Broomsticks are Made for Sweeping


In which Kyungsoo breaks several limbs and bleeds from his face during his first flying lesson, Zitao bursts into tears cause he hurt his big toe and Chanyeol? Chanyeol is just happy he’s still alive.



broomsticks are made for sweeping.
exo: chanyeol!main. kyungsoo!main. tao!main. pg 13. comedy.
A oneshot from my EXOxHarryPotter AU Collection: After all this Time 
*Please note that all stories can be read on their own, but are interrelated and better understood when read together
Hi everyone, I just moved to Seoul and it took me a while to settle in. I will be writing again asap


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2490 streak #1
Chapter 4: Aww, I really love this HP!AU you've created! x] Kyungsoo, Zitao, and Chanyeol are all so adorable, and it's so interesting to see how each person reacts so differently to Quidditch, yet they all end up getting physically hurt in some way. XD If there ever happens to be an extended version of this, since it seems like Minyoung and Kyungsoo have another story to tell, that'd be awesome! ^^ Great work and I'm glad I found your collection earlier! :)
Chapter 1: I love hpxexoau so this is perfect!