Prologue III

Bravest [discontinued]

They wake up on a concrete sidewalk, not far away from the Showtime shoot.

“,” Sungjae groans. “I had a terrible nightmare.”

Minhyuk and Eunkwang exchange a glance. That terrifying experience was certainly not a dream. A look at Changsub, tears tracks still fresh on his cheeks, confirms.

“Let’s just get back on set,” Hyunsik urges, but before they can even get up, a familiar figure walks into view.

“Manager Jongwon!” Ilhoon calls excitedly. The manager starts, face turning stormy.

“How do you know me?” he demands. Not waiting for an answer, he plows on. “Get off the set. We’re filming Showtime here.”

“Yeah,” Peniel chirps. “BTOB’s Showtime. We’re the-”

He’s cut off by a cold scoff. “You mean BTS’s Showtime?” BTOB looks at each other, each thinking the same thing. “Look, kids, just get back home before I call the cops.”

I'm so sorry that I forgot yesterday!!! Testing is a ;;;

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StarlightMelody123 #1
why do make a story where they lose each other they need to stay together until the end. I am sorry but that is just my thoughts.
Minini #2

Ahem. Random comments aside, this was much nicer than the previous chapters, I confess. May be because I finally got used to the story or it may be that you actually slowed the pace, but I'm no longer confused as I was before :) On other comments, a) I love me some Minhyuk sacrificing himself, and b) You go, we all know my bias can do it! (Me, Changsub biased? Pfft, where did you get that silly idea :P)

Back to being old blunt me, because I can't really leave without saying this, I just... Find it hard to believe Ilhoon would just start sobbing on the spot, twice to boot? Dunno, he looks like a strong guy to me, and definitely not someone who blindly believes that his hyung (who just said he wanted to stay behind) would actually betray them for power.
Minini #3
Chapter 4: Ah, I don't think the story is too rushed! Just... A little confusing, I still don't get what that game was for haha. Hoping the others find Sungjae and Hyunsik (or even better, that someone gets hurt)
Minini #4
Chapter 3: ...Well I certainly didn't expect that. And don't worry, take time with your testing. School is a pain in the , yeah.
Minini #5
Chapter 2: Since I forgot to leave a comment last time I will now, oops. Loved this - yay, danger is starting! I particularly love Eunkwang's "You don't touch my kids", random comment is random. Although I have a little trouble imagining the seven of them just shouting "We are Born to Beat" to a random creature, it's a rather epic image at the end. I'm torn on that, since it's both hard to believe but as I said before, kinda epic. Guess I'll enjoy it for the moment :)
Minini #6
Chapter 1: This was very nice, and while I don't know the movie you're mentioning, I still hope I can enjoy the plot. Liked your style a lot (it's quite amusing to read), but I do have a complaint. There is a VERY sudden and drastic change - from having fun together to eaaarthquaaaake. The problem is, you don't give it time. I found myself very confused and had to re-read to actually understand something had happened. Just a bit of constructive criticism, give things a little more time to register in the mind of the reader :)