
Race to your heart

Mina and her crew were sitting in their tent that they set up for the race. There was still four vacant spots left. They decided to wait for another fifteen minutes before commencing the race. No one really approached them to start a small talk, looking to them as if they were superior beings that would not talk to anyone but those that have been in the trade for years with a lot of experience. They couldn't approach the rest without being feared either so they arrived at a standstill and gave up long ago, hence giving the crew a cold image. Chaeyoung sighed as she leaned back in her chair.

'How do you think today's race will go?' Chaeyoung asked to no one in particular. 

'Maybe that red muscle over there could be a potential competitor but we'll see.' Jeongyeon replied as she  spun her set of spanners around like a butterfly knife. 

'I saw his car start up just now, sounds a little choked.' Nayeon said as she used the of a screwdriver to poke Jihyo's ribs, making the girl glare at her assaulter. 

'Is there any real competition here though? Like seriously.' Jihyo asked and Mina shrugged. 

'Probably only ourselves. Treat this race as a mentor session for the rest I guess.' Mina sighed and leaned into her seat. 

Just then, there was a sound of a new car driving in. The crew looked over to the entrance, trying to get a glimspe of the newcomer. They saw a sleek white Ford Mustang GT350 drive past the pits and towards the tent that the crew were in. It had a modified blank front bumper, a extra fromt and back fender extentions, orange wheel rims and a low spoiler on the back. Down the centre of the white car were two thick black lines with two thinner orange lines to go wih it. The windows were tinted black and they couldn't see the driver but the car definitely caught some attention for it's sleek looks. The car took a empty spot beside Jeongyeon's car before the engine got cut off. The car doors swung open and out stepped a pair of attractive ladies.

The was blonde was wearing a white pullover with a heart on the front with a pair of dark grey jeans and white shoes. Her hair flowed perfectly over her shoulders. The other girl, had light ash brown hair and airy bangs. She was wearing a light pinkish striped shirt which had a grey collar at the neckline and cuffs at the sleeves to make it look as if it's double layered. She had a pair of dark denim shorts and black shoes to complete the look.

They looked around, seemingly hesitant to approach anyone so Jihyo got up from her chair and approached them.

'Hello there!' Jihyo said with enthusiam as the two girls turned to her. 'Here to join the race?' 

'Erm yea.. Do we have to sign up? Or do we just go straight up to the start point?' the brown hair girl asked. 

'There isn't really a registration list so you can feel free to just head to the start point. There are still three more empty slots since you already took one and..' Jihyo trailled off to check the time and how coincidental, their fifteen minutes was up. 'We're starting right now. So yea do go get ready and prepare for the race now. By the way, I'm Park Jihyo.' the girl introduced herself with a wide smile, large eyes narrowing into halfmoons. She extended a hand fora handshake and the brown haired girl took her hand first, shaking it firmly with a slight bow. 

'I'm Momo and this is my friend, Sana.' the brown haired girl introduced and let go of Jihyo's hand which the other girl then took and shook it lightly with another bow. 

'You two don't sound like you're from Korea. Japanese perhaps?' 

'Yes we are.' 

'Then you'll be happy to meet the leader of my crew. She's Japanese too.' Jihyo said. 'I better go get ready now.' the black haired girl said and jogged back to the tent, not forgetting to wave to the two girls. 

'So Jihyo, they're in?' Jeongyeon asked, gaze fixated on the brown haired girl which was currently smiling at something the blonde told her. 

'Yep, and just on time too. Fifteen minutes is up so let's go Jeong, time to head for the starting point.' Jihyo said as she tossed her car keys in the air and snatched it out of the air. 

Jihyo and Jeongyeon then got into their cars and started up the engines. The two drove off and left Chaeyoung and Mina at the tent to look over their things. The distinct low rumble of the Lamborghini's V-10 engines stood out amongst every car that was present and the strong growl of the Chevrolet Corvette Z06 resounded around the docking area.

