
Station 12

"In the interests of safety, please stand back from the edge of the platform, until your train comes to a complete stop."

Friday rush hour is just one of the days Sehun dreads the most. Not only will he have to stand for more than half an hour and deal with the long stretch of line, he will have to deal with his growling stomach as well. People of all sorts crowd the twelfth station of Yongsan District railway, the heat of the five o’clock afternoon slowly ceasing to a cooler degree as the KTX trips pass by every five minutes. Sehun grows antsy as he waits for his trip to finally come, brain torturing him by flashing images of food very vividly inside his head that he thought for a second he could even smell them. That’s how famished he truly is.

Adjusting the straps of his backpack, Sehun sighs in relief when his line advanced forward, the people in front of him reducing until he was finally the one standing near the platform. He feels giddy because he wil be able to finally ride the next trip; he is so going to devour all the food in their refrigerator and he wouldn’t let Baekhyun hyung eat a thing. Everyone can call him a gluttonous pig all they want but a monster is living inside his stomach and he will eat as much as he damn well wants.

The shuddering of the platform gets Sehun snapping out of his greedy thoughts, two bright orbs shining in the distance snatching his attention. The train announcer’s voice speaks through the subway’s sound system once again.

"Please mind the gap between the train and the platform. Again, please mind the gap."

Once the transport has reached the platform and stopped, Sehun waits patiently until the passengers whose destination is this station got off the train. He steps inside right after and the cool gust of air-conditioner hits his skin. His nose unconsciously scrunches at the mixed scent of strong perfumes, probably from the recent passengers, permeating through the enclosed space of the train and it dizzies him. There isn't enough space that he could sit on from the seats, so Sehun opts to just stand near the door and hold on to the cold metal pole near it. As the seconds pass, the train continues to get fuller and cramped, until there isn't any more room for Sehun to make even the smallest of movements. A frown is faintly etched on his face as he feels people behind him press closer and closer, his body being pushed forward and squeezed around other moving bodies in the process.

Even though the train is too congested and that his backpack digs itchily behind his back, Sehun never lets the annoying situation get to him. After all, ten minutes from now and he will be out of this train, down on the streets leading to their neighborhood and inside their house where their glorious refrigerator waits. He just hopes Baekhyun wouldn’t get his filthy hands first on that Black Forest cake before him.

When the train’s doors finally close, it advances forward and Sehun jerks backward at the sudden speed. It's a good thing the transport is full, or else he would’ve already fallen to the ground with a hard thud even if he was already holding onto the bar.

Apart from the faint instrumental music, the only noises Sehun can hear are several voices chatting and the sound of the train itself. Sehun regrets never taking out his earpods to blast some heavy metal song that would possibly break his eardrums because this trip is boring him, so much that he starts to notice the littlest of things; he's been staring at that pink-coloured heart sticker on the upper wall of the train’s door for a few minutes now. Roaming his eyes around, his vision falls on the watch the man wears beside him. It reads 6:32 PM. The newspaper the same man is holding displays today’s date—April 30th.

Another push from behind and Sehun feels something sharp from his backpack—probably his pen or ruler or whatever the hell it is—dig on the low of his back. It stings and Sehun tries not to wince, reaching backward to take the straps off his shoulder. But while doing so, he never noticed the person standing behind him and it's a second too late to realize that his elbow just collided into someone’s unsuspecting face—hard.

Ow!” Sehun jumps, startled, when a timbre voice grunts from behind him. He is unaware that he is moving too much just so he can give space to the guy he just accidentally hit, and his movements begin to annoy some of the passengers but Sehun could care less. Right now, this guy in front of him, who is clutching his face caused by the painful strike of his elbow, is his main concern.

“Holy , I’m so sorry!” Sehun apologizes in a tone low enough so as to not catch unwanted attention. His face is flushed red from mortification and embarrassment as he fusses over the victim of his ‘violent’ elbow. “Oh God, I’m really sorry! Are you alright?”

When the guy shakes his head and grunts out a muffled, ‘I’m fine’, Sehun didn’t believe it. The guy is still clutching his face and Sehun can't see the damage because his head is bent down low, hands hindering his face and preventing Sehun from seeing him properly.

“I’m really so sorry,” Sehun apologizes profusely once more, teeth gnashing on lower lip as the guilt and humiliation catch up with him. Sehun daren't look around as he knows people within their vicinity are watching and the last thing he wants is to leave his blushing face imprinted on the back of these passengers’ minds.

Sehun feels his breath get violently knocked out of him when the guy finally looks up, flushed face and dark furrowed brows filling his field of vision. If he isn't such an inhibited person when it came to the emotional department, he would’ve already screamed the moment he finally recognizes who he had just hit.

Kim Jongin.

His crush since, like, ing forever.

Oh, and his nose is bleeding.

Sehun freezes. Jongin gives a slight wince upon sighting crimson liquid on the tips of his fingers. Sehun’s brain goes into full retard mode and he can't even say anything, just shamelessly ogling while Jongin tries to search for his handkerchief inside his pockets. Alarms blare in Sehun’s mind and without even knowing it, he's fished out his own handkerchief and handed it to Jongin, who pauses for a second.

“I—Oh my god, you’re freaking bleedi—take this, take this!” Sehun is hysterical. He can't believe he’s riding the same trip with his crush. He can't believe that his crush is here, so close, right in front of him and , he can't believe he just made his crush’s perfect nose bleed. Oh Sehun, your life isn’t even worth , please die.

Even though the impact of the hit has rendered the pain numb, Jongin can still feel his nose throbbing and he just hopes there aren't any broken bones in the aftermath of this sudden mess. Sehun is fussing in front of him and the way he reddens up to the tips of his ears amuses Jongin, nevermind the fact that he was the perpetrator of this fiasco. He gives a curt ‘thanks’, taking the cloth from Sehun’s grasp and pressing it to his nose. He looks up, the train’s fluorescent lights blinding him for a second while he pinches the bridge of his nose to stop the bleeding. Sehun looks so lost and utterly horrified.

“I’m sorry,” It isn't obvious but Sehun is already a sobbing mess inside. “I’m really sorry, Jongin sunbae-nim! Oh God, I should take you to the hospital because that must hurt a lot—”

“Wow, you know my name?”

Sehun halts his blabbering right away when Jongin looks back at him again with surprised eyes. God, those ing eyes. Truth be told, Sehun wants to faint right then and there, because he can't handle being stared at by the person he'd already proclaimed as his husband—and that’s a secret safe in the back of his mind, of course.

“I—I do?” Sehun asks dumbly, pointing to himself. There is an awkward pause between them, with Sehun breaking it by laughing like a drowning cat. “I—oh yeah, ‘course I do! Hahaha…”

You’re my ing baby boo, for God's sake! I know even your grand, grandparents’ nickname!

He isn't a stalker, if that’s what everyone’s thinking. Just a hardcore admirer, is all. “You’re Baekhyun hyung's classmate, that’s why I know your name.” But of course, that is partially a lie. I’ve known you since you were ten and you were not even hyung’s classmate back then.

A light of recognition flashes in Jongin’s orbs. “Ah, you’re Baekhyun’s brother? That’s why you look so familiar.”

“Y-yes, sunbae,” Sehun scratches his head in a sheepish manner. Jongin must’ve noticed his guilty expression because the older waves his hand in a dismissive way, offering a slight smile. Sehun’s heart beat isn't in its normal rate—it's racing like a wild horse. If this guy smiles at him much longer then he'll end up with his nose bleeding as well.

“Honam station. Honam station.”

The announcement snaps Sehun out of his stupor, and he subtly touches his mouth to check if he had drooled because this beautiful human being with a bleeding nose before him is absolutely handsome and unreal and just drool-worthy. Jongin glances out the window with Sehun’s handkerchief still pressed to his nose, the train slowing down to a stop. He turns his attention back to Sehun again, who is silent and still drowning in embarrassment. “Well…this is my stop.”

Sehun blinks, mouth parting open. “This is my stop too.”

The train doors opened. “Really? Let’s go, then.” Jongin says, beckoning Sehun to follow him. Sehun can't even believe what is happening. Not only had he ridden the same trip with his crush, talked with his crush and exchanged smiles with his crush, they have the same stop too? Had he done something so noble in his past life for him to become so blessed this day?

Sehun almost skips out of the train, holding back the grin that is treacherously stretching on his lips. Jongin looks back at him and Sehun hurries to walk beside the older male, the other passengers from the train walking along with them. Sehun wants to jump and scream because he’s like, so ing elated, but he doesn't want to risk appearing like an escaped patient from some mental hospital so he keeps his mouth sealed, trying his best not to faint. Jongin smells so ing heavenly and walking side by side with him feels like he was walking down a church aisle with his soon-to-be husband. I’m getting married! Mayday, mayday! I’m getting married!


“We should probably go to a nearby clinic just to, you know,” Sehun gestures shyly to Jongin’s nose, which has already stopped bleeding. It lookeds red, but nothing seems to be out of place. “make sure…”

“There’s no need,” Jongin reassures with a smile, but it only prompts the guilt in Sehun to grow. By the time they got out of the train station, Sehun suddenly pulls Jongin to a nearest convenience store and spontaneouslt buys an ice popsicle just so Jongin can put it on his still throbbing nose.

“It’s like a temporary ice pack, so it’ll reduce the pain,” Sehun scratches his arm as he explains, face flushing again when Jongin takes the cold treat from him and lays it on top of his nose bridge. When he smiles in gratitude, Sehun feels like melting into a puddle of goo. “I really apologize for this.”

“It’s alright,” Jongin nods, walking out of the store together with Sehun. “So where do you live?”


