Glass Bead
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The limo ride was tense and awkward.

Sowon glanced at Hyori with an apologetic look, knowing the poor girl would probably throw herself out the window in annoyance. Hyori did not sign up for a day of doing God knows what. The minute J-Hope had told them to get ready and dress casual, Hyori had tried to bolt for the door, wanting no part in this.

The last thing she wanted was strangers dragging her around places.

Hyori sat with her head against the window, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. She stared down at Jimin who wouldn't stop talking. Sowon just smiled and gave a nervous chuckle. Unlike Hyori, she was used to being dragged around against her will. The boys never gave her time to say no.

Sowon didn't know what to expect, to be honest. There were so many possibilities brewing in her mind and all of them were probably pretty far from the truth. Even Sowon could admit she was slightly upset that their girls day had been hijacked by the two giddy boys next to her and Hyori. They had insisted it would be worth Sowon's while, but from past experiences, that hadn't always been the case. The arcade incident came to mind.

"This is ridiculous, I hope you know." Jimin gave Hyori a sickeningly sweet eye smile. Hyori didn't like it, not one bit.

"I thought girls liked being pampered?" 

Hyori stomped her foot. "I'm not most girls."

J-Hope piped up, trying to mediate between the two and cut down on some of the tension. "We're almost to our destination, let's all just get along, huh? Sowon, I promise you're going to love this!"

Sowon glanced at Hyori again, mouthing her apologies. It was one thing for Sowon to allow herself to be pulled in different directions, but she felt guilty dragging her new friend into the fray, too.

The rough girl just sighed and shook her head, giving Sowon an understanding half smile. For Wonnie, she'd stick through anything.

When they pulled up to the big sleek and modern glass building, Hyori started scratching at the windows like a trapped animal.  "A day spa and salon? Oh no, no, no."

Sowon knew she shouldn't, but she let out a high pitched laugh at her friend's reaction. On one hand, Sowon could understand the hesitance. Strangers touching you? Sensory problems in a foreign environment? It was overwhelming sometimes. 

Sowon nearly forgot that Hyori was just like her and also experienced such episodes. Sowon also knew that the boys wouldn't make the same mistake twice and take her someplace she couldn't handle things.

Jimin noticed Sowon's hesitancy to make her friend go into the building, so Jimin thought he'd better smooth the situation. Jin would have his if he screwed up any part of the night.

"Don't worry, Sowon. We made sure that the proper precautions were taken to ensure you and Hyori have the most relaxing time! Jin spared no expense on you."

Sowon blushed at the mention of Jin. She had never been so confused.

On one hand, she still found herself liking Wonho, even though he was now dating his girlfriend. Yet, on the other hand, it had always been Jin who came to save the day. Jin had taken her places and hung out with her of his own accord, treated her well, and even spoiled her with gifts she definitely didn't deserve.

What was she supposed to do in a situation like this? Sowon felt like a blindfolded person in a laser arena, trying to navigate around in order to not set off the alarms.

It was like walking in a dark tunnel, she couldn't see what was coming next or what she was supposed to do. She felt stupid for asking, too, because at eighteen years old, she should have known these things.

Well, according to the books she reads, anyway.

"Hyori-ah, it will be okay! I trust Jimin and J-Hope Oppa and you should too!" Hyori glanced at the building again skeptically but relented when Sowon looked at her with those large, brown eyes.

Who the hell could say no or do any harm to those? They were lethal.

"Alright fine. But I'm leaving if I don't like it." J-Hope clapped his hands together.

"Alright girls, let's go!"

"Are you sure about this? Sowon doesn't deserve to get hurt in the fallout." RM questioned as he watched Seokjin fix his suit and tie in the mirror. The future didn't look so bright. RM wasn't even sure what Jin was doing anymore.

It started off as a revenge plot, yet, RM couldn't be sure his friend thought that way anymore. If that was the case, then did Jin really develop feelings for the girl?

The said boy paused and stared at his friend through the mirror. Of course, he knew what could happen, but he swore that he would not make Sowon a casualty to his revenge plot.

But it is inevitable, isn't it?

"I don't like this. But I like Sowon, so I'm going along with this to spare her." RM just knew he would have to pick up all the pieces of this mess when it was said and done.

When the school heard that everyone but Suga would be absent from the dance, heads practically rolled. How could the most popular boys in school not attend the biggest dance of the year?

Jin, however, said not a word about it, nor did any of the BTS members. He wanted absolutely no one crashing his alternate Spring Fling Dance and had guards posted at every entrance to the home to ensure that didn't happen. Tonight was a grand gesture for Sowon's trust.

Yeah, only to gain her trust.

"Tonight will go fine." Jin spritzed himself with cologne, dabbing it behind his ears and on his neck.

RM pursed his lips in disdain. "You know I'm not talking about tonight, Hyung." 

Jin walked into his walk in closet, opening a drawer with at least twenty different designer watches. "I will not entertain this conversation any longer. You need to go and put that suit on over there and I need to make sure the maids have everything in place for this evening." 

RM relented his pursuit, stalking over to the suit draped over the back of Jin's couch and taking it into the bathroom to change. He couldn't help but fear all the possible outcomes of this months long endevor.

They'd been friends with Sowon for months now and Namjoon genuinely came to care for Sowon like a little sister. The thought of anything hurting her left a bad taste in his mouth.

No matter which way you sliced the cake, feelings would be hurt in the end. RM knew that and wanted to stop this plan immediately.

Someone was going to pay dearly, and he couldn't be sure if it would be Jin or Sowon. So many factors had yet to be taken into account, in Namjoon's mind the plan was half baked in the first place. There would be no clean ending, of that he was sure.

As he gazed at himself in the mirror, admiring the grey of his suit and the way it complemented his blonde hair, he closed his eyes and took some deep breaths. For now, all he could do was his best to

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Still OLD AF but I managed an update lmfao. Trying to wrap up part 1 here. Part 2 is going to be the exciting part.


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SummerLuv #1
Chapter 23: Ooooh she said yes to the date. I hope Jin is genuine about it...
I remember I found this fanfic around the time it was just published and I been subscribed to it ever since but I regret that I haven’t started reading yet, but I’ll definitely start reading soon!
SummerLuv #5
Chapter 22: Thanks for the update and congrats on being a mom now! Hahaha, I think we have all grown and fangirling is no longer a priority :')
emmanuellelin #6
Chapter 22: You're back author-nim! Thank you for the updates!
Chapter 21: I LOVE THIS!! I'M SO GLAD TO FIND A STORY THAT WOULD HELP MINORITIES FEEL INCLUDED !!T-T This means a lot to me, I don't personally know what it's like, but in a way it helps me understand my friend better.
Ode2kdrama #8
Chapter 21: Thanks for the update.
SummerLuv #9
Chapter 21: Sowon is so pure and I hope Jin would drop his plot thoooo. Anyway thanks for updating!
Chapter 21: Yayyyy so happy to see how this story is unfolding!!!