
Secretly Conspicuous
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Maybe Jongin was over thinking it, but Myungsoo's little maneuver in the elevator seemed a little coincidental and spontaneously planned, as much of an oxymoron as it was. 

And it pissed Jongin off to no end just thinking about it as he drove back to the firm.

When the elevator door opened and it was Krystal who stood behind it, Jongin's reaction was that of shock at the coincidence that he was just thinking about her mixed in with a little bit of pleasure. She really was the kind of girl that could turn heads in a crowd, his included. 

Followed by the initial delight came Myungsoo.

Jongin had no quarrel with the guy. In fact, like he told Chanyeol, Jongin had a rather high opinion of the straight-laced businessman. Learning that he was previously involved with Krystal was a bit of a blow. A minor blow. Like being hit by a gnat. 

But even then, Jongin had no business changing his opinion of Myungsoo just because of that little fact. If his sources of useless gossip proved to be true in any aspect, it was not in Jongin's place to derive pointless jealousy from his attraction to Krystal. She and Myungsoo were and maybe still are in a relationship and Jongin couldn't meddle. 

A car horn honked at Jongin to go as the light turned green. Stepping on the gas, Jongin cursed as he looked in the rear-view mirror to see a man with a scruffy beard shoot daggers at him. 


Jongin was usually a good driver, but thinking about Myungsoo's move in the elevator had his blood boiling. 

Was it jealousy? Maybe a little bit, but it was mostly just how smug Myungsoo's face was when he looked over at Jongin. Krystal's back had been turned to him as Myungsoo snapped on the necklace. If Myungsoo had given him some sort of death glare telling him to back off because Krystal was his, Jongin would have gladly done so. Hell, he would've done the same thing. 

Then again, Jongin wasn't making any sort of eyes at Krystal. In that aspect, Myungsoo seemed at little bit too possessive, bordering on paranoid. 

Strangely, Myungsoo gave Jongin the back-off glare at first, but within a split second, his entire facial expression changed to a face that basically smugly told Jongin:

Oooh yeah, that's right. You don't stand a chance with her. I don't need to worry about a guy like you stealing her away from me. Go ahead. Do your worst.

It may have not been 100% like that, but it was the general gist. 

Jongin swerved into the lot of his firm, the tires screeching as he came to an abrupt stop. Not only angry at Myungsoo, he was angry at himself for letting every little thing involving Krystal get to him.

Remembering the night she stayed at his home, Jongin may have stretched the truth a bit when he said he didn't want to try anything. 

He had gotten up from the couch to use the washroom and had drowsily gone back to his bedroom. It was an honest mistake. After falling asleep, he had woken up again at around what seemed like 4 in the morning, when the sun was just starting to rise. At that point, he was on his side and Krystal was on her back, breathing softly. Jongin had propped himself up on his elbows, a bit disoriented, to look at the stranger in his bed.

It was unreal just how breathtaking she was through his sleepy eyes. 

Dainty nose, perfect lips, porcelain skin with her dark hair spread out over the pillow, framing her oval shaped face; Jongin, in his sleep induced state, was so tempted to lean down and kiss her. He had come close at one point, but through a miraculous feat of self-restraint, he managed to lay himself back down, take a few deep breaths and fall asleep again, this time facing away from her. 

How she ended up wrapped around him later that morning was another story. 

Jongin climbed out of his car, slamming the door shut, speed walking towards the building. 

It was going to be a long ing day. 




Well . 

Jongin showing up out of nowhere rattled Myungsoo way more than it should've. He knew about the whole lawsuit, but Myungsoo was expecting a senior lawyer, like Jongin's father, not Jongin himself.

The spontaneous little thing he did in the elevator, with Soojung and the necklace, was very much unplanned. Myungsoo didn't really think it through because at that point; he could see the attraction between his ex and the newly hired lawyer. Any moron could tell. 

It was like chemistry. Myungsoo didn't miss Soojung's reaction upon seeing Jongin as the elevator doors opened and frankly, Jongin couldn't seem to hide his emotions either.

It soured Myungsoo's mouth to think about because once upon a time, Soojung had looked at him the way she now looked at Jongin. 

In a crass manner, he could describe his move in the elevator like that of when a dog pees on a tree to mark its territory. It was an unpleasant theory, but it was just like that. Soojung was his and Jongin needed to know that without explicitly saying so.

That being said, because Jongin came in today, Myungsoo had to go see his brother, missing out on lunch with Soojung, which only irritated him further. Looking on the bright side, he returned the necklace and Soojung was now working for him.