“What street?” Jongin asks again, looking around. The sky has already dimmed, and there are other students from their school walking around, too. Sehun’s eyes bulge and he almost had a heart attack. Jongin is asking where I live, he’s asking where I live, he’s ASKING WHERE I LIVE—

“U-Uh, five blocks from here…” is Sehun's response, cheeks warm. Jongin nicely offers to walk him home but Sehun isn't ready to face death just yet. “Don’t worry! There’s no need—I mean, it’ll be just a burden to you and I don’t want you to walk all the way back again. Hehe…”

Jongin raises a brow, smiling at Sehun’s bumbling form. With a defeated sigh, he says, “Okay. Be careful on the way home.”

With a final small wave, Jongin turns around and starts taking the opposite path Sehun is about to take. Sehun stays rooted to his spot and only when Jongin’s back finally disappeared from his line of vision, did he start to walk. There is a stupid grin present on his face and he looks ing mental, but it’s not like he cares. He is practically skipping past down the streets, and when he steps inside his house, his eyes fall on Baekhyun, who is perched lazily on the couch, the box of Black Forest cake Sehun had been thinking about earlier open and placed on his older brother’s lap. Baekhyun just gives him a smug ‘I got to this first! Bleh!’ smile. He was anticipating for his younger brother’s outburst, but then the strangest thing happens.

“Eat well, hyung!” Sehun sings, grinning at him and prancing up the stairs to his room. His eyes are practically moulded into hearts and Baekhyun is left staring after his trail with a baffled expression. What the heck happened to that kid?

“If this isn’t the first time you lost then I’m a freaking troll,” Jongdae’s voice booms and echoes throughout the partially full classroom as he argues with Zitao who is sitting across from him. The root of this verbal disagreement is a game called Uno. Zitao is about to lose his and is very, very near to ending his friendship with Jongdae right then and there.

“But you are a troll! You look like a troll! Troll is your middle name!” Zitao barks, his voice just as loud as his best friend’s. Their classmates pay them no attention since they are already accustomed to the two arguing over this game. From beside Zitao sits Sehun, head turned to the window, staring off into space with a dreamy, lovestruck expression as he watches Jongin from below, practicing soccer with his teammates. Usually, Sehun always joins in whenever Jongdae and Zitao are bickering. He’d yell just as loud because he and his friends were just raucous like that. But today, he has been spacing out and Jongdae and Zitao are starting to notice.

“Sehun,” Jongdae calls, waiting for his friend to turn around and look at him. To his surprise, Sehun remains unresponsive. “Sehun.”

“Yah, Oh Sehun!” Zitao yells, kicking the back of Sehun's chair. Sehun snaps out of his trance and looks back at his friends with a dumb smile, as if he's still drunk with the strong effects of Kim Jongin’s handsomeness.


Jongdae and Zitao exchange glances. “What’s up with you?”

“What’s up with me?” Sehun asks back, confused. Zitao moves closer to his friend, followed by Jongdae who stands behind his chair, acting much like those investigators from suspense movies who look ready to interrogate their suspect in custody.

“You’ve been out of it since this morning,” Zitao begins. “Earlier during English Lit, you weren’t listening. At Math too, when Jongdae asked you for the answer to number six, you gave him the answer to number twenty-two instead. Then earlier at History too, when you overheard Misa talking about our school heartthrobs, you were all giggly and and you kept on mumbling something. Fess up; are you on drugs? Don’t be scared, we’re not going to tell anyone.”

Sehun can only blink at his friends after Zitao finished talking. They look expectant, as if they’re really considering about Sehun being on drugs. Sehun’s hazed expression fades and he scowls, hurling a notebook to Zitao and Jongdae’s direction. “What the hell are you talking about? Are you on drugs?”

“Well, you weren’t being your usual, annoying self and it’s kinda creepy," Zitao laughs, tossing Sehun’s notebook back to him. Sehun catches it with ease, glaring half-heartedly at his friends who are back to teasing him again. At that moment, their classroom’s front door opens, and in steps Luhan. It would’ve been a normal scenario, if only Luhan isn't bawling his eyes out.

“Jesus—Luhan? What happened?” Sehun asks, puzzled when Luhan dives in for a hug, his sobs getting muffled as he buris his face into Sehun’s uniform. Zitao and Jongdae get alarmed by this and they immediately crowd around their friend, confused and asking why he's crying. It takes Luhan a considerable moment to get his together and Sehun nearly cries with him because his polo is now damp with tears and snot. When Luhan is sure that he can finally talk without sounding incomprehensive, he parts away from his best friend.

“I-It’s just—” Luhan’s lower lip wobbles. And then he lets out a loud wail, startling some of their classmates nearby. “Minseok cheated on me!”

Sehun covers Luhan’s big mouth with his hand and pulls his best friend for another embrace, rubbing his back while looking at Jongdae and Zitao who are mirroring his stunned reaction. Minseok? Cheating on Luhan? That's new. “Are you serious?”

“He—I saw—I saw him on—in front of his l-locker an—and he's kissing someone!” Luhan lets out another loud cry. He really looks betrayed and heartbroken and just ing sad. Luhan never cries unless they’re marathoning Hachiko and Marley and Me and Eight Below, so to see his beloved best friend cry like this makes Sehun see red. Somebody is going to die today.

“Unbelievable,” Sehun scoffs, beyond livid. Jongdae looks sympathetic and Zitao is muttering profanities under his breath. Their other classmates look genuinely shocked and are curious as to why their bubbly, cheerful friend is sobbing. Luhan’s eyes are bloodshot and puffy, his nose glows red and he looks like a wreck, basically. It annoys Sehun to hell and back. Who the even dared to make his best friend cry? “Minseok is so going to hell.”

Sehun wants to stay beside Luhan and comfort his best friend until he felt better, but their lunch break is over and their professor has already stepped inside the room. Sehun guided Luhan back to his seat, muttering a soft, ‘you’re going to be okay, I promise.’ to Luhan before walking back to his own seat. He cranes his head to look out the window again, their school’s soccer team still practicing under the sun’s heat. Although Jongin has wavered his attention, his eyes are dead set on Minseok, who is running across the field, a wide grin plastered on his ing face while he instructs his teammates to move into position. Sehun swears he begins to grow imaginary horns. Son of a …

Sehun really thought that Kim Minseok was a decent guy. He is the soccer team’s captain and his grades are fairly good. He is friendly and he’s got a good sense of humor so when he, Jongdae and Zitao got to know about him pursuing Luhan, they immediately approved. To think that they, especially he, entrusted their little baby to this guy who was actually a cheating motherer?

Raising his hand and excusing himself out of the room, Sehun heads straight towards the janitor’s closet near the comfort room. His mind has already concocted a little revenge plan and he’s going to make sure Minseok will get the humiliation he more than deserves after this.

Grabbing the cans of spray paint from the janitor’s closet, Sehun storms into the east hallway, where the lockers resided. He stops at section B, mouth pursed into a thin line and brows angrily meeting in between his forehead as his eyes focus on a particular door, locker 162. Lips stretching into an evil grin, Sehun starts to spray paint the said locker, not a hint of remorse evident on his usually nice face. You messed with the wrong person, Kim Minseok.

The soccer team finally wraps up their practice for today. As Jongin walks along with Minseok and Kyungsoo to their lockers so they can get their books for their next class, the three of them spot a group of students forming around something. Near their lockers, particularly.

“What’s going on?” Kyungsoo mutters, pushing through the small crowd to see what is the commotion all about. And when he finally sees what it is, he freezes, gawking at what has become of the locker in front of him.



Good-for-nothing bastard!

ing son of a !

Vermin-ridden, vile jerk!

Backstabbing, lying, motherer!

Go rot in hell! Go yourself!

Minseok and Jongin emerge from the crowd, and right after seeing the vandalized locker, their eyes grew just as wide as Kyungsoo’s m. Jongin, especially, looks dumbstruck, staring at the middle finger drawn on the locker before them.

His locker.

“Cheater?” Kyungsoo asks, with Minseok echoing a faint ‘Manwhore?’ at the same time. “I don’t remember you dating someone right now. Care to tell what in the world is this, Kim Jongin?”

“I don’t know,” Jongin blinks, eyes narrowing. Whoever did this must’ve mistaken his locker for being their enemy’s locker, or whoever the hell they were pertaining to with all of these vulgar words. And whoever did this sounded real pissed, alright. The students from around them have started to murmur and look at Jongin with either confused or disapproving eyes. Jongin sighs, running a hand through his hair. He steps forward and opens his locker to get his books, ignoring the judging stares he's not even supposed to receive in the first place.

This is going to be a long day.

Sehun and his friends are out on the school’s garden during their break. Luhan still looks like , but he has already calmed down. He would cry every now and then whenever he is reminded of anything related to Minseok, though.

“Hey, Misa just told me earlier about a vandalized locker one of the seniors owned,” Zitao shares, doodling nonsense on his notebook. From beside him sits Jongdae, quietly reading one of Sophie Kinsella’s novels. And he claimed he's manly.

“Who?” Jongdae asks, eyes not straying away from his book. Luhan has his head on Sehun’s lap, eyes staring off into the distance. He looks like his soul just got ripped out of him and their classmates feel genuinely sorry for him. Sehun his best friend’s hair, sporting a smug look on his face. Served him right, that nasty, useless—

“Said it was Kim Jongin’s locker.”

Sehun shoots up from his seat the second he hears that, eyes wide and incredulous. Jongdae and Zitao didn't seem to notice, but Luhan did, because his face almost kissed the floor from that abrupt movement the other just made. Is everyone gonna be a douche to me this day—

“Come again?” Sehun asks, interrupting his friends. Zitao glances at him.

“I said Jongin sunbae's locker was vandalized,” Zitao repeats flatly.

Sehun pales. He looks at Luhan who remains staring off into the distance and taps the other’s shoulder to get his attention. Slowly, Luhan turns his head to Sehun, setting his blank eyes on his best friend.

“Minseok’s locker number is 162, right?”


