Swordmanship (1/2)- Jinson Got7 AU

Experimental Oneshots

Warning/ A/N: Omega Jackson! Thsi was so much fun to write but then I hit writer's block at the end. This is only part one tho, and the real fun part is coming next LOL For blackrabbit89 






Jackson held his sword in hand, eyes staring ahead through the mesh mask. Breathe in. Breathe out. Concentrate. He had done this many times before. It was just a matter of reaction now. The sabres lifted gently into the air before they signal to start began.


The sabres clashed together before they pulled away. Another swing, and another block. Jackson pushed forward with a parry before moving back two as the other moved forward. The loud metallic pings as the swords continued to hit against each other.  Jackson resisted the urge to grit his teeth. He sighed and finally pushed forward, arm reaching out.


Red hit. Jackson felt the tension leave him as the two stepped back and bowed, feeling a sigh escape him only after the other left. He had won the match. He grabbed the back of his mask and ripped it off, gasping and panting for air as the suffocating heat of the lamé. He smiled up towards the darkened cloud and held up his sword.

He was progressing to the Olympics.  



Jackson was a strong boy from birth. He grew up fast and muscled, immediating hitting it off with fencing. Of course he would do good in fencing. He had all the prowess and capability of an Alpha. His parents were alphas, his grandparents had been. He was meant to be an alpha.

He went to alpha classes in high school and ended up excelling in most of the other ones. He was so sure he would win the alpha scholarship award when it happened.

His first heat hit in art. He hadn't really noticed it. When he was running in PE he did though. He was quickly sent to the office. A quickie and he was out of class for the rest of the day, waiting until his parents could pick him up. He had suppressants in hand, but he felt too sick to take them. Not physically, but mentally. He felt like his whole life was ripped out from under him. He sniffled and wiped his eyes before he cried for the next couple hours.

Though he was omega, he still participated in all the alpha classes and training. His parents didn't see a point anymore. He had been raised as an alpha, there was no point to treat him like he wasn't. He was thankful for that.

Usually omegas were put into omega events, but Jackson had too much of an advantage in them. There was a lot of lawsuits and court cases before Jackson was allowed into the alpha events. It wasn't like he hadn't proven himself in them. He was quick to wipe through the competition, but to his dismay, only because he was thought to be weaker than the rest, strictly because of his hierarchy placement.

But in the end, those people didn't matter. It was the ones who never doubted their opponent that would be a challenge. And Jackson couldn't wait for the day where he could let loose entirely against an opponent of equal strength. He has been trained his whole life for this.




It was the early morning hours and Jackson was practicing his lunge and , eyes ahead when he heard the doors of the gym open. It wasn't weird for that to happen, especially so early in the morning. He removed the newcomer from his mind and focused on perfecting his swordwork. That was what mattered in the end. He did another and faltered a bit as he heard a laugh. He stood straight and looked to the side, his eyes glaring through his mask. The newcomer seemed to be watching him, his colors not for Hong kong. He squinted a bit before he blinked as the other spoke.

“You’re not half bad.” Came the male voice. He was in full suit, so Jackson couldn't really tell what he looked like, but the tone seemed surprised. He felt himself scowl. The suits they wore had suppressants woven into the suits so hormones wouldn't cause alphas to kill each other from adrenaline rushes, or in Jackson’s case smell out his omega pheromones. And yet he could still smell a stinking alpha from here. He felt a growl raise up in his throat, stopping before it left him. While Jackson felt like growling, he knew it would come out slightly whimpery. Damn his omega nature. But he was here to prove he wouldn't let it take him down.

“I would say the same, but I haven't seen if you're up to standards.” He says, lifting his brows and folding his arms. The sword hung delicately in his fingers as he puffed up. The other burst into laughter and pushed forward, reaching over and pulling out his own sword before standing near Jackson.

He did a few remises and beats before doing a fast flundge. Jackson felt his brows raise despite himself, the footwork and grace of the other surprising him.

“Nice swordwork.” Jackson remarked in Korean. The other seemed to relax as Jackson spoke and slowly turned and put his hand on his hips. He seemed to scoff and smile.

“Ah, but you know what they say. It's the sword work that wins battles, not the sword.” He murmurs and it doesn't take a genius to just hear the flirting in his tone. Jackson wasn’t used to be hit on by others. In fact he usually was the one flirting. So being flirted with was new. But he was a enemy. Right?

“Not always…” Jackson commented as he folded his arms at the other. He smirked a bit. “If you have a bigger sword, You’re more likely to win.” He said, his lips and grinning. He could hear the other laugh and slowly move closer, smiling wider as the other couldn't stop laughing. They stood before each other mask to mask. Jackson could see into it slightly, the other’s features handsome.

