
Not Like the Others (Sequel)
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Bonus II


“I think Hojun is acting up because he misses Chanyeol,” Baekhyun said, his eyes on the toddlers playing. “He usually listens to me but lately it’s like he’s trying to defy me on purpose.”

Kyungsoo, sitting beside him at bench in his backyard, hummed. “It could be. You always end up calling Chanyeol if Hojun misbehaves too much, right?”

Baekhyun sighed, knowing he was at fault. “...Yeah.”

The other omega chuckled. “It’ll be okay when he comes back, don’t overthink it.”

“I’m trying not to, but I’m so tired.” Baekhyun sighed again. “I can’t wait until tomorrow, I swear the hours are slowed dooown,” he said pitifully, sliding down the bench like he was giving up on life.

“What happened to ‘I’m an independent omega and I don’t need no alpha’?” Kyungsoo teased.

Baekhyun glared at him. “That was before I met Chanyeol!”

“Oh, my God, look at the time. Guys! Come back inside, please!” Kyungsoo said to the children after checking his phone. He got to his feet and opened the house’s door, and the three toddlers, Hojun and the twins, ran inside one after the other, laughing.

“Kyungsoo, can you please give me a snack?” Hojun asked the black haired omega, looking up at him in adoration. The two had a great relationship, Kyungsoo had watched Hojun many times while Baekhyun and Chanyeol were out on dates. Sometimes Kyungsoo and Chanyeol went to the park together to let the pups play. Kai wasn’t extremely happy about this, but at the end of the day Kyungsoo was Kyungsoo, and the alpha had no reason to accuse him of anything. He had, however, limited the playdates with Chanyeol to once a week maximum.

“Since you asked so nicely, of course.” Kyungsoo smiled and Hojun followed him happily to the kitchen, where he was given a bacon donut glazed with sweet maple glaze. The little boy grabbed it enthusiastically. Baekhyun envied Kyungsoo’s cooking skills a bit.

“Papa, it's so good! Try!” Hojun offered a tiny bite to Baekhyun, who leaned down to accept it and nodded approvingly. It was delicius, indeed. "Daddy should make this every day!"

Kyungsoo offered a donut to his twins, who said they weren’t hungry, and then the oven to heat up dinner. He claimed the food consistency got ruined in the microwave. “Baek, please watch the boys while I tidy up and get a shower,” he asked.

Kyungsoo had a whole preparation ritual in place for the moment Kai arrived. It was Saturday that day, and the alpha was out with friends, but he had told his mate the time he would be home, and he was always strict with schedules.

The omega would make sure the house was nice and clean, especially their room, without any clothes flung around or messes on the floor. Then he’d get a shower and change into a clean outift (he said he didn’t want to smell like food and sweat when the alpha saw him). Finally, he set the table and turned off the kitchen, keeping the food warm until Kai arrived, ready to be served. He always greeted him at the door with a bright smile.

Baekhyun could’ve understood if it was a special occasion but... doing that every single day? He was already used to Kyungsoo treating Kai as if he was royalty and his friend was the servant, so he didn’t say anything as he watched him run around the house tidying up at supernatural speed.

Kai arrived at seven, all smiles for Kyungsoo and his kids, who raised their little arms at him yelling “Daddy! Daddy!” until the alpha picked them up and kissed them each.

The happy scene made Baekhyun miss his mate even more. “Well, I g

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Chapter 19: re reading for the hundredth time and omg such a cute story I will never get tired of it 😭
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Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.