
Of Math, Mushrooms, and Minghao [EDITING / HIATUS]
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"He doesn't remember you?" Jeonghan asked, laughing a little. "No, actually, it's more of he barely knew who you were." 

Minghao sighed, but had to agree. He was back in Pledis Pizza, with half an hour left on his schedule. Jeonghan was close to finishing up his shift and he relayed the events that happened at Junhui's apartment to both Jeonghan and Jihoon, who were the only ones there when he got back. The latter found the whole thing amusing as well, cracking a smile when Minghao mentioned how the other Chinese boy had asked for homework help. 

"What do you expect? His world is far from ours," Jihoon commented. 

At that, Jeonghan began singing a rendition of Little Mermaid's Part of Your World. As soon as he sang the first word, Jihoon quickly fled the kitchen and went back to his table duties. The long haired boy continued undisturbed, leaving Minghao to wonder at how Jeonghan wasn't a part of the said world of the popular. He had the looks and talent, since his voice was definitely as angelic as his features. So why not? He could probably even beat the likes of the theatre kids. 

After a few seconds, Jeonghan paused his singing to ask why Minghao was more quiet than usual. Leave it up to him to notice the quiet get more quiet. 

"Just thinking about what Jihoon said, that's all," Minghao said lightly, brushing off his curiousity about the other boy. That was a discussion for another day, since their shifts were already ending, anyway. 

Jeonghan laughed, "don't let it get to you, Minghao. Who knows? You might have to deliver there again and actually help him next time. Call me and I'll end your shift early!"

"Yeah right."

The older boy grinned teasingly in reply, something that probably said something along the lines of “you’ll never know” while the rest of the weeked went by in a blur of more pizza orders, finishing up his own homework (the math one was quite easy), and sleeping. After a lazy Sunday spent catching up on his favourite shows, Monday rolled around and Minghao was ready to begin his usual routine.

There were a few things about that Monday that felt off to Minghao from the very beginning. It all started when he entered the classroom. His usual routine would have involved swiftly walking by the edges of the room to reach his seat at the back. This would be done with nobody paying attention to him until he reaches Wonwoo, who won't wake up until after a few minutes into the first class (or until he gets called out by the teacher). However, things went differently that day. 

It started with how Minghao entered the classroom and was immediately spotted by none other than Wen Junhui. 

"Hi, Minghao!" The Chinese boy greeted. His other friends stared at him in surprise, before turning their surprised looks at Minghao instead. They were probably all wondering who this skinny brunette boy Junhui greeted was. Well, except for Jisoo, since he was Hansol's friend and they were introduced before. Then again, they could also be wondering something simpler; like why would Junhui say hi to quiet whiz kid Minghao? 

The whole classroom must have heard Junhui's greeting, because Minghao soon felt all eyes locked on him. 

He gave a small wave, unsure what else he could do (or well, it's more of he didn't really want to do anything at all) before resuming his walk to the back of the classroom. The next weird bit was how Wonwoo was awake and staring at him with a questioning look, eyes narrowed in suspicion. Minghao already knew the silent question being asked even before Wonwoo opened his mouth. 

"What was that about?"

“I delivered pizza to him recently,” Minghao replied, hoping to cut the conversation short. It didn't exactly explain how one interaction over pizza would suddenly get the two boys on greeting terms, when they've been in the same university and classmates for the pa

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yanipoo567 #1
Chapter 4: Ah i love this story already!!
Chapter 4: This story is really sweet! Especially the way Jun describes Minghao in this fourth chapter is nice and really does seem refreshing. I like their characters a lot!
I also hope that you will eventually find the muse and the motivation to continue writing here, I'd love to read more of shy, kinda unnerved, smart Minghao and popular, excited Junhui~
Chapter 4: Ack. Hiatus. Plz, continue. Rawr.
Babematsu #4
the first two fics are very nice. I hope you'll find time and inspiration to continue this fic.
Chapter 4: I wanna see where the story goes. To bad it's been on hiatus and the last update was almost a year ago
Chapter 4: Yesss JunHao unites!
Iminvisible1 #8
I love this! I hope you update soon :)
nariko_chan01 #9
Chapter 4: This is sooooo cute, love it :)
Chapter 4: omg////// i fall in love to it right away,,...love the shy type minghao...and i laughed with the bus part...like imaging owning a bus line...ang have one to pick you up...wow...