23rd April

Chaeyoung's POV


"Why are you bring me here?" I asked Tzuyu, who is silence since we leave the cafe. She didn't answer me and just held my hands tightly. I released our intertwined hand. Honestly, I felt uncomfortable when her touch me. It sends shiver down my spines. The effect was same like Mina's unnie touch. I glance at her, but she looked away, probably didn't want me to notice her pain. I am sorry Tzuyu, this is for your own sake too. 






"Tzuyu ah, can you bring my towel?" I shouted from inside the bathroom. Tzuyu got up from her bed and walked to my closet, search for the towel before walking to the bathroom door. "Chaeng.. here your towel." She called, knock the door. I opened the door and take the towel. "Thank you, beauty." I winked at her playfully. She blushed before slammed the door shut in front of her own face. "Is she always blush whenever people praise her? Cute." I chuckled. "But, Mina unnie is cuter." I snickered. I then wrapped the towel around my body before going out. Tzuyu was laying on her bed, closes her eyes with one of her hands. "Tired?" I asked. "Hm." she hummed. I then walked to the closet, but slipped because of water on the floor. 




"Ouchh" I screamed painfully. "I think my 's bone is broken." I cried in pain.Tzuyu who is half-sleep that time immediately got up and help me. "Yah! you should dry yourself first before going out." She scolded while helping me up. She wrapped her hand around my shoulder and walk me to the bed. "Sit here. I will get your clothes." She then walked to the closet and search for clothes. "Here." She threw the clothes for me before sat on her bed. 



"W-well.. Can you look somewhere else?" I asked her to feel uncomfortable with her gaze on me. She cleared before looked away. I breathed in relief and started to wear my clothes. She looked like she gonna attack me. I snickered at my own wild imagination.



"W-what are you doing?" I shocked when Tzuyu suddenly push me on the bed. She climbed on top me, looking into my eyes. Woah, she do attack me. "T-tzuyu?" She leaned closer and closer until our lips met. I closed my eyes as I felt her lips on mine. "I love you." She confessed before kissing me gently again. She then slowly moves her lips to my jaw and go lower to my neck. I moaned when she kissed my neck, but then I realize what she says just now. I pushed her hardly until she falls from the bed. She groaned before get up and glared at me. "W-we can't do this.. This is w-wrong. I have Mina unnie." I stuttered as tears rolling down my cheeks. I would never cheated behind Mina unnie back. 


"Chaeyoung.. I love you." She said that word, again. 


"I am sorry." I said, looking at the floor. "I love Mina unnie." 




"Chaeng.." her voice called for me bring me back to the reality. "Ah, yes.." She looks at me sadly. " We are here." She pointed at the front. I look at where she pointed. My eyes catch the numbers written on the rock in front of me.







24 MARCH 1997 - 23 APRIL 2015







I look at Tzuyu who stay silence beside me. I looked again at the tombstone in front of us. Mina's unnie home.



               MYOUI MINA

24 MARCH 1997 - 23 APRIL 2015



I kneeled in front of it as I slowly caress the tombstone. "Unnie, annyeong." I heard Tzuyu begin to sobs as she kneeled beside me, rubbing my back. "Unnie, I met Tzuyu today and she the one who bring me here." I said to the tombstone like I was talking to Mina unnie. "So, this is why you are always gone so suddenly whenever we meet?" Without myself noticed I already crying. "I am sorry unnie. I can't forget you.. I love you so much." I wiped my tears with my shirt sleeves before continuing. "I know you were gone.. but, I just can't accept it. I am sorry." I tell her many thing but my sobs makes it hard for me to talk. "I know you must be sad when you see me in this state.. I can't help it. I just missed you so much that I always imagines you are around. I just can't tell you to go even it just imagination, right? I love you too much to do that." I chuckled while caress the tombstone like I caressed her cheeks before.



Tzuyu's POV



I should be the strong one here and comfort her, but looking at how fragile Chaeyoung is now, I can't help but crying along with her. It hurt me when I saw her like this. Mina unnie, she loves you so much why you leave her? You are so selfish. If I know thing will be like this, I would confess to her early. She wouldn't suffer like this. I don't know if I should hate you for this or not because until now, her heart still belongs to you. I could never get her love. 



 Because you were gone... with her heart with you.


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Chapter 2: *cries* why why whyyy
Chapter 2: What happened to Mina? whyyyyyyyyy???? *cries*
tigercub #3
Chapter 2: ****cries
this is so heartbreaking, sorry to my poor heart :-(

now I know why kuya Schild recommend this..............
Dhenronan #4
Chapter 2: Ow so sad...:( what happened to mina?
Chapter 2: omg! I didn't except that!!! MY HEART IS BROKEN AUTHOR-NIM!!! I have tears in my eyes, trying so hard not to cry for real!
Poor Chaeng.. and poor Tzuyu...
Chapter 2: ouch! huhuhu.......... you broke my heart author, this is so sad :(
totaltrash91 #7
Chapter 2: This was painful to read at the end, I didn't think it was going to be like that >_< still a good story.
ohhoohho #8
Chapter 2: such a nice and sad fiction i love it! you broke my heart writer T^T SO SAD
tZuYu_trash #9
Oohhh here for the ChaeTzu... sadly, I prefer MiTzu over the two XD sad lyfe.
These two ships tear me apart idk which one I like more DX