Part II (Final)

i know it's more than just a friendship

The next couple of meetings after the most recent study session were not as lively, to say the least.

During a lab experiment where pairs were required to work together, Seulgi had been awfully silent throughout most of the lab hour. There was not a peep of word about her strange art professor, or her current obsession in the television drama show she was watching, or even how she didn’t understand what the professor lectured about at all earlier today. Instead, she opted to read the lab manual and proceed on with the steps herself, ignoring whatever Joohyun was saying until she remembered that, hey, she didn’t quite excel in Chemistry here (so it might be better to let the more knowledgeable of the two to take the fort).

“Seulgi,” Joohyun started, striking up the Bunsen burner before adjusting it underneath the wire gauze. “Why aren’t you speaking with me?”

Seulgi was sitting on the stool with her hands on her lap, eyes fixed on the flickering flames as they waited for their beaker of water to heat up. Joohyun heaved a sigh at the sight and pulled a nearby stool next to her to sit down.

“Seulgi, you can’t keep ignoring me when I don’t even know what I did to make you like this,” Joohyun muttered softly.

Said girl finally looked at Joohyun for the first time that day. There was a sight that Joohyun was accustomed to when spending time with Seulgi, and it was usually accompanied by a smile—no matter how big or small it was—and a slight twinkle in her eyes to illustrate how lively and pure she still was. Though, Seulgi was looking at her with none of those combined, like Joohyun was some kind of stranger she was only dealing with on certain hours of the day, like Joohyun was someone she preferred to not be with at the moment.

Seulgi’s lips were parted as if she desired to spew something out, but she closed just as quick as she opened them and turned to fix her gaze on the Bunsen burner once again.

Joohyun increasingly grew impatient at this odd behavior of Seulgi’s and she sighed for the umpteenth time. “Seulgi…”


Joohyun slightly jerked from her seat to divert all of her attention onto Seulgi when she thought that this was going nowhere.

“I just don’t want to talk right now, Joohyun. Sorry.”

“Oh,” Joohyun mumbled, but nodded her head anyway. “Okay, then. Um… will you still be coming over to my place tonight? To study?”

Seulgi shook her head. She stood up from her seat to drop in the assigned chemicals into the boiling water and proceeded to record her observation down onto her paper—all without warning and without looking at Joohyun for confirmation.

“No, I won’t.”

“We have a text next week, though, Seulgi.”

“I’ll try to manage on my own this time, Joohyun. I can’t always rely on you.”

As much as it seemed as if Seulgi was attempting to act more independent on her own part of her studies, Joohyun frowned to herself and felt as though she was not needed anymore—as if Seulgi used her all up to this point for her own benefit only to brush her aside in the end. Seulgi probably didn’t intend to mean it that way; there was something bothering her at the moment and Joohyun would never know what was going on in her mind unless she said so. And it looked like Joohyun was never going to know at this point.

Seulgi continued on with the observation before turning off the gas pump for the Bunsen burner. She removed herself from the station to head to the front and retrieved more chemicals, leaving Joohyun to sigh on her own and rub her forehead. She sluggishly recorded what she just vaguely saw, but good thing she paid attention in lecture to know what this chemical did when it met an abnormal high temperature.

It had been a few weeks since that awkward ending of a study session at Joohyun’s apartment.

And it had been ever since then that Seulgi started acting this way.


I didn’t know what to do that day. I didn’t even know what happened between us for her to act like this. I wanted to say that maybe it was a third party that was making her feel like this, that it wasn’t my words or my actions making her behave that way towards me, but I couldn’t be more wrong when I saw her act like nothing was wrong towards other people.

I felt hurt when I saw her talk with our classmates like she didn’t give me the cold shoulder just moments earlier.

If it was any other person, I would’ve ignored it.

I wouldn’t have cared, to say the least, if someone else other than her all of a sudden acted cold towards me.

But I cared a lot at that point.

She was someone who quickly became close to me, someone who I cherished a lot in a short amount of time.

I spent so much time with her while we were studying for our class—and at that moment, I was able to learn so much more about her.

Like how she is such a mess when it comes to baking during our study break,

or how she is such a flawless, goofy dancer who touches her hair bun every now and then to make sure it doesn’t fall,

or how she always seems to fall asleep on my bed with textbooks and worksheets all over the place.

She is such a troublesome person to the point where I wonder how in the world is it possible for me to fall in love with her.

But I wouldn’t want it any other way.


