
Pièce de Résistance


In the eyes of every passerby, today is any old Saturday in the middle of a bright June, and, yet, to Luhan it is so much more than that. He paces back and forth and to the pedestrians, he probably looks crazy, but he can’t help the nerves tingling in his body - if only they knew. Today marks a year since he’s met Minseok and his world still feels like it’s spinning in another direction entirely, opposite from where he had planned, because Minseok is so lovely.

Naturally, when Luhan thinks of those pretty, endearing almond shaped eyes, he should love the warmth that spreads through his body. He shouldn’t feel frightened when he thinks of the way that his heart flutters desperately against his chest, trying to break free, whenever he sees that small smile curving so cutely. He shouldn’t feel terrified at the way the butterflies erupt in his stomach when that same adorable smile parts in a cotton-like chuckle.

But he is scared.

“You haven’t been waiting for long, have you?” Yixing asks with an amused voice and Luhan snaps his gaze in the direction of his younger friend.

“No,” he says quickly and mentally slaps himself, “Not quite.”

Yixing hums in amusement, “Why didn’t you just go in and wait for me?”

Luhan scoffs as if that was the most absurd idea in the world, “Why wouldn’t I wait for you?” he counters, almost accusatory.

The younger snickers behind his hand, “I just thought it would be nice for you to spend some time with Minseok-hyung is all.”

“W-What?” Luhan stammers unintelligently, “Why would I do that? He’s your friend,” he says defensively and points a finger in Yixing’s face, “Not mine.”

“He could be,” Yixing hums as he links an arm with Luhan, “If you’d let him.”

Luhan’s eyes widen in disbelief as Yixing gently leads him towards the cafe and through the door, listening to the jingle above them from the bell. Yixing strides right up to the counter and Minseok greets him almost immediately, his lips taking that signature ‘o’ shape when he’s surprised. It’s a sort of look that Luhan thinks is positively adorable and it makes him melt as he waddles behind Yixing awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact. Simply because that’s the last thing he needs right now - his heart exploding out of his chest.

“Yah,” Minseok calls softly and Luhan finally looks up, almost dying a little at the gummy smile on Minseok’s face, “Luhan, what can I get for you?”

“Ah,” Luhan glances at the board above Minseok’s head and squints at the bright lights that list the drinks and specials, “I’ll have-”

“A mocha,” Minseok finishes, because Luhan does this every single time he comes in (that is, he stammers, looks at the board briefly and then orders the exact same thing since the day they met), “Right?”

Luhan blinks and nods, “Yeah.”

“I’m going to go sit over there, ge,” Yixing hums as he points to the seats at the far corner of the cafe and passes by him without another word, leaving Luhan all alone with Minseok.

‘Not good,’ Luhan thinks and his lips nervously, fiddling with his fingers.

Minseok reaches out across the countertop and briefly touches Luhan’s wrist, startling Luhan, and he retracts almost the second they touch, “Sorry,” he breathes, “Luhan, I was just wondering if you’d like to try the new chocolate whipped topping on your mocha instead of the vanilla this time.”

Luhan gulps and blushes, his wrist feels like it’s burning where Minseok’s soft fingers touched him, “Okay,” he murmurs and looks to Yixing who is reading a newspaper, “I’ll just be over there,” he whispers after he slides a few won towards Minseok, not bothering to accept the change.

The elder grins sheepishly and scratches the back of his head in confusion before slipping Luhan’s change into the tip jar on the counter. Minseok hums to himself as he turns to take the next customer’s order while the baristas in the back begin on the order that comes up blinking on the screen. Of course, he spares a few glances at the two sitting in the corner, horribly distracted, and punches in the customer’s order wrong before he apologizes and sets it straight.

“Japanese Sencha tea,” a barista calls and Yixing jumps from his seat and heads to the counter, leaving Luhan by himself and waiting.

Luhan fidgets with the newspaper that Yixing had been reading, folding it and unfolding it a few times before he looks up. He doesn’t look up at the ‘Pick Up’ sign where Yixing is standing, grabbing his tea, a few napkins and chatting casually with one of the workers. No, he doesn’t look to his friend. He looks instead to the ‘Place Order Here’ sign. Well, more specifically, who is standing beneath it.

