Sorry About Your Flowers

tbh i had no idea how to continue from the last chapter but hey i got smth out :^) thanks for reading this mess?? im minayeon trash tbh, im mina x twice trash

There are many things Nayeon doesn’t believe in; Santa, the tooth fairy, that Ted Cruz isn’t the Zodiac Killer—but the one thing she truly cannot believe is that she’s in love with Mina, and Mina might be in love with her too. But she should have known from the way Mina looked at her like she was prettier than any of the flowers in her garden, and how she looked at Mina like she was the prettiest flower in her garden. And when she tells Mina she missed her, her palms started to dampen, the lump in getting bigger.
“Did you really?” Mina asks quietly, so quietly and softly that Nayeon swears if the wind had been blowing, her words would have been swept away.
Nayeon swallows, “of course.”
She isn’t expecting it, not with the way Mina has been avoiding her for the past week, but Mina pulls her into a hug. She holds her tightly and Nayeon can feel her warmth, feel herself fall deeper into the embrace, feel her legs go soft and her heart race.
“I…” Mina begins carefully, “I really like you.”
Nayeon finds it in herself to wrap her arms around Mina, pulling her closer, one hand clutching at Mina’s shirt, and the other on her back, “I know.”
Maybe it’s the way the she feels Mina’s hands clench on her back, or the way she buries her face in Nayeon’s shoulder, but Nayeon is overcome by a surge of bravery, “I like you too.”
And the way Mina looks at her makes her feel like she’s being bathed in sunshine on a winter’s day.

This is nice, Nayeon thinks, as they sit next to each other on Mina’s front step, the evening breeze blowing gently. And there is so much she wants to say, but her words are taken away every time she looks over at Mina, with her hair blowing in the wind and her skin glowing in the golden sunlight. Mina catches her doing this and smiles that gummy smile, and Nayeon feels her knees go weak again, even though she’s sitting down.
“Why are you staring at me?”
Nayeon grins, resting her elbows on her knees and her chin on her hands, “because you…because you’re lovely.”
Mina looks away quickly, but Nayeon catches the smile on her lips and the blush on her cheeks and she laughs. Mina turns back with her face hidden behind her hands and she leans on Nayeon’s shoulder. Nayeon looks down at her, and she realises how close they are, so close that she could almost kiss her. But she doesn’t want Mina to be “almost”.
“I really want to kiss you right now,” she whispers breathlessly.
Mina looks up, opening slightly, contemplating, “so why don’t you?” she whispers back.
She’s so close to doing it, their lips almost touch and their eyes close in anticipation—
“You do it.”
Mina sits up, squinting at Nayeon, “you just ruined possibly the best moment of today.”
“Why do I have to kiss you? Why can’t you kiss me?” Nayeon pouts.
“This was your idea!” Mina whines, and Nayeon nearly kisses her, but she holds herself back.
Shaking her head, Nayeon argues, “you need to prove you really really like me.”
Mina squints at her one more time, and crosses her arms sulkily, “fine,” leaning in reluctantly.
Nayeon’s final line of defence crumbles, and she laughs as she wraps an arm around Mina’s shoulder, kissing her as she pulls her in. She’s met with resistance at first, but Mina also stats to laugh. And maybe this isn’t how their first kiss was supposed to go, but the feeling of Mina’s smile on her lips makes that thought disappear.
“You’re such a child, Im Nayeon,” Mina sighs happily.
“Yeah well, that may be true, but the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen in my life just kissed me, so I’m not too worried about that right now.”

She’s too happy to sleep. Staring at the ceiling, she thinks about how Mina is nothing like the sun, nowhere near as bright and blinding. She’s more like the moon, with her soft beauty and soft voice.
“Hehe, Myoui Moona,” Nayeon snorts.

When she says Mina the next day, it’s through the familiar frame of the treehouse window and she smiles as she sees her tending to her garden again.
“Mina-unnie! Unnie is staring at you again!!” Chaeyoung shouts. Nayeon glares.
“I know, Chaeyoung-ah,” Mina smiles.
“You should come up here, so unnie can stare at you better!” Chaeyoung suggests. Nayeon almost strangles her, but stops herself when she realises that it’s not actually a bad idea.
“Yeah, you should come up here!” Nayeon grins.
Mina looks up at them in amusement, “okay.”

“I’m surprised this treehouse can take the weigh of the three of us,” Mina comments.
“Hey! Are you doubting the quality of my work? Because you should probably have done that before you got up here, I’m not the best at putting in effort.”
Mina rolls her eyes, “anyway, Chaeyoung, how’s school? How’s Tzuyu?”
“Who’s Tzuyu?? What?” Nayeon interrupts.
“No one was talking to you, unnie,” Chaeyoung slaps a hand over her sister’s mouth, “Tzuyu is my girlfriend,” she says proudly.
“You’re joking right?” Nayeon scoffs, and then, “she’s joking right?” she asks again, looking at Mina for confirmation. Mina shakes her head.
“Anyway school is okay, I guess, sometimes maths is hard and I want to cry, but Tzuyu always helps me.”
“Well she’s not the top of the class for nothing, right?” Mina nods.
Nayeon interrupts again, “how do you know all of this? Is Chaeyoung stealing you away from me?”
“You’re such a child,” Mina sighs.
“Leave my girlfriend alone Chaeyoung!” Nayeon glares at her sister.
Chaeyoung scoffs, “are you sure you aren’t actually five, unnie?”
“I’m telling eomma about your girlfriend.”
“Bye Mina unnie! I’ll see you soon!” Chaeyoung says hurriedly as she scrambles down the ladder.

Watching Chaeyoung run back into the house, Mina shakes her head, “you’re such a bully.”
“Hey, she bullied me into building this treehouse, give me a break.”
Mina rolls her eyes again, “I can’t believe I kissed you.”
“Well son, you best believe it, because guess who you’re going to kiss again right now!” Nayeon shouts as she smothers Mina in a bear hug, aiming multiple kisses at Mina’s lips but missing each time as Mina squeals and flails in her arms. Eventually Mina tires and her mission is accomplished.
“Okay now do you believe you kissed me?” Nayeon asks as she tucks a strand of hair behind Mina’s ear.
Mina shakes, her head, “nah, you need to try harder.”
Nayeon wiggles her eyebrows, “ooh, .”
“Oh my god, you’re the worst,” Mina slaps her arm.
“And you’re the best,” Nayeon smiles.
Mina can’t stop the blush spreading across her cheeks. Still, in her most over-the-top, dramatic effort, she manages say, “kiss me, you fool.”
And Nayeon does. 

Maybe Nayeon doesn’t believe a lot of things, like the price of gold, the certainty of growing old, the rising cost of getting by, but, she guesses, she believes in the moon, she believes in Mina, and she probably also believes in love. 

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Wivern #2
Chapter 3: Makes me want to have a tree house too. Problem is, we don't have a tree. :(
Chapter 3: You made me love MiNayeon. Ugh, I have too many damn ships now and am loving it..hahaha
nayeonmeal #4
this is such a nice story.. and very fluffy. Thank you
Uhuhuhu.. Will this still be updated someday? :( i miss minayeon fics T'T
Hi_sseongie #6
Chapter 3: and this too. hi yes. you need to stop being so good at this? k. thank you.
<3 #1 fan : NomNomMiX - The official walnut
Chapter 3: This is so cute!!!! Waaaaaahhhh, Minayeon is life hehehe
Chapter 3: Damn. flufffy. I'm tearing up o(T^T)o