The two cars drove to the starting line. As if there was a imaginary force field around the cars, the people parted around it, giving it ample room to move. They were either intimidated by the car or the driver but Jeongyeon thinks its both. The mustang wasn't far behind and it too, attracted some stares. Afterall, it was the most decent looking muscle car that was present for the race.

The racers gathered together for a short briefing conducted by Nayeon on the rules and regulations and also the prize money for each position. 

The first race for the night was between Momo's mustang and another competitor's silver SUV. Nayeon was the flag girl today. She stood between the two cars and held up a light baton. Smoke filled the starting point as the cars revved, preparing to launch the moment the signal was given. Nayeon looked at both cars and at the count of three, she lighted up the baton and the cars sped off in a cloud of smoke. The Mustang, having a 0-60 of under four seconds, had already left the SUV far behind. The mustang had a lead of about one meter when they sped past the finish line. It was a clean cut win. 

Momo got out of her car and Sana excitedly shook her friend by the shoulders. They had a short break before the start of the second round and Sana was very proud of Momo. 

'I knew all that practice would pay off someday!' Sana said and slapped Momo's arm, the older girl gave a lop sided grin at her bestfriend. 

With her friend's encouragement, Momo was determined to win. She pulled up to the start line and waited for her opponent to arrive. The sound of a fierce engine roared as a Chevrolet Corvette Z06 pulled up next to her. The window rolled down to reveal a smiling Jeongyeon. Momo rolled down her window as well.

'Good luck! I'm not going to go easy on you!' Jeongyeon shouted.

'Oh yea? We'll see about that!' Momo shouted back.

They broke their eye contact and focused on Nayeon who was between the two cars, light baton in each hand. Jeongyeon revved her engine and eyed the meter, making sure to keep it in her best rpm range. Momo couldn't afford a bad wheelspin start if she wanted to win against the corvette. She had her parking brake engaged and was working the throttle and the clutch with absolute concentration. Nayeon mentally counted to three and switched the baton on. Both cars released the brakes and shot off, leaving a cloud of smoke behind. 

The two cars were neck and neck, each performing a perfect shift, not leaving a room for error or the opponent might win. The finish line was just 500 meters away and they were coming in hot. Momo floored the accelerator and tapped her fingers on the wheel. Come on come on come on

Jeongyeon's jaw dropped. The mustang had beat her by a fraction of a second. They turned back around and headed for the starting point for the last race of the night. The moment Momo stepped out to talk to Sana, the blonde pounced onto her and rubbed her face into Momo's neck like a puppy excited to see its owner after a long day. Momo patted the excited girl's back and Sana stepped back. 

'You were amazing there and oh my gosh you actually won a race against a member of Twice! Even more amazing!' Sana said and hopped infront of Momo. 

'My number one fan is here watching me so of course I have to win.' Momo said and patted the younger girl's head. A horn was blown and she turned Sana around by the shoulders. 

'Off you go now, the race is starting.' Momo said as she gently pushed Sana off and the other girl happily hopped off, not forgetting to turn around and raise two fist in the air. 'Fighting!', Sana mouthed and Momo raised both her fists. 'Fighting!' Momo mouthed back before getting in the car. 'What a dork..' Momo chuckled to herself as she fastened her seatbelt. 

Momo was very surprised when a Lamborghini Huracán pulled up next to her car at the staring line. 

'Hey!' Jihyo shouted, wide smile plastered on her face. 

'I'm racing you? There's no way I can win against this!' Momo said and pointed at her car.

'Just try! You'll never know! Miracles do happen sometimes!' Jihyo said and gave Momo a thumbs up. Momo nodded, unconvinced but she wasn't going to back out of this.

The two drivers prepared themselves. Tires screeched and white smoke filled the starting line yet again. Nayeon lighted up the baton and the two cars were off. It wasn't much of a competition since the results were pretty expected and it was definitely no surprise that Jihyo passed the finish line first, with a wide gap between her and Momo. Although a little dejected, Momo was happy that she had the chance to race against a well known crew member. She docked her car back at her previous spot and walked over to Jihyo who had just shut her car door. 