“I’m going through heartbreak and you go around mentioning the guy who caused it. How sweet of you, Oh Sehun. By the way, it’s 152, not 162.”

Sehun feels as if tons of brick had hit him not just on the back of his head, but right on his face. His friends, even Jongdae, are now peering at him curiously. “You’re the vandalizer, aren’t you?” Jongdae asks with a grin, wiggling his eyebrows. Sehun isn't amused. He is dying inside.

“Oh my ing God,” Sehun goes limp and he hides his face beneath his palms. Then he begins to sob. “I screwed up.”

“Big time,” Zitao adds, meeting the high five Jongdae just gave him. Meanwhile, Luhan goes back to being sullen and distant, while Sehun's never felt stupid. Standing up, begrudgingly so, Sehun drags his feet away from their place without a word and forces himself to walk towards the senior high's building, specifically the building where he assumes Jongin must be in right now, even though he is drowning in shame and shame and shame.

When Sehun reaches the seventh floor, he takes a few turns, before ending up in a hallway that leads to Jongin’s classroom. Sehun stares at the hallway for a long time, torn between crying or committing suicide. He'd meant to embarrass Kim Minseok but unfortunately, the Gods dislike him and he gets humiliated instead. He can't even imagine how pissed Jongin must be right now. He just made half of the school population view him as a cheating guy even though he is as single as he can get.

Sehun just planned on waiting until Jongin’s class finishes so he could prepare for big- apology speech, but again, the Gods hate him. So when Jongin suddenly emerges out of the back door, holding a hallway pass, Sehun is frozen to the ground.

Jongin immediately recognizes Sehun’s face and he turns to the younger, smiling as a greeting. “Hey.”

“H-Hey. Hey. Haha, hey.” God ing Dammit, Sehun. You’re a big idiot. Patrick Star has a bigger brain than you. “Ah—um, I…um…you—you see, I’m…uh…I…”

“Yes?” Jongin asks, finding Sehun’s bumbling form amusing. He’s doing it again, that blushing up to the tips of his ears.

“Y-You see…” Sehun  in a deep breath. Here goes everything. “Y-Your friend, Minseok? Well, you probably know Luhan since…Minseok was his boyfriend and, um, well, Luhan saw him cheating on him and—and since I’m Luhan’s best friend I…I…I mean…themiddlefingerwasntmeantforyou.”

Sehun has been expecting for the worst outcome but it still scared him when Jongin’s expression goes blank. He looks down, internally sobbing because yeah, this is the last ing time Jongin will ever talk to me. And to think that they just talked yesterday? Great going, Sehun. Your husband is going to divorce you even before you get married to him—

“Try to find a janitor to erase that mess up so you won’t get into detention, okay?” Sehun’s head shoots up the moment he hears those words come out of the older's mouth. Sehun looks lost and it makes Jongin chuckle again. He ruffles his hair before turning around to go to his supposed destination, leaving Sehun gaping, jaw hitting the ground.

“Are you for real…?” Sehun mumbles, sniffing because oh my God, the , he is such an angel, I love him so much?? I am so going to marry him. Mark. my. words.

The preliminaries are in a week’s time and Sehun, being the grade conscious kind of student that he is, has been practically living inside the library every time their class is given a free or self-study period. Jongdae and Zitao can't be bothered about studying since they’ve proclaimed themselves as ‘inborn geniuses’. Sehun had scoffed and told bull while Luhan went off to sulk and drown himself in self-pity the whole week, not even opening a single page of his books. His notes, which Sehun had photocopied from his own because Luhan isn't even writing down, are untouched as well and their teachers have been noticing Luhan’s school work performance lately.

Since Luhan is having his pity-party and Zitao and Jongdae are too ‘cool’ to enter the library, Sehun is the only one who contantly goes in and out of the library every other day. Right now, he is in search for some Chemistry-related books. He has a pile sitting in his arms already and he is about to add more to that when suddenly, his eyes fall on a certain table near him. His eyesight is perfectly clear so he is a hundred percent sure that the Greek God with eyeglasses, reviewing a Physics book sitting at that table, is Kim Jongin.

If Sehun wasn’t holding his books properly, they might’ve already toppled down the ground and fallen right on his feet. He feels his knees weaken at the sight of Jongin wearing smart glasses and his serious expression. He has a slight frown on his face and his eyes are focused on the book he is reading, hand moving automatically to jot down notes on his notepad. How could he look like a ing sin even when studying? How?!

Only Jongin is sitting on that table and Sehun suddenly gets an idea. His heart starts racing fast, like it always does whenever Jongin is around. He takes a step forward, then another, and another, aiming to reach Jongin’s table and try his luck to sit with him. Sehun has dreamed of sitting and studying together with his crush but unfortunately, Jongin is above his grade level and thus, their schedules never matched. Today is one of those rare times that he’d get to see Jongin in study period so he shouldn’t let this opportunity pass.

Sehun is seconds away from mentioning Jongin’s name when Do Kyungsoo pops out and sits beside Jongin out of the blue. He is wearing glasses too and he hands Jongin a new book, to which Jongin gratefully takes with a muttered, ‘You’re the best’. His smile blinds Sehun and he skids to a stop, smoothly turning about so he could exit the library as soon as possible. Abort mission, abort mission, abort abort—

The Gods hate him, has he said it before? Because right at the moment he turns around, his foot gets caught in a random bag strap. He isn't that agile to prevent himself from smooching the ground. A second earlier, he was standing and holding piles of books in his arms. A second later and he’s face to face with the tiled floor, said pile of books sprawled everywhere. The owner of the bag gives a surprised yelp and stands up so she can pick up Sehun’s books. It's deadly silent and all eyes are staring at him. He knows a lot of them are trying to hold their laughter in.

So, Sehun knows that he is clumsy but not to this ing extent. He is a walking disaster. Sehun scrambles to pick up the remaining books scattered on the floor, face beet red and dignity officially ruined. He mutters a hasty ‘thanks’ to the girl who helped him even though technically speaking it’s her fault he tripped—who even places bags on the ing floor?—and hightails it out of the place, not daring to look back even once because he knows Jongin had witnessed that humiliating incident. He must be feeling the secondhand embarrassment, man, you are such a pitiable creature, Sehun.

How I Met Your Mother is blaring on the TV screen when Baekhyun steps inside their house, exhausted after an arduous day of school. Since he is a graduating student, he is studying double than usual and he is squeezing his brain drier than usual. So upon sighting his younger brother and his best friend sprawled on their couches, both looking so depressed and munching on snacks, he becomes annoyed and envious, at the same time. At least, Sehun and Luhan are free to do anything they want every night because they don't have a ton of assignments.

“What happened to you two?” Baekhyun asks, entering the living room after kicking off his shoes. He shoves Sehun aside so he can sit and Sehun limply falls back onto the other side of the couch, not even letting out one complaint. He looks like the world was about to end and Luhan looks like he's mourning his beloved parrot's death. Both have nonexistent rain clouds looming above their heads. “Yah—”

“Why does the world hate me?” Sehun mumbles, staring off into distance. Baekhyun pauses, giving his sibling a weird stare. Sehun lets out a heavy sigh, as if he was bearing such a huge problem that no one could solve. “Why do I always embarrass myself in front of him?”

“Who the hell are you talking about?” Baekhyun asks as his hand darts out to grab the bowl of Cheetos on the table. Sehun’s face stretches longer and he looks like he wants to cry.

“Why am I so unlucky?” Sehun asks again, voice falling into a whisper. Luhan is unresponsive from across, just blankly watching the television. Baekhyun bets he isn't even paying attention. “Why is it that we’re two worlds apart?”

Well, that was cheesy, Baekhyun snorts. Why is his brother being so emo as ? And Luhan, too? What’s with teenagers these days and why do they always look like they bear the problem of the whole damn world?

“Why am I such a fool? I don’t even know if I have a chance with him but here I am, still hoping we’d end up someday, together when everyone knows that he has Kyungsoo! Everyone knows that the reason why Kyungsoo sticks with him all the time, why he’s so overprotective and scary is because he’s keeping Jongin off-limits! He’s protecting his territory,” Sehun starts to cry with nonexistent tears. “I’ve liked him ever since that day he killed that creepy , disgusting, flying cockroach for me and served as my knight in shining school uniform but why can't he notice me the way I do? Why does he only look at Kyungsoo? Why does he only give that sickeningly sweet smile to Kyungsoo? Why does he always have to be beside Kyungsoo? They’re not even a couple! Or maybe they are, they just don’t say it because it’s better to keep it secret and safe? Because best friends don’t look like they want to bone each other! Oh my God, I can’t believe—”


“—this! Why won’t he look at me like that—”


“—too? Do I have to make my eyes look ing enormous? Do I have to bend my knees too low so I’ll be as short as a midget?! Do I have to make myself look like a serial killer all—”

“—for ’s sake—”

“—the time? Should I be as antisocial as Kyungsoo? Should I make myself look squishy—”


“—why is Jongin so hot?”

“—the up!” Baekhyun finally yells, his voice resounding all throughout the living room, effectively cutting off Sehun’s rant. God, his brother’s stupid woes annoy the hell out of him. He’s wondering why he has no sibling as silent as Luhan?

“I ask myself that too all the time,” Luhan suddenly speaks, causing Sehun and Baekhyun to look at him. “Why is my…why is my boyf— ex-boyfriend…so ing—hot?!”

The next thing Baekhyun knows, Sehun and Luhan have already thrown their arms around each other and are wailing like cows about to be delivered to the slaughterhouse. Baekhyun’s eye twitche as he watches his brother and his brother’s best friend cry out their heartbreaks and frustrations while praising the guys who are the cause of those emotions at the same time. He doesn't know if he had somehow ended up in a mental institute and these two were just Sehun and Luhan’s look-alikes.

