515sunnyday: me and yoong are going to be the mc tomorrow and guess who's the guest is?
yoona_lim: hint not me because i'm the mc
515sunnyday: dude i just said that you're the mc
yoona_lim: i'm just double conforming it
yulyulk: ignore her sunkyu
taeyeon_ss: is the guest tippani?
515sunnyday: no hoe, no
yoona_lim: do you want more hint? her family name is kim and her last name is yeon
taeyeon_ss: me? i'm the guest?!
515sunnyday: bruh
yoona_lim: her middle name is hyo
watasiwahyo: y'all better not ask me something like how did you get so pretty because i'm naturally pretty
515sunnyday: do you want me to end your career as mc yoong why are you like this?!
yoona_lim: i'm just being generous with the hints unnie!
515sunnyday: that ain't generous you literally just spill the answer!
yulyulk: i told you to ignore her she gets dumb sometimes
taeyeon_ss: sometimes?! more like 25/8 dumb
yulyulk: her middle name is retard
515sunnyday: Im Retard Yoong
taeyeon_ss: LOLOLOL
yoona_lim: my is shaking out of anger
515sunnyday: uhh sis it's so small that it won't shake PHUAHAHHA
taeyeon_ss: YAAAAAASSSSSS 
yoona_lim: sica unnie they're bullying me!!!
jessica.syj: who?
yoona_lim: sunkyu unnie!
515sunnyday: why just me?!
yulyulk: you started it! you said her is too small to shake!
taeyeon_ss: taetae don't say anything taetae just laugh!
515sunnyday: don't try to act cute to get away!
yoona_lim: you're all dead!
jessica.syj: ENOUGH! 
yoona_lim: unnie why didn't you scold them?!
jessica.syj: i'm too busy to do that
taeyeon_ss: thank god her mood is okay today
yoona_lim: i'll get you guys another time! and hyunnie will join my forces!
yulyulk: oh god no, anyone but hyunnie please
jessica.syj: hey i have a favour to ask
yulyulk: what is it sica?
515sunnyday: i don't feel good about anything she's going to ask
jessica.syj: can you take care of soojung i'll be leaving for Hongkong for about a week
515sunnyday: i told you i have 6th sense!
jessica.syj: please guys?
taeyeon_ss: who is soojung is she a baby why does she needs someone to take care of her?
yoona_lim: soojung is 24 this year taeng unnie
taeyeon_ss: oh i believe she's going to be my baby
yoona_lim: soojung is sica unnie's lil sister
taeyeon_ss: she's not my baby then!
jessica.syj: so what you guys say? yes?
515sunnyday: how do we take care of her? facetime?
jessica.syj: no silly she's coming to our dorm this evening
515sunnyday: great! just great!
jessica.syj: and someone has to pick her up from her apartment since she doesn't know how to get here
515sunnyday: excellent! hahaha and who's going to fetch her?
yoona_lim: i can't drive!
taeyeon_ss:  i don't have a car!
yulyulk: i'm..i'm...i'm pregnant!!
taeyeon_ss: the heck
515sunnyday: yuri wtf?!
jessica.syj: so it's you then! thanks so much , i'll buy you something from Hongkong!
[jessica.syj left the chatroom!]
taeyeon_ss: lambo is a machine it's not a car so technically i don't have a car!
515sunnyday: and yoong! can't drive?! what an excuse!
yoona_lim: my eyes are twitched unnie i don't want to get into an accident!
yulyulk: your entire existent is already an accident
taeyeon_ss: HAHAHAHAHA
yoona_lim: HYUNNIE!!!
yulyulk: o
taeyeon_ss: anybody but hyunnie! anybody!
515sunnyday: aishhh stresss!!
taeyeon_ss: You got me smoking cigarettes Im in Stress baby
515sunnyday: shut your mouth!
taeyeon_ss: ok ok sorry
yoona_lim: so..this soojung is she pretty?
yulyulk: no idea i haven't seen her
515sunnyday: probably just looks like another jessica 
taeyeon_ss: what does jung gives you sunny ah?
515sunnyday: a headache
taeyeon_ss: if there's two jung?
515sunnyday: heart attack
[vousmevoyes is online!]
vousmevoyes: hello