“Seulgi, we need to talk.”

Joohyun pulled Seulgi aside after lecture ended, hoping she didn’t lose the latter in the sea of students filing out of the classroom. Seulgi was alarmed when she felt a hand on the crook of her arm, and at that point they both understood she couldn’t exactly ignore Joohyun anymore. So, Seulgi stiffly nodded, allowing Joohyun to lead her outside of the Chemistry building into one of the open amphitheaters on campus. They settled down onto the steps away from the other students having a smoke, and Joohyun turned to stare at Seulgi, who had her attention on the floor.

“How did you do on the test?”

Joohyun could have asked any other question, like why in the world was Seulgi still ignoring her, or why was Seulgi giving her the silent treatment, but she couldn’t help but be concerned about how she faired with their most recent test. After all, they were initially study buddies.

“I did okay.”


Seulgi crossed her arms on top of her knees. “I got a B+.”

A B+ was not anything to worry about when one was just merely attempting to pass the class, but Joohyun figured that Seulgi wanted an A in the end. She reached around Seulgi and gently rubbed her arm in a way of comfort.

“It’s okay, Seulgi. You did slightly better this time around! We still have one more test left and then the final. You got an eighty-five on the midterm, didn’t you?”

Seulgi leaned her chin onto her crossed arms. “Yeah, but I’ve been getting such average scores. It’s easy for you to say—you probably aced this test, huh?”


Joohyun did, but she was not going to let this conversation turn onto her.

She changed the subject instead, wanting this to be all about them from the start—no chemistry, no grades, just them, and she suddenly demanded, “Seulgi, look at me.”

She asked one more time for Seulgi to finally comply, the latter merely turning her head just a bit so Joohyun was no longer in her peripheral vision but in her range of sight. Joohyun frowned when she noticed that Seulgi was still looking at her the same way she did during their lab the other day.

“Can you please talk to me?” she said, a voice barely above a whisper, yet audible enough for just the two of them to hear.

Seulgi remained unfazed and it still hurt Joohyun to receive a reaction like this. The third-year bit on her trembling lower lip, eyes casted down onto the floor so as to not allow the other girl to see her faltering expression. Joohyun might not be excellent at expressing her inner feelings and whatever was on her mind at the point, but she was so vulnerable—her raw emotions emerged at any situation and at any given time, so to receive the cold shoulder from Seulgi like this when she had no idea whatsoever what went wrong between them, when she did nothing but gaze at her with adoration and endearment, when she did nothing but sit by her side to help her with her studies, or even when she did nothing but feel a strong surge of warmth within her body made her feel so frustrated, confused, and all of the above—depressed.

“I-I’m honestly so… hurt when you ignore me l-like this….”

Even with the amount of force used to refrain this from happening, Joohyun’s voice still cracked. She glanced up at Seulgi, who swallowed a lump in and straightened her body at the sight of a teary-eyed Joohyun. Seulgi shifted uncomfortably while scanning her surroundings before her gaze landed back onto Joohyun, an expression other than stoicism and coldness bearing for all to see.

“S-Sorry,” Seulgi finally blurted out. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean… I didn’t mean to. I-I didn’t know you were feeling like this.”

“Why were you ignoring me…?”


Seulgi appeared troubled, opening and closing, trying to find the right words to say, but nothing came out for a few minutes. She huffed to herself and tugged onto her high ponytail for a bit, a gesture Joohyun figured out that coincided with nervousness or frustration (but mostly the latter of the two).

“I have a lot going on my mind these days…. I think it would be better if I had everything sorted out first before I let you in on it,” muttered Seulgi. “But I didn’t mean to ignore you o-or better yet, hurt you. I’m sorry, Joohyun.”

Joohyun breathed harshly through after recovering from a mini breakdown. She attempted to tug up a small smile upon her lips, but the corners of trembled with each muscle she pulled. She gave up trying to smile, figuring that she might have looked a bit odd then, and opted to reach out to Seulgi by brushing away a few strands of her bangs to the side. Seulgi stared at her for a bit before dropping her gaze elsewhere yet again, but Joohyun swore there might have been a tinge of redness coloring her cheeks.

“Thank you for letting me know, Seulgi,” Joohyun said softly, still brushing a few hair strands before tucking it behind Seulgi’s ear. “I’m here for you if you need anything, okay?”

Seulgi looked at Joohyun like a shy girl being doted on by her crush.