“You guys,” Baekhyun sighs exasperatedly, running a hand over his face. If their mom was here, for sure she would’ve probably given Sehun a life-long sermon. She is never that fond of emotionally-wreck people because she had been there when she and their dad divorced, and she always said that crying wouldn’t make any difference so why the bother?

“Maybe he got tired of me because I wasn't enough,” Luhan sobs, voice muffled on Sehun’s shoulder. Sehun is rubbing his back, nodding his head while he cries, too. “Maybe he doesn’t really like guys and he prefers girls…”

Luhan’s warbled sentence snatches Baekhyun’s attention. Doesn’t like guys. Prefers girls…

“Baek, you shouldn’t do it.”

“Do what?”

“Confess to Park Chanyeol!”

“And why shouldn’t I? Enlighten me.”

“He’s a ing homophobe, .”

“Where the hell did you hear that stupid thing?”

“I didn’t hear it, I saw it. He hates homoual people.”

Baekhyun goes limp at the sudden recollection. Park Chanyeol is his batchmate and a fellow member at Glee Club. He's been crushing on Chanyeol so bad, especially after that time he helped Baekhyun with his struggle of composing lyrics for their fourth semestral project. They hang out from time to time and Baekhyun was really starting to think that there was a possibility of Chanyeol liking him as well but then…he found out that the guy actually hated gay people and really, Baekhyun shouldn’t have assumed. He’s so damn stupid.

“Chanyeol is homophobic and…” Baekhyun trails off, garnering the two younger teens’ attention. They stare back at each other. Baekhyun’s bottom lip wobbles and before long, Luhan and Sehun’s arms are around him as they make him join their pity-party as wel.

So Luhan is depressed because his boyfriend for almost two years had cheated on him. Sehun is depressed because his crush since forever might already have a boyfriend a.k.a his small terror of a best friend, and he, Baekhyun, is depressed because their club’s big-eared, tall rapper apparently, isn't into . We’re the most pathetic s in the world, aren’t we?

The heat of the sun's heat has already simmered down when the clock hits four. Given that preliminaries are nearing, students half of the time are always allowed a self or group study period so they can review their subjects prior to their quizzes and eventually, exams.

Luhan's absent for this day and Zitao is sick, sleeping in the school’s clinic since Jongdae had pranked him and made him eat something which was past the expiry date. Jongdae is with his cousin Junmyeon, because he is struggling to understand English and Sehun couldn’t be bothered to teach him because he himself isn't a genius in that department. So for now, Sehun is alone outside the school field, sitting on the bleachers with crumpled papers strewn all around him.

Sehun’s brows curl with vexation as he attempts to pour all of his frustrations and thoughts on a page of his notebook. He is making a letter—to Jongin, particularly. He originally planned to make it as a sweet love letter, but it's turning out as a letter full of exaggerated, dramatic woes. Sehun isn't sure when he had become such an emo but apparently, Jongin and Kyungsoo always holding hands these days, was the trigger.

He's been stuck in this certain paragraph for a couple of minutes already and his mind isn't functioning to give him additional words. He is so pissed off and is glaring down at his notebook, hoping to see it burn in front of his very eyes. Yet it doesn't, and with a disgruntled, annoyed grumble he rips the page of the notebook, making sure it's crumpled good and firm, before he thoughtlessly throws it, far, far away from him where he wouldn't be able to see the nasty evidence of his heartbroken, hormonal teenage self—

Sehun thinks that since lightning bolts at times would hit open fields like this, why shouldn’t God just blast him right then and there? He didn’t need to see his failed love letter hit Kim Jongin right in the ing face. My God, I’m always harming this dude…where did he even come from?! He suddenly sprouted out of nowhere. Like a ing mushroom!

Jongin, who is doing his track and field practice that moment, just happens to pass by the bleachers and suddenly, something hits his nose. Skidding to a stop, Jongin glances down and tries to look for that unidentified flying object, and there, he sees a crumpled paper. He looks up, seeing Sehun a few levels up ahead the bleachers with a panicked expression on his face. Ah, you again…

Picking up the paper, Jongin begins to uncrumple it, much to Sehun’s consternation. The younger male almost flies away from his seat, skipping bleacher after bleacher and almost rolling down just to get to Jongin and snatch the paper away before Jongin—

You are the most infuriating person in the whole wide world even though you’re not even doing anything to me but that must be partially because you won’t notice my beautiful self and one-sided love . . so much!!! I wasn’t born just to be hopelessly in love with someone who doesn’t even know my name!!!!! OTL >:(((

—could get to read what’s in it.

Sehun stands frozen on top of one of the bleachers, ashen-faced as he watches Jongin blink and look up at him, features contorted into confusion.

He's totally read it, hasn't he.

“But…” Jongin begins, looking back at the crumpled paper which contains barely readable words. Sehun’s penmanship looks like a damn chicken scratch. “I do know your name, though?”

Sehun has completely reddened after that. Snatching the paper from Jongin’s grasp in an abrupt fashion, he fumbles for words, face hot and embarrassed. “T-This isn’t what—it’s not—I don’t even—it’s—this isn’t for you!”

Then Sehun starts to sprint away from Jongin. However, it definitely takes a lot of will and have the guts to turn back around because his things are, apparently, still up there and he Sehun is being stupid and painfully humiliating. He can't even imagine how red he must look like right now while Jongin watches him with his smiling eyes. His heart is thundering so violently because that was so close. Oh my God oh my God he almost caught me—holy …!

It will be the end of him if Jongin gets to know that he’s crushing on him.

Sehun daren't look back once he got his things, cursing himself on the way out of the field. Jongin is left wondering if Sehun could possibly turn even redder than that.

Luhan hadn’t ever asked him favors before, and Sehun thought that he still wouldn’t until they die. But unfortunately, Luhan is extremely shy in nature and he is a coward so that’s why Sehun finds himself walking along the senior high's corridors, a rose and a promissory note slash apology letter in hand.

His best friend, unfortunately, has been slacking off on his studies because he is still emotionally unstable. His grades aren't that pleasant of a result and in turn, it made Mr. Wu, their Chemistry teacher, disappointed at Luhan, especially since the brunette is the student he dotes on the most. Luhan is the star pupil when it comes to Chemistry and his failed grades were just unbelievable. So now, Luhan is trying to woo their teacher just so he wouldn’t make a call to his parents.

But yeah, since he’s shy—coward—he asked Sehun to do the wooing. That means, he’ll be the messenger. He’ll bring Luhan’s peace offering a.k.a the red rose and the letter to Mr. Wu, and whatever Mr. Wu is to say, he’ll tell it to Luhan.

Sehun is walking down the hallway when he passes by a laboratory's door wide agape. The noises of the room’s occupants are echoing down the hallway and Sehun can't help but chance a peek when he nears the door. He wishes he hasn't done it, though.

On one of the long tables sits Kyungsoo, face somber as usual. Beside him sits Jongin, eyes droopy and looking a little sleepy. He lets out a big yawn and for a moment Sehun thought it was super adorable, but his smile totally falls the second Jongin decides to lean his head on Kyungsoo’s shoulder and hide his nose on the crook of his best friend’s neck. Sehun almost screamed bloody murder. Then Kyungsoo’s impassive expression takes a sudden turn. Now, he is smiling and he even leans his head above Jongin’s, eyes focused on his phone while Jongin takes a short snooze. It is a rare sight since Do Kyungsoo never smiles; unless it’s about Kim Jongin.

Even though there are already so many speculations about Jongin and Kyungsoo being a couple, Sehun's belief never wavered at the possibility of Jongin being single. But these past few weeks, all he could see were the subtle and the not-so-subtle public display of affections these best friends are doing. It's hurting him not only because the speculations might be true, but also because he will never gain Jongin’s affection like Kyungsoo had already, successfully done.

Dramatic as he is, Sehun leans against the wall beside the opened door and closes his eyes, putting a hand over his chest. There is no one in the hallway so it's probably okay for him to slide down until his touches the floor—

“Mr. Oh? Are you alright?”

That has Sehun’s eyes snapping open. Mr. Wu is standing in front of him, his trustee laptop bag hanging on his shoulder. He looks like he is torn between judging the heck out of his student or laughing instead. Sehun’s mind is so blank, all he can do is to stare back until Mr. Wu budges again. “Mr. Oh? What is—”

Before Mr. Wu could even finish his sentence, Sehun's already placed the rose in the older man’s palm and makes a run for it. Halfway through the corridor he almost slips, yet ing again, failing to notice the ‘Caution: Slippery when wet’ sign. Mr. Wu is baffled at the strange behaviour of his student but he brushes it off for the mean time and enters the laboratory so he can start his class.

When Sehun finally returns to their classroom, does he only realize that , I forgot to give the letter.

In all the seventeen years he’d lived, never had Sehun been involved in a rumor. He has a clean repute, and he thought it would stay that way even until he gets out of high school and into college where the kids are a lot wilder beyond imagination.

But sadly, the moment he steps inside the premises of their campus, some eyes automatically look over to his direction. And the number just continues to grow, until he reaches his classroom. Everyone is acting a bit peculiar today and Sehun has no idea if it's just him, or are his classmates really looking at him with those sly, evil, not-so-innocent-and-friendly grins?

Only when Sehun takes his seat, is he enlightened. Jongdae slaps his back and Zitao is sniggering like . Even Luhan, who's supposed to be in a state of depression for a week straight now, cracks an amused grin.

Well, apparently, there are rumors.

Rumors about him.

With their Chemistry teacher.

Sehun is aware that teenagers are a bunch of hormonal morons but seriously? What decent person would start a rumor about a freaking sixteen-year-old junior high student and a forty-year-old, reputable and respectable Science teacher? In retrospect, this must be the stupidest thing he has ever experienced.

