Chapter 5

Royal Pain

A/N: Today is Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving!! I’m thankful to have known both Hebe and Aaron so I’m going to write fanfiction for return and I’m also thankful for my readers for reading.



I opened my eyes and stared into a pair of deep dark brown eyes. The same pair of eyes I that I had mistaken for an octopus’s eyes earlier.


Hebe’s POV

I knew exactly whose eyes those were. I calmed down and more tears flowed out of eyes. Those tears were tears of gratefulness.

I hugged Aaron tightly as I felt his warmth diffused into my cold body.

My head laid gently on his shoulders as I felt him picked me up. He walked slowly afraid to hurt me. The slow rhythm of his steps rocked me gently to sleep.


I felt someone shaking me left and right. I opened my eyelids forcefully.

“The guards won’t let me in,” I heard someone said to me. I tried to jog my memory of today. I remembered that the person next to me is Aaron.

I looked at the guards who smiled at me.

“Princess, I wanted to take you from his arms but he refused. Orders are, no one is allow in the castle without royal permission,” the guard explained to me.

“It’s okay. He’s my new bodyguard,” I smiled at Aaron who looked at me with joy. I wondered why he wanted to my bodyguard so bad.

‘He couldn’t have possibly fallen for me already? Maybe I’m that irresistible. Oh come on Hebe, the world doesn’t evolve around you.’

The guard let us inside the palace. Aaron continued to carry me as I instructed him the path into the palace from the front gate. Another guard at the front door let us into the palace and the bright light in the lobby almost blinded me.

Suddenly, Father rushed to my side.

“Hebe! Are you okay? Where were you? I was so worried when Prince Jiro came home alone! He said he thought you had to meet a friend or something.”

“Father, I’m fine. ACHOO!” I sneezed almost right into my father’s face. He ducked just in time.

“Hebe, go to rest immediately. And who is this man?” my father questioned me about Aaron.

“His name is Aaron. King Wang keep pestering Father about a bodyguard for me so I have found my own.”

“Wonderful! Now all my worries had been solved. Apparently, Prince Jiro’s last servant Ralph was a spy from Malevitor! We had to behead him but Prince Jiro need a new servant. King Wang wanted to someone trustworthy. Now you have Aaron, he could be both your bodyguard and your servant. Selina can be Prince Jiro’s servant. Don’t worry, you’d still see her. It’s not long until you marry Jiro anways,” Father informed me.

I nodded in obedience. Since I was born, I rarely disobey my father. He is the king and my father and he know what is best for me.

“Come on Hebe; let’s go upstairs,” Aaron said to me and he carried me up the stairs. It is until then I remembered I was still in Aaron’s arms. I turned to look at the people in the lobby about this gesture.

King Wang was unhappy. Selina was sad, probably because she can’t be my servant anymore. Prince Jiro was expressionless. Father was still happy about my return and the end of his temporary worries.


Aaron’s POV

‘Wow! This is easier than I thought. My arrival even helped the king of Isaducha.’

I carried Hebe to her room and laid her on her bed. She looked tired. Her face looked very pale and she kept on coughing and sneezing. I placed my right hand around the back of her neck to see if she had a fever. Her neck was burning. To check to see if she really had a fever, I did what my mother used to do to check to see if I had a fever.

I placed my lips softly on Hebe’s forehead. Soon enough, her face turned bright red and her face was burning hot. Hebe definitely had a fever.

I withdrew myself from Hebe.

“You have a fever, princess. Go to sleep,” I commanded the princess. She nodded in obedience and closed her eyes. I turned off the lights of the room.

Suddenly, I realized something. I haven’t asked Hebe where I’m supposed to sleep for the night. Bodyguards are supposed to stay close to the princess but she’s not going to let me sleep outside her room, hopefully.

I turned back in the dark from the entrance of the room and walked to Hebe’s bed. I touched Hebe’s shoulders gently and stopped myself. Maybe I shouldn’t disturb her.

As I was debating against myself, Hebe grabbed my arm tightly.

“Mmm….teddy bear….cuddle…mmmm…don’t……don’t….leave…,” I heard Hebe’s muttering these words in her sleep.

She was pulling on me very strongly. As I watched her mutter in her sleep, she yanked me hard onto her bed. Catching me off guard, I fell flat down onto the bed right beside Hebe with her still hugging on tightly to my arms. My feet were almost off the ground. She was still holding on to me tightly and I couldn’t pull away. The only way I could be comfortable is to adjust myself so that I’m lying right beside her.

‘I guess I could lie here for awhile until she let go. Then I’ll sleep on the ground or something.’

Without realizing how tired I was, I fell into deep slumber.



A/N: Short chapter! Sorry.

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Pertinacia #1
update soon
Update soon ^__^
d0rkii #3
UPDATE !!!!! Thanks
excited to read it.. when u going to update it
grace_leeu #5
Hello!<br />
Your fanfiction sounds so intriguing just by the forewords!!!<br />
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If you would like unbiased critiquing and a good and detailed review, please visit Musical Sweets at:<br />
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Hope to see you there! <br />
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Lots of love,<br />
Musical Sweets
Aaron is now Hebe's bodyguard! You better protect her good! Hopefully, this will not end like Romeo and Juliet. The specific reason I don't watch or read Romeo and Juliet. Too depressing. I guess this is a little better, I think. It's more funny! :)
Happiness #7
Hi there! Your story is really really good! Very nice and totally new and unique. So, Aaron is a spy and they're actually enemies! Awww... they make me think of Remeo and Juliet but it's just that Aaron is using her here. Jiro and Hebe is being way too polite to each other! Hahahaha, nice chapter! Hope you would update again when you're freeeee! :D
LMAO Aaron is so funny. <br />
<br />
"Princess Hebe, my name is Aaron and I will be your date for the rest of the day."<br />
<br />
What the heck man? He is just the funniest creature in the world. Will Jiro discover and drag Hebe back? What was Aaron going to do to her?
Wow, this is really good! I'll try and comment every update. Well, do update soon!