Chapter 1

Is it possible to be more?

Yonyi University

Business Management Building


Nam Se Jin


The day was slowly coming to an end and I was more than estatic to get out of the class, go home, and just lie in bed until dinner time. Today, just like all the otehr firdays, was not a walk in the park. I had a total of 5 long lectures today and only an hour of vacant period for lunch break. If people hated mondays then I despised fridays. This term was not doing good to me at all. Fridays were supposed to be the most exciting day of the week but coincidentially, my scheduled deemed me unfit to have fun on a friday night and gave me a full schedule. It was sad but I have to get over it. I have the whole term to get over it.  


I only had one lecture left and I have it with my closest friends in our program. Jo Ji Dae, Shin Dong Ho and Choi Jun Hong. 


Ji Dae and I were friends since our Junior High days while Dong Ho and Jun Hong were our seatmates during our first lecture of the first day of our first year in the University. We instantly clicked and since then on, we were attatched by the hip. Well, at least until our third year of university. Since last year, we have a few lectures which we do not share because we do not have the same field of specialization.


I am the only one in our group specializing in Human Resource Management while the other three decided on specializing in Banking and Finance.I was the only one left out and have a different time table than theirs.


My last lecture for this day is the hardest one of the term. The Total Quality Management lecture with Mrs. Kwon is pure torture and it was only our luck that we got enrolled in her class this term.


"Yah Nam Se Jin!" I heard the all-too-familiar voice of Ji Dae scream and in that instant, I felt someone jump on my back and we almost fell luckily, I was able to get a hold of something before the two of us completely topple over. When I looked at where my hand gripping, then I found out that I was leaning towards Jun Hong for support. I smiled at him and then wuickly hid my face to hide the impending blush that is slowly warming up my cheeks. He really cannot know. It might ruin everything.


"It's time for the witch's class today, hmm?" She laughed as she got off my back and walked in front of me "Where shall we go after this? I wonder.. Where do you want to go Jun Hongie?" She asked the tall male and then shot me an look that can be interpreted in a million ways.


Öh, Se Jin! Let's all go eat at a fast food together after the lecture" He quickly replied and then draped his arm over my shoulder and Dong Ho's "And Se Jinnie will treat us!" 


"What?"I almost choked on my own saliva at what he declared and I couldn't react and deny fast since my mind was still going haywire at the fact that his arm is draped over my shoulder.


"Now let's go to our torture lecture. God knows what Mrs. Kwon will do to us if we're late and our goody two shoes friend named Se Jin will also flip out if we made her late" He said then then dragged Dong Ho and I towards our lecture hall while Ji Dae was skipping behind us.


"Yah, I'm just beside you, you big bully" I grumbled while attempting to match his big steps. I wonder how Dong Ho can keep up to the fast paced Jun Hong while I was having so much trouble keeping up.


Right. They both have longer legs compared to mine. How can I forget that?


As soon as we entered the lecture hall, I immediately dumped my things on my place and sat down. I feel like I had just ran a marathon. Keeping up with Jun Hong's pace was tiresome and it did not help that my heart was beating like crazy during the whole time.


"Hey friend" Jun Hong said as he took his seat behind mine "Thanks for the treat later, we really do appreciate it Jinnie-ah" He then winked at me which made my heart do somersaults and once again, I could not react.


Since when did I become so affected with Jun Hong's presence? Since when did I start to get tongue tied whenever he smiles and does cute things? Since when did I have feelings for him? 


When did I start to see him as more than a friend? What should I do?

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