The first three periods, Sehun has been teased relentlessly and even his friends are joining in on the bandwagon even though they perfectly know what is the true story behind what happened yesterday with him and Mr. Wu. Luhan is going to be the death of his good status. His classmates are pure evil and they even go as far as making a makeshift chatbox a.k.a lengthwise paper. It's being passed around, until it lands on his desk.

Sehun nearly cried while reading the words written on the paper.

Q: What do you think of Krishun pairing???

-It’s sweet <3

-dude, stop this lmao

-krishun?? Who tf is kris

-kris is mr. wu



-what the is this

-krishun? is this legit or???

-loads of gay but me like

-noooo! Mr. Wu is too old for Sehun wtf

-ever heard of ‘sugar daddy’? Idiot

-lol mr wu doesn’t look like a sugar daddy but then again with all that money he has, he could pass as one

-he’s handsome even @40 so why the hell not

-wtf you guys, sehun’s gonna flip once he sees this

-I don’t mind the : - )

-can I ask what’s the answer to number 45

-krishun is tf

-#45 is 3.14159

-I don’t mind as long as they don’t do pda stuff

-But Mr. Wu Is Going To Be Fired If The Other Teachers Find Out About This!!

-ew no. sehun is mine

-you sure that’s the right answer??? Thanks bruh

-how the is krishun you dumb, whoever wrote this

-oh my gosh Mr. Wu is gay? BUT HE WAS SO PERFECT

-as the class president I advise you guys to stop before Ms. Hwang sees this

-yo don’t listen to prez just do whatever u want and be sure to vote me as president next election!!

-shut up misa you don’t even deserve the vice president position no offense

-GAY !!!!!!!!

- ^ homophobe alert sHUT THE UP OR I’LL MAKE YOU GAY MYSELF

- I was ing

- that was random


- Jongdaekim says: BOTTOM HUN <3

Sehun honestly wants to bash his face on something solid and pull out every strand of his hair because of this…whatever this even is. His classmates are the absolute worst.

Even at the cafeteria, the peace Sehun is inwardly begging for is never given to him. Even the freshies and sophomores are looking at him, and that’s how Sehun knows this rumor is practically campus-wide by now.

Sehun is with Luhan, Jongdae and Zitao as usual, but only his friends are eating in peace. Every now and then he would receive a poke on the back, followed by inane questions ranging from did you really hook up with Mr. Wu?’ or ‘Rose? Is that his favorite flower?’  to ‘my fan fiction fantasies are coming to life. If only mpreg was possible…’ Jongdae had spat out his water at that, and Zitao looked scandalized.

“If only you had the balls to give that ing letter to him yourself…” Sehun sets his deadly glare on Luhan, who is trying so hard to suppress his laughter. Sehun is practically a dark loom of cloud. He’s incredibly humiliated and pissed beyond his limits but unfortunately, no one seems to notice; that, or they just don't care. He feels another poke at his back, but he ignores it and keeps on sipping his soda. After approximately ten minutes, he has already received a total of seven pokes, and seriously, Sehun is going to flip their lunch table upside down if this doesn't stop.

Poke. Sehun grits his teeth, glaring at Jongdae who looks unaffected. Poke. Zitao glances down on his lap to prevent himself from laughing out loud. Poke. Luhan looks back and almost chokes on his diet coke. Another ing poke and I swear to god…


Turning around, Sehun practically yells, “YAH! ING STOP POKING ME YOU MOTHERING—” Sehun almost bites his tongue at the sight of Jongin standing before him, blinking at his sudden outburst. The cafeteria grows silent. Sehun is having the worst day ever. And to think that he’s been having so many misfortunes ever since that day he met Jongin on that train, that’s saying something.

“S-Sunbae?” Sehun stammers, blood rushing up to his head. Jongin looks around, and when the students catch his eyes, they suddenly go back to doing their own businesses. “Oh God, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to shout at you—”

“It’s okay.” Jongin looks back at Sehun with a smile that is so ing bright it almost blinded even Luhan beside him. And then before Sehun even knows it, Jongin’s arm has already extended towards him and Sehun’s vision landed on the colourful cup Jongin is giving him.


Noticing Sehun’s stunned expression, Jongin clears his throat and says, “Saw that you were upset so I bought you this.” Grabbing Sehun’s hand, he places the bubble tea in the younger’s hand and smiles again, before wordlessly leaving. Everyone in their table is baffled and even the other students who are looking at them are all thinking the same thing.

“What was that all about?”Jongdae decides to speak everyone’s thoughts aloud. He looks confounded, but still proud in a way because Kim Jongin just went to their table to give Sehun some bubble tea because he saw that Sehun was annoyed.

“Holy ,” Zitao grins from ear to ear, wiggling his eyebrows. “You lucky son of a .”

“Is there something you want to tell us, Sehunnie?” Luhan asks, raising a brow. Sehun blinks at his friends, his flushed expression returning with full force. “Are you and, you know, Jongin—are you two a thing?”


“I ing wish!” Sehun huffs, turning around to a direction where he wouldn’t see a Luhan and a Zitao and a Jongdae. His lips which has been frowning the whole day instantly turn upwards when he looks at the bubble tea in his hand, strawberry flavored. Chocolate is his favorite but this is also perfect. Sehun looks at the direction Jongin took earlier and sees that he is with his soccer teammates, eating and talking boisterously. Sehun isn’t even aware how his grin is wider than that of the Cheshire Cat’s.

Honestly, though. His crush just gave—bought him bubble tea. That was so random, but so ing sweet. Sehun thinks he might as well die and descend to hell.

Blind dates are not Sehun’s thing. He isn't even that interested in dating another person aside from his crush but his older brother was hell-bent on getting him a date after they wailed for hours about stupid guys like Kim Minseok, Park Chanyeol and Kim Jongin. Baekhyun had set up not just a date, but a triple date for the three of them. How exciting, if not for the fact that this triple date is a ing epic fail.

The chosen venue of their date is in a mall. They are currently eating inside a restaurant, and the awkwardness of the silence surrounding their table could kill even the immortal cockroaches. Sehun keeps the urge to dump his face into the pasta he is eating while his date plays footsie with him under the table. Luhan never even bothered touching his food and is just looking at his date, trying hard not to bawl his eyes out because his date ing looks a lot like Minseok, it isn't even funny. Baekhyun’s date is a complete moron and Sehun's, unfortunately, is a -deprived, conceited ert.

Baekhyun is really trying hard to lighten up the mood but one sullen stare from his younger brother and he gives up. It isn't his fault that his friend’s standards were so goddamn low she gave three defected guys as their dates.

When they finish eating, they head to the arcade, thinking that maybe it would break the awkwardness and the fun would finally ensue. But since Luhan’s date looks like Minseok and the fact that he and Minseok used to go to arcades a lot, couple number one failed. Baekhyun and his date are playing with a claw crane game but with the twenty tries he and Baekhyun have done, not once did they even get a plushie and Baekhyun is getting annoyed because Chanyeol could’ve gotten me a big- Rilakkuma by now, so couple number two failed as well. What about Sehun and his date? Well…

“Get your hand off, please,” Sehun asks nicely through gritted teeth, his smile so painfully fake as he lookes at his date who is standing too close to him for his liking. His date has that erted grin on his face and instead of abiding Sehun’s words, his hand which is resting on Sehun’s waist trails down even lower, until he is now shamelessly groping Sehun’s . Sehun’s eyes bulge and out of instinct he grabs his date’s hand, twisting the other’s arm. His date lets out a pained yelp. “I thought I told you, hands ing off?! Are you deaf, dumb? Don’t you understand Korean, you ing—”

“Sehun, what the—yah, yah, yah! Stop it now, guys,” Baekhyun raises his voice, wrenching Sehun away from his date. The guy looks like he just got castrated. Sehun glares at him and with a huff he turns, storming out of the arcade without responding to Baekhyun’s calls.

Couple number three: failed.

I can’t believe this… Sehun shudders inwardly while he walks amongst other shoppers, recalling the feeling of his date’s filthy hand grabbing his . He implodes. That hand should be cut off! Disgusting—ugh!

Mood completely spoiled, Sehun tries to steam off his anger by aimlessly roaming around the mall. He goes in and out of numerous shops, but he never buys a thing. He also passes by a small pet store and might’ve taken his time a little longer than necessary because when his phone vibrates, he receives a message from his older brother.

From: Baek hyung

Where in the world are you? We’re going home. I don’t want to do this anymore, this is so ing stupid. I regret ever agreeing to this.

“Tell me about it,” Sehun mutters, rolling his eyes. He sends Baekhyun a message telling his whereabouts and while he waits, he sits on a bench nearby. Since it's Saturday, the mall is packed with people. He wishes he just brought Jongdae and Zitao too. It would’ve been fun if his other friends were here with him instead.

Looking around, Sehun’s eyes fal on the queue line behind the cinema counter. Sehun blinks, eyes squinting while he observes that tall figure standing in between two short ahjummas. He really stands up with his height because of that. Sehun almost chokes on his spit when his brain finally recognizes the familiar figure.

Holy , isn’t that Jongin?! Sehun mentally squeals. Jongin is dressed in casual clothes and he looks so goddamn cool, as usual. But something is off. His face is pulled back into a frown and it only deepens after he checks something on his phone. Sehun, being the smitten idiot that he is, decided to approach Jongin. Surely, the older wouldn’t be a snob outside of the school premises, right?

“Sunbae!” Sehun chirps once he nears Jongin. The latter jumps for a bit, surprised, but when he sees who called him, he visibly relaxes. Jongin returns the smile Sehun is giving him, albeit a little strained. “Hi!”

“Hi,” Jongin mutter, eyes drifting for a second to look at his phone screen. No new messages. “Fancy seeing you here.”

“Right back at you,” Sehun answers cheerfully because damn, Jongin smells so good and I think I’m getting high. Noticing the faintest of frown on the older’s face, Sehun points out, “You don’t look so happy.”

