Rainy Days


Collection of rainy days oneshots. 


Hello there!

This is the first story I have ever posted. It's actually not a real story but a collection of fluffy chansoo oneshots because, yeah, they are soo cute together and I basically ship them soo much.

These days the weather has been quite bad here so I was inspired to write "rainy days" stories.

I'm not English native speaker but I just enjoy writing in English, sooo I apologize beforehand for the possible mistakes, I'm sorry!

Hope you enjoy reading these oneshots. 








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icaaw7 #1
Chapter 2: This is so sweeett ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: ahhh short but sweet! nice ~ ox
ChansooShip #3
Chansoooo!!!!! You really got me! ㄲㄲㄲㄲ
icaaw7 #4
can't wait! I'm chansoo hardshipper too haha