And when he does, he feels caught, because Minseok is staring at him already with a soft smile on his face. It seems almost silly that he feels guilty for being caught staring, when in truth Minseok had been staring at him first, right? Yet, part of him is embarrassed still, maybe even a little shy, but he’s never been like this around anyone before in his life.

Yixing comes back happily with his hot beverage in hand. He starts talking about how an iced tea on a day like today would probably have been a better idea, but he hadn’t had this style of tea in a while and while he blabbers on, Luhan waits intently for his drink to be called. He tries his best not to look up over at the counter anymore, and instead stares at someplace above Yixing’s shoulder, spacing out entirely from what his friend is saying.

“I believe this is yours,” Minseok hums as he sits beside Luhan, catching him a little off-guard, and placing the mocha down gently in front of him on their table.

“Oh,” Luhan says surprised and looks up at the ‘Pick Up’ sign, thinking he must have missed his drink being called.

“I figured I’d take my break a few minutes early, since you’re both here.” Minseok says gently, stretching to crack his back, “I brought your drink for you, Luhan, I hope you don’t mind.”

Luhan doesn’t mind at all. What he does mind, is the close proximity to Minseok. He can feel the warmth radiating off of the elder as he sits near, can feel his presence right there next to him. Of all the times he’s visited the cafe, Minseok has only ever sat across from him.

“You didn’t bring my drink,” Yixing pouts teasingly and Minseok snorts.

“Yours was called before I could find my co-worker to relieve me.” Minseok replies and leans on the table, “Besides, I know you love to chat with my co-workers, keeping them busy as always.”

Yixing grins wide and laughs, “Always. I just love to talk.”

“I know you do.” Minseok winks and Luhan stifles a small laugh at that, because it’s true. Ever since Yixing has joined Boa’s company, he’s become quite the open and friendly chatterbox.

Minseok watches Luhan cover his laugh behind his coffee mug with soft, sparkling eyes. If anything, Minseok has been looking forward to these weekly visits from Yixing, because he always brings Luhan with him now. Of course, they see each other at other times throughout the week, but this is his only chance to see Luhan. And he would be lying if he said that he didn’t ask Yixing on one or more occasion when he can see Luhan again and again.

Luhan blushes under Minseok’s gaze and Yixing pretends not to notice, by bringing his cup of tea to his lips and taking a long sip while eyeing the newspaper still spread on the table. Minseok is practically beaming at Luhan, his smile like a thousand suns - too bright, too warm, too wonderful. Luhan can only smile sheepishly back, feeling his heart thud painfully in his chest, but it’s a good sort of pain.

To think that Luhan has been on the receiving end of those pretty smiles for a year now makes his heart explode in his chest and he has to force himself to sigh before he giggles uncontrollably at the way that Minseok is making him feel. How, he wonders, could a year go by so fast and yet so slowly all at once? All this time, and still he has never come to see Minseok on his own.

Perhaps it’s partially due to the way that Minseok makes him feel. Even just thinking about the elder has his body thrumming with a delightfully nervous anticipation and has heat rising to his cheeks. Yet a year of these small conversations on Saturdays that seem to be reserved for the three friends, is still not enough to calm down the frantic beating of Luhan’s heart.

After a year, one would think that a crush would simmer down, that it would be easier for him to control himself. The pitter-patter of his heart has only grown worse with every smile Minseok throws him and his mouth goes dry whenever he tries to speak, instead sounding like a bumbling idiot. If it weren’t for Yixing’s presence to save their conversations, as frequently as he does, from descending into painful silence or awkward rambles, Luhan is sure that he would have never been able to muster up enough courage to talk to someone like Kim Minseok.

Luhan looks away from Minseok’s bright expression in embarrassment, reaching for his coffee once more and letting his fingers curl around the white mug. Minseok’s grin doesn’t fade as he watches and then he turns his attention to Yixing, who is still pretending to examine the newspaper. He chuckles and slips his hand into his pocket, pulling his cellphone from the black apron wrapped around his waist and he smiles at the date that appears.

