
7 Years
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Sungkyung became somehow a really good friend. Unlike the girls Joongki had rejected before. She was more sassy than the good girl she pretended to be but that was fine. It made things interesting ever since Kwangsoo decided to step out of his life.

„I guess I hold the title of your bestfriend now.“ Sungkyung said while inspecting her nails of any dirt. „What made you think so?“ Joongki asked while reading his book. The exams might have been over but he was nowhere near slacking off. „I don‘t know maybe because I know more than you think.“ Sungkyung practically bored her stare into his skin. She wouldn‘t tell him without a response from him, what she knew. And she knew some good stuff.

For example the fact that Kwangsoo was talking behind his back about him. She never liked him. Only tolerating him because he apparently was Joongki‘s bestfriend. But he wasn‘t, if he was he wouldn‘t talk about Joongki like he did now. Sungkyung wouldn’t say it outloud but she probably had a instinct for lowlife people like Kwangsoo.

„Oh, yeah. I heard rumours that you and the new guy are a item now.“ Joongki began suddenly. Sungkyung almost dropped her Birkin bag and would have let it out on Joongki, if her bag indeed hit the ground. „Who says that?!“

„You seem offended.“ Joongki pointed out while Sungkyung glared at him. „I will never like a jerk like him. He thinks so much about himself and calls me bossy? Can you believe that? Me?!“ 

Joongki pulled back to look at her. „I don‘t see a problem with that. He is far better looking than I am, why don‘t you date him?“ 

„I don‘t always go for the looks.“ Sungkyung said. Feeling a little hurt that Joongki thought that she only liked him because of his face.

„I wasn‘t talking about that.“ Joongki said and smiled at her gently before ruffling her neatly done hair. „You‘re more than that. I know.“

„Why do you keep doing this?“ Sungkyung muttered while looking after Joongki‘s retreating figure. To say that she was over him would be a fat lie. She still had feelings for him because he was simply Joongki. 

„Are you coming?“ Joongki turned around when he didn‘t hear the clicking sounds of her heels. Sungkyung was still standing at the same spot. He waved her over with his book. She couldn‘t help but smile. Joongki was able to steal a smile from her even if she wasn‘t in the mood. One of the reasons why she even fell for him was because he saw the raw side of her and still befriended her. He made her special just by being nice to her.

„Ah. So that‘s the kind of guy you like.“ He said.

Sungkyung flinched when she felt another ones presence right beside her. She frowned even more when she saw, who it was. To some he might be good-looking like to Joongki but he was annoying the out of her. „What do you want?“

He shrugged. „Nothing particular. I just saw you gazing stupidly at that guy.“ He said as he nodded towards Joongki, who talked with another student as of now. Sungkyung rolled her eyes, which she was damn good at. „I wasn‘t gazing at him.“ 

„Whatever, it looked stupid.“ He said bluntly. Oh, how he ticked her off. „Oh, screw you. I don‘t have time for you.“ She said and flicked her hair right into his face.

He tasted unwillingly her magnolia scented shampoo before pointing out. „And then what? Running after him? He obviously has someone else.“

„I‘m not stupid, I know it too.“ She muttered before staring him down. „So, whatever trip you are on, could you leave me alone? I don‘t need you or whoever to make fun of me.“

„Who said that I was making fun of you?“ He asked then. 

Sungkyung sighed before wanting to walk pass him when he took a hold of her hand before she completely left his side. „What is it now? Let go of me!“

„It‘s not ‚you‘.“ He said before letting go of her hand.

„What?“ Sungkyung raised a annoyed brow at him.

„The name is Nam Joo Hyuk.“ He said. „Remember that.“ He said before leaving her side then.

Sungkyung looked after said guy as he left. „Whatever drug he was on. Whatever drug he was on.“ Sungkyung thought before facing ahead again. And there she saw Joongki‘s most annoying grin ever. For the first time was she wishing that Joongki wouldn‘t be waiting for her. 



„For the past 2 years you were throwing her birthday parties?“ Sungkyung asked. 

„I know I‘m cute, right?“ Joongki winked while placing his tray down.

„Cute my ..“ Sungkyung muttered before nipping on her diet coke. „I bet she doesn‘t even want you to.“

„That‘s probably the case too.“ Joongki added.

„Then why do you force her?“ Sungkyung asked. She knew that she had to give up on Joongki, knowing that the girl she had as a rival was a y/bossy kid and probably not even aware of Joongki‘s feelings nor was the one himself aware of it.

