하루만, 한 시간만, 딱 일 분만, 한마디만 하게 (Just One More Day, Just One More Hour, Just One More Minute, Just Wanna Say One Thing)


"Maybe in some parallel universe, we are still together, and so very happy." - Anonymous


Here's Krisho to celebrate Suho's bday!


Title: 하루만, 한 시간만, 딱 일 분만, 한마디만 하게 (Just One More Day, Just One More Hour, Just One More Minute, Just Wanna Say One Thing)

Author: Anonymous until reveals

Prompt #: #85

Pairing: Kris/Suho

Side Pairing/s (Optional): none

Rating: PG-15

Word Count:

Warning/s: Character death

Summary: "Maybe in some parallel universe, we are still together, and so very happy." - Anonymous

Notes: Thank you for the prompter for the brilliant prompt. This prompt challenged me and I hoped the result of countless sleepless night is worth it. I hope you like it prompter-nim and also readers (esp krisho shipper<3)! Thank you so much for LS and J for always being there, listening to my worries about this fic and also always helping whenever needed. Xoxo all.


Crossposted from suhoneyfest! And happy birthday to EXO's wonderful leader, Kim Junmyeon~ Keep inspiring your fans with your kindness. I've always admired your strong will and persistence! :)


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2446 streak #1
Chapter 1: tho it's tragic since Jun has died in the real universe Yifan belongs in, i like how it's not completely tragic? specially since there seems to be acceptance on Yifan's part by the end of the story... sure, that one episode where Yifan couldn't let go of the universe he was in coz it was the closest to his ideal world with Jun, and it was all their dreams coming true in that au; Jun is alive and they're together, they have a wonderful daughter... it was everything he's always wanted, and to be taken away from that dream after finally "attaining" it in a way, we all understand Yifan's outrage at first... he was just too emotional abt it...

Yifan is lucky to have Soo! such a good friend who just wants the best for him! and takes care of him really well too! Soo just wouldn't let Yifan lose himself over different universes... they've already been to extremes i guess, Yifan's dream in one, dealing with Jun's death once again in one... i bet there'll be more like those in next universes if they still don't stop with their experiments, but having been thru them already would help, until Yifan feels like he's mover on from Jun i guess, and for science! HAHA

anyway, this was such a nice story! i can't believe you included them in EXO as an alternate universe! that was a very nice and personal touch! HAHAHA but yeah, Yifan's emotions were the main point for me, how we could feel sorry for his loss and understand his yearning for some more time with Jun... i just hope what they're doing would lead to him moving on instead of going crazy, but i trust Soo, he's been taking care of Yifan really well...

thank you for this authornim! I've read it way back when it was first released... it took me years to finally comment on it but I've loved it from the very start!
Chapter 1: I felt YF's sorrow :(
Chapter 1: that ing ending

i ing love line dropping ending like thaaat thanks sm for sharing!
PrismeCube #4
This was so perfect. Perfect. Nothing else to say honestly
sikami #5
exobingsu #6
Chapter 1: /wails/ this is soooo perfect. This is the second time i read this abd it still make my heart flutters hehhehehe i really really love your writing <3
Gyu2su #7
Chapter 1: I knew it was going to be sad but it still hit me hard TT.TT I'm really curious about the continuation. I can see how much yifan loved junmyeon and it's cute, but I still can't stop feeling he is just doing something so unhealthy. And Kyungsoo and yifan were getting closer and closer, I guess people who has experienced similar pain can understand each other better.
Chapter 1: YOU MAKE ME CRY ISTG I MISS KRISHK SO MUCH THAT THIS FEELS TOO REAL ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ thankyou for writing its beautiful ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: This is so sad omg ㅜㅜㅜ i just read 2 krisho angsty fics in a row and now i feel like crying ㅜㅜㅜ yifan's doing all of these bcs he misses joon so much.. I salute him for this one. And kyungsoo is such a good friend for helping yifan ㅜㅜㅜ
Anyway this is so good~ ^^
Lielee #10
Chapter 1: I should have known it's you since your like to write canon. I was totally caught of guard when Papa woke in OUR universe. I really had to contain my unbelievabeness like "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO REACT TO THIS?!"

Tho I don't quite get the ending. So Papa didn't stop travelling dimensions and Jun Mian is in another dimension?