
Not Like the Others (Sequel)
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Baekhyun was sipping his coffee and scrolling down his news feed when Kyungsoo arrived and greeted him cheerfully.

“What are you so happy about?” Baekhyun asked, setting his cup over his desk and rolling his chair back to talk to his friend.

“It’s Kai and I’s anniversary today,” Kyungsoo answered while turning on his computer. “He completely forgot about it.”

The brunet arched a brow. “And how is that a good thing?”

“Duh. I get to surprise him tonight!” He smiled. “Or at least try.”

“Jesus Christ. Not again,” Baekhyun rolled his eyes and went back to his cubicle.

Kyungsoo was always trying to surprise Kai for special occasions. The problem was that the alpha was so controlling that the omega never managed to get away from him long enough to prepare anything.

“No, no, today I think I’ll make it! He’s super busy, he won’t even be here all day, and Suho and Jongdae have meetings with clients so they’re probably going to get here late after lunchtime. And I’m going with something simple, I just want to have dinner ready and set the ambience at home,” he explained, standing and looking at Baekhyun over the divider.

“Why can’t you just invite him to a restaurant or order something quirky online and be done with it like a normal person?” Baekhyun asked.

“Kai doesn’t like to go out in public in occasions like this.”

“You could write an encyclopedia of things Kai doesn’t like.”

“And only buying something is like, not enough-”

“So Baekhyun probably has to go with you and be the one to be murdered by your lunatic mate if he notices you went around in public transportation without his permission.”

“I was hoping you could ask Chanyeol to drive us home and back after I buy everything.”

Baekhyun glared incredulously at him. “Do you also want to get my alpha murdered?” 

“Oh, come on! He won’t notice, I’m telling you, he has meetings all around the city, and all I have to do is go to the supermarket, then home to get everything ready and come back so that I can leave with him.”

“And when he asks you how you prepared everything?”

“I’ll tell him the truth! He won’t be angry, I promise,” Kyungsoo smiled hopefully.

Baekhyun sighed loudly. “I don’t believe you, but since Chanyeol looked like he could win the fight they had the other day, fine.”




As Suho innocently looked through the menu, Kris wondered how hard it would be make him submit to him.

He was a rather small alpha, but Kris had seen he was actually pretty strong. Even though he was usually a gentle person who avoided conflict as much as possible, kind and considerate, when he was annoyed he got all fired up very quickly. No, Suho wasn't someone you wanted to mess with. He would definitely put up a fight. 

But why was he considering this? There were no longer real packs anywhere, there was no need to forcefully overthrow any alphas. What did he want to do to Suho if he managed to make him submit? 

Oh, he knew that answer pretty well. And he was embarrassed about it. He was such a weirdo, having these thoughts about his co-worker. About his alpha coworker. That was why he usually avoided Suho like the plague. He just couldn't look the man in the eye comfortably after having imagined h

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Chapter 19: Am really enjoying this story.!...would love to be binge reading but have more stressing priorities..🌹
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Chapter 13: 💜
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Ncoups #8
Chapter 19: re reading for the hundredth time and omg such a cute story I will never get tired of it 😭
Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.
Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.