“Doesn't matter how big the sword is if you can't use it right.”

And Jackson swore he felt the arousal roll off him at that. The other WAS flirting. And damn if Jackson wasn't affected. He felt his omega nature make his body go lax, appear smaller as he smiled. He had to force himself to stay standing up. He gulped and jolted as he heard the buzzer go off, the man opposite him hitting his head with the sabre.

“Keep your head on straight, hot shot.” The man commented as he pulled off his mask and grinned. It was now Jackson realized it wasn't just anyone. It was his next opponent. Park Jinyoung, South Korea top fencer. Jackson gulped as the other winked. “I want to really push myself on this battle. Don't let me win easily.”



Jackson held still as his trainers strapped him into his fencing suit, eyes staring ahead. He felt hot, but also jittery, so he blamed his nerves. It was his first time that he knew the other wouldn’t just give up when they were made aware that he was an omega. He tightened his gloves as he stared ahead at the olympic mats. He knew he could do it. He would make it to the top three. He would win gold if it killed him. The mask was slowly pulled over his face as he moved, trying to stop the wet chaffing between his legs. He waves his hands at his face and let out a huff, smiling and shaking his head.

“You hot, Jackson?” One of his coaches asked. He nodded a bit before giving a thumbs up.

“I’ll be fine!” He said with a smile before picking up his sabre and walking up to the mat, smiling at the other across from him. They waited their signals as they set cheddar a bit when Jackson felt a peculiar itch. He felt the pants were tight against his legs, he couldn't focus. He scratched at his suit before getting into position.

“Don’t hold back, Jackson. I didn't fall in love with you for you to go easy on me.” He heard the other say. Jackson nearly broke postion, thrown off by the statement.

“Hah?” He asked before the buzzer went off. He barely had time to react as the other came after him with the sabre. There was a clash and he knocked it away, but the man was on him again, quicker than he was used to. His teeth gritted against each other as he fought to keep up.

He wasn't getting any cooler either. And his thighs were sticking together too. He wasn't moving as fast as he used to either. It wasn't enough. He felt the sword hit him and the buzzer go off, signifying a hit. Jackson stumbled back and felt a hot spike in his gut. What? No. Not-

His heat was still a week out. He had always been regular in his Tri annual heats. All Omegas had to be. Or they risked becoming victim to their natural instincts. They usually would take suppressants and reducers a day or two in advance so it was low enough to just pass by unnoticed for most…

But his was early.

And right in the middle of his olympic match.  

Jackson gritted his teeth. This was something he had worked years for. Years upon years to do. He couldn't let this omega ruin his life. It had already destroyed so many hopes and dreams of his. Not this too. He looked to the other as they prepared to fight again, a wave of heat overcoming him as he too matched the other’s position. There was a sigh from the other and a soft click.

“Come on, Jackson. We both know you're better than this.”

Jackson didn't offer an answer, trying to calculate his next move. He couldn't afford to throw this match. He couldn't forfeit. There was no way he could at all.

The buzzer sounded and this time they both launched at each other, swords clashing loudly, bringing a few sparks flying that died as they fell to the ground.

Focus. Precision. Left. Right. Perry. Counter-attack! The buzzer went off and Jackson got a point. They moved to go to their starting position again, but Jackson’s feet were heavy as lead and he was stumbling. There was a collective gasp from the audience and one or Jackson’s coach came running up, but Jackson gave a wave of his wrist, dismissing the Beta. This was between him and the Alpha.

“Hey…” Came the alpha's voice. His body responded, letting out more lubrication much to Jackson’s distain. Damn his omega nature. “You ok?”

“Focus on the match.” Came the sharp, yet cracking reply. Jackson’s face flushed behind his mask in embarrassment. He cleared his throat again and held up his sabre for the next battle. The other seemed reluctant, but lifted his sword regardless. Jackson refused to let this deter him. He was a fencer, dammit, and he was going to ing fence. He let out a pant and they were at it again, a new fervor in his attacks.

“This is a new side to Jackson we’ve never seen before!” Came an announcer. The Korean seemed unable to keep up with his lack of style and finesse that he usually held with his attacks, but he was too angry now. Too desperate. His swordsmanship was sloppy and Jinyoung saw an opportunity and hit him down.

Jackson nearly fell over at the hit, stumbling a bit before going back into position. His head was fuzzy and his hearing was starting to go out. He needed. He wanted. He could smell all the alphas around him. It wouldn’t be much to just strip himself down and-


Jackson’s train of thought derailed and his eyes moved back to his opponent. He panted behind the mask and looked into the other’s mask. A low growl escaped it.