'Good race.' Momo said with a grin.

'You were actually pretty good though. Usually I would have shaken the others off my tail and left them almost three seconds behind but you were surprisngly only about a second away which is pretty good.' Jihyo said, truly surprised at Momo's performance. 'You've been in many races before?' 

'Nope this is honestly my first but I've been practicing.' Momo explained.

Jihyo was amazed at the rookie's skills. She was about to ask Mina to come assess the rookie's skills because she was very keen on asking Momo to be a part of the crew but Mina was no where in sight. Jihyo pondered for a second but made her decision anyway.

'Follow me, and bring your car, I'd like to have my mechanic take a look at what's under the hood.' Jihyo said with a wink. Momo panicked a little but the shorter girl placed an assuring hand on her shoulder. 'Don't worry, I'm not accusing you of cheating or anything. Just offering a free engine tuning session. I'd like to talk more with you anyway.' Momo nodded looking a little more relaxed. She was about to get into her car when she remembered that she should tell Sana before disappearing incase the other girl couldn't find her but she couldn't see Sana anywhere amongst the crowd. She looked back to Jihyo who was waiting in the tent and got into the car. Sana wasn't a kid despite looking like one anyway, she can handle herself. 

'Welcome to the temporary crib. I'm Jeongyeon, your resident mechanic.' a girl with blue overalls  and a black snapback said as Momo stepped out of the car. 

'Pop the hood Jeong and tune her up a little.' Jihyo instructed as she walked over to the cooler box to fetch some drinks. Jeongyeon looked at Momo who nodded.

'Aye aye captain.' Jeongyeon said and opened the driver's side of the door. She bent down and felt around the side near the peddals and pulled a flap. She then shut the door and walked to the front of the mustang. Slipping her fingers under the hood, she pulled another tab and lifted the hood, revealing the V-8. Jeongyeon's eyes gleamed as she rubbed her hands together. She then grabbed a tool box and began working on the car. Momo found Jeongyeon's actions highly amusing, like a kid that was given candy for the first time.

'Don't mind her while she fixes your car up, she's always like that when she gets to touch a new engine other than the usuals.' Jihyo said and handed the brown haired girl a can of soda which she accepted gratefully. Chaeyoung and Nayeon dragged three chairs towards them and slid one towards Momo who nodded in thanks. The four girls sat down and made themselves comfortable. 

'Might be a little weird to ask but is Sana your girlfriend or something?' Jihyo asked cautiously, not wanting to accidentally offend or provoke a new friend but Momo didn't seem to mind.

'Nope, she's just my best friend that is also interested in racing. Pretty much because of me though, I might have influenced her.' Momo smiled sheepishly and Chaeyoung laughed.

'Ah, sorry, usually when I see racers come with a companion they're usually a couple.' Jihyo explained and gave a apologetic smile to which Momo just shook her head and waved her hand infront of her.

They sat in silence and listened to the sound of Jeongyeon working on the car. The mechanic then broke the silence.

'Wow your car is actually in pretty good condition although there are a few things that need a little fixing.' Jeongyeon said while tightening a nut. 

'I try to tune it as much as as my abilities let me but I usually just do the basic ones with the help of my trusty manual.' Momo said.

'So uh, is racing a hobby or just something that you're interested in right now?' Jihyo asked and sipped her drink. 

'It's actually a hobby. Usually I head to a empty dirt road to practice and Sana would be there to kinda monitor my performance and tell me how I did.' 

'Sana's a racer too?' 

'If it's drag racing then yea if its street racing then it's definitely not her thing.' 

Jihyo nodded thoughtfully. 

