when god laughs

then she walked into my life

A/N: Hi. I know it's been a while. My brain has been swimming with all the possible directions this story could go and I'm having a hard time settling on one. This chapter's not very long but I wanted to post something to show I haven't abandoned this. My plan as of now is try to update once a week and at the very least, once every two weeks.

Also this is so un-beta'd it hurts.

Again, thank you for reading and if you feel so inclined, subscriptions, comments, and constructive criticisms are greatly appreciated!


Momo thought she had gotten over her 'crushing on straight girls' phase a long time ago. She was older. She was wiser. She knew better. The odds of Mina being anything other than straight were not good. As far as Momo knew, she herself was the only lesbian in the department. Of course, there were plenty of other people on the spectrum but no other girls strictly into girls. It was exceedingly rare to get someone who transferred into the school anyways and in Momo’s mind, there was absolutely no chance that the one student who had would swing that way, as much as she wanted it to be true.

And yet here she was, unable to keep her mind from wandering to her. It was nearly impossible for Momo not to notice the red-head. Mina seemed to be integrating into the department fairly well and it seemed like no matter where Momo went, she was there too. She hoped she wasn’t being too creepy but she couldn’t stop herself from sneaking glances every five minutes, hoping to catch a glimpse of her smile or her laughing, hand covering . Mina was obviously shy but she was clearly getting comfortable around everyone and those smiles and laughs Momo was coming to adore came out more and more often.

With the exception of Momo. Because god forbid she should be able to act naturally around a girl she liked. It was dumb; she had barely exchanged more than a couple greetings with the girl but each time it happened, it turned Momo into a stuttering mess. She was convinced the other girl thought she was slow and as much as Momo wanted to prove her wrong, it was like she just couldn’t get her brain to cooperate with the rest of her body.

If this kept up, this would be an exceptionally long semester.




Momo slammed the door shut behind her, feeling like a dead man walking. She shuffled over to the couch, dropped her bag beside it, and proceeded to promptly face-plant into the cushions.

“Sweet relief.” She groaned. 

Momo heard a door shut and footsteps coming closer but before she could even look up to greet her roommate she was being smushed further into the couch as her roommate leapt on her back.

The blonde yelped at the sudden weight on her back and yelled, “Yoo Jungyeon, do you wanna die?!”. The threat didn’t quite carry the weight she wanted being muffled by the couch cushions. Jungyeon just cackled at the other girl's pain as she bounced on top of Momo a few times for good measure before finally rolling off onto the floor. “Considering you look the walking dead, I’m not that scared.”

“Shut it, Yoo. I had class all day and callbacks just got done-” she raised her head briefly to look at her phone “-at 11 and in approximately two hours, I’ll have been up for a full 24.”

“Damn. How’d that happen?”

“First week of school.” The blonde girl rolled over onto her back and stretched out, groaning. “Callbacks were rough. I didn’t realize how hard fight choreography is.”

Jungyeon cocked her head, focused on Momo. “You think it went well at least?”

“As well as it could’ve considering I knew nothing about what I was doing.”

“When does the list go up?”

“Sometime tonight. Which means if you need me, I’ll be in my room refreshing the page over and over again.”

Jungyeon chuckled. “Well, while you’re doing that, I’ll be making pasta. I’ve been craving it all day. You in?”

Momo felt start to salivate at the thought. “Hell yes. I haven’t eaten since 2. You are a godsend.” She hauled herself up and followed Jungyeon into the kitchen, watching the other girl pulling out ingredients. A sudden pang of guilt shot through her.

“How’s your week been? I feel like I’ve been ing non-stop.” Momo said, a tinge of guilt coloring her voice. She hadn't really asked the other girl about how her week had gone as she was so wrapped up in other things.

“Don't worry about it." Jungyeon smiled good-naturedly at the blonde and shrugged. It's been pretty boring really. You can only go through so many syllabi until they all start to blur together. Chem might be a though.”

“That’s what you get for majoring in biology.”

“Hey at least I know how to talk to my classmates.”

Momo sighed. “You’re bringing that up? Really? I told you, I’m not avoiding her.”

Jungyeon raised an eyebrow. “You literally just told me last night that you’ve haven’t been down in the basement all week since school started because you don’t want to run into her and quote “make an out of yourself” unquote.”

“Okay, so I might be a little intimidated by her. ”

Jungyeon dropped the package of pasta she was holding dramatically and flung a hand over her heart, feigning disbelief. “The great, unflappable Hirai Momo intimidated? , I gotta meet this girl and give her an award for achieving the impossible.”

“Nice. Yoo got jokes.” Momo stuck her tongue out at her.

“I'd find that funnier if you hadn’t already used it a thousand times. Nice try.” The short-haired girl broke apart the pasta and plopped it into the boiling water as she spoke, “Personally I think you’re making a big deal out of nothing but that’s just me. You've barely talked to her.”

“I know, I know. It’s just, you know how I am. It takes me forever to warm up to people.”

“I hear you. And I’m just saying, with your department as small as it is, you’re gonna have to talk to her eventually.”

Momo rolled her eyes at the other girl. “It’s annoying when you’re right, you know that?”

