The Blind

TWICE Shorts - Mina x Momo
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Mina was at the tip of the heiracy but Momo at the bottom. Will they get a chance to fall in love? 






Myoui Mina – Everyone knew who this name belong to. She was a new transfer student from another school and already had everyone smitten over her looks and brains. A popular girl like her naturally made friends with the popular clique consisting of Sana, Jeongyeon and Jihyo.


One day, Mina was walking towards her locker alone to fetch some books for her next lesson when she heard some commotion, which seems to be coming from the girl’s toilet. Being a curious girl, she walked towards the door and pushed it ajar to see that 3 other girls were poking and kicking a girl who was lying in a cradle position on the floor. Seeing the helpless blonde in this situation, Mina’s sense of justice acted up. She pushed the door open with great force and shouted at the other 3.


“M-Mina sunbae…” They bowed in respect knowing that one wrong move would ruin their reputation in school.


“Get out.” Mina hissed and with a nod of their heads, they apologized and ran out. Mina wasn’t out to ruin anyone’s image so she decided not to tell on them. She quickly rushed towards the blonde and ask about her welfare but the girl was too busy trying to find something. Tapping her hands around the ground, she finally found what she was looking for; her cane.


Mina helped her stand up but realised that she was looking away from her. It didn’t take long for Mina to realize that she was blind.


“T-thank you for helping me… um…”



“Ah, thank you Mina. I’m Momo by the way.”


“Nice to meet you.”


“I guess I better get back to class now.”


“D-do you need help?”


“Nah, it’s okay, I know my way around.”


Since Mina couldn’t do much, she helped the latter push open the door.


“See you around Momo.”


“See you too.” Momo replied before feeling her way back to her class.


Mina knew she should be in class but she found herself following the latter silently to make sure that she doesn’t lose her way or anything. But like she had said, she found her way to her class. Mina felt a load lifted off her shoulder when she saw Momo safely seated in class but then she realised that she was late for her own.


“S-sorry i-I’m late!” Mina bowed to her teacher while trying to catch her breath. But seeing that she was a new transfer student, it might be sometime before Mina knew where her classes were located. He forgave her this time and warned her not to be late anymore.


Mina had been hanging out with Momo for a couple of days each week and she could see that her friends were speculating that she has a boyfriend or something. Mina denied however and told her friends to not care about her so much. One fine day after the lessons, the first thing Mina did was to brisk walk to Momo’s classroom. She worried about the girl a lot; maybe a little too much but didn’t know why she cared either. Once her class ended and all the students streamed out, Momo finally came out.


“Hey!” Mina greeted as she stood in front of Momo.


“Hello.” The latter greeted with a smile.


“Are you doing anything later?”


“Nope, going home. Why?”


“Do you have time then? Want to grab dinner?”


Momo chuckled.


“How random of you, we barely met for a day.”


“You intrigue me. Um… I’ll wait for you at the school gate?” Mina answered.


“Sure.” Momo smiled before going to her next class.


Mina arrived with a skip in her step, something that her friends had rarely seen.


“What’s the occasion?” Jihyo asked when Mina sat down beside her.


“Hmm?” Mina hummed in surprise.


“You look happy today…” Jeongyeon said.


“A little TOO happy” Sana added.


“You guys are being delusional, I’m always happy!” Mina defended.


“Anyway, I’m meeting a friend for dinner so I’m not joining you guys.”


“See I knew it.” Jeongyeon clapped.


“Right… a friend.” Sana said while rolling her eyes.


Now that the teacher walked in, the girls stopped chatting and started paying attention to the lesson.


By the time the school bell rang, Mina was the first few out of the class and rushed to the gate. There, she saw Momo waiting patiently for her.


“Guess who!” Mina said while covering Momo’s eyes.


“Woman, you do know I am blind right?” Momo answered.