On the way back from the restroom, Myungsoo caught sight of Soojung, settling into her desk as Minsuk briefed her on her duties. Her soft brown eyes were focused as she concentrated on whatever Minsuk was saying. 

Soojung had every right to loathe Myungsoo and he despised himself for what he did to Soojung. If he could go back in time, he would travel to the 18 year old him, still an idiot in high school, and deck him across the face. He deserved it. 

But Myungsoo had changed. He wasn't the ignorant er he was seven years ago. 

He was going to win Soojung back. 




"Good work today, newbie." 

Soojung looked up from her desk, where she was packing her things away to go home. A drop dead gorgeous girl with long wavy brown hair and full lips stood smiling at her.

"Thanks. You too." Soojung smiled back. 

"Well, if you ever need anything, just ask. Suji, by the way. Bae Suji." she reached out her hand and Soojung took it, giving it a shake. "And you are?"

"Um, Krystal." Soojung said reflexively. 

"Wow. Krystal? Are a foreigner?" Suji asked, her eyes curious. 

"Yeah, something like that." Soojung winced, feeling like an idiot. 

"Well then, Krystal. I'll see you around." Suji waved as she departed down the hallway. 

Soojung blew a stray strand of hair out of her face. Her first day at work had gone well. A little too well; like the calm before a storm. She would be working roughly 40 hours a week, everyday from 8 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon, although Myungsoo did warn about overtime, but the pay was good. It was already half past seven as Soojung glanced at the time on the phone sitting on her desk. She spent the whole day learning about her job from Minsuk, amongst other things like greeting people, using the Internet to find out as much as she could about Medi.K and calling Minho to check up on Sooyeon.

With respects to Sooyeon, that would have to travel back roughly 2 in the afternoon, when Soojung got a call from Minho. Sooyeon's condition got worse; fever, chills, fatigue, headaches. Despite that, Sooyeon refused to go to the hospital, even with Minho and Donghae's persuasion. 

"She wouldn't budge, no matter what." Minho explained with a heavy sigh. "You know Minseok? He came down to the bar a couple times when you were working Jess's shift?"

"Oh geez." Soojung groaned. She remembered one particular time when he dropped by when Soojung had finished working. She had been drunk as and Minseok was a real treat for the eyes. To this day, Minseok still couldn't quite look her in the face. They didn't sleep together or anything, but apparently Soojung had come on really strong and Minseok just wasn't that good with girls.

"He's a bouncer at the nightclub a few blocks down from the bar. It's called Regal or something. I'll have to check. Nightclubs are so weirdly named there--" 


"Sorry, sorry. Anyways, we were high school buddies, played soccer together, you get the idea. We're bros." 

"And this has what to do with my sister?" 

"I'm just saying, I trust the guy and I know how freakishly scary you get about Jessica, so I'm just assuring you. He has a buddy works at Gangnam Severance Hospital and well, we took her to see him." 

"Go on." Soojung muttered suspiciously.

"Jess still refused the hospital, so he took her to his apartment."

"You took my sister to a complete stranger's apartment." Soojung asked, venom in her words.

"Look, look, he's a good guy. His name's Yixing. Look him up. He's a medical prodigy. His family owns a small pharmacy, so he knows what he's doing." Minho rushed to explain. "Plus I'm here too." 

"Fine." Soojung found some comfort knowing Minho was there.

"He administered some oxygen and some sort of IV."

"Put this Yixing on the phone." 


"Do it." Soojung said through her teeth. 

There was some shuffling and static from the other end before a voice spoke. 

"Hello?" Came a soft rolling voice.

"This is Yixing right?" Soojung was surprised at how youthful he sounded. 

"Yes, I'm Yixing and don't worry. Jessica would like for you to know that she is feeling much better. She's in good hands. I've treated a lot of anemic patients and your sister's condition isn't the worst I've seen. She will be fine, but I'd like to keep her overnight to make sure." he explained very politely. "If you're worried, my address is-- Oh, hang on. Your sister would like to speak to you." 

More shuffling.


"Sooyeon." relief washed over Soojung upon hearing her voice, much stronger and clearer than it was before. 

"I'm fine, babe. I'll spend the night here. Minho offered to stay, if it makes you feel any better." 

"Yes, but--" 

"And Yixing is an angel, so don't get any funny ideas." Sooyeon snapped. "Come over here and I'll burn your eyebrows off." 

Soojung could hear snickers in the background and she couldn't help but smile at how her sister doesn't even lose her spice in her sickly condition.