'You see, I actually have plans to recruit you into the crew but I still need the opinion of our leader' Jihyo uses her fingers to emphasize on the word leader. 'But I'm sure she's cool with it. Afterall, we all saw your performance and its pretty damn good. Sana could join too if she wants. Although we didn't get to see some action from her today, we could assess it some other day.' 

'I second that!' Chaeyoung said, raising a fist into the air. 

'Me two!' Jeongyeon called out from behind the hood. 

'Me three.' Nayeon said, raising her soda can.

'So, its all up to you now. You have the final say. What will it be?' Jihyo asked.

Momo smiled and nodded. 

'It's an honor that we both would gladly accept.'



Mina had driven her car to a more secluded spot near a lake which was a little away from the tent. Her black car was hidden in the pitch dark surroundings, making her hidden in plain sight. She was sitting on the hood of her car, back leaning against the windscreen and legs stretched out comfortable over the hood. She had been stargazing for the past few minutes after managing to sneak off half way through the race. It was a peaceful cooling night. Not too humid which was good and not too warm either. The cool night breeze blew against her skin, relaxing her and making her feel sleepy at the same time. She closed her eyes to get some shut eye but just as she did, she heard a twig snap on her left. 

Sana had been pacing back and forth, wondering if she should approach the girl that seemed to be asleep on her car. Her Japanese heritage reminded her that bothering someone was not a good thing but then again, she was curious about the other girl. The copper blonde haired girl had caught her eyes when Jihyo was talking to them eariler. Even though the girl was just sitting there watching as her friends conversed, something about her attracted Sana's attention. Perhaps it was her aura of elegance and mysteriosity. She decided to just wing it and approach the dark racer. She had wanted to approach quietly so as to not disturb the resting girl but she stepped on a twig and it snapped, making the girl look in her direction. The two made eye contact before Sana averted her eyes to the ground, feeling a little intimidated by Mina's stare. 

'Is someone looking for me?' Mina asked.

'Ah.. No.. I saw you here alone and wondered if I could join you.' Sana said dipping her head. Mina had wanted to say no because if she was here alone it was obviously because she wanted her own alone time but something about the standing girl made her unable to reject her. She then found herself unconsciously scooting over and patting the hood, a gesture for Sana to join her. Sana's eyes widened and she walked briskly over and sat down beside Mina. The girl laid back down on the windscreen and Sana mirrored her actions. 

'So what brings you here?' Mina asked. 'I'm pretty sure I don't know you at all but I did see Jihyo talking to you and your friend eariler.' 

'Oh I forgot to introduce myself.' the blonde said, sitting up and turning her upper body to face Mina. 'I'm Minatozaki Sana, but you can call me Sana.' said girl extended a hand for a handshake. Mina looked at the girl's hand and back at her face before placing her own hand into the awaiting open palm. 

'Myoui Mina.' Mina said shortly and Sana nodded, laying back down on the windscreen.

'That friend of mine is Hirai Momo. She's a racer too. Jihyo said that we would be happy to meet you since you're Japanese too.' Sana said and looked over to the girl who currently had her eyes closed. 

'Are you happy to meet me?' Mina asked, sounding a little sleepy. 

'Yea, I am.' Sana said honestly and looked at the resting girl. The blonde couldn't help but stare as her flawless pale skin seemed to be glowing with soft radiance In the dim moonlight. The black pullover was slightly raised since her right arm was behind her head as a cushion, it exposed a bit of her abs which caused Sana to almost have a heart attack. With her classic denim jeans and black shoes, she was absolutely stunning to the blonde despite being so casual. She also had a black wristwatch on her left hand which was resting on her stomach. She watched her stomach rise and fall with every breath she took and wondered how does such a attractive person even exist when a smile broke out on the resting girl's face.

'Enjoying the view? I never thought you were the creeper kind Minatozaki.' Mina hummed and Sana immediately turned her head back up to the sky. A pink hue spread across her cheeks. 

'Sorry, it's just that you're really stunning.' Sana said truthfully. 

