
The 7th Demon: Reset
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Error (Acoustic) - Vixx


“My Eun Joo"


The silence inside the room and between them is deafening. He stares at her as if it’s the first time seeing Eun Joo. Is he playing games with me? She thought as they look into each other’s eyes. Eun Joo is so confused.

“Do I know you?” he’s colder than ice. Eun Joo was taken aback by his sharp knife like words.

I know you so well, you idiot. Since when did you come back? Those were the words she wants to say, but lips are frozen like she’s in negative zero degree room and as if only air will come out of her lips as soon as she say something. But what is he doing? He should be hugging me. He should be kissing me—but what is he doing. He’s just staring at me as if I’m a stranger. “You’re Byun Baekhyun.” Eun Joo can’t help it anymore, a tear rolls down her cheek and he swallows hard after seeing Eun Joo cry right in front of her. He leans back, flattening his back against the backrest of his chair, then snickers from her new classmates snapped her out of her daze.

“What? They know each other?”

“Why is she crying like that?”

 “Is she insane?”

She looks around and they mock her as if she just did or said something so wrong. She looks at Leo and he’s just looking at her. He’s just confused as much as she is. “Yeah, I’m Byun Baekhyun. It’s written all over here.” He points his nameplate places her pen on top of her table. “It’s nice to meet you?”

He lightly rolls his eyes, then looks outside the window. Everything crashed all at once and dumbfounded. “B—“ she stopped from saying his name when he plugged the earphones in his ears then closes his eyes.

I’m so confused and dazed at the same time. Is this possible? How can he forget me? How—did he even come back? Did he reincarnate or something? There's so many questions running in my head and I don’t even know where to start.

He looks away from her as if she’s a weirdo and that just gave her a hard slap into reality.

Eun Joo was so hurt she can’t even hear a thing anymore and her tears won’t stop streaming down her cheeks now, soon she’s sobbing and she thinks that she must be a laughing stock in front of everyone now, but she can’t stand as well. She froze and no words are coming out of .

If this is a dream, please someone wake me up.

She doesn’t know what to do anymore, she’s just looking at Baekhyun but he can’t even glance at her, but just then someone grabs her wrist, she looks up and sees it’s him again, Leo. He’s acting like her guardian angel who’s been saving her whenever she’s in distress which Baekhyun usually does.

He gently pulls her up and like a feather and she’s already standing up and following him behind.

She turns her head and sees Baekhyun’s eyes flickered but he didn’t turn his head. Her heart drops in disappointment and one step out of the classroom, she heard her new classmates bursts into another series of laughter.

Leo leads her in a place she doesn’t have any idea where. Her eyes are full of her own tears and her sobs are almost choking her.

They arrived somewhere and the first thing she felt is the sun and how bright it is. She swallows hard then looks up the bright sky with her eyes closed letting the warmth from the sun embrace her and comfort her.

Eun Joo cried for, she’s don’t even know how long… minutes and hour? She’s not even sure.

Once she stopped from crying and composed herself, it’s him again. Leo hands her a bottle of water and she takes a hold of it with her shaky hands, she takes a few sips before staring at her skirt. “You can go back now.” Eun Joo told him, but he didn’t move an inch. “I want to be alone.” Eun Joo wants to really tell him to leave her alone, but to her surprise, instead of leaving, he walks behind the bench she’s seated at the leans his back against the back rest of it. “What are you doing?” Her voice sounds so weak. This is not my usual voice. I didn’t want to sound like this. I hate it.

“I’m saving you.”

Eun Joo slightly glances at him, “Who told you to save me? I didn’t ask for your help.” She looks away and could still remember the look and the way Baekhyun talked and acted around her.

She heard him kick a small rock and it hit the wall as she waits for his answer. “Because you’re practically screaming help with your eyes a while ago. I can’t just ignore that.” He slightly frowns and it’s obvious and written all over this face that he’s worried.

“Don’t act like you know me.” She stands up, then wipes all the visible tears in her eyes using the back of her hand harshly. This is not me. I’m not weak like this. I shouldn’t be acting this way and I need to talk to him, Baekhyun. It’s really him. How can I be mistaken? I need to talk to him. Eun Joo glances at Leo and he straighten up, looking into her eyes as if he’s reading what’s going to be her second step. “Stop sticking your nose into someone else’s business.” She spat, then starts walking out of the rooftop back to the classroom. I’m sure everyone’s been gossiping about me.

