Chapter 3



I'm back :3
Please enjoy the third chapter of 'Overdose' with a bit more silliness and kinda dark stuff too... But I guess we all have the one and only question: where the at? lol ok I'm out
I hope you guys like it ^^]

"Ahhh!!!" HoSeok half-squealed half-shouted as he entered BTS' shared dorm.

"Ah... You're back. Just in time to have dinner." SeokJin commented, while he collected all the trash littered around the living room.

"Hyung! What does YoonGi loves the most?" JungKook asked, running after NamJoon who was just done cutting onions (with the flat side up, of course).

"Uh... His bed? Sleeping? Complaining?" NamJoon tried to guess as best as he could, but JungKook's uncontrolled laughter told him he couldn't be further away from the truth "AH! I know! Staying at the studio making some music?!" he tried once more, just to have to look at a even more amused JungKook.

"No! It's BaekHyun sunbaenim!!" JungKook couldn't help but laugh even more (if that was even possible) as he revealed the correct answer.

"Eh? BaekHyun sunbaenim? BaekHyun sunbaenim from EXO?" NamJoon's face couldn't show more confusion.

"He's lying, you !" YoonGi's voice shouted from the living room.

"He's telling the truth!!" JiMin laughing voice could be heard, quickly covering YoonGi's annoyed denials.

Pulling NamJoon away from the poorly cut onions, JungKook led his hyung to the living room to see a very upset YoonGi glaring at dork number one, who had his orange hair all messed up from all the laughing and goofing around, and dork number two who was hugging YoonGi and telling him the wonders of having a crush all this while SeokJin stared at them, just as startled as NamJoon himself.

SeokJin was the first seemingly rational person, at least to YoonGi at that moment, to speak up.

"Hey hey hey, calm down guys." not a single change in the situation. "HEY" still nothing "NO DINNER IF YOU DON'T STOP" everyone freezes.

"Thanks, hyu-" YoonGi was about to thank God and SeokJin himself before he was interrupted.

"I didn't know you were into guys, YoonGi." the eldest commented.

With this single phrase, all the dorks, now alongside JungKook, resumed their laughter.

"Hyung! I don't like BaekHyun! I don't even really know if I'm into guys or not!" YoonGi protested, shouting as he tried to make his voice audible through all the laughter.

"You're even using his first name with no honorifics at all! You guys are already super close!" JungKook pointed out, between laughter.

"Well, with you three laughing like broken records, it's easy to forget this things." YoonGi complained, making a face.

"You were so red after your romantic meeting with him!" J-Hope fanboyed "Don't worry, hyung! All love is beautiful!" he continued.

"It wasn't a romantic meeting! We just met randomly on the bathroom!" YoonGi argued, trying to free himself from HoSeok's lovely (?) embrace.

"Then why was your face red all over?" JungKook asked, smirking.

"We just... Talked about stuff." YoonGi answered weakly.

"About...?" HoSeok inquired,curious, and still holding YoonGi firmly.

"About last year's MAMA" YoonGi explained, all his rage already being replaced with tiredness, really, these dongsaengs were too much sometimes.

"Ah..." HoSeok sighed, a bit disappointed.

"You mean the one where he looked at you during performance?" JiMin asked, smirking mischievously.

"How did you notice it?!" YoonGi asked, shocked. How could JiMin have noticed it? It was such a small detail!

"Fatal fantasy~ I'm drunk with ecstasy~" JiMin sang, jokingly. "Hyung, it was his solo part, so, of course, I was looking at him." he explained, nearly giggling.

YoonGi gaped. He totally overlooked that fact. It was BaekHyun who was the main element that time. Everyone was looking at him. Everyone. Could it be that someone else noticed it?

"Is that so? Was he really looking at hyung? Wow, BaekHyun sunbaenim is really good-looking and nice, how could our grumpy YoonGi hyung catch his attention?" NamJoon finally spoke up, walking up to YoonGi. "He's really popular with men and women alike, better be careful, hyung." he finished winking at YoonGi teasingly.

"We.Are.NOT.In.A.Relationship." YoonGi quickly declared, before the youngsters could restart their laughter spree.

"Okay, okay, that's it. I'm serious. I made egg rolls today, let's eat." SeokJin announced, while clapping.

As everyone made their way to the table, the dork trio was excited for the egg rolls but sad because they felt like they didn't make enough fun out of YoonGi's little "affair" (NamJoon somehow still didn't grasp the situation, so he was just excited to see what people were going to say about his onion-cutting abilities).

YoonGi felt as if he had just gotten out of hell itself. Like it was a hot summer day and suddenly an pleasing cold breeze refreshed him and... The thought was abruptly stopped by a hand on his chest.

"Not you, we have to talk" SeokJin whispered.

And now the cool breeze was suddenly replaced with freaking wasps.

"Hyung, look, there's absolutely nothing going on between me and BaekHyun sunbaenim, okay? I just wanna eat." YoonGi whined, to no avail.

Dragging YoonGi with him, SeokJin entered their shared bedroom and basically threw YoonGi on his bed.

"I don't need to be tucked in, mom" YoonGi mumbled as he sat up.

Sitting next to the younger, SeokJin put a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't need a 'wisdom-moment' either." YoonGi went on.

"YoonGi, you know that we don't mind if you're into guys, girls, both or none, right?" SeokJin started, shooting YoonGi a caring look.

"Hyung, I don NOT have a crush on BaekHyun sunbaenim, and I'm being dead-serious." YoonGi sighed, moving to the side to avoid anymore skinship.