'Why thank you. It isn't everyday I hear this kinda compliment. I could say the same for you too.' Mina said as she looked Sana over. Sana felt her heart speed up. 

'You're a racer?' Sana asked and Mina only nodded. 

'Not racing today?' Mina shook her head. 

'Not much of a challenge for me today.' Mina said simply.

'I'll take that you're one of the best racers?' Sana asked.

'Yours truely.'

The blonde was the one doing most of the talking; about her life, hobbies and anything that came to mind which is a lot since she tends to have a lot of random thoughts. The quieter of the two nodded most of the time but also asked some questions about the other girl. 

'How about you? You pretty much know everything about me now.. How about yourself?' Sana asked.

'Maybe next time, if we meet again.' Mina said simply. 

Sana decided to stop talking since she felt like she was disturbing Mina's peace. Ten minutes passed and Mina broke the silence first.

'Stopped talking?' Mina said as she sat up. 

'I thought I was disturbing you.' Sana said shyly as she sat up and crossed her legs, twiddling her fingers. Mina thought that the girl looked like a squrirrel that had been scolded. 

'Cute.' Mina smirked and hopped off the hood to walk closer to the lake. Sana followed her and stood beside her at the edge of the lake. 

'Can you swim?' Mina asked out of the blue. 

'W-why?' Sana asked feeling a little scared that Mina was asking a question like this by a lake. Is she going to push me in? 

'Just asking. Relax, I'm not thinking of pushing you in or anything. I'm not that bad am I?' Mina chuckled when she saw the other girl's panicked expression. 'So you can't swim?'

'Ah.. I can swim but I haven't in a long time.' Sana said, feeling a little relieved.

Mina nodded and looked across the lake. She looked around and saw some pebbles on the floor. She picked some up and tried to skip them across the lake. Sana watched in amusement as most of the pebbles just sank the moment they hit the water's surface. She thought that Mina's small frown and pout whenever her stone sank was very cute. 

'Could I have a go?' Sana asked and Mina offered her a pebble. Sana took a flat pebble from Mina's hand.

'You need a flat pebble if you want to skip it across the lake. A round one would just sink. Throw it low like how you would throw a card to make it fly.' Sana said before she bent down a little and pulled her right hand back and tossed the stone horizontally. The stone skipped across the lake three times before sinking with a small 'plop' sound. Mina watched closely and tried to imitate Sana's movements. She found a flat pebble and pulled her right arm back like how Sana did. She looked at the blonde who nodded and she tossed the pebble as hard as she could. Mina thought that it would sink again but it managed to skip four times before sinking with another 'plop'. Sana beamed and clapped, lightly bouncing on her toes and Mina smiled. 

The two then fell back into silence and enjoyed the now stronger night breeze blowing against their face. Suddenly, Sana's phone rang in her pocket and she dug it out and saw that it was Momo calling her. 

'Hello?' Sana said a little quietly, not wanting to disrupt the silence. Mina didn't seem to mind and continued to look at the sky. 

'I'm nearby. What is it? Alright alright I'll be right over.' Sana said and ended the call. 

'Need to go?' Mina asked.

'Yea, back to the tent.' Sana said as she stuffed her phone back in her back pocket. Mina hummed and nodded. 

'I.. Guess I'll see you around?' Sana said and Mina looked at her. Their eyes met and they stared at each other. Mina blinked and nodded. Sana tilted her head and walked off with a smile on her face. 

Mina watched as Sana's walked back to the tent before going to her car and getting inside. She sat inside and inhaled deeply. Mina thought that Sana was one bright cookie for daring to approach her despite the cold aura that she had. Definitely a unique little one.



'Hey Momo.' Sana said as she walked into the tent. She spotted her friend sitting in a circle with Jihyo, a black haired girl with bangs like jihyo and another short haired girl. 

'Hi. This is Twice, the host of today's race.' Momo said and pointed at the other people aroujd the tent. 

