
Secretly Conspicuous
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"Hey, you're going home already?"

Soojung smiled subtly as she snapped her bra on.

"Sorry, baby, but I need to get to work soon," she planted a chaste kiss on her date's forehead.

Soojung didn't really like the term loose, so she described herself as non-picky. Was she proud of it? Not exactly, but did she care? No.

So nights with complete strangers in seedy motels were nothing new. Her older sister, Sooyeon, had no idea about her and her habits because Soojung knew that Sooyeon would freak out. That being said, Soojung was careful when choosing her partners. No homeless people was an obvious choice and it’s not like she had every day. 

Her choice of the night was a pretty bartender boy named Minhyuk with a tall frame, but a young innocent face. Soojung deduced that he was a student fresh out of university who was working the night shift at the bar to pay rent. She was pretty good at the art of deduction.

Of course, there was no need to deduce that Minhyuk wouldn't let her leave right away. 

"Then, at least give me your cell number," he grabbed her wrist as she zipped up her skirt.

"Babe, what’s the point of me giving my number to you if you're never going to contact me again? Plus, we were only having fun," Soojung gently shook off his hand and kissed him again.

"Oh yeah. Uh, bye."

Soojung waved as she slipped into her heels and walked out the door. She never felt like she was doing the walk of shame because she wasn't ashamed. She never stayed the night and she's not like those other girls who scamper home with their coat clutched to their chest to hide their outfits from the previous night. The walk home was colder than Soojung expected, but she would rather freeze her off than lay toasty in bed with a stranger. 

Soojung sighed as she opened the door to her small one bedroom apartment she shared with her sister. Sooyeon wasn't home. At least, she shouldn't be. It was her shift down at the Hit 'n' Lit, a bar in a few streets down. Working was all that was part of their lives. It’s not like they had a choice. Soojung could only look on the bright side on the scheme of things. They had a roof over their heads, food, water, clothes, and a functioning toilet, which is a far cry from what they used to have. And those things only came into her and her sister’s life through a lot of hard work.

Which is why of course, Soojung slept around a bit since was one of the few fun things poor people could afford. 

The TV was still playing as Soojung walked into the empty living room. Sooyeon had been watching 2 Broke Girls, some American sitcom about two waitresses who live in Brooklyn who are obviously broke and go to extremes to make their rent. Soojung bought a few weeks ago for a good price. They couldn't afford cable, but they did manage to get a DVD player for cheap at a garage sale, so Soojung would often visit the seedy video store a few blocks down to buy bootlegged movies that often came with Portuguese subtitles. 

Plopping down on the couch, Soojung watched the remainder of the episode. She actually liked the show, despite its trashy humor. Max and Caroline being broke in Brooklyn kind of reminded of her of her and her sister being broke in Seoul.

Her phone rang in her pocket. It was grating to Soojung that she was using an iPhone 4 in this day and age.


"You're shift started like five minutes ago! Where the hell are you?" a voice hissed through the phone. 

Soojung leaped up from the couch in a tizzy.

", , ! Jinri, cover for me for like another ten minutes." 

"Well, hurry up! I can't cover for you forever. Jiyong won't fire you, but he will dock your pay." 

Soojung hung up and made a beeline for the front door, almost twisting her ankle as she slipped into her stilettos and dashed out the door. 


"Listen, sweetheart, just because you know how to bring in customers doesn't mean I won't fire you. You're replaceable, honey. The money I lost because you were late isn't." Jiyong took a drag from his cigarette as Soojung came out of the bathroom in the back room where the employees took their breaks and the joining room to the bar. 

"Yeah right." she rolled her eyes because she knew Jiyong would never fire her because one, she was his MVP and two, she had long befriended him since she started working here.

"I'm serious," Jiyong said but grinned as he did so.

"Sorry. It won't happen again." Soojung said as she sarcastically bowed, one hand on the neckline of her strapless black bodycon dress that generously showcased her cleavage and . 

Yes, Soojung worked as a hostess at a cabaret club. It’s one of the lower points in her life, but she did meet Jinri and Jiyong paid her generously since she brought in a lot of customers. And by generously, it meant the pay was more than what she was making in tips waiting on tables at the Dine-In.

"Ugh, you're finally here." Jinri came into the backroom wearing her signature baby pink baby doll dress. "Just an FYI, the guy with the hook hand is back again." 

"How did he even get back in here?" Soojung groaned as she pushed into the bar to grab drinks.

"Dunno. The last guy I had was so nervous to see s for the first time. I almost felt bad for him." Jinri made a face as she reached onto the shelf for a bottle of vodka. 

"Another five hours before I can get some shut-eye," Soojung grumbled as she filled a tray with a bottle of diluted whiskey and two glasses. 

"Alright, but before that, it’s show time, Krystal." Jinri stuck her tongue out a Soojung. 

Krystal was Soojung's cabaret name. It was like a security thing to protect herself from all the creeps out there. Jinri told her to pick one; something cute, y and simple. It was also a rendition of her the name she used during her stay in California.

The night dragged on and Soojung's face hurt from all the phony smiles and flirting. Some guys were okay at flirting, some were downright horrible, but Soojung didn't like hooking up with any of the men that came to the cabaret club. God knows what kind of STD they could possibly give her from all their time floating around the wrong side of town.

