Can't Bring Me Down

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A/N: This Kaisoo scene takes place before chapter 3


Warning: A central theme of this story is ual identity and ‘gender roles.’ Even though many of us may accept people for who they are, sadly, plenty of people in this world don’t. This fic shows both sides of the coin: people who do and people who don’t. Thus, at times there may be bullying and harassment.

If you or someone you know is being bullied for any reason whatsoever, please don’t be afraid to speak up or ask for help. Whether by peers or teachers, no one should ever be harassed. You are who you are, and no one should ever put you down for that.




Sehun POV

I leaned back in my chair, examining over a small silver key and its note.

‘Box 238’ was all that the note read.

They were both sent to me exactly a month after my parents died. I knew it had to have been from my father; the note was written in his unmistakable handwriting, and it was left in the care of his close colleague to be given to me directly.

The man said he had no idea what the key went to or what was in box 238, but it was something that my father wanted only me to have.

Seeing how the contents of this “box” didn’t come to me directly but instead left to be found told me that it held some vital information. My father wouldn’t go out of his way to hide something useless. I could only speculate that it contained some vital information that he did not want my uncle or aunt to see. I was the only one my parents could trust, and he knew that if it came to me directly, they would indeed find it.


Growing up, they warned me about how the other half of my family was driven by greed and power. They cared very little for laws and morals and would do whatever it took to get what they wanted. Living the past few years with my uncle and aunt only backed up what my parents had initially disclosed to me. Those two shared their conquests over the dinner table as if it was nothing, and they expected us to walk in their footsteps when Junmyeon and I took over the company together someday. But I vowed to never be like them. I needed to do right by my parents.

My only hope is to find the box before they do. Maybe it could help put an end to their reign.

*knock* *knock*

I hooked the key back on its chain and swung the necklace around my neck and under my shirt before the door could be open.

“Excuse me, Mr. Oh, but your uncle and aunt require your presence downstairs for breakfast.”

“I’ll be down.” I quickly said to the butler and let out a sigh of relief once the door was closed.

I needed to continue searching. I would never give up until I found it.


Meals with this family were always a joke. My uncle, Sungjin, sat at the head of the table, directing his son on how to be. Like some warped version of a puppet on strings, my cousin listened attentively, determined to develop into the shadow of his vile father.

My aunt, Miyoung, was no better. She always had a superficial smile on her red-stained lips that suggested deviance. She was the backbone of their company. Anything Sungjin said, she enforced with a cold, iron fist. Both heartless in nature, those two were a force to be reckoned with.

As for me, They usually ignored my presence. Which was fine. I wasn’t here for their approval anyway. The only reason why I came to even live with them in the first place was for show. And oh, how the Kims loved to put on a show. Outwardly, they would pretend to care for their poor orphaned nephew while trying desperately to wash their hands clean of their in-law’s death. But out of the public eye, they hardly acknowledged my existence.


“We have an important meeting soon for a possible new business opportunity for Hotel Verena. If everything goes according to plan, they will not just be our business partners, but someday yours as well. Therefore once everything is done, I expect you to greet them too.”

“Yes, Sir,” Junmyeon said right away. I just nodded in agreement with a smirk. ‘Ha. Business partner, my .’

“By the way, son, how is your run for school presidency coming along?” Miyoung chirped.

“Oh, so far, so good. I’m sure I’ll get it this year.”

“That’s great, Junnie!”

I wanted to barf at her horrible “motherly” acting skills.

“Really? Because last I heard, there was someone who is now running against you.”

Junmyeon gave me a nervous warning glare. I loved it when he got scared. I just laughed to myself and continued to eat while watching the rest unfold.

“Junmyeon, you didn’t tell us this. Since when?” His father looked concerned and a bit frustrated at the boy’s lack of communication.

“Umm… Just last week.”

“Don’t worry about it.” He waved it off. “Just focus on your work and running a strong campaign. We’ll make sure you get it. Even if we have to buy some votes to win.”

“DAD! We can’t play dirty like that! I’ll work hard and do my best to win the school over. I can win him fair and square. He’s a new kid anyways. No one is going to vote for him.”

“Son, this isn’t just about some silly school election. Having this title on your transcript will help you get into elite colleges easier. Even with money, those bastards are picky. So if you don’t think you will win, let me know, and I’ll take care of the rest. We can’t let this kid beat you out because of ‘good moral.’”

How stereotypical.

“Yes, father.” Junmyeon agreed, looking dejected and continuing the rest of the meal in pensive silence.




Physical education was Kyungsoo’s most hated class. Since grade school, he was always picked on or scolded by teachers for not being like the other kids. But it wasn’t like he could help it. He was small and nonathletic, awkward and uncoordinated. Anytime he tried a sport, the ball would just never go where he wanted it to. Anytime he ran, he almost tripped over his own feet. He was laughed at and humiliated for being so scrawny and squishy when he did put in the effort to play with the other kids. The boy promised himself never to do it again.