'I'm Son Chaeyoung, the little mechanic.' the short haired girl introduced. 

'I'm Yoo Jeongyeon, the big mechanic of the crew. That's our baby lion.' Jeongyeon joked and Chaeyoung whined. 'Doesn't she look like one?' 

Sana looked at Chaeyoung and couldn't help but giggle and the younger girl pouted. 

'Sorry, your hair really looks like the mane of a baby lion, but it's cute! Really!' Sana said through her giggles. 

'I'm Im Nayeon. Jihyo's girlfriend and racing apprentice.' the dark haired girl said and smiled, revealing her two bunny teeth. Sana couldn't help but coo at how cute Nayeon's smile was and everyone laughed. 

'She's the bunny. Self explainatory I believe.' Jeongyeon said and grinned. 'Don't be fooled though, she's the oldest here.'

'And as you know I'm Jihyo, second best racer after our leader, Mina. I've just requested for Momo to join our crew and she told us that you're a pretty good drag racer too so we would like you as a addition as well. What do you say?' Jihyo asked with a encouraging smile on her face. Everyone looked at Sana, expectant of her answer. 

'I'd be glad to! It's not everyday I get asked to join a famous crew, so why not?' Sana exclaimed. She was even more willing to since Mina was the leader and if she joined, it would mean that she could spend more time with the other girl and also meet her more often. 

'That's great then! You two could start going for races with us as soon as you two can.' Nayeon said and the two Japanese girls grinned at each other. 

'Thanks for the tuning Jeongyeon.' Momo said and Jeongyeon flashed her two thumbs up. 'Sadly we got to go now.' 

'It's alright, it's almost 4 am anyway, better head home. Be safe!' Jihyo said and waved to Momo and Sana who were getting into the car. Momo started up the engine and it sounded a little more powerful. She reversed out of the tent and revved once. She then stuck a thumbs up at Jeongyeon who tipped her cap. The crew watched as Momo's car drove out of the race strip and back to the main road where it raced down the empty road back to their house. 

'So where did you disappear to just now? Couldn't find you anywhere after the last race finished.' Momo asked the blonde who had a light smile across her face.

'Oh you know, I just went for a walk. There was a lake nearby so I just took a walk there.' Sana said. It was the truth afterall. 

'Be careful next time, it's dark and late. Who knows what might happen.' Momo said sounding concerned. Sana patted Momo's thigh. 

'It's alright, I'm safe now aren't I?' Sana said and Momo just sighed, focusing on the road.

Afterall, a certain someone would protect me from the dark, Sana thought. 

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jingelbells #2
Chapter 6: Read this in 2019.Wish there was a backstory how Jeongyeon proposed lols and some steamy scenes hehe
Chapter 6: Came for the Street Racing stayed for the gay, was not disappointed. HAHAHA
Chapter 6: Gawd I need a sequel!! This is soooo good
Chapter 6: 2na gave me life <3

And tzuyu~ your savageness.. damn girl.. haha
Minaaa15 #6
Chapter 6: Omg this is Gold! Why is 2na so cute!!! Great story man! More 2na story plssss!!!! This is awesome!!
Chapter 6: wow hehehe who wouldnt love cars ,
Chapter 6: omg yesh this is what i have been waiting for!!! gaah this stories is amazing i love the idea of cars esp cos i love cars. the subaru/nissan gtr are one of my dream cars <333 i love how the events turn out for them. tuna is lyfe <3 my bbys :DDD they're so <3333 i can totally see them like that and jungmo! the whole twice crew helping them. gaaah tysm for writing such an amazing story!!! i hope u write more in the future <333
Chapter 6: Found this amazing story recently and I read it in one sitting because I was just dying to know what would happen next and when will the confession come.

I love the characters and the plot. It's something new for me. Honestly not a big fan of cars so I barely know anything about them but after reading your detailed descriptions (and with the help of google images), picturing them in my head wasn't that difficult.

Hope to read more from you in the future! :D