She never really told me why she was giving me the cold treatment, but it didn’t take a fool to guess why she was acting that way in the first place.

She realized she was falling for me and it scared her.

I couldn’t blame her for acting that way.

Because I was—am—her first relationship, and she probably thought that a relationship must be between a man and a woman, right? Love should be between a man and a woman, so the traditions say.

But I’m glad she didn’t let it affect her too much.

Things went back to normal, thankfully.

And I just keep falling in love with her more and more each day.


It was a relaxing three-day weekend for Seulgi and Joohyun and instead of studying like they always do, Joohyun decided to click around on her laptop, editing the videos she recently took the past weekend on her latest trip to a beautiful hiking scenery. Seulgi, on the other hand, thought it was better for her to catch up on the latest lecture before jumping into another one once the weekend ended.

Joohyun puffed up her cheeks and tapped one side of it with the tip of her forefinger, earphones plugged into her ears and mind unaware of Seulgi shooting glances at her every now and then from her bed.


Said girl continued to tap on her trackpad, deleting and moving videos on the editing program.


She bit on her lower lip and paused the video before scrolling all the way back to the beginning of the five-minute video.


Jolting from her seat, Joohyun ripped the earbuds from her ears and widened her eyes at Seulgi, who was giggling behind her hand.

“S-Sorry, were you calling me?”

Seulgi nodded with a pout. “Yeah, but you were too busy listening to music or something.”

Joohyun dropped the earbuds to the side of her laptop before rolling away from her desk, scooting closer to the edge of her bed.

“What did you need?”

“Nothing,” Seulgi said with a smile, and she lied down on Joohyun’s bed, head plopping down gracefully on her pillow. “I was just wondering what you were doing on your laptop.”

“Oh, um…”

Well, Joohyun couldn’t exactly divulge what she was working on without disclosing her alter ego of the outside world. She sheepishly smiled at Seulgi, who was staring at her curiously with a propped up hand supporting her head.

“Just working on some things,” she said vaguely, and it was not like she was lying either.

Seulgi didn’t seem to favor the response she received, seeing how she huffed through her nose and pouted a little bit, but she decided not to pressure Joohyun any further.

“Okay, then,” she mumbled, fingers working through the pages of the textbook next to her.

“Maybe I’ll show you later.”

Seulgi lit up. “Really?”

“Yeah, but not right now,” said Joohyun, and she grinned at her before rolling away back to her desk.

Seulgi whined after her and slumped back down onto the bed with her head laying on her arm. “Why can’t you just show me now~?”

“Because I’m not finished with it yet, silly. I’ll show you when it’s done.”

Seulgi didn’t seem to buy it. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Because this may be one of the tactics you use so you may never finish whatever it is that you’re working on, meaning that I will never be able to see it.”

Joohyun appeared puzzled, shooting Seulgi a look of disbelief. “Wow, if you encountered someone who had done that to you, then I’m sorry.”

What kind of person went to that extent to not show someone something instead of flat out refusing them?

“Yeah, it happened before…”

Joohyun grimaced and shrugged her shoulders. “Well, , but I’m not one of those people. I’ll definitely show you later, okay?”

Seulgi grinned at her. “Okay.”



I never actually showed her the video, ha ha!

But she didn’t ask for it again, so I’m assuming she forgot about it, too.

It wasn’t that important, anyway. It was the video where I went hiking by myself a few months back.

Well, actually, if it makes it up to her, she has been helping me out with a few of my videos—just behind the camera, that is.

You guys never see anybody in my videos besides me, or hear anyone else in my videos besides me.

So… to have someone accompany me on my adventures…

when I typically enjoy hanging out by myself…

means a lot to me, y’know?

Because at any point in time, at any given time of the day, I would rather enjoy the company of my lonesome than someone else’s.

But hers.

I’d rather be with her… now.


The semester came to a close faster than Joohyun could cite the periodic table (not that she would do so, anyway, because who in their right mind would cite the table for fun). School was on a break for a period of time, giving everyone a chance from dragging themselves in the pits of hell—that was college—to recover from the number of units they probably regret taking now.

Joohyun and Seulgi were lazing around in Seulgi’s dorm this time instead of the usual location of Joohyun’s apartment. Seulgi’s roommate had returned to her hometown for the meantime, stating something like she would be back a week before the beginning of the next semester—not that Seulgi cared anyway because that meant she would have the dorm to herself now. She was just ecstatic with the fact that she did not have to deal with anything chemistry-related for the rest of her life.