taeyeon_ss: who is this hello it's taetae
vousmevoyes: i'm krystal
yoona_lim: hold up who is krystal?
vousmevoyes: sica unnie's sister
yulyulk: what?! there's another sister? where is soojung then?
yoona_lim: unnies are we taking care of two baby jung?!
515sunnyday: great guys i'm having a heart attack!
vousmevoyes: soojung is me, krystal is me as well
yoona_lim: you guys twinnie?!
vousmevoyes: no you dumb soojung is my korean name
yulyulk: ahh
yoona_lim: she called me dumb!
taeyeon_ss: that confirms her as a jung
yulyulk: so what do you prefer? krystal or soojung?
vousmevoyes: krystal
yoona_lim: if i throw you, would you shattered to pieces?
vousmevoyes: no but you will
yoona_lim: unnies she's scary
taeyeon_ss: what do you expect yoong?
515sunnyday: let's stop wasting my time where do i need to pick you up?
vousmevoyes: in my apartment
515sunnyday: where the hell is your apartment?
vousmevoyes: in Korea
515sunnyday: details?
vousmevoyes: Gangnam
515sunnyday: more details?
vousmevoyes: it has windows
515sunnyday: somebody hold me
yulyulk: she's funny lmao
515sunnyday: she's not!
vousmevoyes: come pick me up ahhh huryy!
taeyeon_ss: go pick her up sunny ah!
515sunnyday: she won't tell me the details!
vousmevoyes: i told you it has windows!
515sunnyday: every apartment in gangnam has windows you little deep!
vousmevoyes: i'll send you the location!
515sunnyday: it's better if you did that earlier!
vousmevoyes: there!
515sunnyday: how do i know it's you when i get there?
vousmevoyes: you know it's me when you see me
515sunnyday: don't try to be funny!
vousmevoyes: i'll be wearing tshirt
taeyeon_ss: tippani don't wear tshirt she goes
yoona_lim: shut the up unnie don't make me imagine things i'm
vousmevoyes: and pants, i'll be wearing white pants
515sunnyday: what kind of white pants?!
vousmevoyes: long one
515sunnyday: somebody call 911 my heart is aching
yulyulk: send us a picture krystal!
yoona_lim: send us the picture of your pants!
taeyeon_ss: from the back view please
vousmevoyes: is she a ert?
yoona_lim: yes
yulyulk: a huge ert yes
vousmevoyes: she's cute
yulyulk: how is being cute?!
yoona_lim: don't you feel attacked?!
vousmevoyes: i like a cute ert
515sunnyday: you have a weird taste soojung ah
yoona_lim: i love grinding on ppl
yulyulk: i once touch my sunbaenim's s with my nose
vousmevoyes: that's disgusting
yoona_lim: you said you like ert!
yulyulk: why are we not cute?!
515sunnyday: i have arrived which one are you?
vousmevoyes: uh, white tshirt with black dots and white long pants remember?
515sunnyday: the chubby one in the corner with cigarettes?
yulyulk: ohh,  l love chubby girls
vousmevoyes: NO I'M SKINNY!
515sunnyday: then give me more details !!
taeyeon_ss: send us your selfie!
vousmevoyes: you want my selfie?
taeyeon_ss: yes! yes!
vousmevoyes: ok since you ask
yoona_lim: i'm telling ppany unnie
taeyeon_ss: go! go and tell her!
vousmevoyes: here
taeyeon_ss: hi <3 <3 <3
yulyulk: damn so pretty
yoona_lim: hyunnie needs to go away hi krystal
vousmevoyes: omo what is wrong with them?
515sunnyday: get in the car soojung i'll bring you home and you can meet these wolves





anybody remembers this? lol  

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1197 streak #1
Chapter 114: Not Seohyun leaving the chat 🤣🤣
Chapter 114: WTH HAPPENED TO YOONIE? The food choices is veryyyyyyy 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
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1197 streak #6
Chapter 113: Oh that was wild as hell 🤣
Chapter 113: Poor Soo! It’s not often everyone else is saying the dumb .
Chapter 110: Rereading cause I can't remember were I stop.😅

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