"Ah, Krys? Can I see you for a minute?" Jiyong motioned for Soojung to go into his office when she came back for a vodka tonic.

"Yes?" Soojung entered his office and stood with her hands on her hips.

Jiyong lit a cigarette before speaking.

"Alright, listen. We got a bunch of high-end company CEOs here tonight and they're asking for the best of the best. And based on the numbers, you're it." Jiyong ran a hand through his red-dyed hair as he paced in front of her.

"Me?" Soojung asked incredulously.

"I'm as surprised as you are. You're always late to work." Jiyong shrugged and grinned. 

"Um, so what do I do?" 

"Do what you always do, but better. Don't things up alright, Krystal? We've hooked a big one and if you this up, I'll fire your pretty ." Jiyong pointed his cigarette at her, the embers flitting off the end and gently floating to the ground.

Soojung had never seen Jiyong so serious and she could almost believe that she would be fired if she messed this up. She nodded, putting a lock of stray hair behind her ear. 

"Alright follow me." Jiyong rose and motioned her to follow out the door. 

Soojung followed her boss into the backroom, then into the bar and then through a door in the back of the bar that Soojung never even knew existed. Strangely, she wasn't nervous or scared, but then again, everything was pretty much meh to Soojung at this point in life. 

"Last time, Soojung. Do. Not. . This. Up," Jiyong enunciated like Soojung was a child. 

"I'll do my best," she knew it was serious since Jiyong used her real name.

"Don't pour the whiskey on him like you did on last night's customer, alright?"

"You can't seriously blame me for that! He tried to me motorboat me!" Soojung stamped her foot lightly. 

"I'm not blaming you. Just think a bit before you do anything. I need the money, alright? Not for me. For the girls. You know I do everything for you girls," Jiyong sighed and crushed his cigarette under his foot. 

Soojung nodded, raised her chin, straightened her back, and squared her shoulders.

"Wait outside until I call you in," Jiyong said before disappearing through the door. 

Soojung stood outside, listening to the muffled voices inside. Jiyong was just going through the introductions and all the formal stuff. No inappropriate without consent, no assault and that there were cameras; all that jazz. The door opened moments later and it was Soojung's cue to walk in. 

"This is Krystal, our pride here at Kwon's Angels."

Soojung introduced herself and bowed, before standing up straight and smiling her smile that usually got her a few free drinks at a bar. She counted four men dressed in suits. All the men were young and attractive. She was surprised, since she was expecting a bunch of old erted geezers, not four men that looked like they were part of some suitey boy band. 

"Alright boys, enjoy." Jiyong smiled encouragingly at Soojung before leaving. 

Soojung stood before them for a minute, running a game plan and analyzing the resources at her disposal. A bucket of icing whiskey next to four glasses lay at the center of the table and the four of them sat on the semi-circle couch. The stereo was playing a smooth jazz, which was alright and Soojung didn't really want to do karaoke just yet. 

"Well? Come sit." one of the men said and patted the seat next to him. 

Soojung obliged with a smile, taking a seat smack in the middle, with two on her left and two on her right. She looked over all four of them. The one on the very end to her left was absolutely adorable, with a lovely face and curly brown hair. He was shy and fidgety and Soojung assumed he was one of the secretaries since he didn't have the confidence of a company CEO. He spoke with a soft rolling accent and after listening to a few quiet mutters and whispering, she guessed he was Chinese.

The man next to him was quiet as well, with heavy eye bags and Soojung could see piercing holes in his ears since she was sitting so close. He was stoic and looked a little scary. He barely spoke and sat upright, very professionally; suitable behavior for a secretary sitting in the same room as his boss.

To Soojung's right was the man who bid her to sit down. He was quite attractive, with shoulders broad enough to act as a landing strip for a plane. He was the most easy-going among them, although he was a little bit crass and had a bit of an inflated ego.

The man sitting at the very end was silent and looked like a living piece of art. Tan bronzed skin, full plump lips, and chocolate eyes; Soojung almost found herself staring before she readjusted her gaze. She was used to men staring at her, but this one was one in a million because 999 999 have only stared at her body. This one's gaze never left

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_drkmnd #1
Looking forward for your update :)
buzzkille #2
Chapter 17: reading this most recent chapter now makes me want to reread the whole story again. glad you were back and decided not to abandon this one. Thank you, hope you are doing well ♥️
cactuscorvus166 #4
Chapter 17: author is back!
Chapter 17: thanks for the update <3 really appreciate it. hope you can update soon :) fightingggggggg
kaistalee #6
Chapter 17: Yay for this update! Thank you for not abandoning this 🥺 gonna reread it right now!
Miraclecouple #7
Chapter 17: Looking forward for another update..thank you....i love this story🥳🥳
Miraclecouple #8
Chapter 16: Please update this story
Chapter 16: Hey you're story's so good! Like the emotions are there, and their struggles are felt. It's so smoothly written, the scenes are free flowing which made it easier to read. Thank you for sharing this and I think you're doing a great job with the fanfic genre ;) from what I've learned (college also) fanfic is hard to write because the character is someone that people knows, so creating a character different from what people knows is the biggest hurdle. But so far the characters match with how we kno Soojung and Jongin ❤️❤️❤️ great job!
aerilights #10
Chapter 16: Ive been waiting for this !!