Seulgi was sprawled on her front on her bed with her elbows propped up holding her tablet, and Joohyun was lying next to her with her head on her shoulder, not really paying attention to whatever Seulgi was watching, but her eyes were on the screen.

She heard Seulgi laugh from time to time, her body shaking every time she did, causing her head to shake along with her, too. She blinked and tried to focus on the screen again and noticed that Seulgi was, yet again, watching some pointless seven second video compilation someone posted online on Facebook.

“Is this what you do on your free time?” she asked her, completely baffled at how Seulgi could easily amuse herself with these videos from Vine.

“Sometimes,” Seulgi answered without glancing back. “I mean, I do watch some TV shows, too.”

Joohyun raised an eyebrow and gradually rose from the bed. She scanned the backside of Seulgi’s and noticed how lean and toned she remained to be despite being at her dorm or at Joohyun’s apartment for most of her time.

“Do you not work out?” she asked mindlessly and placed a hand on Seulgi’s lower back. She dragged her hand across her back to the spot between her shoulder blades and back down to her lower back to run over the curves of her posterior. “How are you still so skinny when all you do is eat and watch TV?”

Seulgi jolted from Joohyun’s daring touch and she quickly turned around on her side to face Joohyun. “Hey, stop it!”

Joohyun looked up to see Seulgi pouting, and she laughed at her. Instead of complying with the latter’s wishes, she instead dipped her hand back down onto her body and touched her abdomen. She wasn’t able to feign her surprise when she felt muscles underneath the sweater Seulgi was wearing.

“What the hell—you have abs, too?!”

Seulgi gasped and whacked away Joohyun’s hand with a whine of the older girl’s name. She scrambled up into a sitting position and crawled away to the wall adjacent to her bed, her back leaning against it with her eyes glowering at Joohyun.

“So what if I do?” she said under her breath. “Why are you still here anyway? You have an apartment all to yourself rather than this small hole in the wall here.”

Joohyun giggled before settling down in front of Seulgi. “I was just teasing you,” she cooed. “And I wanted to spend time with you, too. You never really invite me to your dorm, y’know.”

“That’s because my roommate’s always here studying. I don’t want to disturb her.”

“And she’s not here right now,” said Joohyun. “Do you want me to leave, is that what you want?”

“No!” Seulgi was quick to shout out. She might have figured out how hasty her response was, for she cowered down into a ball. “I-I mean, I don’t mind you staying… It’s just that there’s nothing really to do here.”

Joohyun shuffled around on Seulgi’s single bed and lied down onto her back, her head plopping down onto the yellow-covered pillow. She patted on the spot next to her, signaling for the first year to lie next to her, which she did, and she smiled to herself before turning back to stare at the ceiling.

“Let’s just lie down next to each other and talk—or not talk. We can sleep.”

She felt Seulgi shifting around before eventually finding a comfortable spot on her side. Her hands were underneath her head as support and her eyes were in the direction of Joohyun’s being, but the latter was not really paying attention to whether or not Seulgi was looking at her or closing her eyes. Joohyun turned her head and noticed that she was using up all of Seulgi’s pillow, so she moved a slight bit.

“Put your head on the pillow,” she said softly.

Seulgi opened her eyes and immediately complied, hands shifting her hair to her back before closing her eyes again, face still facing Joohyun.

Joohyun didn’t mind the idea of sharing the pillow with Seulgi when it first popped up in her head, but she was gradually starting to regret it now when she realized how close the latter was, giving her a chance to study her facial features with mere inches between them. She stuck with it, though, because she did ask Seulgi to move.

“Seulgi…” she called out the girl softly. She moved around carefully next to her so she was also laying on her side, her range of sight now focused on the first year herself. Seulgi hummed as a response, eyes still closed. “Do you want to go somewhere this weekend with me?”


Joohyun took her time to respond when she witnessed how lazy but cute Seulgi mumbled her reply. “Anywhere.”

Seulgi hummed. “…Paris.”

Joohyun raised an eyebrow and she snorted out a laughter. “Anywhere as in around here, you dork.”

The corners of Seulgi’s lips broke out into a smile and she shared a giggle with Joohyun before calming down into a small smile—doing this all with her eyes closed. Joohyun was glad that she did because then she wouldn’t be able to notice how heavy her gaze was on this adorable, innocent girl she was lying next to.

“You said anywhere,” said Seulgi, a grin gracing her lips. “Let’s go to the beach.”

“The beach?”

