Life - a sarcastic phenomenon

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A/N Sarang's POW

I sugest to listen this song  ( while reading this chapter. I really like this song so.... Enjoy

Chapter 4

 Life - a sarcastic phenomenon

            These days I really feel as well as a bunch of crap, especially today. Why? In addition to all that happening around me, today is also my freakin’ birthday and my mother’s death anniversary. June 8th. I really hate that date. Yeah.... I hate my life. No, scratch that. I hate life in general and in particular, I hate today’s society. These days I hate everything and you all know how hate is a strong and ugly word.

            I often feel like I’m suffocating, bound by borders that today’s society is ‘’providing’’ us with. People around me scattered around like trash, never thinking about anyone else but themselves. Still, they find a way to meddle into your life by criticizing, ridiculing and looking down on you. What is wrong with people? Always saying don’t do this and that, do this and that, and questioning all, from the top to the bottom.

            Maybe something is wrong with me...

            I hate people who don’t have their own life and have nothing better to do than to stick their noses where they don’t belong. Come on, what’s with the one thousand questions about what are you wearing, why are you dressed as a guy/girl or why is your hear like that, why aren’t you wearing a skirt/make up, etc. Well why don’t all of you shut the hell up, drop dead or simply mind your own business.

This day didn’t started good, oh no, not good at all. I was late for school because I was at the cemetery where my mother is buried (I caught a glimpse of my father there), and of course, when I entered the classroom the classy girls were giggling, whispering about my appearance. I don’t give a what they think about me but keep it to yourself would ya. What’s wrong with a slightly larger black boys’ suit and glasses? It’s comfortable and I look cool. Anyhow, I got detention.

What the heck? They want ME to study more?! Hello, I’m the best student you have, you morons.

            It was a long break in between classes when I unfortunately witnessed the cruelty of the same girls that made fun of me. I hate bullies, even though I was one of them long time ago. For a short period, (I was an angry preteen) but still, I was one and I'm not proud of it. Anyway, the said group of girls was bulling a first year kid with braces in and bad eyesight. They cornered her in the girl’s bathroom and was picking on her and laughing at her. Ok, I told myself, it’s nothing serious ‘cause they are using only words. She can defend herself and if she doesn’t take their words to heart, they cannot hurt, right? Too bad it’s a lie; I already know how much words can hurt. But, for me, the cup was full when they started to push her around physically and throwing her glasses in toilet. I tried to tell them to stop harassing her but in vain.

Therefore, I beat them up by pulling my Jackie Chan/Brus Lee moves on them and apparently beating the kids in school in order to protect another is punishable but bulling is not. Idiotism. Get my point? And to the top of it all, the kid didn’t want to say that I defended her. Stupid little bugger.

            Anyway, I got another detention since they couldn’t suspend me due to my guardian absence. (My b

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Dear readers, I'll update later and I think that the HenBer fans will enjoy some more interaction between this two characters. Please read!!!


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Chapter 29: Nice!!! Thanks for the update!!
Chapter 28: I think it's pretty clear Sarang's sister is Sulli, but who knows... there could be a surprise :) Thanks for the update author-nim!!!
Chapter 27: What a creep!! Poor Sarang getting hurt by a e... Thanks for the update author-nim!!
Chapter 26: Oh dang!!! That cliffhanger... why u do dis author-nim!?!?
Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 23: Gosh Hyungyu should've listened to her explain herself!! Ugh!! Poor Sarang... :( Thanks for the update author-nim!!
Chapter 22: Double update!!! Sam is so frustrating!! I feel so bad for Sarang... can't wait to see what happens next!! Thanks for the updates author-nim!!
Chapter 20: Oh!! The suspense... I like it! Can't wait to see what happens next!! Thanks for the update author-nim!! :D
Chapter 19: Thanks for the update author-nim!! Looking forward to what's to come :)