‘Why can’t singing or acting be a sport?’ He thought begrudgingly. Surely he’d beat all those jerks any day.

Kyungsoo huffed as he sat in the bleachers and watched his classmates run around. He wasn’t supposed to, but even the coaches gave up hope on him, so they allowed it. The small boy pulled his legs up to his chest and wrapped his arms around his knees.

In approximately fifty minutes, he’d see his object of affection in passing, as basketball practice was soon to follow. Luckily, Jongin hadn’t said anything to him since the embarrassing encounter or even acknowledge his presents the past few days.

It felt relieving yet empty. He couldn’t risk going back to watch Jongin dance anymore. He could only somewhat remedy the situation by getting small glances at him during lunchtime from across the cafeteria or in passing. Nothing compared to when he watched the tanned boy on stage. The passion in his eyes, the fierceness in his moves, and the utter satisfaction at the end were the real Jongin. Every other time he saw the boy, he looked solemn. When he smiled with his friends, it never seemed to quite reach his eyes. It made Kyungsoo curious. How could someone so talented, intelligent, popular, and athletic seem very lackluster?

If only he could gain the courage to talk to him and find out what made him that way…

“Hey Kyungsoo, what are you doing all by yourself?”

Baekhyun made his way up the bleachers to sit next to the boy. They both had gym class together. Given Kyungsoo’s lack of coordi

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Chapter 11: Finally u updated!!!!><
Chapter 10: Hope u will update in future author san><
Waiting for more~~~~
2446 streak #3
Chapter 10: it was fun while it lasted authornim :)
2446 streak #4

i think it's wise for Shixun to not trust anyone yet, i mean, something is still fishy with this whole thing... maybe i just don't want Jun hurt coz if Kris and Sehun's parents' deaths were indeed caused by Jun's parents, then he's innocent at least! ughhhhhh

anyway, Baek finally found out abt Jongin! HAHAHA surprise surprise! he's very supportive but ofc he won't let Soo get away with it peacefully! HAHAHA

anyway, Jun oh Jun! as much as i want you to not fight the feeling and as Kris says, be true to yourself, he's gonna crush your heart anyway! UGHHHHHH

thank you for the update authornim! :)
2446 streak #5
Chapter 8: your a/n made me reread the first chapterbut i personally think that not much changed from your writing style? how you title your chapters changed, that's the most apparent one...

anyway, i would like to apologize to Yeol coz ofc i was thinking he was the one who did something wrong in the previous chapter... but apparently, he was the good guy who saved Baek!!! wow, i do understand why Baek feels conflicted abt Yeol saving him... i mean, he's always been a villain in his eyes ofc my body would feel out of place over the act of kindness... it's bound to make him ask, why? what for? up to a point where he desperately asked Soo to drive for him even if the other can't really drive yet

how could Baek not know that Soo is crushing on a he??? HAHA he's gonna be shocked when he finds out!

Sehun staking out on Kim activities??? how did he even get one of those in the first place? and his situation with Luhan tho... uhmmmm, i need more info

Jun's fiance is so aggressive! HAHA get the hint girl! lmao but srsly, his obsession over this competittion with Kris! istg! their banters are really so cute and adorable except when i remember that Kris is plotting Jun's family's demise despite all this
2446 streak #6
Chapter 7: wait... no update?
Myeonni2020 #7
2446 streak #8
IT'S BEEN YEARS! when i saw the notification was for this story, i was wondering if this was gonna be an a/n for the long hiatus, but to my surprise!!! IT WAS AN UPDATE!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

was a bit lost since i was stupid to dive in immediately to the new update... but i decided to read the previous chapters again to recap HAHA

ahhhh so it was the same plane crash that killed both Sehun and Jiaheng's parents... so this is the date inspired by Jun's memories huh... pretty sweet if you ask me, except for the fact that i know this is all just part of Yifan's plan to avenge his and Sehun's parents' death...

the way Jun was like, who are you and how are you able to pull off stuff like this tho? HAHA good to be wary and curious Jun!!! i do hope Yifan sees Jun's genuineness coz he doesn't deserve to suffer for something that wasn't his fault... *that "emphasis" from Yifan in this chapter tho*

anyway, i was right abt Soo's love life faring smoothly! really hope this isn't just Jongin playing games or something like that... and Baek and Yeol... what did Yeol do this time???
Congrats on the ad bid feature!
2446 streak #10
Chapter 6: ooohhh... so Sehun definitely didn't have Lu scout Yifan... coz he knew Jiaheng all along! best friends who are seeking revenge with the persons who killed their parents

now im really curious as to what happened! are Jun's parents really that evil to have people killed? are Sehun and Jiaheng simply assuming the Kims' involvement since their parents work for them? i mean, that makes them easy suspects yes, but so far there are no evidence available since they're both still seeking for it

looks like Jun is in deeper than what i initially thought... how can Jiaheng want to break Jun when he's got nothing to do with it... just coz his parents are still alive? that's not nice dude, well planning on getting revenge isnt ideal either

aaahhhhh... i just hope their issues would be resolved soon