“Oh… right… damn it.” Mina said shyly before leading Momo somewhere. They got in a car and Mina told the driver to drive them back to her house. Other than being very popular in school because of her looks Mina was actually kind of rich. Momo wasn’t surprised because 90% of the students attending the school were wealthy. Mina helped Momo to the dining table before going to her seat. Not long after the maids started to serve the food. After the delicious dinner Momo thanked Mina before both of them headed up to Mina’s room.


“Don’t worry, make yourself comfortable.” Mina said.


Momo nodded and sat on the latter’s bed while waiting for her to come out of the toilet.


“Mina… Can I ask you something?”




“Why are you being so good to me for the past few weeks?”


That question took Mina by surprise. She climbed on to her bead and sat cross legged facing the blonde.


“Hmm… I don’t know. When I saw you, I just wanted to know you more. You make me curious about you and plus, we are now friends... A-are you afraid that I would hurt you?”


“I have many people in my life hurting me… I just want to be careful…” Momo said with a hint of sadness in her voice.


Mina shifted over and embraced the latter. “I promise I will never hurt you.”


After that episode, Mina and Momo grew closer and even went out together even though Momo can’t see anything that Mina sees. The two sat themselves down on a picnic matt for their little date by the Han river and enjoyed the food theat Mina had packed for them.


“Momo, Have you ever wondered what I look like?” Mina asked out of curiousity.


“I heard students talk about this girl with brownish shoulder length hair and-“


“I don’t want to hear that, I want to hear what YOU think of me.”


“Well, your voice was the sweetest sound I have ever heard. Your touch was the most comfortable feeling in the word second to my parents and your smell… you smell like jasmines all the time; I like that.”


If Momo could see right now, she would have realised that Mina’s face was in a bright shade of pink with a huge grin on her face. Suddenly, Momo reached out with both her hands and cupped Mina’s face. Using her fingers, she felt her way around her eyes and nose.


“Are you okay? You feel hot!” Momo said worriedly.


“I-I’m fine! T-that just my normal body temperature!” Mina got a little too defensive; making Momo giggle because she knew the latter was embarrassed.


“Can I ask how you lost your sight?” Mina asked carefully.


Momo let out a laugh. “It’s a stupid reason but when I was young, I watched too much TV late night and yea you know what happens next.


“Haven’t you thought of going into surgery?” Mina asked.


“I did. But my parents weren’t well of back then… we faced a little bankruptcy but by the time they established their current company, I was already used to living like this. So I just lived with it.”


“Wow, you are so mature for a young girl.” Mina complimented.


“Well, they say people mature in tough times.” Momo smiled.


“Hey! Want to know something cool?” Mina said enthusiastically.




“I have quite a number of moles on my face!”


“WOW” Momo said sarcastically but still let Mina take her hand and point it to her.


“Here… here… and here… on my nose bridge… upper lip and-“ Mina paused once she felt Momo’s finger brush past her lips. “Here…”


The latter felt it too and gulped in awkwardness. Momo wanted to take her hands away but Mina held them against her face. The blonde felt Mina leaning closer to her and instead of moving away, she found herself leaning towards her too. Their lips soon found their was to each other and they stayed

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MIMOnster #1
Chapter 26: Mina ojosama 🥰🥰🥰 mimo 🥰
1241 streak #2
Chapter 24: Angsty MiMo will always be my fav :)
1241 streak #3
Chapter 28: <3
Son_JiWon #4
Chapter 46: Whoever those bastard r*pe Mina die.
1241 streak #5
Chapter 47: Reading this again while waiting for new updates :3
Chapter 47: I'm not crying

Someone cut onions beside me..
Chapter 3: Uwu
Chapter 1: Heoll
aglaonema #9
Chapter 47: Nice
1241 streak #10
Chapter 47: Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for updating!!! \^^/ I'm so happy even it's just a short (but meaningful) story :D
I'm glad that they're together again and I hope all of them will always be fine <3 ot9 forever