"This is not only about BaekHyun sunbaenim. Look, the other day, I was using the practice room's computer and..." a deep sigh "It already had a page opened, because someone left it there." a silent moment.

"Hyung-" YoonGi tried to say something, but found himself with no words whatsoever.

"The page was, well, it was... Gay . And a video was opened. And someone had watched it until the end. The last person to enter was... Well, it was you." at the end, SeokJin looked like a big dark cloud was lifted from his heart.

"I... It was just..." YoonGi just couldn't find any possible, well, any possible words to say, really, SeokJin looking at one of the things he used to felt as if your mom found your stash of playboy magazines. And, boy, wasn't it a bad feeling.

"I'm not here to inquire anything. Just know that I'm here to listen to whatever you have to say. All this BaekHyun stuff was basically a fronting for this talk. Liking BaekHyun or not, liking boys or not, you're still YoonGi, so don't get embarrassed or anything." a pause "But, indeed, this situation is kinda weird." he finished, nearly blurting out the sentence. Well, there was a reason why SeokJin wasn't the leader.

"Ah...." the younger sighed, laying down on his bed "I don't know. I just don't know! I mean, you saw the... The thing, but I never liked boys and chicks are pretty hot too, but I don't know, I never ed one, maybe I should try, I don't know. I..." YoonGi ranted, not even being sure of the words leaving his mouth.

"Okay, okay, shut up for now. If you go out now, they will just make more fun of you, so how about you just sleep? Right? Right. I'll be off, then. Remember, I'm here for you. Good night." with that, SeokJin stood up and got out of the bedroom as if YoonGi hadn't just told him his feelings and as if SeokJin hadn't just admitted he saw one of YoonGi's videos.

And that's how YoonGi was left: feeling ty.

[author: kinda dark... Sorry for ruining the happy atmosphere, but I gotta keep the fanfic with some content, right? LOL I don't know if you guys are into some of this sentimental stuff SeokJin just said, but I thought it'd be cool (?) :)
Anyway, how about checking out EXO's side now?  ^^]

"HYUNG" a voice shouted from the sofa. "HYUNG DID YOU REALLY MAKE OUT WITH YOONGI FROM BTS?" the voice went on.

"What?! No, I didn't! ChanYeol, what the hell did you tell them?" BaekHyun shouted, opening the bathroom's door and making his way to EXO's crowded living room, where the members were all gathering around ChanYeol, who seemed to be telling some kinda fairytale (or how he picked up a girl saying he was BaekHyun's boyfriend, both meant the same thing anyway, though).

"And then Baek came back from the bathroom all flustered! He even had to use the bathroom right after we arrived!" ChanYeol told the wide-eyed members.

"Hey! Baek! You shouldn't just pick up random guys in bathrooms, you know?" KyungSoo commented as BaekHyun approached the group.

"First of all, he isn't a random guy, second, I didn't pick him up. ChanYeol just doesn't wanna admit he got jealous." BaekHyun joked, laughing whole-heartedly.

"Well, I have to admit, the guy raps like a monster" ChanYeol replied, laughing.

"Why must you always be a problem?" JunMyeon sighed.

"I did nothing to him, okay? We just talked." BaekHyun argued, raising his hands to prove he was innocent as he sat down next to ChanYeol.

"You did look at him during our Overdose performance last year, though." Chen pointed out, smirking (ah, the Deja-Boo sensations (couldn't resist the JongHyun reference tho >.> ah... author-nim is such a loser lol)).

"How do you even remember that?" BaekHyun laughed. "He even looked at me during his part in Boy In Luv!" he continued.

"You are even a BTS fan now!" JongIn laughed.

"Okay okay, done with all the laughter, let's eat! JongIn and SeHun made dinner!" JunMyeon announced, clapping.

"I don't wanna eat 'chicken noodles' again..." KyungSoo sighed.

"You should appreciate your boyfriend's cooking, KyungSoo." YiXing chirped.

"Yeah, he said you always compliment his cooking when you're alone!" BaekHyun teased.

"Yeah, KyungSoo, you said you liked my noodles!" SeHun protested, pouting at KyungSoo.

"Sigh... Okay, Sehun, okay, now stop pouting." KyungSoo sighed, standing up from the sofa.

"YOU SAID MY POUT WAS CUTE" SeHun went on protesting.

[LOLOLOL Yes, I know you were all waiting for the KaiSoo bomb to drop but I'm super evil so I dropped the SeSoo bomb instead bwahahahaha :3 Please no hate? :D

Anyways, I just got a whole bunch of ideas now, but school also has a lot of plans for me (my classes started at the beginning of February) so I don't know... I hope you guys enjoyed it though ^^ it kinda got very short, but I think you guys already got the hang of this fanfic, so I'd have to write a whole new part with both EXO and BTS parts and I want to have something to write on other chapters so yeah lol

Thanks y'all for reading this silliness, you guys have the weirdest taste for shipping, and I love it :3

See ya in the next chapter ^^]

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Chapter 4: Very rare pair...I think both has savage mouth n temper...imagine the firework
Chapter 3: This is so good tho wya
KrystalSeijuro #3
Chapter 4: I hope I'm not very demanding but please update this first its so amazing
Histar11 #4
Chapter 4: Imagine what they would do in bed ////∆///
Ninillevad #5
Chapter 2: okay...I hate making this sort of comments but: please update because this is BLOODY AWESOME!!!
throwingtomatoes #6
ahh this is so interesting i hope u continue it
Limiyako #7
Chapter 1: Omg! Please continue this story !! I love this pairing and I was searching for a fanfic for ages !!