
Not Like the Others (Sequel)
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Bonus I

-3 years later-


Life without Chanyeol was going to kill Baekhyun.

In the past two weeks, he realized how he had learned to take his mate for granted, and how dependent he had become of his presence, of coming from work and getting a kiss, having someone to talk about his most intimate thoughts, or release his stress by making love. How had he lived alone before? As the days went by, the constant dull ache in his heart increased.

Chanyeol had left to attend a design conference in Hong Kong and tour around the city. Baekhyun had been optimistic, assuring his alpha he could take care of himself and their son, Hojun, and even pushed him to go, he deserved to go on a vacation. His mate had always wanted to visit, but Baekhyun was working, and Hojun had just started preschool, so he had gone with two of his former coworkers and friends. Baekhyun was sure he would be fine. Everything would be fine.

Except, it wasn’t.

Ever since they had moved in together, Baekhyun had never slept away from Chanyeol. However, Baekhyun liked to think he wasn’t a typical clingy omega. He hadn’t expected to miss Chanyeol so much, but he did.

The first few days he had been okay as long as he was at work. The lack of alpha only affected him when he was alone at night, after Hojun was in bed. But after four days, he started to get moody and cranky most of the time. The day before he had growled and bared his teeth because the new beta at the office had made an inconsequential mistake, and Kai had had to yell at him before he realized what he was doing. Baekhyun hadn’t made a scene at the office in years, and he had wanted the earth to swallow him. He was a twenty seven years old omega, with a mate and a three year old son, he should have been mature enough not to have emotional breakdowns at the workplace.

They talked on the phone at least once a day. Baekhyun pretended to be fine, it sounded like Chanyeol was having a nice time and he didn’t want to ruin it for him.

There was also another problem, Baekhyun wasn’t great with chores or cooking, with Chanyeol being the one who stayed at home with Hojun. Tonight, the omega had stopped by the supermarket to get all of the ingredients to make a nice meal for themselves. He spent hours chopping vegetables and making a sauce and checking whether the meat was well cooked, all while Hojun screeched and tried to kick him, only for the boy to scream he didn’t want to eat.

“It’s dinnertime, you must be hungry,” Baekhyun said calmly from his seat.

“I DON’T WANT THIS!!!!!” the boy yelled, pushing the plate away and folding his tiny arms, pouting. Hojun was like a lil miniature version of Chanyeol with Baekhyun’s bad temper. His eyes were wide like Chanyeol’s, and his ears had the same shape. He was adorable, Baekhyun had a feeling he would grow up to be an alpha.


“I want daddyyyy, daddy doesn’t do it like this!!”

“Well, I want daddy too, but starving ourselves won’t bring him back. Now, eat your dinner.”

Hojun slammed his hands on the table. “NOOOOOO!!”

“Stop that Park Hojun!”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes and started to eat, hoping his lack of interest in arguing would

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Chapter 19: re reading for the hundredth time and omg such a cute story I will never get tired of it 😭
Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.
Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.