“Why are you throwing the match?” JInyoung growled out. The sound went straight through Jackson’s body and pulled a gasp and whine from his lips. The other froze and then seemed to straighten up out of his stance. Jinyoung paused before he inhaled loudly enough for Jackson to hear across the mat. “Are you in hea-”

The buzzer rang and Jackson lept forward. The other speaking helped clear his mind a bit, and he was back in the match again, not just starting to let go. Two hits. That’s all he had to land and he’d win. He nearly stumbled, and Jinyoung seemed to go for an attack on his side, but Jackson was quicker. The buzzers went off at the same time and the swordsmen jumped back. Jackson felt a twinge in his gut and his pants chaffed more. He just wanted this over.

“Hong Kong.” The referee ruled. Just one hit. Jackson shook as he moved into position again as sweat beaded on his forehead. His hands shook and he could see the other already ready to pick him apart. He hated his body. He hated this.. And All he wanted was to win. To fence. To prove himself.

The buzzer rang and Jackson leapt out. It was all too much though, and as he moved forward, blackness started to envelope his vision.

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When the paper chasing almost kill ya


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Jaebum, although the leader of Got7; there are times he oversteps his boundaries and forgets his place. But be reassured that Mark is always there to remind him.
This prompt is very vague, sorry.
- Cool, calm, quite Mark, that is until JB snaps at him wrong and forgets that he’s his hyung.
- Bottom!JB, Top!Mark, and a bit of fluff please. Lol.
Endyjk #2
Some yoonseok plz

Surprise me!
Chapter 4: I'm melting into puddles of joy. I don't have words for how awesome this already is. Thank you so veryyyyyy much. I can wait to see what comes next.
Chanyeol really hates how gingly, clumsy and unaware of his body he is. But than Minseok comes along to make him understand how much of a turn on his long limbs, haphazard ways and awkward body language is.

- body worship with Minseok making Chanyeol understand that he’s perfect the way he is.
- Top!Minseok Bottom!Chanyeol
mybeautifuleyes #5
I love krisho.The school's basketball jock Yifan cant stand smarty pants suho. Everything suho don't is enough to make yifan tick. The way he talks the way he dresses in that dumb sweater vest and the way his little moves side to side when he walks. Its all so annoying. Suho feels the same way. Everywhere he goes someone is talking about how cool yifan is how good yifan is at sports and how good in bed he is. He wishes everyone would just shut up. Basically suho and yifan stuck in yifans room for a tutoring session but no tutoring happens. Lol
Chapter 2: Baekhyun you naughty thing you. But forreal Chanyeol’s singing voice is legit the best thing ever!!!
All Brawn and a bit of Brain, Jackson Wang could have sworn on everything thing he owned that he would be an Alpha when the time came. And how could he not, he had the making of an Alpha -strong, handsome, and a born leader. Even his name spoke volumes, Wang "King." It was meant to be, the blood that flowed through his veins was nothing short of royalty. So picutre his surprise when he turns out to be an omega.

- ABO!Au - Jinson!
- this prompt is vague. I just want Alpha Jinyoung loving on Jackson who gives him a hard time, because dammit he's not suppose to be an omega.
Workcaholic and always serious, Do Kyungsoo(31), founds his time being indulged in his new summer intern, Park Chanyeol(19).

Do Kyungsoo is a square who's always working and never seems to have time for anything. His social life has gone from bare minmum to nonexistent and his friends worried that at the age of 31, he'll never found anyone to settle down with, that is until, Park Chanyeol comes along.

- PCY - 20, DKS - 31
- if CY has multiple jobs where he's uncoincidentally running into KS. Maybe he's like the new mail boy at KS's office and the cashier at the late night convenience store where KS goes to picks up his sad excuse for a dinner. And the waiter at the cafe where he goes to meet Jongdae and Baekhyun for their monthly, meet up, so they can nag KS about his dried up life.

- for nagging best friends Baekhyun and Jongdae who support this "thing" that is occurring with the young hot thing who may found some interest is stiff old Kyungsoo.

- if CY noticed KS before he had the job at the office

- crack, , fluffy, age-gap, Top!KS, Bottom!CY. Basically a young and hormonal PCY giving reason for DKS to live. Lol.
I like this idea! Okay so umm... I have two prompts, (ty) is that okay? lol so:

1. [Baekyeol (EXO)] Voice!Kink. Chanyeol rapping has a particular … effect on Baekhyun.

2. [Jay Park/Gray/Simon D (AOMG)] Polyamory /.That's it, that's the fic.

I don't want to be too specific with prompts so that you can have some room for your creative expression, so im sorry if they're too vague
So this is freaking awesome!!!!! Just give me a sec and I'll be back. Lol.