The Things We Bury


Sejeong leans her head against the doors of the elevator, her fingers curled so tightly around the railing it aches. Get home. She tells herself, over and over. All I have to do is get home. Then everything will be okay again. 

Except life doesn't like her enough to make things that easy. 

(Or: Sejeong hates dealing with change. Especially when it comes to her family.) 



Back on AFF! I've been planning a Najeong fanfic for a while (clawed my way out of Kpop hell only to be dragged right back in by a double whammy of TWICE and PD101, thanks a lot, Mnet.) It was supposed to be light and fluffy and happy - and then the final lineup happened, and what can I say besides angst begets angst? 

In any case, OTP may be wrecked for now, but I'm just going to wait patiently for them to reunite next year - and this fic is, in a way, some means of helping me cope without the interactions between them I was so looking forward to. Enjoy!

A bit of background, since this is something of an AU: Mina is significantly younger (eight years old in the flashbacks, eleven in the present day), and is Nayoung's adoptive daughter. Nayoung and Sejeong are besties (as always) who live together (what can I say, I love roommate aus). 

This story takes place under the premise that IOI is not a project group - instead, it's a permanent group that has lasted many years together, instead of just one. All eleven members remain the same as the final lineup (except Mina, who's a little kid and so didn't take part in PD101 She's replaced by Hyeri, but that's not relevant to this story). Any divergence from reality occurs after the end of PD101. (I added a few more details to give a better idea of the direction of this fic. It's going to take a few more days, unfortunately - I'm getting back my block test results and things aren't looking great). 


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Tyx333 #1
Author-nim Pls update. Its a great story I'm still waiting to noe wat happens T_T
Hyodara #2
Chapter 2: Author-nim, please update T_T the story is good
Chapter 2: Are you still going to update this golden fic author-nim? T^T
Chapter 2: I beg for an update ㅜㅜ
tawangwagas #6
Chapter 2: Authornim are you still able to update this one too? :3
SnidgetQuest #7
Author update please
Chapter 2: I register to this site just to follow this story. I mean ohmaigosh. You did a good job!
KrisTine09 #9
Chapter 2: Please Update~~~
19 streak #10
Chapter 2: been looking for sejeong fics but mostly are najeong and i rarely read fics that don't include my otp and i ship sejeong with yoojung and not a lot of people are writing for that so... i stumbled upon this! the description really caught my eye and even though i'm not really a najeong shipper, this seems really great and interesting. i love the angst and your writing is amazing. :] i love how people always perceive sejeong as the always happy and positive one, yeah. in public, she is but in her interviews and such, she's the total opposite when off screen and god ;__; she keeps everything to herself till she finally can't take it like during the final ep of pd101, she just cried even when she told herself not to cry and yeah i love how you portray her here. sejeong isn't always happy, she can feel differently too.

ok the end kind of scared me. that's not nayoung. ing hell. whoever that is was totally taking advantage of sejeong. come on, sejeong's broken and you're like "yes i'm nayoung" off :))))))

thanks for the update!