Going Crazy

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“Come on, Junnie, it’s not the end of the world. It’s just one ‘B’”

“Just one ‘B’?!” Kim Junmyeon fumed, “I have never gotten a ‘B’ in my life, Kyungsoo! This would have never happened if I hadn’t skipped night study for that date my parents forced me on. How am I supposed to be running for student council president when I can’t even stay at the top?” Junmyeon crossed his arms on the lunch table and buried his head in them.

“There’s nothing wrong with going out. All you do is study.” Putting a hand on his best friend’s back, he patted lightly in an attempt to comfort the other boy. Kyungsoo heard a groan coming from the pathetic scene beside him. He knew better than to laugh at the over-dramatization, so he shook his head away and gave his attention back to his food.

Academically speaking, Kim Junmyeon was the best. No one had ever topped his scores, and the ‘humbling’ experience was a little more than his ego could handle. Being the heir of wealthy hotel chain owners, Junmyeon was expected to work hard, get perfect grades, and have excellent leadership skills. He believed it was his destiny to run the school council and prove to his parents and peers how capable he was. Coming in the first place was his obsession, and with the school’s student government election around the corner, there was no time for goofing off.

However, after seeing his most recent test score, he wasn’t feeling too confident this time around. And it was all thanks to the very people who pushed him to do his best.

“I don’t get it.” He mumbled into his sleeve.

“Get what?”

“I mean, my parents chose Minhee as my future wife. I already agreed to marry her. Why do they have to force me on a date?” Junmyeon scoffed. He sat up and pushed his food around on his plate scornfully as if somewhere in there, he’d find the answers to his problems.

“You are forced to go on dates so you can strengthen your connection with her, but you’re obviously not interested in her. Just tell them you’re not feeling it.” The other kid paused to consider his words but shook his head to the useless idea.

“It’s just this whole arranged marriage out of high school tradition. Tradition is like God in my family. That’s cool and all, but it’s rather inconvenient. If I’m already cooperating, why does it matter if we go on dates? Since they picked her, I’m sure I’ll like her just fine anyways. She cooks well; she’s great with children; she’s warm and caring and has a lovely smile….” Junmyeon winced at the memory from that previous evening.


“But after that kiss... I just think she deserves better.”

“You two kissed!?” Kyungsoo’s wide, round eyes lit up in excitement. “How did it go?”

“Well, when she kissed me, my heart was racing a lot…” his leg started shaking under the table at the uncomfortable thought.

“Yeah?” Kyungsoo leaned in, hanging on to every word he said.

“My mind went sort of blank….”


“…and I couldn’t think straight. My head was spinning, and I felt… Perturbed? I don’t know… I just remember that while driving home, I had to park somewhere because I felt nauseous.” Junmyeon looked down at his hands, fidgeting with his napkin.

“Wait… WHAT?!”

“Still upset about the B?” a voice interrupted, coming up from behind him. Kyungsoo nearly leaped out of his chair. He was in shock from hearing his friend’s confession that he didn’t notice the footsteps behind him. The boys turned around to be greeted with a sly smile by their friend and classmate, Byun Baekhyun.

“Yeah, he’s being a big baby and won’t stop moping about it,” Kyungsoo said, quickly changing the subject back to the original problem.

Taking a seat next to Junmyeon, Baekhyun loudly plopped his plate of food down on the table.

“There, there. It will be okay.” He mocked a soothing tone.

“Byun, I am not in the mood,” Junmyeon said while rubbing his temples.

“What else is new? You say the same thing every day, like a broken record. I’m starting to think that may be your favorite phrase. And aside from Mr. Dramatic’s problems, I have some of my own too.”

“Let me guess….” Kyungsoo began, knowing full well what he was going to say. “Park Chanyeol threatened you again?”

“He said that if I didn’t do his homework, he would have his goons kick my .”

Park Chanyeol wasn’t your average rich-jock-bully. He knew more people in higher (and shadier) places than any kid should have at eighteen. Chanyeol had the kind of power to do what he wanted when he wanted and with whom he wanted. The day Baekhyun accidentally crossed paths with Chanyeol would be the day his whole life would change.


Just a week ago at a party, there had been a lot of drinking and dancing. Baekhyun, as accustomed to every festivity, was busy trying to impress a fine young lady by making a drunken fool of himself for a few good laughs. He was used to being the life of the party, so it was only natural to do a cannonball in the pool, in his boxers, during winter.

What he didn’t realize was Park Chanyeol and his gang walking by at the perfect moment to get drenched by the splash. Chanyeol made sure to let him know that his outfit was worth more than Baekhyun’s life, and he was going to pay one way or another. It was a miracle that he hadn’t been drowned and killed that night. But he also had to suffer the humiliation of running home in just his underwear, soaked from head to toe, just to stay alive.

Baekhyun hasn’t touched a drop of alcohol since.