“Ah,” Minseok hums looking down at his phone’s screen trying to gain Luhan’s attention, and possibly Yixing’s as well, “Would you look at the date.” he comments casually.

Luhan glances from his mug and peers at Minseok waiting for him to explain himself. Yixing does too, tapping his foot patiently to the beat of a track playing on the radio in the small shop. Minseok holds up his phone, the date clear on his lockscreen as he shows it to them both.

“It’s been a year,” Minseok grins and Luhan his head to the side in confusion. It’s not possible that Minseok remembers today too…?

“A year since what?” Yixing prompts, taking a sip of his tea once more and Minseok flushes a shade of pink that looks really adorable on his cheeks.

“A year since we started doing this.” Minseok says and Yixing still looks a little lost, but Luhan’s heart is in his throat.

“Hyung?” Yixing questions and Minseok puts his phone back in his pocket, feeling a little shy.

“It’s been a year since the three of us first met here,” Minseok explains and Yixing snorts into a fit of chuckles as Luhan’s face turns bright red.

“Has it really?” Yixing asks with an amused smile, “That means it’s been a year since you two met.”

Luhan swallows hard, “You remember something like that?” he means for this to sound like he’s teasing, but it comes out a little bashful and almost as if he’s flattered.

Minseok nods and places a gentle hand over Luhan’s, not minding the way that Luhan flinches away from the touch, “It’s been a fun year, I’ve really enjoyed spending so much time with you.” he says and then he looks to Yixing, taking his hand across the table, “Both of you.”

Yixing gets the feeling that Minseok would have left him out if his hyung weren’t so polite and considerate. If there’s anything he’s learned since introducing the two of his friends, it’s that Luhan really enjoys Minseok’s company even though he tries to let on otherwise and Minseok definitely adores Luhan, without a single doubt. He’s glad that he’s able to bring the two together like this, but he can’t help wondering when these two will stop acting so coy and just date each other already, because it’s killing him to see what could be a sweet relationship.

Not twenty minutes later is Minseok’s break over and he’s saying goodbye to his friends, promising that next week they’ll meet again and share more stories and drinks. Luhan watches Minseok walk away, his small frame slipping behind the counter and he can’t help but smile as he thinks about next weekend. He already can’t wait to see Minseok again, but they haven’t even left yet.

Yixing grins and gently nudges Luhan under the table, before he collects their dishes and brings them to the bin at the end of the counter. He says a cheerful goodbye to the workers there and then walks with Luhan to the front door of the cafe, making sure to turn back and wave to Minseok who waves back eagerly regardless of the customer trying to give him their order.

The two dancers walk side by side as they travel to the subway station. The sun is still out, bright and warm and inviting them to enjoy the rest of their afternoon, but they’re both feeling pretty tired. Yixing is especially exhausted, because he’s been given a lead role and Boa has been working him to the bone. Luhan feels a little less exhausted physically, but he’s still tired from the exertion of having to keep up with Yixing’s pace as his understudy while simultaneously learning the background choreo.

Once they’re aboard the subway, Yixing sits on a seat, sprawling his legs across the aisle near the back where it doesn’t really matter if he does so or not and Luhan plops down next to him. Luhan rests his head against Yixing’s shoulder, yawning and stretching like a cat when he does and Yixing snickers, petting his head.

“Quit it,” Luhan mumbles in Chinese, swatting at Yixing’s hand and Yixing laughs a little louder.

Between the silence of the cart and the rumbling of the subway as it roars over the tracks, squeaks at the bends and squeals at the stops, Yixing finds it in him to finally get out what’s been on his mind for a while.

“I think Minseok likes you,” he says casually, still speaking in Chinese now that it’s just him and Luhan.

Luhan chokes on nothing, jolting in his seat, blaming it on the way that the subway stopped so abruptly. Yixing watches him in amusement, especially at the way that his eyes go wide and his cheeks pale pink in embarrassment of such a notion. He opens his mouth to protest, but the ding of the subway as the doors begin to close and the announcement of the next station throws off his own train of thought.

“He’s always asking about you,” Yixing comments and smiles cheekily, “He’s interested, Lu-ge.”