Seulgi nodded once and hummed again.


Seulgi’s breathing was gradually returning to a normal, calming pace when words were no longer being exchanged between the two. As a soft sigh relieved from between Joohyun’s lips, hooded eyes lazily traced the features of Seulgi’s serene face. Joohyun had been staring at Seulgi for as long as she could remember, but she didn’t think she would receive the chance to gaze at her up close, to see how fair and soft her skin was, to see how her body heaved up and down rhythmically with her breathing. Her fairly pink lips were slightly parted for Joohyun to hear her soft breathing, and at that point and time she never wanted to press her lips against her more.

But she refrained herself from doing so and opted to close her eyes instead, enjoying this moment of sleeping next to Seulgi.


Joohyun and Seulgi were ones of the few habitants of the beach since it was nearing winter. They were seated on the edge of the pier, arms dangling over the bars and legs swinging back and forth across the breeze of the sea. Right below them was the beach—soft, sparkling sand and crystal, clear water. Night was soon to be hanging over their heads when they arrived around sunset, colors of a beautiful red-orange and purple hue decorating the sky, painting their faces with a pleasing glow.

They had no intentions of actually dipping into the sea, so Joohyun was more than glad when Seulgi offered to walk around on the pier to gaze at little carts of shops and evidently the crashing waves of the sea itself until they tired themselves out. While enjoying the breeze of the sea brushing against her cheeks, Joohyun turned with a smile to gaze at Seulgi, who was peering off into the sunset, arms crossed on top of the bars in front of them to prevent them from falling over.

“Seulgi,” she called softly.

Seulgi turned with a raised brow. She smiled. “Yeah?”

They stared at each other for a moment more before Joohyun’s grin widened.


“What? You weirdo.”

“I just wanted to say your name.”

“As if you haven’t said it enough already in your life.”

Joohyun shook her head. “Nope, and I’m going to say your name a million times more.”

Seulgi laughed. “Okay, Joohyun, as if you will ever receive the chance to.”

“Seulgi, Seulgi, Seulgi, Seulgi, Seulgi—“

Seulgi covered Joohyun’s mouth with her hand and they both laughed. “Okay, I get it!”

“Thanks for hanging out with me today.”

“Yeah, of course. When do we not hang out now?”

“I mean, thanks for hanging out with me today in particular.”

Seulgi appeared puzzled. “Is… is today a special occasion? It’s not your birthday… or mine… or—“

Joohyun giggled and knocked her shoulder with Seulgi’s. “No, today is no special occasion… At least not yet.”

“Not… yet…?”

“Seulgi,” Joohyun called out for the nth time of her life. She closed her eyes momentarily, face lifted against the air, hair brushed back from the breeze. She didn’t understand the reason for feeling so at bliss—maybe it was because of how calming the sea was, or maybe it was because she was with Seulgi, or maybe the combination of both. She just hoped that after today, after what she was going to spew out from , the bliss would still be apparent.

And so, she opened her eyes again, face turning towards Seulgi, eyes fixed on hers. Seulgi had a beautiful glow of sunset painted across one side of her face, making her appear more attractive than ever.

And Joohyun thought that she had never been more in love today.

“I have something to tell you.”


I told her I love her… for the first time of the many “I love you’s” between us.
I told her how she gives me these indescribable feelings whenever she smiles at me, whenever she looks at me, whenever she acts a certain way towards me.

I told her that the way she looks every day, whether she thinks she looks like or not, is enough to make me gaze at her.

I told her that in every single passing second, minute, hour of the day, I fall in love with her more and more.

And she didn’t have to do anything.

She didn’t have to pretend.

She didn’t have to impress.

All she had to do was be herself.

All she had to do was smile that adorable smile of hers, laugh that dorky laugh of hers, or even look at me with those charming eyes of hers.

Because all of that was enough for me.

More than enough for me.


“And… well… there you have it. The story of how I fell in love with the most beautiful person in my life.”

Joohyun looked away from her laptop screen and bit on her forefinger, not realizing that she had no idea what she was expecting the responses from her viewers might be.

But at this point and time, she couldn’t care less.

This YouTube gig she was doing—it started off as a mere hobby.

So what if she got bashed?

No problem.

So what if her views and likes were suddenly going to plummet?

No problem.

She didn’t start making videos for a purpose of fame, fortune, or wealth. She wanted her family, friends, and friends of friends to see how she was doing, to see her well-being, to see that she was having the time of her life outside of school.

