
Not Like the Others (Sequel)
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The real estate agent smiled and gave a step back, looking away but still stealing a few glances at the scene going on before him.

He had seen this before many times in his years of selling properties, but he always found it endearing. He was showing a penthouse to a young couple, an alpha and an omega. The alpha didn’t look too convinced because of the high price of the apartment, but his omega had already made up his mind, and was currently whining to him, trying to persuade him.

“Baekhyun, let’s look at a few others before,” the alpha insisted.

“But I like this oneee!” his mate replied, pushing his lower lip forward in an adorable pout. “I mean look around! It’s the most beautiful apartment we’ve seen.”

“What about a house?”

“I like apartments better, Chanyeol, please.”

The alpha sighed. “I mean, yes, it’s beautiful, but we have to remodel on top of the price.”

“We can,” the omega said, giving him doe eyes.

The real estate agent wanted to laugh. The tall alpha seemed to be one of those who spoiled their mates, and then didn’t know how to handle them, while his partner was the perfect example of the demanding omega who hadn’t worked a day in his life. He found it really cute, and reminded him of his own mate (he was a beta, but had been lucky enough to snatch a pretty omega).


“I won’t change my mind!”

Another sigh. “Okay, if you’re sure then this one it is,” the alpha gave in. The omega smiled brightly. “We’ll like to go ahead with this one, please,” he said to the real estate agent.

“Of course, sir. Do you need the paperwork to take to your bank?”

“No need, I have the funds,” the omega said. The agent stared at him. He definitely hadn’t expected to hear that.

“Yes, we need to do this as soon as possible, we have to go back to work soon,” the alpha continued. “When do you think we can start moving?”

“Well, if you want, the paperwork can be done this same afternoon, and you can start moving whenever you like.”




“I think I traumatized that poor real estate agent,” the omega commented, as they made their way back to their car after closing the deal that afternoon.

“He’s convinced we’re crazy,” the taller agreed. He opened the door of the vehicle for Baekhyun. “I mean, seriously, what percentage of omegas work? Is it really that weird for an omega to pay for a property?”

“Less than thirty percent,” Baekhyun answered after both of them were in the car. “And considering we can’t own real estate once we’re claimed, I’m sure it must be very weird.”

“Are you sure you don’t mind that it’s on my name?”

“I am on your name, Chanyeol,” Baekhyun replied with an amused smile. “It’s fine, it’s not like I’m going to leave you.”

“It’s nice to hear that.” the alpha chuckled. “So, should we start packing?”

Baekhyun nodded. “But Sehun and Luhan’s wedding is tomorrow. We can start moving on Sunday, I guess.”

“Almost forgot about that. Are we going to tell them you’re pregnant?”

“Not yet!”

“Baek, you’re already showing,” Chanyeol said, extending his arm to give a gentle pat to his mate’s baby bump, his eyes still on the road. “It’s pretty obvious.”

“I won’t take my coat off then.”

Chanyeol chuckled. “Won’t that be suspicious?”

“Maybe on second thought we shouldn’t go to the wedding,” Baekhyun said, blushing. He hadn’t expected his belly to become so round and evident so quickly. It wasn’t too big, but it visibly contrasted with his otherwise slim frame. Since it was winter, the several layers hid it, but he had to dress formally for the wedding, and he wasn’t sure the suit would be enough.

“Baek, don’t be silly.”

“I know, I know... I guess if they ask... We can tell them.” Chanyeol smiled. “But only if they ask!”

“Okay, only if they ask,” Chanyeol said. He waited for a red light to lean in and give him a peck on the lips. “And if they do, we’ll tell our families next, right?”

The omega hesitated for a second, but said yes eventually.




“Hi, Baek!” Kyungsoo chirped brightly as he stepped into the house, followed by a not-extremely-happy Kai. “How have you been? How is the break going?”

“It’s been really goo-”

“I’m having twins!” Kyungsoo cut him off, obviously too excited about his own news.

“That’s amazing!” Chanyeol and Baekhyun said in unison. The alpha was coming down the stairs, fixing his tie.

“When did you find out?” Baekhyun asked.

“Just yesterday!” Kyungsoo exclaimed.

The omegas kept on chatting excitedly, after spending a few weeks without seeing or talking to each other. Kai had his arms crossed and was glaring at Chanyeol like it was the other alpha’s fault that he was there.

Luhan had told them a couple weeks prior that there wasn’t a lot of parking space at the hall they had rented for the wedding, and had begged everyone to try and come in groups. Kris, Jongdae and Minseok all lived too far away, so their easiest option had been Kai and Kyungsoo. Chanyeol had been tempted to use a taxi instead, but the hall was a bit far from the city, and it had seemed silly to pay the high fee only to avoid seeing Kai for a couple of hours.

“Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, let’s get going,” Chanyeol said, grabbing the keys of his car. The omegas nodded, and stepped towards the door, but Kai was blocking their way.

“You know I’m driving, right?” he said calmly.

“Who said so?” Chanyeol replied, arching an eyebrow.

“I said so,” Kai replied.

“You guys aren’t seriously going to fight for this, are you?” Baekhyun asked.

“I don’t think you can tell me what to do, Kai,” Chanyeol growled.

“Maybe I can't, just listen to your omega like you always do.”

Kyungsoo looked fearfully at the furious Chanyeol. “Kai-”

“Stay out of this, Soo,” Kai told him, and the omega lowered his head and fell silent.

“Just play rock paper scissors and stop being idiots!” Baekhyun exclaimed before the whole thing escalated.

Chanyeol’s head whipped in his direction. “What did you call me?”

“I was talking about Kai, Yeol, I swear.”

“This is ridiculous,”

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Chapter 23: 💜
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Chapter 19: Am really enjoying this story.!...would love to be binge reading but have more stressing priorities..🌹
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Chapter 8: 🥰
Ncoups #8
Chapter 19: re reading for the hundredth time and omg such a cute story I will never get tired of it 😭
Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.
Chapter 39: Re-reading this again. I miss this story so much.