“Interested?” Luhan asks, stressing the word, “What does that even mean?”

Yixing shrugs, “Interested in you, I guess.”

Luhan sighs softly as he thinks about Minseok, pretty, sweet Minseok with those nicest smile and the cutest personality and the most brilliant wit…

“Interested in me?” Luhan reiterates and Yixing nods, squeezing his shoulder gently.

“You’re not seeing anyone now, are you?” Yixing pries and Luhan shakes his head quickly, “Then why not-”

“No,” Luhan stammers, cutting his friend off and it’s probably rude, but he doesn’t want the idea to be put out into the open, it’s too much for him right now.

“What?” Yixing asks confused, straining his neck to look at Luhan in the face who has all but turned away from him to watch the passing tiles on the wall of the subway tunnels.

“Don’t say it,” Luhan whispers, voice barely audible over the sounds the cart makes, “I can’t.”

Yixing blinks in confusion and frowns suddenly, “Why not?”

“I’m not,” Luhan sighs in frustration, turning to look up at Yixing and the younger is startled to see that there are unshed tears in his eyes, “I’m not ready.” he croaks and Yixing is shocked.

They resume a silent ride, but not before Yixing pulls Luhan to his chest for a hug that he won’t let him out of until Luhan’s station is announced and Yixing has to let him go. Luhan whispers a soft apology to Yixing before he scurries off the cart and into the cold subway station and Yixing watches in despair as his friend slumps away, wondering what could have hurt Luhan so much to brings tears to his eyes in a public place. It seems so out of character of his friend and he wants more than anything to comfort him… but he doesn’t know what to comfort him from.

Luhan enters his apartment building with a few things weighing on his mind, his conscience, and his heart. He feels heavy, dragging himself from the lobby to the elevator and then up to the fourth floor and into his own place. He doesn’t even have the energy to remove his outdoor clothing as he plops down onto his couch in the space he calls a living room. His eyes shut tight against the world and he tries to will the feelings and thoughts away from himself so that he can sleep, but he can’t.

There is simply too much on Luhan’s mind to allow him any rest and he’s thankful that tomorrow is Sunday, because he feels like he won’t have the energy needed to get up early in the morning and go to a practice. He doesn’t even think he’s going to have the energy to move off of his couch for the rest of the afternoon, so he makes himself comfortable, kicking off his shoes and burying his face into one of the cushions, groaning loudly muffled into the plushness.

“Minseok likes you,”

Those words ring in Luhan’s ears, an echo that he can’t get out of his head. He likes to think that he would like Minseok too if he weren’t terrified of the way he feels. Because the last time he felt like this, at least the last time he thought he felt like this, he had hurt. And he’ll do anything in his power to keep that same pain from happening all over again.

As much as Luhan would like to say that he fell asleep feeling warm and fuzzy about Minseok, he instead falls asleep dreading the past as it resurfaces and one single name falls from his lips as he cries softly in his sleep -


Okay, yeah, I know it's been like... 3 months... And so I should probably have some amazing and well-written update for you all?? Unfortunately, all I have is this. But I was working full time and I was also taking summer courses and had no time to update anything. And now that I'm back to being in school full time while working part time, I don't know how much time I will have to update until maybe Christmas time? But enough excuses! I also realize that in 'Grand Pas de Deux' that I used Yifan as a character, but for all intensive purposes, in this fic, Kris and Yifan are two different people. I can't promise when I'll have the next chapter out, but I will be working on it as I get the chance to do so! In the meantime, I'd like to thank all of you for sticking around and for subscribing and reading and whatnot! Truly, it means a lot to me :) xo, TadaChi

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Chapter 2: Oooooooooh intrique~
trishplusmama #2
202226 #3
Chapter 2: Woww i just saw your name and sub immidiatly!
hamsterxiu #5
Chapter 1: Whoa this is so lovely ♥
Chapter 1: and I'm in love with the story too. it's been awhile i read café aus. this is so good..
Chapter 1: Ahhh this was so nice. Update soon~ ♥
I love the first chapter so much omg ;;__;; <3

Thank you so much for this ;AAA;
Chapter 1: yixing playing cupid i see u boi i see u :D