Jongin’s brows rise at that, a bit impressed with Sehun’s observation skills. Or maybe he does just look cranky? “I got stood up.”

For a moment, Sehun buffers. His response seems to be suspended mid-air and now he is just looking at his crush with a stupefied expression on his face.

Jongin ing got what?

“Y-You,” Sehun swallows thickly, trying to put his cheerful look intact. It's difficult to manage, what with Jongin just suddenly dropping the bomb on him that he is here on a date. Well, he got stood up, but still. He is in this cheap- mall because he was supposed to have a date with someone. Sehun breathes in. “You got stood up? Um, well…wow. That’s real…that’s a move.”


“Now these are going to waste,” Jongin shrugs, pertaining to the two tickets in his hand. He was supposed to watch a movie with Kyungsoo but sadly, his best friend ditched him for someone named ‘Yixing’. Honestly, had it not been for the fact that his best friend is finally spicing up his romantic life, Jongin would’ve already demanded his best friend to get his sorry in front of him right at this moment.

Sehun eyes the tickets too, his smile twitching. If this was anime, there would probably be a tick on his forehead by now. Just then, Jongin’s slightly dim expression lightens up and he looks at Sehun, who in turn meets his eyes. Jongin's been wondering if Sehun naturally has rosy cheeks because every time he sees the other, his face is always flushed pink.

“Do you have someone with you?” Jongin asks, roaming his eyes around to spot if Sehun somehow has friends with him. Sehun, remembering the sudden disaster of a date he had earlier, immediately shakes his head as an answer.

“Uh, no, I’m alone,” Sehun responds, grinning. He just hopes Jongin wouldn’t see through his lie. He really isn't the best liar around, and it  .

Jongin looks down at his tickets again then back at Sehun, who remains standing innocently in front of him. His smile widens but there is still the hint of nervousness in his expression when he asks, “Would you like to watch the movie with me instead?”

Sehun blinks. He just blinks. Jongin is starting to grow anxious. What if Sehun declines his offer? That would be embarrassing. But it isn't like he wouldn't be able to live without getting rejecte—

“Wait a second,” Sehun speakd in a hasty manner, turning his back to Jongin in a flash. Sehun’s face looks like a ripe strawberry. God forbid how he wants to scream and break glasses because his ing crush, his darling, sweetheart Kim ing Jongin just asked him to watch movies with him—honestly, Sehun thought that this day wouldn’t get any worse but then came Jongin and poof! Suddenly, this is the best day ever. What a good time to be alive and breathing.

Fishing out his phone, Sehun practically smashes the keypad to send a barely calm message to his brother.

To: Baek hyung


From: Sehun

Turning around again, Sehun flashes a wide beam and nods. “Sure!” Jongin releases the breath he was holding and he grins back, handing Sehun the other ticket. Then he leads the two of them towards the cinema, with Sehun trying so hard without latching onto Jongin’s arm and barking mineminemine like a rabid dog with its precious bone because some hoes—okay, girls—are laying their eyes on Jongin and Sehun’s getting hella possessive. Not that he's in any position to be.

After buying popcorn and drinks, the two of them finally enter the cinema. Sehun is getting giddy with each second that passes by and all he can do is to watch Jongin in his peripheral vision because damn, he still can't believe he’s this ing lucky. He must really be a saint in his past life.

The movie begins. Sehun tries to focus his attention on it and miraculously, he succeeds. His eyes almost bulge out of its sockets. Nudging Jongin softly, he whispers a tense, “Sorry, what movie was this again?”

Without straying his eyes away from the huge screen, Jongin answers, “Annabelle.”

Oh my God, Sehun turns his eyes back to the movie, heart at a rapid pace. Suddenly, the room seems darker and the temperature feels colder than before. His palms become sweaty and he slowly, subtly attempts to slide down against his seat because has he mentioned how much he despises horror movies?!

Sehun can't even complain about it because he’ll be damned if he spoils this movie for Jongin. The other looks like he really wants to watch this and he’s too immersed in watching to notice Sehun’s frightened behaviour. Halfway through the movie, Sehun turns even whiter than a sheet of paper. He is quivering and for every jump scare, his scared yelps and embarrassing shrieks are increasing in volume. He tries to hide behind the popcorn bag he is holding, eyes barely open.

When a particular terrifying scene plays, Sehun's most certain he is going to pass out. The protagonist is being chased off by a ing demon in a ing dark basement and the demon’s ing freaky face popping once on the screen makes Sehun scream and jump, sending his popcorn to fly everywhere. It rains kernels.

Sehun is so embarrassed yet still afraid at the same time that he doesn't even bother moving a muscle. Jongin is stunned beside him, looking like he's just seconds away from bursting into laughter. Sehun is so sure Jongin could still see his tomato-like face even with all the lights off.

“, I’m so sorry,” Sehun whispers hastily, picking off some of the popcorn that have latched themselves onto Jongin’s hair and shirt. Jongin bites back a grin and joins Sehun in cleaning himself. He can't help the snigger from coming out of him while he listens to Sehun mumbling a mix of expletives and apologies under his breath. “I’m so stupid, this must feel sticky, I’m really sorr—”

“It’s okay,” Jongin reassures with a smile, looking at Sehun’s shocked face as he just stuffed a popcorn into the other’s mouth so he could calm down. Jongin is glad that it worked.

Sehun thought of kissing the hell out of Jongin right then and there but Annabelle is so ing creepy that it wouldn’t feel right. Besides, it’s like not he can even do it anyways. Jongin might kick his face if he did that.

The thunderous cheer of the crowd overpowers the emcee’s voice while numerous figures run across the football field, dodging and kicking a ball to either opposing team’s goals.

Sehun is a fan of soccer and so are Jongdae, Zitao and Baekhyun who are all sitting to his left. But after some unfaithful a.k.a Kim Minseok cheated on his best friend, his devotion to watch their school’s soccer team lessened. The only thing he likes about their soccer team now is Jongin and if Jongin wasn’t in the team, he wouldn’t even be sitting here on the bleachers for the final game.

Earlier, Luhan just dropped the bomb that he and Minseok just got back together. Of course, Sehun was more than incredulous. Who the hell would be stupid enough to get back with someone who they just caught cheating on them in the act?!

Well, apparently, his best friend was stupider than he thought and yeah, he did get back with his ex-boyfriend. What a big idiot. It didn’t even last three months…

But since Luhan is his best friend, Sehun can't deny him his happiness. If it means there will no longer be any depressed and emo Luhan, then he should at least try to be happy for him. Sure, he's still annoyed at Minseok and it won't change until Minseok does something that only God can do. But then again, his best friend’s happiness matters more and Sehun only wants what’s best for Luhan.

So after Luhan had revealed that not-so-pleasant news, he decided to drag not only him but also Baekhyun, Jongdae and Zitao to their school’s soccer match. Sehun was supposed to hibernate inside his room all day but as much as he didn’t want to part with his current boyfriend a.k.a his bed, he had no choice.

Whether you like it or not, you are coming with me because this is the highlight of my year or not kidding, I will really drag your out of this room, was precisely what Luhan had said.

So now he is here, watching a soccer game. In a way, he's enjoying it too, because it isn't like he has no reason to not appreciate this day. His crush is down there on the field, all sweaty and serious and looking so ing hot in red uniform. Sehun keeps on wiping his chin because there's a high possibility of him drooling somewhere during the game.

“Player 88 Kim Jongin attempts to kick the ball beyond the opposing team's goalkeeper and between the goalposts and beneath the crossbar to score aaaannd—GOAL!”

The hometeam’s supporters shoot up to their feet and cheered, countless of voices mixing together. Luhan is so hyped up beside Sehun but so is the latter. After all, they have their own guys to support, so it goes without sayong that they are two of the loudest audiences in that section.

After their school team successfully won the match fair and square, Luhan then drags them to another place. Jongdae has begun to complain to Zitao because the both of them were supposed to marathon Adventure Time but then, Luhan just had to ruin their alone time. Zitao just laughed and promised Jongdae they would watch tomorrow, since it’s still weekend the next day and they all have the time in the world to watch Looney Tunes or whatever Jongdae is in the mood to watch.

When Luhan pulls over the curb and gives his friends a wide grin, does Sehun only realize that they have arrived at Minseok’s house. The sound of ear-deafening music pounds within the walls of Minseok’s mansion and numerous cars are parked out of his wide front lawn, teenagers out either drinking beer or getting some fresh air. Their soccer team’s celebratory party is going full out in Minseok’s house and Sehun thinks his best friend should’ve warned him about the party beforehand so he could’ve worn something cooler than simple jeans and white shirt.

“I don’t know what the hell I’m doing at a party full of kids below my age,” Baekhyun scoffs, looking at the drunk couple who stumbles and nearly hits him. “Are we even invited?”

“Everyone knows that anyone in campus is invited when it comes to Minseok’s party,” Zitao provides, shrugging. “Plus, you and Jongin are the same age so I guess it’s not that bad. I don’t think you’re the only senior student at this party.”

“Yeah, but I don’t know these people other than you four and half of the soccer team--and I’m not even close with them,” Baekhyun rolls his eyes again when he sees another wasted junior walk past him.

“Look, Chanyeol sunbae is Kyungsoo sunbae's close friend. Since Kyungsoo sunbae is Jongin sunbae's best friend, it's given that his other friends are invited too as well so Chanyeol sunbae should be just around here somewhere,” Luhan speaks, sporting a wide, knowing grin. That's a lot of sunbaes. In an instant, Baekhyun’s face pulls up into an alarmed, yet excited expression. He roams his eyes around, eagerly so, eyes twinkling with anticipation.

“You know what, I think I want to dance after all. See you guys later!” Baekhyun says, suddenly parting away from their group. Even if Baekhyun doesn't say it, they all know that he is just going to seek out for Chanyeol.

