You are Me and I am You

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Story Description: Talk about twins and the first thing you hear is… Double Trouble! But what if the one causing all sorts of the troubles is a Single person but no one knows about it, until a sharp observer Lee Donghae steps into the picture.

(I would never be able to write a good description *sad sigh*… shorry for that >_<)


Main Pair: Lee Donghae + Lee Eunhyuk (HaeHyuk) and Cho Kyuhyun+ Lee Hyukjae (KyuHyuk)


Character Description:

Lee Hyukjae

Age: 17

Personality: Shy, Sweet and Kind… and the Angel Twin

Occupation: High School Student in Northview High School


Lee Eunhyuk

Age: 17

Personality: Mischievous, Prankster and reckless… the Devil Twin

Occupation: High School Student in Northview High School

Cho Kyuhyun

Age: 22

Personality: Dorky and Nerdy… but a Genius.

Occupation: Math’s Teacher at Northview High School (A genius who completed his studies a year before others his age and by luck got a great job)


Lee Donghae

Age: 23

Personality: Strict, Serious and Posh

Occupation: ---


Genre: Fluff, Humor.


Type: Chaptered Story


Rated: (For language and stuff... not marking the story as rated but you have been warned)


Disclaimer: The plot and the development of the whole story is from my own imagination (But I admit I sorta kinda got the name from Block B’s Zico’s ‘I am you, You are me’), but if you find a work similar to mine then that could be coincidental or someone could be stealing my work, so kindly let me know. ThanKYU ^_^


^.^ Read the story, comment on it and UP-Vote if you like, that shall be loved a lot ^.^

^.^ Kindly restrain yourself from plagiarizing, translating and bashing. ThanKYU ^.^


Author Note: This is some cliché Twin!AU story… where one is a good twin and other a brat… do not expect anything deep or meaningful out of it… lol… think of it more like a crack fiction.


Warning: No idea how the ending is gonna play out… so expect a lot of nonsense… lol XD


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969 streak #1
Chapter 10: I'm sorry about the dinner. But I'm happy about the dishwashing. I just hope that Eunhyuk won't be able to use the info Kyu gave him and that Eunhyuk would really study and deserve his grade.
Thank you for coming back and continuing this story. I'm so looking forward to your update.
969 streak #2
Chapter 6: I think Donghae knew it was Eunhyuk!
Let's see in the next chapter.
Thank you so much for sharing.
969 streak #3
Chapter 5: Great move! Donghae, not only has made identifying the twin better, it would now be harder gir Eunhyuk to ask Hyukjae to take his tests!
Now, I'm more interested in the story!
Thanks for sharing.
Kylekazuma #4
Chapter 10: Third party for eunhyuk please my baby boi shouldn't suffer this much ^^ jealous donghae please
Fanaeh #5
Chapter 10: i should say serve Eunhtuk right but then why do i feel sorry for him? LOL
i kinda want to see some action between haehyuk
maybe a jealous donghae would be good
Chapter 10: Haha Eunhyuk you are getting pranked really hard XD, and why the eggs and tomatoes welcome we love you ^^.
myeolchi5424 #7
Chapter 10: Thank u so much for the update, author-nim <3
Poor eunhyuk. His brother n donghae teamed up against him... Kekeke.. Although, eunhyuk is a prankster, im on his team XD
Sepanta-ruby #8
Chapter 10: Oh look who's here again ~ so you started continuing this one? I'm happy~ You know I like it so much~
Let's see how Eunhyuk can bear his brother and neighbor as his opponent team:D
If I was in Eunhyuk's shoes, I would make a plan with Kyuhyun to put some sense in both Donghae and Hyukjae's heads!
Thank you my dear friend for coming back to this one;)
Chapter 10: Noooo.. .poor baby eunhyuk.. .
Omaigod even after all of his pranks and naughtiness i still on his side.. . ┐(´д`)┌
LeeEunhae93 #10
Chapter 10: I just love eunhyuk character here!! Can't wait for the next chapter