Jungyeon grinned. “I know. Now go shower, you stink.”


It was pure luck that Jungyeon was able to dodge the pepper that was promptly hurled at her.




Momo sat back in the booth grumbling, “Why do I even bother being on time when she’s always late?” She had made plans to meet with Dahyun at Iggy's near their campus to decompress and in true fashion, Dahyun was late. Again. With a deep sigh, Momo pulled out her phone and checked her email. Her nerves fluttered as she saw an email from Professor Bae, the email subject titled, “SCENES”. As she clicked on it, the curiosity of who her partner would be gnawed at her. After what seemed like an eternity, the email finally loaded and Momo scanned the list.

"Jackson with Sana, Chaeyoung and Jo Kwon, Jihyo and Hwasa....where's mine?". She finally found it and as she read it, her jaw dropped. That was how Dahyun found her when she arrived. The younger girl slid into the booth and rambled off apologies. “Sorry, traffic was absolute and-" only noticing when Momo hadn't said anything yet, which was unusual.

"….Uh, you okay?” 

Momo stared off into space, muttering, “God hates me. That’s the only explanation.”

Dahyun snapped her fingers into front of the other girl’s face only to get no response. “Momo? Earth. To. Momo.” She looked at her for a few seconds before socking her in the arm. Momo was finally jolted out of her stupor and rubbed her arm, looking wounded.

“What the hell, Dubu?”

“Sorry but you looked straight up catatonic, like you saw a ghost or something.”

“I might as well have.” Momo leaned forward and rubbed her eyes. “I just got an email from my acting teacher. She gave us our scene and scene partners. Three guesses as to whom I’m paired with.”

Dahyun scrunched up her forehead thoughtfully. “I….hm. Gimme a sec. Is it Jihyo?”

Momo shook her head. “Nope.”


“Nuh uh.”

“Jo Kwon.”

“God I wish. No, it’s Mina. So it’s official. God hates me. He is laughing at me. There is no other explanation.”

“Mina? As in THE Mina?”

“How many other Minas do I know? Yes, that Mina!”

A smirk grew across Dahyun’s face. “Well heeeeyyy. Lucky you, getting paired up with your crush.”

Momo groaned, still “And you wanna know the icing on the cake? I just looked up the play we’re doing our scene from, something called Stop Kiss and my character ends up falling in love with hers.”

“Holy . No way!" Dahyun exclaimed. "Dude, you should be on your knees thanking God for providing such a prime opportunity.”

“Prime opportunity my . It’s bad enough I already have a crush on her and we’re doing this but I haven’t even talked to her AND I’m like 100% sure she’s straight.”

“You don’t know that?”

“She is like, epitome of straight girl.” Momo put her head in her hands and groaned again. “Maybe I can get Professor Bae to put me with someone else.”

Dahyun pointed her finger emphatically at the blonde. “Don’t you dare. So she’s not gay. You can live vicariously through this. Even if romance doesn't blossom, you can at least get to know her. And if worst comes to worst, nothing will have changed.”




In the spirit of actually attempting to keep her resolutions of staying on top of school, Momo resolved to actually read the play her scene was from before next class. So what if she had waited until the night before to start? At least she was doing it. Except it had only been about an hour and all Momo wanted to do was bang her head against the desk. If she had thought reading the play’s description was bad, it was nothing compared to the actual play. As she steadily got further and further into it, she still couldn’t believe it. The whole situation was bad enough but just to add to it, the scene Professor Bae had given them was essentially the two characters tip-toeing around their newfound attraction to one another.

“Honestly, what are the odds?” Momo shook her head. “I’m being dumb. It’s just acting. It’s all pretend.” 


Except Momo wished it wasn't. Maybe that's what was making this so hard

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MIMOnster #1
Chapter 5: get drunk🤣🤣🤣 and get ur girl hirai🥰🥰🥰🥰🐧🍑🚨
MIMOnster #2
Chapter 4: maybe one day 🤣🤣🤣
jungiehess #3
Chapter 7: Good story
kli678 #5
Chapter 7: Really wonderful story authornim! Absolutely loved it :) School things are a pain... I'm in my 2nd year now but college is definitely tough (T ^ T) Its a bit early but Congratulations! ^^ Although I'm sad you're not writing long chapters I'll still be looking forward to your one shots!
youthwen #6
Chapter 7: in conclusion, alcohol is the best thing when u need to confess lol. when it doesn't go well, act dumb and blame it all on the alcohol but when it works u can run straight off to the bed and continue (strike off).
Thank you so much for the wonderful story author nim!!
Chapter 6: I have literally read the entire thing in one night (I'm loosing a couple of hours of sleep). Damn, it's so good can't wait for the next chapter. Will mina finally tell momo? Ahhhh why you not update?! Lol
lowkii #8
Chapter 6: I'm so excited for the next chapter; Lmao so now the plot thickens... I wonder how Jo knew Mina's gay in here
skydawn_xp #9
Chapter 6: OMG please post chapter 7 already
hani88 #10
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Brilliant chapter as usual! Mimo must happen...like...now