But if they couldn’t take in the fact that she was dating a girl, then it was not her problem.

Joohyun heaved a sigh and gradually turned back to her laptop screen, glancing at how quickly the messages were flooding in on the comment section.

Omg, Irene that’s such a beautiful story!


I really want a relationship like yours… it sounds too cute and adorable.

Such pure, great love…

Amongst all these messages, Joohyun didn’t expect to receive that much support from the majority. But don’t get her wrong. She did have her fair share of homophobic messages filled with disgust. They were all behind the screen, though, so she was not going to take time out of her precious day to start an argument against someone who would most likely not be able to change or even come into terms with their views.

She smiled instead and looked into the camera.

“Thank you guys for all of your support. You have no idea how hard it was for me to say this out loud, but I figured you guys deserve to know about this. And… I really do love her… so much to the point where I had the courage to confess to the whole internet about my undying love for her.”

Wait, Irene, does she know about this?

Is she watching you do this?

Joohyun shrugged her shoulders. “I may have mentioned it to her, but I don’t know if she’s actually watching—“


Said girl jolted from her seat at the loud impact against her front door, fists pounding against the wood a couple of times accompanied by shouts of her name.

“Um… give me a second,” she said to her viewers before quickly scrambling out of her room and into the living room.

She propped herself against her front door and peered into the peep hole, a loud laughter escaping from when she saw Seulgi peering into the peep hole from the other side of the door.

“Seulgi,” she started the moment she opens her door, but was caught off guard by the sudden tight embrace around her tiny body. “S-Seulgi!”

“I-I watched it,” Seulgi breathed out into her hair. “I-I… my, my friends were watching you and I-I thought, ‘oh, my God she looks so much like Joohyun,’ a-and when I realize that the story you’ve been telling sounds so much l-like us, o-or when you mentioned a few times a-about making some sort of live video, I—“

“Seulgi, Seulgi,” Joohyun interrupted. She backed away slightly from said girl and gently cupped her face. “Breathe.”

Seulgi took a quick, deep breath before she continued rambling, “W-We’ve been together for a while now, but I didn’t know how… strong… your feelings are for me.”

Joohyun grinned and locked her arms around Seulgi’s neck. She gazed up into the younger girl’s eyes, swaying their bodies lightly from side to side.

“I know I don’t really express myself well—the only time being the day where I was hurt when you were ignoring me—but I’ve been working on it. I’ve been trying to express myself more and I thought that this would help me,” said Joohyun.

Seulgi gently pressed their foreheads together; eyes locked with each other, hands wrapped around each other in a firm embrace. She struggled to put a smile on her face with the way her lips were trembling, warm tears welling up in her eyes before small streams streaked down her cheeks.

“I…” she started, a hand shooting up to the side of Joohyun’s face to brush a few hair strands back. She tucked them behind her ear before letting her hand fall down onto her shoulder.

“I love you.”

Joohyun broke out into a tearful smile of her own. She gazed into Seulgi’s eyes once more, thumbs brushing across her cheeks to wipe away her tears, and leaned in gradually towards the other girl. Lips were pressed gently, hands were firm around waists and necks, eyes were closed, tears were streaming. Joohyun smiled into the kiss, slightly giggling at the fact that it might be so pathetic for them to be kissing each other in tears.

But, actually, there wasn’t anything pathetic about it.

If anything, it made their love stronger and tighter, more passionate, more bonded, more tear-jerking.

Joohyun pressed deeper into the kiss to mold their mouths together perfectly, lips alternating between Seulgi’s upper and lower lip.

“I love you, too,” she said breathlessly, eyes opening momentarily to look at Seulgi’s closed ones. She smiled to herself, the soft head of hair of the younger girl’s, and drew back into Seulgi once again to press their lips together.

She’s the most beautiful girl in my life.

She’s the reason why my life has been nothing but colors and smiles and laughter.

She’s the page, the chapter, the whole story.

She’s everything.

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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 1: the best 🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 2: so beautiful 🤍
Re-reading 💜🧡
Chapter 2: SCREAMINGGG 🥹 Loved the ending so much, thank you for this!
ReneSeul_9194 #5
Chapter 2: oneshots have great stories but finishes soon with 1 or 2 chaper...i love this oneshot
431 streak #6
Chapter 2: 🥹
Jensoo4everlove #7
Chapter 2: oh god this is so beautiful!
Chapter 2: I actually found this more interesting than my summative test