"You've been tired. Go home and sleep. Hell, go have a night out with Jinri or something. I'll be back in tip top shape tomorrow." Sooyeon assured her. "And just in case, Yixing insists that you know his address."

"Alright. But if anything--" 

"Yes, you clingy baby, I'll give you a call. Plus, you know I can take down any of these chumps if they tried anything." 

Soojung couldn't help but worry about Sooyeon. After a brief background heck, Soojung did find out enough about Yixing to know that she could trust him, medically speaking at least. However, it was still going to be a long night of worrying about Sooyeon. Perhaps she really should call up Jinri and go drinking or maybe even score a possible one night stand. Then again, she was feeling rather sluggish. Maybe she should just call Junmyeon for a booty call. He was the one person she broke her no-same-guy-twice rule with. They were friends to a certain extent and he was pretty good in the sack. Or maybe she could head home and go to sleep. She had quit her god-awful night shift waitress job and Jiyong gave her the night off.

Shaking her head, Soojung pulled out her phone: she deserved a night of fun. Dialing his number upon entering the elevator, he picked up almost immediately. 

"Krystal?" Junmyeon answered. 

"Busy tonight?" 

"Well, I was going to rewatch the trilogy," Junmyeon replied.

Sober Junmyeon was a dork: Star Wars, Pokemon- the works. When Soojung was working as a fast food server, she had frequented a bar close to the joint she worked at. There, she had met Junmyeon, alone and weeping after being dumped by his girlfriend, who was only using him to get back at an ex. Pitying the guy, Soojung offered to buy him a drink. 

When drunk, Junmyeon was an entirely different person. Before, he was the embarrassing dork friend that told bad dad jokes. After a few drinks, Soojung could only really call him a beast. He broke a lamp and knocked over a nightstand that first night they were together.

That being said, she had no feelings for Junmyeon and vice versa. It was just easier because they both knew what the other liked. Of course, they both had to first end up getting drunk before actually doing it for two reasons: one, because Soojung just couldn't go down with Junmyeon rambling about Star Trek or Star Wars, whichever one it was and two, because they didn't want to catch feelings, although that was hardly an issue. They just didn't click that way.

"Wanna go drinking?" 

Junmyeon chuckled. "Are you asking to hook up again?" 

"It's been like what, two months?" 

"Well, I gotta get up early for an anime convention tomorrow, so you wanna just come over to my place? I got enough tequila." 

"Anime convention? Total lady bone killer, but you got yourself a deal." Soojung sighed.

The lobby was practically empty as Soojung walked across it to the exit. Myungsoo wasn't in sight, having either left or stayed. Relieved, she pushed past the revolving doors into the nippy night air. The parking lot was dimly lit and contained only a few cars. Judging by her location, she could walk to Junmyeon's in roughly fifteen minutes, give or take. Her heels were irritating her feet a little bit, but it would probably be alright. 

As she stepped off the curb, she noticed a sleek black car drive out of its parking space and pull up to where she was. The heavily tinted windows rolled down. 


Soojung leaned over a bit to see who it was. 


He smiled.

"Join me for a drink?"



Tired of the fluorescence and rigidness of his own office, Jongin opted to email himself all the case files so he could go home early and work on them from there. Luhan was stunned to see him leaving the firm at only 5:50 in the afternoon, which was complete

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_drkmnd #1
Looking forward for your update :)
buzzkille #2
Chapter 17: reading this most recent chapter now makes me want to reread the whole story again. glad you were back and decided not to abandon this one. Thank you, hope you are doing well ♥️
cactuscorvus166 #4
Chapter 17: author is back!
Chapter 17: thanks for the update <3 really appreciate it. hope you can update soon :) fightingggggggg
kaistalee #6
Chapter 17: Yay for this update! Thank you for not abandoning this 🥺 gonna reread it right now!
Miraclecouple #7
Chapter 17: Looking forward for another update..thank you....i love this story🥳🥳
Miraclecouple #8
Chapter 16: Please update this story
Chapter 16: Hey you're story's so good! Like the emotions are there, and their struggles are felt. It's so smoothly written, the scenes are free flowing which made it easier to read. Thank you for sharing this and I think you're doing a great job with the fanfic genre ;) from what I've learned (college also) fanfic is hard to write because the character is someone that people knows, so creating a character different from what people knows is the biggest hurdle. But so far the characters match with how we kno Soojung and Jongin ❤️❤️❤️ great job!
aerilights #10
Chapter 16: Ive been waiting for this !!