Love Again


Wendy have moved to Seoul from Canada and started a new life as a College student. She met some friends along her journey and they became close at a short amount of time. Little does she know, she started to fall in love with one of them and it has been driving her nuts. Everyone seem to notice it, but the suspect herself. How will she cope with her feelings? Will she confess or will she just accept the fact that it will never happen?




Main Characters:

Name: Son Seungwan (hates when people call her that)

Nickname: Wendy, Olaf, Seungwannie, Wannie, Wan

Status: Junior

Birthday: February 21, 1995 / 21 years old (Korean Age)

Can speak fluent English and Korean. Lived in Canada for most of her life.

Likes to sing and play instruments, mostly guitar. Straight A student.

Posts covers of songs on YouTube. Also composes her own music.

Likes to stay healthy and stay in shape.

Prefers to stay as an introvert. Very shy and anxious around people and stutters a lot.

Always wears hoodies and sweaters, cause she wants to be comfortable.


Name: Bae Joohyun

Nickname: Irene, Baechu (Cabbage), Grandma, Joohyun, Hyun

Status: Junior

Birthday: March 29, 1994 / 22 years old (Korean Age)

Likes to read books and is very quiet. Can be demanding and bossy. Straight A student.

Can be straightforward and not so quiet around her group of friends.

Has received confessions a load of times, but all are rejected.

Loves skinship and touching . Attends the same school as her little sister, Yeri.

Can be seen a lot with her childhood friend, Seulgi and her little sister.

Is very popular and known as a member of ''The Killer Looks'', together with Yeri and Seulgi.

Enjoys listening to music and can also sing. Has a passion for dancing. A cheerleader


Name: Kang Seulgi

Nickname: Seulgi, Seul, Idiot, Bear, Dumb Bear

Status: Junior

Birthday: February 10, 1995 / 21 years old (Korean Age)

Slacking in School. Doesn't listen to the teacher and tends to fall asleep in class. Always late.

Can kill anyone with that eye-smile. Is very positive and makes the people around her happy.

Gives good advice. Have also received confessions, but also rejected them.

Very talented, but no brains. Can sing, dance, act and draw. Has a passion for drawing.

Is often the victim of pranks as she is always so clueless. Is also a cheerleader.


Name: Bae Yerim

Nickname: Yeri, Squirtle, Devil

Status: Freshman

Birthday: March 5, 1999 / 17 years old (Korean  Age)

Likes taking picture of unaware people and nature. Can also sing.

Always has her precious camera with her.

She's well-mannered though can be sneaky, evil and annoying sometimes.

Her sister is the most popular girl in the student body as well as herself and Seulgi.


Name: Park Sooyoung

Nickname: Joy, Sooyoung, Satan

Status: Freshman

Birthday: September 3, 1997 / 19 years old (Korean Age)

Went down a grade because she's having trouble with studying. She likes to sing.

People fall for her charms as a quiet girl. Though very annoying, loud and a diva around friends.

Is legit the Satan. Tends to plot pranks and often annoys the people she's close with.

Very demanding and bossy, despite her young age.

She can boss people that are older than her, but is very weak around people she really likes.


Wendy have never been able to communicate well with other people and that was when she found music. She found out about her talent and it was singing. She plead her mom for her to sign up for music lessons and in no time, she learned how to play various amounts of instruments and her singing improved at a very high level.

Everyday after school, she would head straight to her computer and posts covers of YouTube of her singing and playing any instruments in mind. Though she had a very strict rule. It was to never look in the camera and forget about being recorded. She's afraid that if she keeps staring, it'd look creepy and that she might forget the lyrics and mess everything up. Her videos always starts with a simple black screen with the title of the song she would cover and her name under it, followed by her singing or playing her instrument.

She's very shy, you see. Never had any close friends she could trust and tell secrets to. She prefers to be alone with her earphones in both of her ears. People have tried to talk to her, have a conversation with her and even ask her out because truthfully, she's very good-looking under her hoodie. But she never thought of it that way. She pushes people away, because she's afraid that they're going to get sick of her in the end and leave her. Just like what her biological parents did.

Her parents left her at the age of 5. She thinks it's because she wasn't really a normal kid. She never cries, often laughs and would always be in her room. The toys that her parents have bought for her, were left untouched. They realized that she wasn't the kind of child that they wanted, so they gave up on her. Left her at an orphanage at a very young age.

She was adopted by a very good looking lady together with a foreigner that could speak Korean very well, she thought. She moved to Canada with her adoptive parents after the papers were settled. They treated her like a daughter, unlike her real parents. They never gave up on her and tried everything to make her happy. In fact, she has learned to communicate with them. Laugh with them, cry with them and shar secrets with them. Though, she wasn't the same outside. She was still the shy and introverted Wendy.

One day she decided to ask her mom if she could move back to Korea and continue her studies there. Her mother was hesitant at first, but with the help of her father, they convinced her and she finally agreed. She wanted to start a new life. She thought that maybe she moved to a country and a new school where she's unknown, she'd overcome her anxiety and speech problems. 

A/N: So? How is it? I want to know if this could receive a positive feedback. Maybe then I'd be motivated to write a couple of chapters. I'm not sure yet how long I intend to make this fanfic, but as long as I get positive comments, then I think I'll keep it running.


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 7: Hello???
paransaek #2
Chapter 7: Thinking about this fic~
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hello
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 7: When do you want to continue this? It's been 1 year
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 6: Thank you Moonbyul
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 5: What will happen next? I am curious
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 4: Wendy has received skinship given by Irene
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 3: Wendy :(
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 2: Eiy,friend? Noooo :)
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 1: Wendy's expression must be funny