Wild World


Nothing is this life is certain, that's why we ask

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Hey, so I decided to put up this FAQ page, since some of you guys have been asking me some really good questions that I think can help other people too.

If you guys have questions, don't be afraid to ask, please. And if it's a question that can help others or that explain something more about the world and setting of this fic, then I will put it here too.

Author's note: "How my character ended in new Seoul"
So guys, I was thinking, and I came to the conclusion that this one could be understood wrongly, or at least not completely because of the absence of explenation. It was my fault and I hope I'm still in time to correct it. In this part your character doesn't need to be living in New Seoul when Namjoon's guys find him. Actually, would be cool if some of them lived far away and then had to travel to New Seoul after they agreed to meet The Clarvoyant. I put this in the app to give you the freedom to explain to mee all the details of the travel, to let you tell me what YOU guys think it's important to know about that part of your character's life. But if your guy lives in New Seoul, thats super cool too. New Seoul is a HUGE place, so probably he would still feel like he went to another city after he leaves his own city zone x3.

What the world looks like? All the cities are smoldering or futuristic? Can there be some cities recovered after the apocalyptic happenings?

In general the cities look like more the picture in the foreword a.k.a futuristic, but yes, there can be cities recovered after the tragedies. Those would be the ones that suffered from something recently (and this mean some years or even a decade, depending on the destruction left behind). Or it can be some poorer zone of a more futuristic city that also suffered from something. The catch here is that the cities have a LOT of levels (like Coruscant in Star Wars) so the poor zone can look completely different from the rich one.

The sky is still blue? From where it can be seen?

The sky is blue in the zones that people doesn't live anymore for a good amount of years/decades already, specially in the ones mother nature reclaimed her kingdom. Or ir can be seen from the rich zone of some city, but them this would mean that the rich are engaged in ecological bussiness a.k.a they are trying to revert the trouble they created (and they are a really small minority. New Seoul have just a small zone dominated by them, so just on they levels and zone the blue sky can be seen).

The seasons are still the same?

Yes, the seasons are still the same but they can be harsher and thougher, specially in the extremes of the globe (the poles and the tropical zone have to face harsh winter and though summer, respectively).

Is it possible that Namjoon is already friends with the character before he (Namjoon) realizes that their one of the five?

Unfortunately, this could not happen. The point is that the group is formed by stranger misfits, including Namjoon.
BUT! If you really really  REALLY want your character to have some connection with Namjoon, what I can offer is that your character is friends with another seer, and then he/she says that he could trust Namjoon and the guys that he sent after him.

Can this seventh sense awaken at any time in one's life and there are ways to find out if someone is a seven without spotting them using their power?

Yes, the seventh sense can awake at any time of a person's life. Hum...actually, there is. Other Sevens are more sensible to their equals and there are people with the Sixth sense that tunned their Intuition into sensing Sevens. Some of them did it unconsciously, but there are people that trained to do it and those usually don't like Sevens at all.

How do I know if my character is overpowered or not?

Well, everyone can be overpowerfull if they can do absolutely everything that's possible within their powers so you just need to be carefull so he won't turn out as knowing everything he can do. He need to have limitations, things he can't control well, how the powers affect him mentally and phisically, this kind of things. If this is well done, then his powers could turn out to be just cool and not overpowerfull.

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[Wild World] Lavendermalibu's review is up and there is a small update on the noticeboard.


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Chapter 5: Thank you for the review! ^-^ It's ok. I don't mind you asking questions! I'm just really glad you like Jaehyun and my password! Danny Phantom is a show I watched when I was really young while Soul Eater is one of my favourite animes, so I've got to put them in. Especially with them being so fitting to my password. :D Also, I will make the required amendments soon!
ps. Sorry that I took so long to respond to the review. >.<
Chapter 5: Ah I totally forgot to reply to your review sorry! I'm really glad you like him! I had the idea for Gid and then I saw you're Brasilian so I added the Portuguese in there too! I thought you'd like that xD He is suuuch a tsundere omg but he's also a person so that's a lovely combination. Oh Gideon. He basically makes dad jokes if dad jokes were highly offensive xD You're always welcome to ask me anything about him if you need! But you're also free to make decisions yourself, whatever you're more comfortable with.

Oh man his fambam is one of my favourite parts of the app too. Beau is defintiely the most dangerous one, she's a loose canon. Sijin just endulges Gideon and lets him make his dumb jokes xD Gideon's really pretty simple, a head who hides any and all doubts and weaknesses under layers of ty humour. Of course he'd make a blind joke! God I've made such a head I'm so sorry.

I'm glad you like Hayan too! She's definitely not what /I/ had in mind when I started working on her but it just happened. And yeah dw about twisting things to suit the story, I tried to keep things vague so you can do whatever you want and you're really free to twist anything to fit. Honestly you can change anything about their first meeting to suit you, I just pulled that out of my really xD
Chapter 3: Hey there! ^-^ Just wanted to ask if it's possible that the one can be my character's ex girlfriend but they don't know that the other has powers and after that when he finds her, they learnt that the other had powers? Because you mention something about if the character already knows her but has to keep his powers a secret from the one.
after looking at technology manipulation...it has a lot of sub-powers and applications. I am trying to narrow it down, so he doesn't seem two powerful.
Chapter 3: Hey, I am applying for the scientist. My power is Technology Manipulation, can my character learn other languages just from a touch with the computer?
I'd love to know more about the ones!

Argh. I'm having so many creative issues!! Maybe the extra info will help?
Chapter 3: i've been so lazy w apps and i've only done guy apps like one time all these years lmnao
but i'm really feeling this story!!
gunna try my best to hand in a form :)
I will. Finish. Gideon. Goddamnit. I swear.