
Not Like the Others (Sequel)
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Chanyeol sat in the living room of his parent’s house, a glass of sangria in his hand. His parents and sister chattered animatedly, while the alpha mentally prepared to deliver the news to his family.

Baekhyun had absolutely refused to be present when Chanyeol announced his pregnancy to his family, saying he felt too tired and his moods were too unpredictable to “deal with their crap.” Chanyeol desperately wished to improve relationships between them, but there wasn’t much he could do when both parties refused to listen to one another. Baekhyun wouldn’t listen to traditionalist values, no matter how good they were, and the Parks wouldn’t give the omega a chance to prove he was a good mate in his own way.

“How’s Baekhyun, Chanyeol? How come you didn’t bring him?” his mother asked.

“He’s...” the alpha cleared his throat. “The reason I wanted us to gather today is actually...”

“Well, spit it out!” Eunmi pressed.

“Baekhyun and I are expecting a baby.”

Shock was clear on the three wolves’ faces. Mrs. Park covered with her hands. “Chanyeol! Are you serious?!” she asked, looking like she might cry from excitement.

Chanyeol beamed. “Yes.”

“Congratulations, son! I’m so happy for you!”

Everyone raised to their feet to hug Chanyeol, repeating their congratulatory words. They opened a bottle of champagne Mr. Park had saved for special occasions, and toasted happily for Chanyeol becoming a father.

And, for a moment, everything was perfect.

But then that moment ended.

“I suppose Baekhyun will finally leave that absurd job?” Mr. Park asked, once they were again comfortable on the living room’s sofas.

“Uhm... I don’t know. We haven’t discussed it.”

“Well, he has to,” Mrs. Park said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I’m not saying it because he shouldn’t work or anything, it’s just that a baby needs a lot of time.”

Chanyeol was silent.

“You can’t possibly expect to leave them all day in child care from the moment they’re born. That would be awful for the bond that’s supposed to form between you and your pup. I dedicated ten years to you and Eunmi before I started working again.”

The alpha sighed. “Baekhyun isn’t made to be a stay at home omega. I don’t think he’ll ever be.”

“So basically he’s going to neglect his first born because of his absurd desires?” Eunmi said disdainfully.

“I didn’t say that, we’ll figure something out. Don’t worry about it.” Chanyeol smiled. “Anyway, at this point the of the baby is already visible, but we decided to find out after he or she is born.”

“That’s really sweet!” Mrs. Park said, and Chanyeol was thankful for the change of subject.




“To be honest, when I first found out you were... You know, an omega, I doubted the deal,” the tall beta man opening the door of the meeting room said. He held it open for Baekhyun to exit first, and the omega did, already resigned to the fact most people tended to be chivalrous to him, and he couldn’t go around giving social lectures to the company’s clients. “I mean, no offense, but omegas can’t handle leadership. It was too late to do anything at that point but I’m glad we went ahead. The sales have gone up seven percent since we’re using your services!”

“I’m glad, sir,” Baekhyun replied as they walked down the hall.

“I’d like to apologize for doubting you. You’re not like the other omegas.”

Baekhyun chuckled a little awkwardly. The conversation was taking a personal turn he didn’t like.

“Your alpha’s very lucky, to have such a stunning and intelligent mate, although I do wonder how he or she can handle you.”

They had arrived to the elevator, but the man had stopped to face Baekhyun, expecting an answer.

“...He’s... Used to it, I guess,” he said with another awkward laugh. When was this guy leaving?

“How about we go to have lunch to celebrate another successful deal?”

The omega’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “Oh, I’m sorry, sir, but-”

“Don’t tell me your alpha will be jealous,” the beta said teasingly. “We’re business partners, we’ll be just celebrating this and many other deals to come!”

Baekhyun opened and closed his mouth. He gulped, unsure of what to do. He couldn’t be rude to this man and the company he represented. Both Suho and his father would murder him if he lost this client now.

“Ah... Uhm...”

“Mr. Kim!” Kai said, suddenly joining them with a grin. “I’m surprised you’re still around. I happened to overhear your conversation, I’d love to join you for lunch as well!”

The beta hesitated. “Oh, well...”

“We should go to The Forest, I’ve read excellent reviews about the meat.” Kai continued.

“Yes, yes, that would be lovely, but unfortunately I just remembered I have to head back to my office for a meeting right away. I’m really sorry, but I’m sure we’ll go another day.” The man smiled politely, pressing the elevator button.

“Ah, that’s a shame. We’ll both be waiting to go together, though. Thank you for coming today, sir,” Kai said respectfully.

“It’s my pleasure,” the man replied and got inside the elevator quickly.

Baekhyun took a deep, relieved breath when the doors closed, and turned to look at the alpha. “Thank you, Kai...”

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Chapter 19: re reading for the hundredth time and omg such a cute story I will never get tired of it 😭
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Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.