„Annoying her is better than to let her think about the absence of her father I guess?“ Joongki said after a while. „She might seem tough but she isn‘t. I just don‘t like seeing her like that.“

Sungkyung had noticed before that he was different when it came to Hyuna but to think that he was looking out so much for her... She was used to him being extra nice to girls but that wasn‘t being about being nice only. He was behaving differently towards Hyuna.

„Say.. Joongki.“ Sungkyung began while the guy looked up at her.

„Can I ask you something?“ 

„Hmm?“ Joongki hummed.

Sungkyung was burning with the question she was thinking about ever since she met those two together. There was just something she couldn‘t understand.

„Joongki.“ However, she stopped when she noticed another one behind him. The female was staring at Sungkyung first before turning to Joongki when he turned around to face her. 

„Hyekyo.“ He called. „What are you doing here?“ He asked while turning completely to her. Hyekyo glanced once more at Sungkyung before leaning forward to kiss his cheek, while making sure that Sungkyung saw.

„I just came to pick you up. Father wants to see you.“ Hyekyo said for only Joongki to hear. 

Sungkyung rolled her eyes. So the missy was feeling threatened by Sungkyung. Oh, she better should she was the Campus Queen after all.

She grunted her nose at the heavy amount of parfume the girl used before facing Joongki once again, who turned around to face her. „That sounds nice but I promised my friend to help her with her studies.“ Joongki said and looked at Sungkyung. Sungkyung looked at him for a while before turning to Hyekyo with a smile. „Sorry but I have to borrow him. I‘m excelling in design and not business management so I need his help for my next exam.“ Sungkyung said. 

Hyekyo raised a brow at Sungkyung before turning to Joongki. „Oh, really? I didn‘t know.“

„Sorry. You should have texted me.“ Joongki said.

„I called you two times earlier but you didn‘t answer.“ Hyekyo said.

„I was here the whole time. You know University and stuff.“ He said apologetically.

She looked at him for a while before sighing. She had heared that for the longest of time now. „Oh, well. How about next weekend then? Father will be on a business trip this week.“ Hyekyo said.

„Ah.. Next weekend is bad too.“ Joongki said when he remembered that it would be Hyuna‘s birthday next saturday.

„Are you avoiding me?“ Hyekyo asked while Sungkyung grinned to herself while looking as decent as possible as she drunk her coke.

„No, of course not. I‘m just busy with studying. How about next friday? We can go eat then.“ Joongki said as discrete as possible. He already earned a few looks from table beside them probably due to Hyekyo‘s looks. You could tell that she was rich by the way she was dressed. Just the same like Sungkyung. 

Sungkyung looked arrogantly when Hyekyo turned to look to her once again. She had her legs crossed wh

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Chapter 19: Oh my God.. I love your story. Please update more.. ^^
bellaxjoker #2
Chapter 18: Aww! They always butting in at a crucial moment! Whyyyyy Whyyyyy Whyyyyy joongki shiii
bellaxjoker #3
Chapter 18: Aww! They always butting in at a crucial moment! Whyyyyy Whyyyyy Whyyyyy joongki shiii
Rythmn #4
Chapter 18: I found two scenes really funny.. one was when joong ki was about to tell sungkyung and joohyuk and ah in interuppted and another was joong ki and kwangsoo's interaction when joongki was drunk lol ... You are doing a great job.. better late then never.. thanks for updating ^_^
bellaxjoker #5
Chapter 17: oh my god i swear when it comes toward the kiss it made my heart race. Sungkyung and joohyuk were trying to speed up the pace, werent they? So much we havent know about joongki yet. Im excited! And also welome back!!!!
Rythmn #6
Chapter 17: Hello.. this story is like a fairy tale giving you butterflies :P:P I'm really happy that you are trying to complete this story.. it's all what I need ^_^ thank you for the update.. loved it
Chapter 4: Enjoying this so far
vip4nia #8
Chapter 16: Welcome back dear ^^
Rythmn #9
Chapter 16: Hello.. welcome back .. and I actually loved it!
Everything seems so cute!! Thank you for this update :-)
Rythmn #10
Oh this story is good.. the description especially is attractive:-) I am done with 13 chapters in one go:p couldn't hold myself:p:p waiting for the next part, pls update soon^_^