



A tainted world must be purified. 







(The title is probably gonna change lmao)

***Notice: Not sure if it should be rated M or not, but there will be use of foul language. 


Heyyyy! I know I've been gone for over a year now. I'm a horrible person, I know, which is why I'm not going to make any promises. But I'll try to update at least once in awhile (no guarantees). I've kind of just lost motivation and creativity, but starting writing again will hopefully help kick my imagination back into gear. So please excuse my horrible writing because I'm really rusty. All I've been writing lately are argumentative essays lol





The next chapter's gonna be long lololol


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Chapter 20: I miss u T-T
Chapter 21: Man, I sometimes hate authors that write so good that I end up reading incomplete works, with no knowledge of when the story will proceed, or if it even will? Author-nim! Please have mercy!
Chapter 21: im in love with this story!!! your writing skills are in another level, writer-nim. Waiting for an update and hope things are going well on your side!! Good luck<333
Liza_Blessedx2 #4
Chapter 21: Thoroughly enjoying this, what a very talented author you are. I read the whole 20 chapters with a break only at ch12, I .couldn't tear my eyes away from it, saying just one more chapter then starting another..very addictive! I really do hope you can return and finish this awesome fic. My Kyusung heart needs more!! <3 :D <3
vpurple #5
Chapter 21: this story is sooo incredible!! thank you for updating us regarding the hiatus, sorry to hear that you've been in a bad place, i really hope things have improved for you now ^^ but thank you so, so much for writing and sharing what you have done!! because this fic is really so phenomenal and well-written, i loved every second of it <3 <3
Jahnavi2002 #6
Chapter 10: It's amazing..I m loving it
you are an awesome writer
Chapter 21: Not here to tell you to update (although that's a wish) but please whatever you choose to do with this fanfic, please do not delete it! I love this fanfic so~ much, I will always love it even if it's not finished. (Just stopped by to tell you that :-) )
Serenademuzic #8
Chapter 21: This is such a gooood story. Will wait patiently for the next chapter.

BTW, this is the first time I left a comment. The story is just so captivating, great job!
390 streak #9
Chapter 20: I'm so lucky to find this story, it's so goooood~ I hope you'll be back to us soon, coz I'm dying to know the ending >0<
390 streak #10
Chapter 13: Woooooooooaaaa I love you author-nim~ You made a greaaaaaaat ty actions there~ I mean it's not all about , you put some comedy and fluffy things too between them, and that made my heart "awwwwwwwww"