pleaaaaase who are you kidding? XD can we expecta ssequel?
Chapter 1: Okay, so this comment is long overdue (SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!)

Anyway, i loved this! It was so cute and sweet (even though no ...sigh :P) This was just so fluffy and adorable! And when Jongin asked Taemin if he could be his new Kai...GAH SO CUTE!!! And I love how protective Minho was....so adorable! Such a great story!
Chapter 1: Ugh, I love when Minho goes all "daddy" on Taemin and gets overprotective and all dom ♡.♡ Yassss!!!

Kai the teddy bearrrrr ( ⌒∇⌒ ) ohmygosh that's so cute!!!!!

Taemin is going to work himself into the ground (T⌓T)



Now I want cookies (ㅡ_ㅡ)

Awww, they are so adorable!!! *squeals*

Ugh, that kiss ♡.♡

Idk why but Jongin taking Tae's keys and opening the door is really y!!!

Wait, what \(>o<)/ they are just going to sleep? Wtf!?! *unsatisfied* ( ̄へ ̄)lol (I'm not used to you writing things without *pouts*)

Kai 2.0 ( ⌒∇⌒ ) adorable!!!!!

And ugh, this whole thing was adorable!!!!! I loved it!!!!! ( ⌒_⌒)-❤
Chapter 1: That was adorable <3
Chapter 1: It was so cute. Really cute. Omg. TaeKai is the life. ~
Good job. :3
Shihaam1 #8
Chapter 1: TaeKai's The Sweetest iest Cutest Adorable Amazing Handsome Gorgeous & Most Beautiful Angels Together Ever They Love Adore Care Understand Appreciate Respect Trust Protect Complete & Treasure Each Other Forever The Love Bond & Relationship They Have Is The Greatest Amazing Special & Most Beautiful Thing Ever:DYay!TaeKai Together Forever It's Beautiful I Love It:D
Nachtice #9
That was the best Taekai I've read in a while, thank you.