The music is twice as loud when they enter Minseok’s house. Everything is dark and cramped and really exciting, a typical Kim Minseok’s party. Sehun doesn't know just when did Zitao and Jongdae part away from them the whole hour they were staying in this place. Luhan leads him to the spacious kitchen, where the soccer team is, raucous and chaotic. They are crowding around a table, busy and obviously having fun while playing beer pong.

“Minnie!” Luhan practically squeals once he finds his boyfriend. Sehun tries not to scowl and gag at the same time when Minseok greets Luhan back with a loving smooch to the cheek. Even until now, they’re still so disgusting. He wonders how Minseok’s teammates can handle seeing their captain’s revolting love life.

Sehun looks around, trying to see if there are some faces he can recognize. There are a few, yes, but he isn't really friends with them. He can't find Zitao and Jongdae, his brother has gone AWOL, and Luhan’s with his boyfriend playing beer pong too. Feeling left out, Sehun decides to step out of the house. But just as he turns around, he bumps into someone.

“Whoa, careful,” A deep voice snatches Sehun’s attention. When he looks up, his eyes meet familiar dark ones. Jongin is looking at him with an amused expression, his smile taking Sehun’s breath away. They are so close and damn it, he smells like sin. Sehun almost jumps away from Jongin, his heart thrashing wildly inside his ribcage. “Fancy seeing you here!”

“O-oh, yeah! Hi!” Sehun greets, raising his voice over the cacophony of loud party music and boisterous yelling. Jongin’s smile grows wider. He then beckons Sehun to follow him, leading the younger towards his ever-so-rowdy team. Sehun feels shy under the stares of some of the soccer team’s members.

“Hey, mind introducing us to your friend, Kim?” Someone named Taemin, Sehun remembers, speaks with a slight grin on his lips. His cheeks are a little flushed and his eyes are a bit droopy, indicating that he probably has consumed quite the amount of alcohol already. Jongin, who is standing beside Taemin, shrugs his friend’s heavy arm dangling on his shoulder.

“This is Sehun, Luhan’s best friend,” Jongin introduces, at the same time someone named Youngjae shoves a pint of beer into Sehun’s hand. Sehun looks like a lost lamb in the middle of the tough looking soccer members and it makes Jongin smile.

“Hi, Sehun, I’m Taemin!” Taemin grins, offering his hand to Sehun who gladly shakes it. The other members begin to introduce themselves to Sehun too, and after a while, Sehun starts to feel comfortable in the presence of these guys. They're not so bad. He’s actually enjoying their company. They never make Sehun feel out of place and they always talk to him, be it about nonsense or other things which are actually worth discussing.

“Bet a thousand won Jongin won’t get to shoot three balls consecutively!” Taemin announces after downing a cup of beer and handing Jongin 500 won because he lost the bet Jongin gave him earlier. Sehun, who now sits beside Luhan, stops chatting with his best friend so he can look at Jongin’s direction. The other has a smirk on his face and it almost knocks Sehun out. What the Kim Jongin, could you get any ruder…

“I can, actually,” Jongin says with confidence, pushing Taemin’s beaming face away from his personal space. Taemin laughs, reminding their other teammates to put on their bets while Jongin goes to the other end of the table where the players stand. The whole team erupts into cheers and begins chanting Jongin’s name, earning curious looks from the other guests near their vicinity.

“You’re always free to back out, you know,” Taemin elbows Jongin’s side, to which the other responds with a slight shove back. When Jongin says, ‘don’t underestimate me, I won’t lose this bet’, Taemin gives a challenging smirk and asks, “Oh yeah? How sure are you?”

“A hundred percent,” From the other side of the table, Sehun suddenly freezes the second Jongin’s eyes meet his. His breath gets caught in his throat at the boyish grin Jongin just sent him. “You know what. Add another percent to that since Sehun’s watching.”

Sehun practically chokes on his beer after Jongin directs him a wink, a lone action that causes him to break out into a coughing fit and the entire soccer team to erupt with a whole bunch of teasing. Even Luhan joins, tickling Sehun’s side while wearing that knowing smile on his face. Sehun is dying out of embarrassment and oh my ing God, mY FEELZ.

Jongin does get to shoot three balls—even five—consecutively. Their eyes meet yet again and Sehun isn't sure if it's possible to get heart disease and die early without the symptoms because goddammit, Kim Jongin is going to be the death of him.

No kidding.

Outside the school’s garden sits a wide circle, their stream of chatter standing out amidst the other noises out on the field.

Sehun is sitting beside Luhan as usual, while Minseok sits right next to the other side. Zitao has his head lying on Jongdae’s lap and Baekhyun’s actually with them, talking animatedly with Chanyeol. Beside Chanyeol is Kyungsoo, and beside Kyungsoo is Jongin. Some of the soccer team’s members are also with them, together with either their girlfriends or boyfriends.

Four months have passed and Sehun never thought that their group would expand. He didn't expect that Jongin’s group of friends would even mix in with his. He is happy, of course, because now he gets to hang out with Jongin more. These past four months too, he and Jongin have become close, close enough to make inside jokes with each other. Sehun never saw it coming and honestly, if only he had the power to foresee the future, he should’ve befriended Jongin sooner because being in the presence of his company is really fun.

Today is Valentine’s Day and unfortunately, aside from Minseok and Luhan and a few select couples, no one has a significant other to celebrate it with. Sure, Sehun is starting to notice the deal between Jongdae and Zitao, but he isn't sure if his suspicions are even correct. All the people in their group are single and Sehun has no idea if that is a good thing or not.

They are currently playing ‘Never Have I Ever’, though alcohol is out of the equation since they aren't allowed to drink alcoholic beverages within campus. So instead of that, they decided that instead of beer, the players found guilty would’ve to pay a thousand won each. It's really unfair especially if you’ve done all of the things every player tells—and to think that there are fifteen of them here today—but all of them have big allowances and their wallets are kind of full anyways, so to hell with it.

“Sehunnie, you’re next!” Luhan nudges, snapping Sehun out of his (murderous) thoughts. It’s just that Kyungsoo leaning his head on Jongin’s shoulder from across him is making his blood boil to the highest degree.

“Uh…” Sehun roams his eyes around and he reddens once he realizes that all eyes are on him. The rule is, you’re only going to say something in relation to Valentine’s Day, and the first thing that comes up into Sehun’s mind is this. This is going to be so humiliating. “Never have I ever…been…”


Everyone’s reaction is instantaneous. Sehun hides his face beneath his palms, cursing out loud because now they are all just cooing at him and teasing him. He shouldn’t have admitted to that. He shouldn’t have. Nope. Dumbest thing he’d ever done.

“That’s so adorable,” Baekhyun mocks, sending a -eating grin to his brother’s direction while throwing one thousand won onto the pile at the center of their circle. What they’re going to do about all these bills afterward, he has no idea. Sehun glares at him, but Baekhyun isn't even intimidated in any least. If only his baby brother didn’t look like an offended puppy, Baekhyun might’ve actually felt scared.

“Tell us who’s going to claim them lips in the future!” Minseok teases, making Sehun blush even more. He knew it. This is beyond embarrassing. It's pure hell. it. . It. I’m so done. I’m gonna yeet myself outta here—

“Jongin, you’re up next!” Luhan chooses, pointing to Jongin’s direction. The latter looks surprised for a second, but eventually, he composes himself. From beside him, Kyungsoo is playing with his bracelet—or his hand, particularly. Sehun’s frown is stretching longer and longer.

For a moment, Jongin is silent, thinking of what he is about to say. “Never have I ever…been so attracted to someone before.”

“For reals?” Baekhyun asks his classmate, eyes blinking. Everyone has their jaws hanging open. The things is, Jongin's quite a popular jock and he's already been in several relationships before. All of them were decent enough and Jongin looked like he really was in love, especially with the last one; Ren, was it? He looked smitten, so to hear that come out of Jongin’s mouth is extremely surprising.

“Yeah,” Jongin chuckles, answering Baekhyun’s question. “Well, not until now.”

Sehun’s heart begins to race for two different reasons. First one is because of what Jongin just said, and the second is because of the fact that after he says that, he looks at Kyungsoo and smiles. Kyungsoo gives the gesture back, his heart-shaped lips looking so pretty with that smile that Sehun’s heart sinks a split second after, his eyes losing its cheerfulness.

So, it’s really true, then? Jongin’s with Kyungsoo? They’re secretly dating? Because best friends just do not look at each other like that after one had said that kind of sentence. Best friends do not look at each other like that.

Sehun feels like he suddenly lost all his energy. He doesn't even bother keeping up his smile, because there is no use in trying to smile if his heart is currently being butchered inside. He wants to cry, but not right now, because it's going to be stupid and out of character and so random and just. so. obvious.

Instead, Sehun just throws a paper bill at the center sulkily, his aura turning gloomy. Everyone's yet to notice the change in his behaviour.

“Oh, oh, this is exciting!” Taemin remarks, lips splitting into an interested grin. “Can we perhaps, know who the lucky one is?”

Jongin contemplates that question for a moment. Sehun is dreading his answer the longer it takes him to answer it. Exchanging glances with Kyungsoo, Jongin's lips breaks out into a secretive, yet shy smile. “He’s in this circle right now.” Then he looks at Kyungsoo again. Sehun now seriously wants to cry. Luhan seems to notice the exchange of glances from the two best friends so he turns to look at his own best friend, checking if Sehun is alright. The dejected expression Sehun is wearing doesn't go past Luhan and it suddenly makes him feel like crap.

Holding Sehun’s hand, Luhan squeezes it and sends a reassuring smile to Sehun when the other turns his head to face him. Sehun’s eyes look dangerously near to spilling tears. Now, Luhan wants everyone to stop this game that he initiated in the first place because it's hurting his best friend, but it will just appear so weird if they do and everyone will get confused and ask him why.