“Ugh! I can’t do both of our homework! What am I supposed to do now?!”

“Maybe you can do some good in the world for once and donate your body to science.” Junmyeon chimed in.

“Haha, very funny, Junnie. You know, the teacher saw that giant idiot cheat on the English test and didn’t do anything about it. But when I talk in class, I always get reprimanded. It’s unfair, I tell you!” Baekhyun sulked, crossing his arms. Kyungsoo just laughed to himself, thinking how childish he looked.

“What?? The teacher doesn’t think your lame jokes and loudmouth are entertaining? That’s a first.” Junmyeon pretended to be surprised. Baekhyun glared at him, not the slightest bit amused.

“Chanyeol’s a spoiled kid,” Kyungsoo tried to shift the atmosphere. “The Parks donate a large amount of money to the school so that he can have free reign. I hear they don’t believe in punishment, so they pay the school to let him do what he wants. That’s just life. Money and greed control the world.”

Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows at the aggravating situation. Why did he have to be so unfortunate? Something had to be done. Then an idea sparked his mind.

“Wait, you’re going to be running for president soon! Maybe you can do something about him when you’re finally in the office!”

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A new update? Miracles do happen!


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Chapter 11: Finally u updated!!!!><
Chapter 10: Hope u will update in future author san><
Waiting for more~~~~
2526 streak #3
Chapter 10: it was fun while it lasted authornim :)
2526 streak #4

i think it's wise for Shixun to not trust anyone yet, i mean, something is still fishy with this whole thing... maybe i just don't want Jun hurt coz if Kris and Sehun's parents' deaths were indeed caused by Jun's parents, then he's innocent at least! ughhhhhh

anyway, Baek finally found out abt Jongin! HAHAHA surprise surprise! he's very supportive but ofc he won't let Soo get away with it peacefully! HAHAHA

anyway, Jun oh Jun! as much as i want you to not fight the feeling and as Kris says, be true to yourself, he's gonna crush your heart anyway! UGHHHHHH

thank you for the update authornim! :)
2526 streak #5
Chapter 8: your a/n made me reread the first chapterbut i personally think that not much changed from your writing style? how you title your chapters changed, that's the most apparent one...

anyway, i would like to apologize to Yeol coz ofc i was thinking he was the one who did something wrong in the previous chapter... but apparently, he was the good guy who saved Baek!!! wow, i do understand why Baek feels conflicted abt Yeol saving him... i mean, he's always been a villain in his eyes ofc my body would feel out of place over the act of kindness... it's bound to make him ask, why? what for? up to a point where he desperately asked Soo to drive for him even if the other can't really drive yet

how could Baek not know that Soo is crushing on a he??? HAHA he's gonna be shocked when he finds out!

Sehun staking out on Kim activities??? how did he even get one of those in the first place? and his situation with Luhan tho... uhmmmm, i need more info

Jun's fiance is so aggressive! HAHA get the hint girl! lmao but srsly, his obsession over this competittion with Kris! istg! their banters are really so cute and adorable except when i remember that Kris is plotting Jun's family's demise despite all this
2526 streak #6
Chapter 7: wait... no update?
Myeonni2020 #7
2526 streak #8
IT'S BEEN YEARS! when i saw the notification was for this story, i was wondering if this was gonna be an a/n for the long hiatus, but to my surprise!!! IT WAS AN UPDATE!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

was a bit lost since i was stupid to dive in immediately to the new update... but i decided to read the previous chapters again to recap HAHA

ahhhh so it was the same plane crash that killed both Sehun and Jiaheng's parents... so this is the date inspired by Jun's memories huh... pretty sweet if you ask me, except for the fact that i know this is all just part of Yifan's plan to avenge his and Sehun's parents' death...

the way Jun was like, who are you and how are you able to pull off stuff like this tho? HAHA good to be wary and curious Jun!!! i do hope Yifan sees Jun's genuineness coz he doesn't deserve to suffer for something that wasn't his fault... *that "emphasis" from Yifan in this chapter tho*

anyway, i was right abt Soo's love life faring smoothly! really hope this isn't just Jongin playing games or something like that... and Baek and Yeol... what did Yeol do this time???
Congrats on the ad bid feature!
2526 streak #10
Chapter 6: ooohhh... so Sehun definitely didn't have Lu scout Yifan... coz he knew Jiaheng all along! best friends who are seeking revenge with the persons who killed their parents

now im really curious as to what happened! are Jun's parents really that evil to have people killed? are Sehun and Jiaheng simply assuming the Kims' involvement since their parents work for them? i mean, that makes them easy suspects yes, but so far there are no evidence available since they're both still seeking for it

looks like Jun is in deeper than what i initially thought... how can Jiaheng want to break Jun when he's got nothing to do with it... just coz his parents are still alive? that's not nice dude, well planning on getting revenge isnt ideal either

aaahhhhh... i just hope their issues would be resolved soon