

Myungsoo is a college student trying to finish his graduation and a single father of Woohyun. Sungyeol is juggling jobs to support himself and his two brothers: Sungjong, a college freshman, and Sunggyu, a 7 y-o problematic kid.They are too different and might just hate each other, but their lives start to tangle against their will because of the kids.





"You're still not talking to me?" Sungyeol asked but only received an angry pout back.

The elevator finally arrived and opened its door and Sungyeol had to drag the other inside."You knew you'd have to come back to school someday, and it just happened to be today." Sungyeol scolded."If you keep being this way you won't be able to make friends." He tried to coax the other now in a more soft tone but was still received with glares and the angry pout was still there.

The door of the elevator was about to close when the two heard somebody scream. "Daddy, hurry up, you're going to make me late on my first day!" Soon after that, a kid around 6 managed to enter the elevator, even though the door was closing, making Sungyeol pale, the door almost hit that kid, and the other boy took that opportunity to hide behind his long legs.

The door opened and then started to close again while the kid screamed his lungs out. "Hurry up, hurry up, hurry uuuuuuup~!"

Sungyeol was now dying to scold the kid for risking to be hit by an elevator door. But he held himself up, that scolding should be directed to his father, that didn't teach his kid about dangerous behavior, or about manners, he couldn't simply scream at 7 in the morning. He tsked, the father of that kid was so irresponsible.

He was in the middle of his thoughts when a hand stopped the door from closing again and now opened to show a young man dressed all in black, wearing a cap and was panting with his head down a little so Sungyeol couldn't see his face clearly. He also had what it look like a heavy backpack on his back and a smaller red bag (probably the kid's) in his hand.

"NAM WOOHYUN!" The man hissed. "How many times do I have to scold you for running ahead? This door is heavy, you know? What if it had hit you? You should wait for me." He scolded and got inside the elevator, hit the button and continued as if Sungyeol and the other weren't there."And it's early, you can't scream like that this early int he morning"

Well, at least the father tried. But the boy was just looking up to his, rather young and handsome father, rather blankly and when the father finished, the kid just rolled his eyes and started talking back. "Maybe if you were able to wake up on time I wouldn't have to do all this. Now we are going to miss the bus!" He finished with a pout.

Now that's weird, how can a parent let his son talk back like that? That was just disrespectful. This guy was incompetent for sure, and that boy had no manners whatsoever. But Sungyeol had enough of that so he decided to stop them before they made him have a headache.

"Ahem" Sungyeol cleaned his throat and father and son turned around to look at him. The mannerless kid stepped closer to his father, quite scared of his displeased expression, while the one behind Sungyeol poked his head out to examine the father-son pair curiously.

"Sorry about what you just had to witness." The father apologized and bowed,"He is a bit sassy sometimes but he is a good kid." He ran a hand over the kid raven hair fondly then offered a handshake. "I'm Kim Myungsoo, and that's my son Woohyun, we just moved here ".

Sungyeol looked at the man hand and then at the man super gorgeous face and, while he was doing that, the kid, Woohyun, let his eyes fall down until he saw someone else behind the tall man legs and gasped.

"A friend!" He pointed happily and tried to approach the other boy, which made him take some steps in the opposite direction. Sungyeol took a large step to the side, unconsciously getting closer to his new neighbor. The other kid eyes grew big as it could be, he was not expecting that the taller would do that so looked like a deer caught in headlights. "What is your name?" Woohyun kid asked cheerfully and boldly.

"Sung-Sunggyu." The other answered shyly in a barely audible whisper.

Sungyeol just sighed, after all that time not talking Sunggyu just decided to speak now, to that kid. He couldn't believe it, but he promised his mom to do his best for the younger so he just gulped and finally shook the other hand.

"I'm Lee Sungyeol and this is my brother Kim Sunggyu, I think we live across from you".


Hope everyone is safe during this pandemic and trying my best to juggle my personal efforts (even during this) with the chapters. Here it is another update.


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702 streak #1
Chapter 109: Need to re-read this :))
Chapter 107: Thank u for the update! It must have been tough to write.
I really liked how you wrapped up everything. I mean, you didn't rush the ending and is so natural. Woohyun, bit by bit, is starting to be less awkward with Myungsoo, even calling him "dad" without noticing, like he used to do before.
Then we have Sungyeol and Myungsoo's relationship that is still there despite everything that happened. It's awkward but at the same time they know they can count on each other and that they have feelings for each other...
I'm so proud of you because you finished it and I can't wait to read the epilogue
Chapter 106: DAMN!!!!!!!

Woohyun knows!!!!!!
DySekai #4
Chapter 105: Even though Myungsoo doesn't like depending on the Lee brothers, he knows that he owes them a huge lot. "Would you lie and hide things from me again" Oh woohyun you will grow to realize that this is never possible between humans. Sometimes we tell even the smallest harmless lie to save ourselves or others. I'm happy that Myungsoo and Woohyun got this moment to talk and spend time together alone. If only Woohyun is less smart for his own good, this kid thinks too much xD Myungsoo is a very understanding dad and parent. I want to know what will Woohyun call Myungsoo then? That last sentence gives me a small hope that Woohyun will be more accepting towards Myungyeol now compared to last time. Can't wait to read more about Myungyeol talk! Thanks for the updates! I hope you are living well and in good health~
Chapter 105: This chapter came at the right time!!
The conversation Myungsoo and Woohyun had was very touching T.T little by little Woohyun is opening up and Myungsoo is doing the right thing by not pressuring him and giving him time to process everything...
Thank u so much for the update. Hope you can rest a bit in your packed schedule
Chapter 104: Here I am, I didn't forget your ff (how could I possibly forget it?).
Can I say that these last chapters have been a rollercoaster of emotions? This last one particularly. I mean, finally we manage to see Woohyun's first step to make up with Myungsoo, Sunggyu's hidden feelings... I'm really happy for the outcome where the relationships are heading. Hopefully, Myungsoo and Woohyun can start working things out in the the next chapters, same with Myungsoo and Sungyeol (even tho obviously the father's attention is now and will be on Woohyun for a few other chapters).
Thank u for the updates!
DySekai #7
Chapter 104: A short comment because I'm sick today but this chapter and previous ones are amazing!!!!
And I wanted to make it clear that my last comment u replied to wasn't meant for you, you misunderstood so I hope this clarifies. Will be back when I am more coherent :D
Chapter 104: R u and Nodafic friends??!

U guys always update almost at same time!!!
Chapter 103: The end seems soo near!!!!

Btw Sungyeol has developed sooooooooooo much!!!!!

Imma can barely wait for Myungsoo and Woohyun's talk!!!! Pls update the next chap sooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnn

As for dreams Today when I woke up I had a eerid dream, 2 days in a row. So stuoud theory came in my stupid brain. As it is believed that their are many alternate universe out their so I think maybe in dreams we get a glimpse of our alternate universe self as u see sometime their are thing which we see in dream and they actually happen.

I just said the things cuz I had no one else to tell and I could not keep that stupid thought to myself.

Btw Pls uodate soooonnnnn
Chapter 103: I can't wait to see woohyun and myungsoo reconcile!! The chapter was soo good ~