The President's Daughter.



Narrator POV.

The little girl hide in the bunker, for another time in her life – just like she always did whenever her dad are coming home late. And, drunk. She peeked through the little hole and watch her mommy unlock the door for her dad only to get slap across the face.

Her eyes was shock, her little hand tries to muffle her cries and gasps.

Her mommy fell to the floor – face down. The little girl eyes started to shed tears when her mommy made a brief eye contact and flash her a little smile. Deep down, her child instinct is telling to get out and protect her mommy but her something stops her.

“No matter what happens, don’t come out from this bunker till I tell you to come out, okay?”

The girl could only nodded at her mommy little advice.

Another slaps landed across her cheeks, follow by a profanity.

“You worthless, !”

But, her mommy didn’t fight back but instead, she caressed his face and smiled. “You’re drunk,” said her. “Let’s go get you –”

Another slaps, and the little girl heard a loud sound of crash like something had been broken. Then, silence. Nothing was heard after that. A great fear creeps into her heart. Slowly, she opens her eyes to a most deafening quiet ever.

The little girl got out.


The little girl moved towards the living room, holding on to her dad’s little gift – a slush toys.

Again, she called out, “..Mommy?”

But, there’s no answer. The search for her mom continue until she reach the kitchen, and spotted her mommy laying down on the kitchen floor, fighting for her life.

“Baby girl..” Her voice fading. “C-Can you get me the phone?”

The girl run towards the phone inside the living room to get the phone and come back seconds later only to find her mommy no longer moving. The phone drops to the wooden floor and her cries filled the room. Her little childhood fantasy of going to the Disneyland during the summer as promise by her dad crushed into a tiny piece of unsolved complicated puzzle.


Who is this little girl?


I have new ideas for new fiction. But, I have no clue how to continue 'Between The Two'. So, I guess I would just post this one. 





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GEoRuth #1
Chapter 4: More
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 5: Please continue your story in AFF too.
Thank you.
bluesky2275 #3
Chapter 5: Thank you for the update. But I can't access to the webpage. Kindly publish it over here. Thank you in advance.
Appledots5 #4
Chapter 4: Update pls :)
amhar03 #5
Chapter 4: Wii interesting...
Chapter 4: Waiting for your update author
21 streak #7
Chapter 4: Aww my baby Jung.
AlbertCiero #8
Chapter 4: Oh my kryyys, you really want her right? Haha. I'm wondering which way you want her haha
chandyto #9
Chapter 3: wow interesting storyy
GEoRuth #10
Chapter 3: I want to know what happens next.