And she’s right, as she walks along the hallway and saw some students whispering while looking at her. Look at how fast news spread out like a wild fire. She ignores them and steps inside the class and to her shock, she was drenched with cold water from head to toe. slightly parts in disbelief while she looks around and they are all laughing except for Baekhyun who’s still listening to music with his eyes closed.

“That way she can wake up.”

“Yeah, I think she’s not yet ready for school.”

“Are you awake now, delusional transfer student?”

“Drama Queen.”

They burst into a fit of laughter as she looks at her own wet clothes. Closing her eyes, she swallowed hard. They’re lucky I’m not in the mood to play games with them. Eun Joo looks up and sees Baekhyun looking at her briefly, a hint of hope run throughout her body when she saw him glancing at her and the others started laughing hard again when he just stared at her, uninterested. His eyes are so cold as if he has no emotions left inside of him.

Eun Joo clenches her fists into a ball, then turns around to change her clothes and she stops when Leo’s in front of her again. He’s looking at her intently and he knows that it’s their classmates’ fault again. Even if she doesn’t look at him, she can already recognize him with his perfume. She quickly walks pass by him straight to the lockers.

Leo looks at Baekhyun who’s watching Eun Joo until she disappears from his sight, drenched and wet because of their classmates’ fault. Someone knocks on top his desk making him look at her. He removes his ear phones and gives her a glare. “What?” Knowing that it’s her fault Baekhyun clenches a fist inside his pocket. *If I could just kill you right now.*

She swallows in fear at his glare. “D-Don’t you really know her? She seems to know you.” She asked and that question tickled everyone’s curiosity even Leo, but Leo chooses to listen quietly and settles down his chair, listening and waiting for Eun Joo at the same time.

Baekhyun pauses, then shake his head warily, carefully controlling his anger. “No. I have never seen her before.” He swallows, then glares at everyone inside the classroom. “She must have mistaken me for someone else and… stop making noises. It’s irritating me.” He put on his earphones again, then clenches his jaw and his eyes slowly fluttering close.

Almost everyone nods their heads, then the teacher enters the classroom and Leo can’t help but to feel uneasy. He wants to know what’s Eun Joo is doing now and he doesn’t even know why he has this urge to always look after her. Baekhyun looks at the teacher then secretly looks at Eun Joo’s empty seat. *I hate myself because I can’t protect you now.*

Eun Joo finally comes back, she steps inside with her Gym clothes on and hears her classmates snickering. Her hair is still wet and she’s thankful that’s its only water. She starts walking inside after greeting her teacher who’s obviously confused, carefully sliding his reading glasses to the tip of his nose, “What happened to you, Ms.?” Eun Joo looks at everyone wh

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With love,


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41 streak #1
Chapter 18: From the title, I really thought this time everything will be fine and they will definitely find a way to get together for forever but ..... completely speechless.... she endured and went through much more pain and loneliness than before... what's the point... ughhhh...... again and again and again same pain and sad endings for the couple.... broke my heart... made me even more sad... it's like they got the cruelest pain and punishment for their love ...but loved it... thank you authornim for writing such an amazing story... it's kind of depressing and quite frustrating that they meet but get the same sad endings everytime what ever they try to prevent the fate ... but truly speaking i just love the couple and their endless ?love for each other.. :(:(:(:( r.i.p to my all hopes ...enjoyed reading the whole story and the series.
atasiwi #2
One of my favorites
Chapter 18: omg for the third time... ㅠㅠ this was nice but i thought my questions will be answered 😭😭
Chapter 7: cant believe i’m reading this just now! i’ve read the 1st and 2nd fics of the 7th demon and i love them!! i’m already loving this toooo! i just get confused with the POVs sometimes 😅
leaderline #5
Chapter 18: omg that’s sad again for Baekhyun and Eunjoo, said farewell for two times, its hurt so muchh;; thankyou authornim- made this beautiful epilog for them
allyas #6
Chapter 18: i have faith and hope that on this last trilogy there would be a way where they could be together. that it will end with a happy ending but you crush it ?? and my heart can't take it. this story is so so so beautiful despite it is a sad and memorable ending. and you know what is sadder? the fact that i read the last chapter while hearing for life eng ver where Do sang at elyxion in seoul, it just match. the song and the story are a perfect combination that it makes me cry ??
Chapter 18: For the third time with my third hope, still no

for god's sake