“Who? Who?!”

“Spill it!”

“Damn it, don’t tell me you’re crushing on me, Jongin?”

“I’m actually nervous, holy . Hahaha…”

“If you happen to like me, I just need to remind you that I’m not gay—”

“Oh, shut up, Chanyeol.”

“What? I'm just saying!"

Jongin observes his friends who are losing their in front of him. Watching their curious expressions entertains him a lot and so he laughs out loud, still retaining that mysterious smile on his face. His friends are starting to become frustrated. He feels a nudge to the side. He looks at Kyungsoo, who's holding back a grin—a grin that is all too knowing for its own good. “Just give them a clue. They’ll figure it out.”

Give a clue? Jongin raises a brow and looks around. Everyone is still prodding him for an answer. Well, that could work.

“Do you really want to know?”

“Of course, duh!”

“Who wouldn’t?!”

Me, Sehun hides his face on Luhan’s shoulder and Luhan subtly rubs his back. I don’t want to know. Be quiet. Shut up. Shutupshutupshutupshutup—

“Hmm, let’s see,” Jongin’s eyes have almost disappeared from how wide he's smiling. He looks like he is really shy to let out an information, and his friends notice that. They are all thinking the same thing. Damn, Jongin’s doomed with this one.

“He’s never been kissed before.”

Everyone pauses for a second, and then all heads turn to Sehun, whose head shoots up from Luhan’s shoulder. Luhan is gawking shamelessly beside him, Zitao looks like someone just whacked him with a shovel at the back of his head, Jongdae looks like a proud mother hen and the rest...well, they all break out into wide, knowing grins. The whole group bursts into squeals, mostly the girls, a bunch of teases thrown over Sehun’s way. Sehun genuinely looks shocked that he can't even bat an eyelash, his body immobile. His lips are parted and when he meets eyes with Jongin, his face has hilariously turned a bright shade of red. Everyone starts to tease Sehun to Jongin and they are asking Jongin to ‘just ing admit it already!’ but all Jongin ever does is laugh and send a little wave to Sehun’s direction, sending another round of incomprehensible noises and violent reactions because ‘FEELZ!!!!! GODDAMIT KIM JONGIN JUST KISS HIM ALREADY!!!’.

Sehun himself can't believe what the he just heard. He even asks a voiceless, ‘Fuccck. For real?’ to Luhan, who looks like he is about to faint. When the bell rings, it causes most of them to groan out loud because they’ll have to cut this exciting game off and return to their classes but hey, at least someone indirectly confessed this Valentine’s Day. Cupid made a job very well done.

Sehun doesn't even get mad when Jongdae points out that his nose is bleeding and teases him that his ‘husband’ has finally noticed him.

Three months later

“As you start your journey, the first thing you should do is throw away that store-bought map and begin to draw your own…

For the most important decisions in your life, trust your intuition, and then work with everything you have, to prove it right.

Whatever blocks you encounter, you have learned that there is a way over, around or through them. It is not those obstacles that inhibit your progress but your confidence, and will to break the inertia of fear and doubt.

Don't always worry what your next line is going to be. Don't ever aim your doubt at yourself. Laugh at yourself, but don't doubt yourself.

…and now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here.”

“Congratulations, Batch 2015-2016!”

The auditorium is then filled with gleeful noises and a thunderous round of applause, filled with nothing but wide smiles and tearful eyes. As the graduates snap pictures after pictures with their teachers, classmates and families, Baekhyun takes off his cap and toga, approaching his mother and brother who are happily waiting for him with wide, proud smiles on their faces.

“Hyung!” Sehun shouts, welcoming Baekhyun with a big bear hug. Baekhyun laughs, hugging Sehun and his mom back. He's never felt so much euphoria, finally having graduated from high school. He knows college will be one hell of a ride, but he is more than excited.

“Congratulations, my baby,” Mrs. Oh coos, kissing her son’s cheek and leaving a perfect kiss mark on Baekhyun’s face. Baekhyun doesn't mind it though. He turns around and makes exaggerated waving motions with his hand, and before long, Chanyeol stands before them, wearing a charming smile. Sehun whispers, ‘Told you mum, he's got a boy toy’ to his mother, who just braces a surprised hand on her chest, eyes twinkling as she asks Baekhyun to introduce her to his very handsome friend. In the process, Sehun excuses himself for a moment, craning his head to spot a familiar mop of auburn hair amongst this big crowd.

Jongin is talking to his teammates, making promises of teaming up with them in college when suddenly, he feels his breath get knocked out of him after a form crushed him into a backhug out of the blue, sending the both of them toppling down the carpeted ground. Jongin groans, immediately detecting the familiar scent and he won’t have to guess who has just attacked him with a very huge—violent—embrace.

“Congratulations, sunbae-nim!” Sehun practically screeches, laughing and hanging a Rose lei around Jongin’s neck which has four other medals on it. Jongin isn’t given time to react when Sehun raises his voice again to yell, “I love you!” right into his face, giving him a kiss square on the mouth.

When Jongin gets over his momentary shock, he leans his head back and smiles wide, raising an eyebrow. Sehun just rolls his eyes and dives in again to kiss Jongin and this time, the older male kisses him back. There are teasing hoots all around them and some of their friends are even shamelessly taking pictures.

Jongin laughs into their kiss, tilting his head to the side and cupping Sehun’s face to deepen the contact. Sehun almost melts at the action, because it, Kim Jongin kissing him like this in the middle of a crowded room? I’ve been wanting to do this for a looooooongggg time.

“PDA!” Sehun suddenly hears Baekhyun yell. Sehun abruptly pulls away from their kiss, looking at Baekhyun who has his arms crossed, face torn between laughing and looking extremely repulsed. “Honestly you guys, I’ve been tolerable about the two of you getting all disgusting and stuff especially when you in Sehun’s room but please, just spare these people’s innocence and get a room!”

Baekhyun’s remark gets a handful of their friends laughing uncontrollably. Sehun turns red, profanities threatening to come out of his mouth despite him grinning wide it actually hurts. Instead, he just sticks out his tongue at his brother, but before he could come up with a witty comeback, Jongin turns his head towards him and kisses him again, leaving Sehun breathless. Bro, we’re so ing in love, can you see this…

Giving Sehun another sweet peck, Jongin gives a boyish grin and cheekily whispers, “Later, we’ll definitely get a room.”

Sehun can’t help but snigger at that. He and Jongin are still a relatively new couple but their sweetness is too hardcore for others to take. Must be the result of secretly liking each other for years. Sehun didn’t even have any idea that those cute, little sticky notes with sweet words like ‘you’re so cute today!’ or ‘cheer up and don’t let math get to you!’ and ‘I won’t let a single flying cockroach land on you! :)’ he'd received in his locker since he was in fourth grade were actually all Kim Jongin’s doing.

“Yours or mine?” Sehun tries to sound y but his voice cracks and Jongin laughs. Smiling, Sehun rises to his feet and pulls Jongin up as well. Jongin wraps his arms around Sehun and kisses his shoulder, mumbling, ‘how about Baekhyun’s, for a change?’

Sehun has never laughed so loud in a public room before and Jongin just made him do it effortlessly.

“I just noticed something,” Sehun mutters, eyes roaming on the countless heads of passengers blocking the sight outside of the train’s windows. Jongin leans his head closer to Sehun even though he can hear the other well, their fingers linked together inside Jongin’s pocket.

“What is it?”

With a smile, Sehun rests his chin on Jongin’s shoulder, inhaling the scent he never knew he would grow so accustomed to. His eyes fall on the little heart sticker on the upper wall of the train’s door. The watch of the man beside them reads 6:32 PM and the newspaper that the old lady reads from across is dated the 30th of April, Friday.

This was the same train we rode on the day we first talked. Sehun meets Jongin’s eyes and they stare at each other for a long time, getting lost in each other’s orbs.

This was the exact time I elbowed your cute face back then. Sehun scrunches his nose when Jongin gives him a small peck. 

And this was the day I realized what was missing in my life. Four years ago. Sehun wants to say that, but instead, he just settles for a smile and kisses Jongin’s cheek, mumbling, “We just passed by station 12.”

“What? Aw, what the hell!”

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Lol and now it's featured T_T wtf why'd this piece of crap get featured idk but thank you so much to all who made it possible!!!


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968 streak #1
Chapter 1: Thank you so much for sharing a sweet yet hilarious mistaken one-sided crush into a full blown romance.
zonesebaek #2
Chapter 1: this is just so sooo cute!
ReadRealize #3
Aww this made my night better
Chapter 1: this is so freaking adorable 🥰🥰🥰🥰 I love how Sehun is all over Jongin since he's usually the quiet and serious type in SeKai stories. I love how their paths cross and of course Jongin's indirect confession. I literally screamed!! thank you! 🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 1: God, this is soo adorable! >~<
Oneandonlysekai #6
Chapter 1: Ohh..This is sooo cute. What a cute couple! Sehun is so adorable! (I usually likes Sehun spoiled Jongin version, but this is super cute.) The story is perfect. Thank you for happy SeKai story!!
Chapter 1: GOOD LORD NO WONDER THIS WAS FEATURED. IT IS SO FRIGGING GOOD WTF I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. It got me giddy cause admit it we all once there, experiencing first love and having huge crush despite that probably being one sided. This fic is everything I’ve been searching for it surely does feed my thirst for sekai. And oh how I wish I found it way sooner. Jongin is so cool and sweet and omg pls idk what to say anymore I LOVE THIS SO MUCH thank you
Chapter 1: Its hilarious nd squealing cuteeeeeee!!!!!!!
sehunsome #9
Chapter 1: I haven’t even finished reading yet but I just have to comment. This is too funnyyyy! Hahahahaha! I’m sure authornim is smart! I believe only smart people can be truly funny.
raven074 #10
Thank you for this wonderful masterpiece!!