
Not Like the Others (Sequel)
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Suho stepped into Kris’ car and slammed the door shut angrily. He regretted telling him that sure, they could go together, why take two cars. Now he had to endure another half an hour of weirdness.

Kris’ behavior made no sense whatsoever. At the office, when he wasn’t avoiding him and leaving the room as soon as he saw him, his responses were always cold and short. ‘Kris, did you get my email? You didn’t answer.’ – ‘I did.’ ‘Kris, do you want to play secret Santa this year?’ – ‘No.’ ‘Kris, is there something I did to offend you? I feel like there’s a problem, but I can’t recall doing anything rude, and if I did, I’m sorry.’ – ‘You didn’t.’ Getting more than one sentence out of him was impossible. You could argue that it was only Kris’ personality, but he had seen the guy have the stupidest rap battles with the media relations vice president’s assistant, Tao, and also seen the beta attached to his arm, both giggling like high schoolers in the corridors. So, no, he had evidence that Kris wasn’t the most serious man in the world.

Suho could only conclude that he didn’t like him, but then there was the staring, the sideways glances, and most recently the dominant attitude, like the one he had displayed today. It would start from the moment they walked into the conference room of another company. Kris stepped a little in front of him, greeted everyone, introduced himself and Suho, shook hands, glared when Suho also shook hands, and then did all the talking.

Today, however, he had outdone himself. He had snarled when a beta had come too close to him. It had been for a second, and very subtle, but the beta had heard him, and stepped back with an astonished expression.

"Can't wait to get back to the office," he texted Jongdae, busying himself with his phone to avoid looking at Kris. 

Lol. Is Kris being an again?
2:01 P. M.

2:02 P. M.


I'm telling you, he likes you.
 2:02 P. M.

2:05 P. M.

Haha. Hm, your assistant is freaking out on here... 
2:06 P. M.


2:06 P. M.

Look. “[5/7 2:05pm] Baekhyun says: IF KAI CALLS YOU TELL HIN KYUNGSOO IS WITH YOU. MY LIFE DEPENGS ON IT [5/7 2:05pm] Baekhyun says: *him *depends”
2:08 P. M.

2:08 P.M.




Kai took his jacket off and placed it on the back of his chair. His annoyance about Kyungsoo vanishing from the office and not answering his calls and messages was turning into anger with each passing minute. Disappearing was one of the things that Kyungsoo knew bothered him the most. Not knowing where his omega was and whether he was safe made him uneasy. He knew it was his instinct being archaic: if they were living in the forest, being out alone far from his alpha could mean an omega's death. 

Their city wasn't as dangerous, though. Even attacks on omegas in the middle of the night were rare, let alone in broad daylight and accompanied by a beta or alpha. However, this knowledge didn't help his restlessness. Besides, Kyungsoo had disobeyed him, and dur

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Chapter 19: re reading for the hundredth time and omg such a cute story I will never get tired of it 😭
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Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.