New Cover (JoonYoung)

In A Warzone


"I don't like it! I don''t like any of it!" JoonYoung tossed the pictures on his desk in frustration. "That's the last time she can model. She can be the janitor for the rest of the summer."

JiYong walked over to his friend, who covered his face in frustration. He looked at the pictures. "She looks great though. See, it even gives the illusion that she has curves. Anyways, all of the other models were too thin to even wear this. I told you, she was the only person who could wear it. See, she's perfect!"

JoonYoung slowly looked at his friend in disgust. "Perfect?! Oh God, I'm worried about you man."

"Dude, why are so mean." JiYong shook his head.

JoonYoung sat up again and grabbed all the pictures, showing JiYong as if to show him something hidden, that he couldn't see. "Look at this! If Ga-In was here, we wouldn't be having this problem."

Jiyong leaned over to be at eye level with the fashion designer. "Ga-In wasn't here, and we need to give the magazine a few of the pictures for the cover, or call it off."

"I can't call it off..." JoonYoung mumbled.

"Then figure something out." JiYong pat his friend on the shoulder before leaving the room.

After a few minutes of staring at the photos and thinking, JoonYoung picked up the phone.



BoRam and JiYong, sitting at a desk where it was quiet, both talked to each other, shaking their heads while looking at the magazine. JoonYoung, however, smiled and walked towards them.

It was the end of a photoshoot, about a week after Sung Hyun Moon was hired, and she was cleaning up with everyone else.

JoonYoung looked at her, then at BoRam and JiYong. "So?"

"When did you do this, JoonYoung?" BoRam pointed at the magazine.

"Yesterday." He smiled. "She's all well now, so I don't see why I couldn't reshoot."

Suddenly, Sung Hyun Moon walked over. "It's all cleaned up, sir, and all the clothes are all put away neatly." She bowed.

JoonYoung laughed. "This job fits her well, right?"

The woman's face was expressionless, but JiYong and BoRam looked at her in pity.

"Show her," JoonYoung motioned at the magazine and the young woman enthusiastically.

JiYong and BoRam looked at each other. BoRam spoke up, "JoonYoung, seriously-"

"No, show her. I'm sure she'd love to see it."

JiYong reluctantly gave the girl the magazine, as she looked curious. "Sorry, Moon."

"Moon?" JoonYoung was shocked. He was already that close as to her call her just Moon?

JiYong and BoRam looked nervous, but everyone was surprised when the girl began to laugh. Like, she laughed really hard.

"That's not me!" She laughed.

"Y-yeah." JoonYoung said. Why wasn't she upset? "It's the model who was originally supposed to do the shoot, Ga-In. I called her later..."

Sung Hyun Moon laughed more. "Thank God, I didn't know I was going to be on the cover of a magazine. What a relief." She gave the magazine to JoonYoung and turned to walk away, but then turned her head towards them again.

"Wait, do I still get paid for that?"

JoonYoung shook his head. "No, sorry." He smiled. The disappointment that finally came made him feel the satisfaction he was looking for.

JiYong shook his head when he saw her walk away. "That was so rude, I can't believe you."

"Why not?" JoonYoung laughed. "She deserved it."

JiYong scoffed and looked JoonYoung up and down in disgust. "Deserved it? I can't believe this, you sound like Key."

Immediately, the atmosphere changed. "Excuse me?" JoonYoung walked closer to JiYong, in an attempt to make him feel small and intimadated. They may be friends, but in the end, JoonYoung is the boss. "How dare you compare me to him?"

JiYong looked at him a second longer, then shook his head and walked away.

"Tsk," JoonYoung shook his head. "He even still calls him that."

BoRam looked around uncomfortably, then said, "I'm going back to my office."

JoonYoung nodded, then looked at the girl, Sung Hyun Moon. He didn't want to think so, but she looked like she was about to cry as she packed up her things. But why?


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Chapter 2: This interesting can't wait to see how it's goes